The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 01, 1901, Image 3

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    PBHSB 5t MHYS,
We wish to introduce a
few items in
Wash Good
Goods that aro very well known by everyone. Their real value runs
from 10c to 30c per yard. We offer them to you
Wo realize the season for WASH
Goods will bo short, and as the goods
must be sold, hence tho big reduction.
at 6c per yard.
Odds and ends in PrCgQg Morlmm am darkcolors, worth 10c and 12c
Special fot this week at 8 1-3 cents per yard.
Embroideries, Laces and All-over Tuckings in the latest creations.
Linen Color All-overs and Ecru Batiste, the latest fabrics for shirt waists.
We are showing a beautiful lino of these goods.
H ow are you fixed? Are you dressed cool?
We've Alpaca, Flannel and blue Serge Coats here so thin that tho
tiniest little breeze goes through them. .....
Alpaca Coats $1.50 to $4.00 Unlinod foals and Vests $4.50 to $12
Vnlined Serge Coals 8.00 to 5.00 Flannel Coats and Pants 8.00 to $12
See our display in window of Fancy Summer Underwear,
Special price, 50c per garment.
goods mahked ivsr plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ice Cream
.11 INK 1. 11)01
At Andrew Keller's.
D .
All H'hi!o County warrant) reglNterml
prior to .Imiuury :i. 1HI)8, will lie puld
on iirttHmitutloii ut my ollluo, Interem
!hunii arter May 34, 1001.
County Treasurer.
Millinery Bale at MiHH Haven's.
Lost A bunch of keya. Finder will
please leavo tliem at this office. m'U-'Jt
Wanted A girl to do gonoral house
work. Apply to Mrs. J. M. Russell at
the Maya atone liouae. m29 !!t
All trimmed dreaa hats, in Unlit colors,
will bo oirered nt 25 per cent reduction
during next week at Miss Haven's.
After a live montlis' term in district
No. 28, I.. W. Keller cloaed liia school
laat evening with a very interesting
The men who came here to drive pil
ing for u temporary wharf for the Bailey
Uatzort have returned to Portland to
await h lower stage of the river.
KeKulur meeting of the Rath bone
Sisters next Monday evening. All mem
bers are requested to bo preBont, as
important buaineaa will bo transacted.
A dispatch just received aa we no to
preaa announces that the jury In the case
of tho United States vs. II. II. ltiddoll
rendered a verdict of "not guilty."
Lost Between tho city cemetery and
CJ. J. Crundall's residence, a burnt
leather bag. If finder will leavo it at
thin office or at Donnoll'a drug store, a
reward will bo given. inlil-j!!
At 2 o'clock thia aftornoon Mr. S. L.
liroolcs, apecial weather obaerver at this
place, reported that tho river was on a
stand. Htlll, and had boon since 8 o'clock
thia morning.
Marriage liconeoB were iasned this
morning to Walter Jones and May
I'ierce, of Hood ltivor, and to Kimono
F. ICeid, of Umatilla county, unci Maud
M. Kroomau, of Hood River.
Frivnk ChriHinan !a recovering from a
severe attack of tonailitle, which has
kept him confined to Ida room lor a
week till toduy, when ho wbb able to be
on the Htreot for tho llrat tune. i
Recorder Ned Gates and Attorney F.
W. Wilson were called to Portland yee
terday as witnesses Ip the II. 11. Klddell
case, which was pending yesterday and
today in the United States circuit court
Wbllein Heppner Thursday deliver
ing the memorial address, Hev. I). V.
l'olins; was presented by the W. H. 0, of
that place with a very beautiful Ameri
can silk flag, of which the recipient ie
justly very proud.
Millinery Bale at the Leader irillinery,
Miss Haven, prop, commencing Mon
day, June lid, and continuing through
the week. Every ready-to-wear hat in
the house, including walking hate, the
flat-drape shirt waist hate and Mexicans
will be offered at cost. It
Alford and Roy Bell, boys of10 and 18,
of Boyd, brought this week b-the coun
ty clerk thirteen coyote ecalpB, which
they dug out of two nestB. In this imtno
neighborhood Quintus Underwood, an
other lad of 1-1, recently killed ten of the
young varmints inihe same manner.
