PEHSE 5t MMYS, ATTRACTIONS FOR THIS WRTBTT We wish to introduce a few items in. Wash Goods that are very well known by everyone. Their real value runs from 10c to 80c per yard. We offer them to you We realize the season for WASH Goods will be short, and as the goods must be sold, hence the big reduction. at 6c per yard. Odds and ends in PGrCcll6S Mf!iLnd i3?1?, worth 10c and 12c Special fot this week at 8 1-3 cents per yard. Embroideries, Laces and All-over Tuckings in the latest creations. Linen Color All-overs and Ecru Batiste, the latest fabrics for shirt waists. We are showing a beautiful line of these goods. How are you fixed? Are you dressed cool? We've Alpaca, Flannel and blue Serge Coats here so thin that the tiniest little breeze goes through them. ..... Alpaca boats $1.50 to $4.00 Unlined Coals and Vests.... I'nlined Serge Coats .'5.00 lo 5.00 Flannel Coats and Pants .... See our display in window of Fancy Summer Underwear, Special price, 50c per garment. .$4.50 to $12 . 8.00 to $12 .A-XjIj GOODS 3VtA.H.aES13E3a3 I3XT JPrjAUST P1GUH.ES. The Belles Daily Chronicle. I'lll DAY MAY' Ice Cream loot and Icecream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All H'K!(i County warruutH rojflNtwrt'd prior to .liuitiury .'!, 1HIIK, will lie iulil on priitiniitatlon ut my oflli: IntuntHi :mhh ftr May 4, 11)01. JOHN V. HAMl'MHIKK, tiotinty TraHUrur WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. host A bunch of keys. Finder wi please leave tliuin ut this oflice. in," 1-I5t All members of Cechir Circle nre re quested to be present at tltcir hull Huh !Vtilfllll. The salary of the Hood Hiver post master has been increased from $1-100 to sfloOO a year. A marriage license wuh issued today to Henry Shutu and Alice J, Parsons, of Hood River. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Apply to Mrs. J. M. Hussoll at the Mays stone house. m2fl lit A small cottage furnished and central; ly located for rent during the summer months, lor particulars. Apply to Hudson A Rrownhill. Marshal Driver appeared on the street for the first time today, after being eon liued to ltls bed for more than a week with grippe. . The "Christoforo Colombo Society," of Portland, whatever that is, will come Intro on an excursion next Sunday, ar riving by rail about noon and remaining till fi. Do not forget the picnic and excursion down the river by the M. 15. Sunday Hchool will be made Wednesday, .lime rth. Ihmt leavcB ut 7 a. in. ; round trip in and 25 centB. Lost Hetwoon the city cemetery ami C. J, Crundall's residence, a burnt luathur bag. If finder will leave it at this o III co or ut Donnell's drug store, a reward will be given. inSl-jtt A dispatch to the Telegram suys bor ing for oil is in progress on laud border ing on the Columbia, about one mile east of this place. It is proposed to sink the well to a depth of least !!00 feet. Tomorrow will be the last day of the Hilk-worm exhibition. The doors will be open Irani 10 u. in. until 0 p. m. In the afternoon till who attend will be pre sented with a cocoon as a sduvenlr. Yesterday morning while Rert ttaglcy was delivering milk at the hospital his horse started on the trot for, home, and made the journey, turning corners and passing obstructions, without losing a can or damaging himself 6r tho wagon. Hert now ties the beast with a halter before leaving it alone. At the silk-worm exhibit tonight a Bhort address on the native habits and work of these marvelous little creatures will be given. The doors will be open ut 7 o'clock and the address will be about 8:15. Two very important items will be on sale tomorrow nt Pease A Maye at a great reduction -ladies' and children's straw hats, and a full line of wash silk, in colors, win ue oe otlereu at one- quarter ofl'on the regular price. The Wasco Warehouse Milling Com pany, of this city, is erecting a new grain warehouse on the bank of the Columbia at Columbus, Klickitat comity. The buildilif will be (10x100 feet, and have a. I'H'ini'itv (if 100 fiflfl hnuliula nf (train " The new bell of the Lutheran church will be dedicated next Sunday morning at 11. Rev. J. A. Leae, pastor of St. .lames church of Portland, will preach both morning and evening. Service in tho evening at 8. All are cordially in vited to attend. A Washington dispatch announces that Alvah W. Patterson, brother of Receiver Patterson of this city, was re cently awarded a degree of civil law by the Columbia law school of that city. Mr. Patterson is an assistant clerk in the eensue oflice. Tho only daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Wood, aged ;PU years, died this morning at the home of her parents on Mill creek. Tho little ono was well and hearty till Wednesday afternoon, when she was taken with spasms and kept gradually getting worse till the end came at 0 o'clock this morning. Complaint is again made that a baud of Indians, presumably Warm SpringH, tare making night hideous at their old Stamping grounds near the head of the lid brewery grade. There is apparently 10 remedy for these drunken carousals short of cleaning out the entire nest and compelling the birds to 11 y to their na ive haunts. At