The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 29, 1901, Image 3

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    FEKSE 5t MHYS.
We wish to introduce a
few items in-
Goods that arc very well known by everyone. Their real value runs
from 10c to 30c per yard. We offer them to you
Wo realize the season for WASH
Goods will bo short, and as the goods
must bo sold, hence the big reduction.
at 6c per yard.
Odds and ends in PI'QJg Medium and dark colors, worth 10c and 12c
Special fot this week at 8 1-3 cents per yard.
Embroideries, Laces and All-over Tuckings in the latest creations.
Linen Color All-overs and Ecru Batiste, the latest fabrics for shirt waists.
We are showing a beautiful line of these goods.
How are you fixed? Are you dressed cool?
We've Alpaca, Flannel and blue Serge Goats here so thin that the
tiniest little breeze goes through them. .....
Alpaca Coats $1.50 to $4.00 Unlined Coals and Vests $4.50 to $12
Vnlined Serge Coats o.OO to 5.00 Flannel Coats and Pants 8.00 to $12
See our display in window of Fancy Summer Underwear,
Special price, 50c per garment.
The Belles Daily Chronicle
WEDNESDAY - - MAY 29, 1901
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Whnou Dounty warrantH rglHtrrtl
prior tit .Innuitry :t, 1MIIK, will be !Hll
on iruHfliittliii nt my ollloe. IntnreHt
(inuHUH nftur Muy "4, 11101.
JOHN K. HAirtrHltlKK,
Uounty TreHurr. ,
Strawberries were rotuiliiiK in ''B
niurket todoy for 10 centB a box.
The Fortnightly will meet with Mrfi.
M. Z. Dunnoll, Friday altornoon.
Wo not only claim to safe you money,
but we proof it to you. Try ua. The
Fair. m28-2td-lw
LolB Thompson continues to improve
in health and her ultimate recovery is
confidently expected.
Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Apply to Mrs. J. M. Russell at
the Maya Btone liotiBe. m20 3t
Only a few more sailors and trimmed
hats left. TIiobo wo will close out at a
bargain. Tho Fair. 28-2td-lw
Why do yon pay 00 cents for a wush
Hilk at other stores when you can buy
tho same silk for 43 fonts at The Fair?
28 2tdlw
Don't throw your money away and
pay :J5 cents for a wash flllk when you
can not tho very mtmu Bilk for 20 cents at
The Fair. 28-2td-lw
Henry Zwoidlor, of Victor, has adver
tiflud to sell at auction, Saturday, Juno
8th, his farm implementB and a growing
crop of twoiity-ilvo acres of grain.
Out of respect lor tho nation'spatriot
doad and tho solemn momorioa that
cluster around Memorial Day no paper
will lie issued from thin oflie tomorrow.
Tho case of Paul Kriiger against Dalles
City for damages alleged to have been
sustained through a dofectivo crosswalk
occupied tho attention of the circuit
court nil day and will probably not be
finished tonight.
Tho members of The Dalles Driving
Association will meet tonight in the
commercial club rooms, for tho purpose
of taking tho initiatory steps towurds
holding a big celebration in The Dalles
on the coming Fourth.
A cocoon made by a single silk-worm
contains about 1100 yards of silk. It is
an interesting sight to see a worm make
its own shroud and retire from the
world. Go and see them betweeu 2 and
9 each day. Admission 10 cents.
The Sunday school picnic intended to
be held at Lyle June 1st lias been post
poned to Wednesday, Juno 5th, and will
be held at some more desirable point
further down the river. Round trip fare
on the boat will be 25 cents for adults
and 15 cents for children.
A marriage license was iseued today
to Charles Zigler, of Portland, and Alice
Huott, of Eight Mile. The wedding will
take place tonight at tho residence of
the bride's parents, and the marriage
ceremony will be performed by Rev.
U. F. Hawk, of this city.
Since March 1st, when the tax roll of
1900 came into the sheriff's bunds for
collection, Mr. Kelly has received over
$70,000 of the $103,000 it calls for. Of
the total amount collected upwards of
$30,000 have been collected since the
Kith of the present month. " n
P. T. Knowlea, of Wamic, while in
town today assured Tiik Ciihonii'i.i: I hat
during an electric storm of last Satur
day a shower of sulphur fell all over the)
Wamic settlement, and was plainly vis-
ible wherever there waB a pool of stag-
imnt water. He and others had taBtet
the stuff and couldn't be mistaken as tc
its being sulphur.