Tho Salem Journal Bays Hon. T. R.
Coon, of Hood River, baa come to Salem
to look over the chances of leasiug land
and putting out an acreage for shipment.
He hopes to secure what land he needs
on favorable terniB, buy a home and cast
h'tB lot at Salem to make a business and
educate his children.
Attention ie again called to the fact
that the teachers and pupils of St.
Mary's Academy, desirous of assisting
in the payment of the balance of the
debt remaining on St. Peter's church of
this city, are preparing an entertain
ment to be givou;at the academv June
Kith. Full particulars will be announced
A meeting of tho members of the
Driving Association will bo held in the
club rooms at 8:80 sharp, Monday.night,
to consider the reports of the committees
appointed to solicit sul scriptions for the
1th of July celebration. As the question
whether The Dalles will celebrate will
thon bo decided, a lull attendance is
requested. j'inl !i
Postmaster Patterson will receive
sealed proposals up to June Kith for car
rying tho mails twice a week, a distance
of twelve miles and back, between The
Dalles and Wrentham poatofllco, on
Lower Fifteen Mile. Tho contract calls
for delivery of mail along tho route, and
tho contractor must reside on or con
venient to the lino.
The river gauge this morning indi
cated 37.5 feet, a rise of .7 in twenty
four hours. Tho Snake river is now
falling, and the rise in the nppor Co
lumbia is less than it has been for aov
oral days. Special Weather Obaerver
S. L. Brooka predicts that tho river at
this point will come to a stand tonight
or by tomonow morning and that noJ
hikfher stage may be looked lor.
County Clerk Lake was rung up at
() o'clock IttBt night and requested to
como at once to his olllco and issue a
marriage license to two school teachers
from the Boyd neighborhood, Mr. O. R.
rwmiH ml Miss Mabel U'Biieu. He
Icame, of course, and it is hoped the
Uiappy couple hove by this time been
It 1 .l. n wili1. t.tltnntil
will ever be asked to separate thorn.
The committee appointed by the
Driving Association to solicit subeorip
UonB for the 4th of July celebration
among the hotels, restaurants and liquor
dealers, succeeded yesterday in obtain
ing pledges for $400. While this amount
falls short of expectation, especially as
coming from a class of people who would
reap the most benefit from a celebration,
it does not necessarily mean an end to
further effort. When the business men
are interviewed, as they will be Monday,
we shall then definitely know what to
State Deputy John Lamont, of Port
land No. 4, Fraternal Order of EagleB,
and District Deputy Thomas McNainee
arrived here on the noon train. They
will be joined tonight by Dr. H. R. Lit
tlefleld, past grand worthy president
and eight others, who come heie especi
ally to place the wings on the Dalles
birds. The aerie will be organized at
the K. of P. ball tomorrow afternoon at
2 o'clock. After the winus have been
properly placed on the birds, an election
of officers will take place. This will be
followed by a grand banquet in the
evening at the Skibbe Hotel.
A relic of 'ye olden days' was found a
few days ago in Calf Gulch by John
Wishart, which is indeed a valuable one
historically. An old flint-lock rifle bear
ing the brand of Harnett, 1818, with the
barrel cut oil' about twenty inches and
the stock rotted off, otherwise in good
condition, is this relic, and it is thought
was lost or thrown away by some mem
ber of the old Hudson Bay Co., who was
trapping in this country before the emi
grants ever crossed through here. It is
on exhibition at Robinson's store where
everybody can see it. Asbwood Pros
pector. The Dufur Dispatch says : Mrs. J. E.
Kennedy, who resides near Chicken
Springs on tho Canyon City road, was
suddenly stricken with paralysis last
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Kennedy is past
70 years of age and lives alone with her
agod and crippled husband. She had
gone to tho Held to assist her husband,
who is scarcely able to get around, and
while leading the plow team to tho barn
was stricken helpless. Dr. Dodds waB
called, who found t he left sido of tho
patient's body completely paralyzed.