the Wasco warehouse yesterday seventy-four sacks of wool belonging to S. Sinclair, of Klickitat county, were sold to a San Francisco linn ut 10 cents or probably more. M. Manning pur chased the Payne clip of !)5,000 pounds at 10 cents. About 130,000 pounds that arrived ut the Moody warehoiuio from the Heppner country, was sold to .1. M. Russell, of The Dalles Scouring Mills, at 10 cents u pound. Mr. Carey Ballard, of this city, and Miss Myrtle Short, of Portland, were married in Portland Wednesday, and cume up on last night's train, and will make tiieir home in the residence recent ly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stephens. The Giuto.viow: unites with it host of friends of the bridegroom in tills city in wishing the young couple many happy days. The river at 8 o'clock this morning registered !10.8 feet, a rise of 1,1 feet in twenty-four hours. The probabilities, based on reports from the headwaters of the Columbia and Snake rivers, are that the Columbia at this place will not rise higher than 40 feet. Snake river Beeuis already to have expended its force, a fall of .2 feet being reported at Weiser, Idaho. The cigar-lighter in Grant's cigar store exploded at 2 o'clock yeeterday morning, and but for the timely arrival of Special Officer Alisky, who forced the front door and extinguisded the flame before much harm was done, a very eeri- oub fire might have resulted. The loss, which was a small one, was carried by ithe American Fire Association. It wub (promptly adjusted by T. A. Hudson, and by 10 o'clock the amount had been paid over to Mr. Grant in caBh. There 1b going to be a hot game of baseball at Hood River next Sunday. The DalleB boys claim to have strength ened their team a great deal since their game with Portland, and Hood River claims to be invincible. The line-up of The DalleB team will be as follows : Fergerson, c; Emerson, p; Ball, 1st; Bartell, 2nd; Huott, ss; Hagan, 3d ; Earle, If ; Steers, cf ; Cooper, rf. The exclusion to Hood River on the steamer Iralda will leave about 9. Tickets, 75 cents. A story is told of a Scottish minister traveling iu Belgium who, on arriving at BrugeB, looked about or a cloak-room. His acquaintance w.ith the language of the country was, however, so imperfect that he failed to make the porter in at tendance understand what he wished. Being a man of resource, it flaBhed across his mind to try a Latin phrase likely to be understood iu a Roman Catholic country. "Jlequmcat in pair, Baid he, pointing to his property. The porter smiled, nodded his head to show that he caught ttie traveler's meaning, snatched up the portmanteau and took it off to the pluce where "left luggage" was kept. The Rival Oil Company, which has been located iu Portland for the luBt eight months, the office being 1111, Sher lock building, struck a fine well of 180 barrels per day, und is now drilling well No, 2. The company owns some very valuablo oil laud in the midway district of California. The capitalization is email. They are expecting to pay divi- j (lends this fall. Stock has been selling I for fiO eontH per share, but has advanced to $1 per share, to taho place Juno 10th. Mr. Clarke, the secretary of the com pany, is visiting The DalleB for a few days and will oiler a few shures of stock ut 50 cents per share. References, Merchants' National Bank, of Portland, Oregon. 31nSt' The Dalles High school alumni be lieve iu nothing if not in doing a thing up in proper style. In pursuance of this rule and In order to welcome the incoming class which graduates this year, the members of the alumni have conceived an unique idea and have chartered the steamer Regulator for next Tuesday evening, at which time they will take a private excursion down the river. The usual program und initiation of the new members will be carried out, after which a banquet will . be served in the Regulator's capacious saloon. The excareioniBW-WllITe7laln" ly enjoy the moonlight ride on the river, as a perfect night is anticipated. The boat will leave the dock at 8:30 p. m., eteatn down around Memaloose island and return at 12:30. An alumnus who would miss this treat ie certainly lacking in the ability to appreciate a good jollification. SHALL WE CELEBRATE? The QneRtlon ! Now Up to the liiifllneM Men of the City. Pursuant to the announcement in Thk Chronicle the members of The Dalles Driving Association met in tho club rooms Wednesday evening, and after discussing the situation an i arriving at the conclusion that the people of The Dalles desired a rousing celebration on the Fourth, two cotntnittes were an- pointed, one to interview the saloon keepers and restaurant and hotel men, and the other to interview the business men on the question of raising the necessary funds. On the former com mittee were appointed C. J. Stubling, J. M. Toomey and Fred Lempke; and on the latter, L. E. Crowe, E. M. Will iams and J. C. Hostetler. It was considered that not less than $1000 will be required to make the cele bration anything like what it ought to be, but it was believed there would be no great difficulty in raising this sum. These committeee will report their suc cess or failure, as the case m iy be. to another meeting to be held Monday night, when, if everything is favorable as expected, the necessary committees will be appointed and preparations for the event fairly launched. Everything now dependB on the re sponse made to the two committees ap pointed to solicit funds. It will be a great disappointment if this responee is not reasonably liberal. Zlgler-IIuntt Wedding. ...The New York Cash Store. 