U. T. Parr and M. Z. Donnell recently
returned from a viBit to the Horse
Heaven country, Yakima county, where
they went to look at some lands they re
cently purehueed of the Northern
Pacific company. . They are greatly
pleased witli their bargain and only re
gret that they did not have the luck to
own ten limes as much.
A large number of our citizens havf
already been to soe the silk worms,
which are on exhibition on Second and
Washington streets. Daily these little
spinners are quitting their companions
and searching cjuiet corners, whore they
may form their cocoons. You may see
them each day from 2 fill 0 p. m. at tho
vacant store back of Rticn's grocery.
At 8 o'clock this morning the river
gauge at this place indicated 31.1 feet
above zero, a rifle of 1.7 feet in the previ
ous twenty-four hours. Tho Daily River
Bulletin predicts a further rise at The
DalloB to 30.5 feet by tomorrow. It is
doubtful, however, if this extent of rise
is realized, HB tho reports from tho up
per Columbia and Snake river points in
dicate cooler weather in these regions.
Now that the rato war that has raged
on the lower river for over a year is
onded, the Telegram suggests t hat the
White Collar Line will possibly place
the Bailey Gatzert back on tho Astoria
run, since the rahoiua is hardly a boat
to enter Into competition with tho
steamer Ilasealo, T. J. Potter and Lur
line, all of which have been repaired and
equipped in elaborate fashion to meet
the requirements of the seaside travel.
The sheep-herder is a festive institu
tion. One of the craft recently visited
Antelope, and, according to the Repub
lican, after imbibing a couple of sam
ples of Antelope's forty-rod lightening
and au alleged Antelope lomonade, went
out on the street and yelled out that lie
hud snukeH. "And to prove his asser
tion he thruet Ins hand Into the bosom
of his shirt and drew forth a fine living
specimen of a bull-snake about two feet
long. The snake seemed to be greatly
attached to the man and would crawl
all about lia body."
Yesterday afternoon the Bailey Gal
zert brought up from Portland an engine
and pile-driver for the purpose of driv
ing Borne piles for a temporary wharf
near the boat's present landing. The
piles were shipped here by rail yester
day and the force of men appointed to
do the work arrived here on the noon
train. As soon as the river recedes to a
proper etage work on a permanent wharf
and incline will be commenced.
Wallace Tuttle, a youth of 18, who
hails from Dallas, Polk county, was ar
rested this morniug by Acting Marshal
Maheur and lodged in the city jail on
the charge of larceny of a watch from
the person of a stranger who was far
gone in his cupB. The theft took place
in front of Marder's saloon and was seen
by Roy Ballard from A. W. Johnston's
store across tho street, who reported the
theft to Mr. Maheur. The watch was
fonud on Tnttle's person, and his ar
raignment in the recorder's court will
take plate title afternoon.
The locks were closed yesterday to
navigation and will remain cloBed till
tho water subsides. The D. P. & A. N.
Company have made all neceeeary ar
rangements for the transfer of freight
and passengers, and the service of this
company's line of boats wil' continue as
usual, with this exception. The Bailey
Gatzert wae the last boat to go through
the locks last evening, on her return
trip to Portland. As tho White Collar
Lino has no boat on the middle river,
operations by that company on The
Dalles-Portland run will be suspended
till the lucks are again open to naviga
tion. Acting Marshal Maheur made several
arrests today for begging and vagrancy.
Ono fellow, who gave his name as Frank
Lee, claimed to be dying of consump
tion, besides being alilicted with a severe
rupture. He distributed a card with
the indorsement of G. W. Weber, M. D.,
Untto, Mont Tho fellow looked to bo
about 25. He appeared to be in a fairly
healthy condition. Another husky look
ing young fellow of 27 or 30 distributed
a card asking for help on the ground
that he was a cripple. He had a short
leg, it is true, but he was otherwise the
picture of health and vigor. A third
called himself Louis Wilson. He dis
tributed n card on which was printed
the claim that he waB paralized in tho
right leg, wob entirely unable to follow
his trade (whatever that was) owing to
a serious injury to his head, and was,
besides, seriously aft'ected in the spinal
cord. This last brother got full of
whiskey, and while in this condition
was robbed by another hobo, The trio
and several othert will be rounded up
before dark and told to "git."