At last accounts received yesterday she
had partially recovered tho use of her
Tho Glacier gives the following ac
count of a distressing accideut that hap
pened at Mt. Hood last Sunday. Louis
Baldwin, who had Just arrived home on
a viBit, thought to clean his gun. Ho
had finished the gun, and in pressing
the cartridge in the breech to load it,
tho cartridge exploded. He received
tho full charge of powder in his face.
The ball went through the gun and
through the house. He was brought to
town and has since been under treat
ment by Dr. Broslue, who thinks he can
save his eyos. Louis Baldwin is one of
the most popular and deseiving young
men of Hood River, and hie friends will
hope lor his speedy recovery.
Subscribe for Thk Chkonioi.k.
The Christian Scientists hold their
services at the residence of Mrs. W.
Lord Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and
Thursday afternoons at 3.
St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. C
H. Lake, rector. Morning service at
11a.m. Evening service at 7:30. Sun
day school, 12:15. All are invited.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 11.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. ni. and 8 p. m, in the new church
on Union street. Sunday school at 10
a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m.
Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and
Union Btreits W. Brenner, pastor.
Dedication of bell at 11 o'clock. Sermon
by RevsA. J. Leas, of Portland. Ger
man services will be omitted. Evening
service at 8 o'clock. Sermon by the
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45
p. m. Subject at the morning service:
"Arithmetic and Life." An anthem
will be rendered by the choir, and the
offertory will be sung by the male
quartet. In the evening the quartet
will render a number.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. UlyeeeB
F. Hawk pastor. Morning service at
11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a.m.;
class meeting at close of morning service ;
Epworth League at 7 p. m; Junior
League at 3 p. m ; evening service at
8. Class meeting every Tuesday even
ing at 8. Prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 8. In the evening the paetor
will deliver a discourse to youpg men.
The young men of the Argonauts will
attend the service in a body. Strangers
will be welcome at all services. Gentle
manly ushers will assist you to BeatB.
Circuit Court 1'rocceUlngft,
Tho case of D. Martell, who was ac
cused, in company with J. W. Ryan, of
stealing Beventy-two cigars, valued at
.$3.24, from one J. Otten, a guest of the
Hood River hotel, came on for hearing
yesterday, and after a jury had been ob
tained and the testimony of one witness
rendered, Martell' s attorneys, Moore &
Gavin, raised the objection that the in
formation did not state facts sufficient
to sustain a charge of felony. The ob
jection waB sustained, whereupon the
jury was discharged and the defendant
was permitted to plead to simple lar
ceny and was fined $100 or fifty days in
the county jail. Ryan, Martell's part
ner In the crime, was sentenced to a
similar fine, and in default of payment,
both were comitted to the charge of the
This closed the jury caees, and the
jurors were discharged for the term.
For the Hood River Street Fair and
Strwberry Carnival June 4th, 5th and
0th, the excursion on the steamer Regu
lator on 6th will leave The Dalles at
8:30 p. m., and returning will leave
Hood River at 11 p. m. Round trip, in
cluding admission to the carnival
grounds, 50 cents.
Tickets for the above will aleo be good
going on the Iralda at 3 p, in. June 0th,
and returning on the Regulator at 11 p.
111. W. C. Al.I.AWAY,
j1-3t Gen. Agent.
Vacation School.
At Sixth and Union streets on Juno
3d a vacation echool will begin. Ses
sions U to 12, 2 to 5. Specialties book
keeping, ehorthand, penmanship, free
hand drawing, higher mathematics.
Instruction thorough; terms easy.
jl-lw Z. E. Fiu:i:it.
The Rival Oil Company, which has
been located in Portland for tho last
eight months, the office being 341, Sher
lock building, struck a fine well of 180
barrels per day, and is now drilling well
No, 2. Tho company owns some very
valuable oil land in tho midway district
of California. Tho capitalization is
small. They ore expecting to pay divi
dends this fall. Stock has been selling
for f0 cents per share, but has advanced
to $1 per share, to take place June 10th.