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Ladies' Shirt Waists. On Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock occurred the wedding of Charles Zigler and Alice Huott at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huott, of Eight Mile. At the hour appointed the wedding party stepped into a beautifully arranged arbor of evergreen, sprinkled with white roses, and stood under a horse-shoe of white carnations, where the ceremony was performed by Ulysses F. Hawk, of the M. E. church of The Dalles. The bride was beautifully diessed in white organdie oyer white silk and car ried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. The Misses Marguerite and Rosaline Greiner, of Portland, bridesmaide, were attired in white Swiss over lemon silk, carrying bouquets of lemon roses. In the unavoidable absence of the father, Frank Huott, a brother of the bride, gave away the bride, while Alfred Huott, another brother, acted as best man. Only a few of the immediate relatives and friends of the family were preeent. After the usual congratulations, all were invited to partake of the elaborate ly prepared banquet. . Mr. and Mrs. Zigler were the recipi ents of many beautiful and' costly pres ent. The giooni is a Portland young man, in the employ of the Oregonian, and ac companied by his bride, left on the noon train yesterday for that city, where tbey will make their home. Circuit Court I'receetllngti. Ladies' Shirt Waists. We are now showing a full lino of summer waists in percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so handsome and attractive as this season. We make a specialty of White Waists. Call early and inspect this line, as wo are sure we can satis fy the most fastidious. No trouble to show goods. ..MAIER & BENTON Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools of all kinds, Large Stock of Fishing Tackle, Eubber Bie3Tcle Tires and Full Line of Sundries, also Bicycles rented and repaired, Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware, While Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles. Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices. Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments are complete. Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will have prompt attention. We will meet any and all Competition. We Positively Will Not Be Undersold. MAIER & BENTON.. 107 SECON11 STREET. lWlONES NO. 4. F- C. Girdles... We have just received the Thitd Shipment this spring of this Famous Corset. F. C. is tho best Girdle ever introduced -'it.- E.CE0UET5 We claim the in The Dalles at and we prove it by the quantity wo sell, need a corset try tho F. C. 1.00 Corset. After a stubborn light that laBted all day Wednesday the case of Paul Kruger against Dalles City for if.'J.GIO damages was given to the jury about midnight, when a verdict was returned in about fifteen minutes in favor of the city. Wednesday the caee of the btate against Ike Moore, who has lain in the county jail for over two and a half months, under the charge of the larceny of 6o:ne 1800 pounds about $1000 worth of braes castings from the O. R. A X. Co., was continued for the term and Moore was released on putting up $.'S0l) bonds. Kmile Strasser was tried this morning i for puttiui! out poison with the intent of , poisoning domestic animals. Ho re- fused the services of a lawyer, with the ueual result. The jury found him guilty and sentenced him to a line of sf50, ' - - " ' - which he paid. When your hair appears dry and to M . , . ... . have bet its vitality it wants something D. Martel is on trial as we go to press )t , aml faMt We have what for larceny of cigars from the Hood j the hair needs when it gets In that con River hotel. His partner in the crime. 1 dition. We have the Crown of i iv Rvi viub niinni.,1 tn nionri ii 1 1 u I Science Hair &z&d& Grower and to simple larceny and will be sentenced 1 SnTTurS later. Sl.OO Next time you We also have a complete French shape at 48c. "THE The Place to Save Money. line in medium long and FAIR Second Street. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Tonic. They cure daiia wow run ami an scalp diseases. Inr sale at l razor's bar 1 her shop. Price 50o and 75c a bottle. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's Knglish Remedy iu any case of coughs, colds or croup, Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. Subscribe for Tin: Chho.mci.k. Quality and not ijuantity makes Pu Witt's Little Early Risers such valuablo little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Icn cream arid ice cream soda now on tap at A, Keller's. allttf WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance photic Local, 102,