Mrs. I. D, Francisco, of this city,
made a ghastly find yesterday while vis
king the graves of her dead in the old
city cemetery. Where a recent fire had
burned an ay the long graes and brush
Mrs. Francisco came upon a human
skull, on each side of which was an old
shoe with a bone in it. The lady, sus
pecting that the skull and bones were
those of somebody who bad been either
murdered there or murdered elsewhere
and carried there, beat a hasty retreat
end reported the find to Coroner Butts.
Dad's recent experience with the "stiff"
of a defunct money made him a little
wary and he reported the matter to Acting-Marshal
Maheur, who made an in
vestigation and arrived at the conclusion
that the skull was thatof an Indian which
recently adorned A. M. Williams A Co.'s
elephant sign near the O. R. A N. pas
senger depot, and that the bones might
have been picked up in any old slaugh
ter house and the old shoes in any back
yard. It was evident to Mr. Maheur
that the aggregation had no relation one
thing to the other, and that the several
articles were placed in the cemetery as a
eort of ghoulish joke.
Charley Powell, a Klickitat county
sheepmen, is registered at the Umatilla
Judge M. F. Bird, of Viento, was in
town today. He was accompanied by
D. P and J. W. Harvey.
Mrs. C. E. Staats, of Independence, is
visiting in the city, the guest of her
niece, Mrs. D. V. Poling.
Miss Rosaline and Marguprite Grenier
have arrived from Portland to attend the
Huott-Zigler wedding.
Attorney G. W. Phelps arrived here
last night from Heppner and left this
afternoon for Hood River.
J. H. Thatcher, superintendent of the
Oregon Telephone Company, is regis
tered at the Umatilla House.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Van Duyn, of
Tygh, spent last night in the city and
lft this afternoon for Portland.
Rev. D. V. Poling left on the noon train
for Heppner, where he will deliver
the Memorial addreES tomorrow.
J. W. Staats, a former resident of Du
fur, arrived here ltBt night from Hono
lulu, where he has resided for some time.
J. H. Cradlebaugb, a former editor of
The Dalles Ciibonicle, is registered at
the Umatilla House from Alamo, Grant
Mrs. H. M. Hickman arrived on the
noon train today from Portland to at
tend the Huott-Zigler wedding, which
takes place at Eight Mile this evening.
Terrible Slaughter of Wild Animal.
The following article is taken from an
Indiana paper. After reading it the
hoosier will know as much about Oregon
as he does about the mountains back of
the moon. If "Mack Perdue" has not
already been awarded the gold medal
for the champion liar of Jackson county,
the presentation should be made at once :
"Mack Pardue, an old Fall Creek
township lad and federal soldier, is
batching and ranching among the ra
vines and defileB of the headwaters on
the western slope of the Sierra Nevada
mountains in Oregon. He has been
there for fifteen yeais, and in a letter to
a friend tells how for a long time mount
ain lions, bears and wolves have raided
stock on the cattle ranches in Jackson
county. In the letter he Eays: 'Last
week 1 was engaged by the stockmen to
exterminate the animals in a certain
section. I secured the aid of about a
hundred Klamath Indians from near
Lake Klamath, and early Saturday
morning with Indians and a score uf
cowboys surrounded the diftrict five
miles square in the foothills of the Pitt
range and gradually closed toward tho
center, two hundred dogs in the radeo.
Ae we readied the center of the circle
catamountB, black bears, coyotes, and
an occasional grizzly bear tried to break
through the line, but was met by a
shower of bullets. Dozen h of animals
perished in the attempt to escape, but
200 others were finally cornered in a box
canyon, where red skins and cow punch
ers picked them oil from the rocks above.
" 'There were scores of close conflicts
with the enraged and frightened ani
mals, and in one melee four Indians
were frightfully mangled by a grizzly
before their shots finally finished tho
bear. One of tho reds, Klakashi. a
former chief of the tube, received fatal
wounds from the claws of tho big fellow.
One dog closed in on tho victims and
dozenB of them were killed before tho
slaughter was complete.