Mr. Clarke, the secretary of the com
pany, is visiting Tho Dalles for a few
days and will offer a few shares of stock
at 50 cents pur share. References,
Merchants' National Bank, of Portland,
Oieiron. 3 1 m 2t
For Xalaitts and Children,
: The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
...The New York Cash Store.
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
We are now showing a full lino of summer waists in
percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so
handsome and attractive as this season.
We make a specialty of White Waists.
Call eai-ly and inspect this line, as we are sure we can satis
fy the most fastidious. No trouble to show goods.
Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will
have prompt attention.
We will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
Attention, Kaglefii
Mr. VV. J. Baxter of North Crook, N.
C, says he suffered with piles for fifteen
vears. He tried many remedies with no
results until he used DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Subscribe (or Tin: Ciiro.nioi.e.
The officers of this order will arrive
here from Portland tomorrow noon, and
will devote the afternoons of Saturday
and Sunday to organizing the new
lodge. 3lm-2t
The Dallas Flouring Mill, one of the
best paying milling properties in the
state, will be sold at public auction June
27, 1901. Capacity fifty barrels; good
water power; warehouse capacity 50,000
bushels. All in A No. 1 order. The
highest bidder will get the property.
Terms, one-half caeh.
Felix Now.,
m31-ltd.iw Dallas, Oregon.
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tho hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair Grower and
Cocoanut Creamfajgiar Tonic. They
will euro dand B mil and all
scalp dieeaees. For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c ami 75c a bottle.
Til Whom II Muy Concern.
I hereby warn saloon keepers and all
others that 1 will prosecute to the full
extent of the law any person whom I
may hereafter find to have sold or given
to my boy, Hugh Fraser, any intoxicat
ing liquor.
junl-U l.YDIA FlIASWI.
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your tcalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now wo have two of tho yery
host preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tur Shampoo. It
will leavo your hair soft and gloesv.
Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, Tho D.illes. tf
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's. Witch Hazel Salvo.
Look out for counterfeits. If you get
DeWitt's you will tet good results. It
is the quick and positive euro for pilee.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 50 ctt. Blakeley, the drug
The salary of the Hood Hiver post
master has been increased from $H00 to
$1500 a year.
Kates to Sau Prauclseo and lteturn.
TheO. R. A N. Co. will make the
following rates from The Dalles, Oregon,
to San Francisco and return for National
Convention of Epworth League, July
18-21,1901: Via rail to Portland and
O. R. & N. steamers from Portland to
San Francisco and return, $23.50.
Tickets on sale and honored on trains
from Th9 Dalles and on -steamers from
Portland only on July llth and 10th.
Returning tickets will bo honored on
steamers sailing from Sau Francisco not
later than August 1st ; final limit, Aug
ust -1, 1901. Rate includes meals and
berth on steamers. Reservations for
passengers going via steamers should be
made in advance to insure accommoda
tions, for which a deposit of $5.00 will
bo required. All rail in both directions,
via O. R. A N. ami bonihem Pacific,
first class, ur.od for stop-overs in Cali
fornia, $28 50. Sn-iiid class, including
berth in tourist sleeper in both direc
tions, no stop-overs, $25 30. Tickets on
sale at The Dalles July loth and 10th,
and will Da honored by Southern Pacific
on trulns leaving Portland July 15th and
10th, and on morning train July 17th;
good for return paseago leaving San
Francieco up to and including July ill,
1001. Tickets will not ho sold good in
ono direction via rail and In another via
For fiwther information coninuinicato
with Jas. Iieland, agent, Tho l),)les,
Oregon. in2l-jlyll
An imported Hluo Grass, Kentucky
Jack, weighs 10 10 pounds in moderatu
flesh and utands over fifteen hands high.
Can he seen at Ward & Robertson!
stables. inlo-lmvv
' Quality and not quantity makes Do
! Witt's Little Early Risers such valuabln
little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. O.
Icq cream and ice cream soda now on
tap at A. Keller'B. al'ttf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -133, Local, 102.