" 'Tho final count showed 10 dead
mountain lions, five grizzlies, two lynx
and over ono hundred coyotes doubt
less) the biggest round-up of wild ani
mals that over occurred In Oregon.' "
For Infants and .Children,
The Kind You iim Always Bought
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Soooncl Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Ladies' Shirt Waists,
We are now showing a full lino of summer waists in
percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so
handsome and attractive as this season.
We make a specialty of White Waists.
Call early and inspect this line, as wo are sure we can satis
fy the most fastidious. No trouble to show goods.
Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will
have prompt attention.
We will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
Kndorsecl by a Former Schoolmate.
The following handeome compliment
to Hon. W. H. Dnfur is from the pen of
a former Portland schoolmate. It is
copied from our Dalles contemporary:
Ponn-ANT), May 23, 1901.
It has been my goou fortune of late
to see quite a number of Oregon news
papers speaking well of Mr. W. H. H.
Dufur and urging him for tho next U.
S. marshalship. Kindly permit a fellow
who served his kidehip with Mr. Dufur
to add a word in his favor.
I knew him in school days many years
ago, and together wo played in the sun
ny days of youth. We shared our little
troubles; under tho clouds that passed
over us until tho serious problems of life
carried us apart. In all the confidences
of schoolmatep, in all the years that
have passed Bince, I never knew hitu to
hesitate in the path of duty or stoop to
a mean act. Great of heart, broad of
mind, true to his friends and himself,
he has been a cedit to every position he
ever filled, and would do honor to this
state should ho be eelected for the high
office of U. S. marshal.
Wiu, G. StekI.
When vour hair appears dry and to
have loBt its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what.
tho hair needs wnen It gets :n tnai con
union, we nave
Science Hair
Gocoannt Cream
Mill cure daud
Bears the
tfguature of
Parties wishing good board can find it
by applying at the West PJud, comer of
Second and Liberty streets. m25 31
Dressed spring chickens at the Stadel
wan Commission Co.'s 24tf
tho Crown of
Grower and
Tonic. They
Hid' and all
fcalp diaeaceB. For talo at I razor's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Exnorience is tho best Teacher. Use
. (
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
I coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
'give immediate relief money refunded
j 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, tho drug
i gists.
i DeWitt's Little Early Risers search
' the remotest parts of tho bowels the im
j purities speedily with no discomfort,
) They are famous for their eliicacy. Easy
t to take, never gripe. Clarke A Fulk'j
P. O. Pharmacy.
Kor Nulo.
A number of choice family cows, full
blood and grade Jerseys. Apply to
.1, A. Hkndkkson,
m23 tf Bingen, Wash.
Found A puree containing a small
sum of money and a small piece of cloth.
Owner can find it at this office. 27-2t
Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
Subscribe for Tun Oiiuoxiolb,
Italloy Gatzert ou Ilen-lortlnuil Home
We wish to announce that the One
and newly-equipped fast steamer Bailey
Gatzert has been placed on the Portland
Dalles route as a strictly excursion boat
and to enable tourists and the peoplo of
Oregon and Waehingtou to make the
round trip by daylight on the Columbia
river, through tho Cascade mountains,
on the following schedule:
Leaving Portland at 7 o'clock every
morning (except Monday), reaching Cas
cade Locke at 12 m., stopping at Hood
River and White Salmon and arriving
at The Dalles at 3 p. m. ; starting back
at 4 p. m. and arriving in Portland at 10
p. in.
Meals tho very bust the market can
allord, and only 2o ceiue.
Fare to Portland one way .fl 50, and
round trip $2 50.
Landing and oflipn f'tot of Union street.
'Phone, loiiy distance 501.
If you dusiru to inko a tiip (or pleas
ure, for grandeur for everything that
eye or heart could wish and that no
other part of the world can furnish, go
for a ride on tho Bailey Gatzirt, make
up a party of your congenial friends and
together pass the most enjoyable day of
your lives.
Very Cordially Yours,
27-d.uv2w White Coi.i.ak Link.
Tor Sil.
Between thirty and forty head of
horses, weighing from S00 to 1700 pounds
each. Apply to
iu25-27 .Ik Pi' DitiiT.s.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. O.
Lost Saturday, a
mining a ring, silk
small sum of money,
at this oflicH.
pocket-book con
handkerchief and
Finder will leave
Icq cream and ice cream soda now on
tap at A. Keller's. ul!ttf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts,
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phoue 433, Local, 102,