Banff III Own Death Hons. PEHSE 5t MHYS. ATTRACTIONS FOR THIS WEEK. We wish to introduce a TTT few items in W aSll LrOO( Goods that are vory well known by ovoryono. Thoir real value runs from 10c to 30c per yard. We offer them to you We realize the season for WASH Goods will be short, and as the goods must bo sold, hence the big reduction. at 6c per yard. Odds and ends in PrCclleS Medi nmand rkcojorsvorth 10c andl2c Special fot this week at 8 1-3 cents per yard. Embroideries, Laees and All-over Tuckings in the latest creations. Linen Color All-overs and Ecru Batiste, the latest fabrics for shirt waists. We are showing a beautiful line of these goods. How are you fixed? Are you dressed cool? AVe've Alpaca, Flannel and blue Serge Coats here so thin that the tiniest little breeze goes through them. ..... Alpaca Coats $1.50 to $4.00 Unlinod Coats and Vests $4.50 to $12 Vnlined Serge Coats .'5.00 to 5.00 Flannel Coats and Pants 8.00 to $12 See our display in window of Fancy Summer Underwear, Special price, 50c per garment. A-IjXj GOODS AXfLXSlZSD IKT 2PXjA.I3NT FIGUH.KS. The Dalles Daily Ghfoniete, Tl'ICS DA Y - MAY 28. 1901 - $ Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All H'h: County wnrrantH rglntrtil (trior tit .liiiiiiury It, 1HHK, will lit) iiill on iiroiinntatlon lit my ofllun. liitrHt :euHi urtor Muy 4, 11)01. JOHN F. 11 AM I'H II IKK, County Trenxiirer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Lecture on "Good Citizenship" At tUu Congregational church tonight. Dressed spring chickens at tho Stadel inan CoinmibHion Co.'h 21-tf Wo not only claim to safe you money, hut wo proof it to you. Try ns.' Tho Fair. ni'JS-'Jtd-lw On'.y u few moro sailors and trimmed hats loft. Timet: wo will close out at a bargain. Tho Fair. 28-2td-lw Foiintl A purse containing a f mail hiiiii of money and a small piece of cloth Owner can find it ut this oliice. 27-2t Why do you pay f0 cents for a wush silk at other stores when you can buy tho same silk for -l.'l cents at The Fair? 28-2tdlw The Tackmau greenhouse is preparod lo supply nny quantity of choice flowers for Decoration day and commencement exercises. ltd.vw Don't throw your money away and pay ,IG cents for a wash silk when you can get the very same silk for 20 coots at Tho Fair. 28-2td-lw John Shade and Mary K. Levantine, of Wnlla Walla, were united in marriage yesterday afternoon in this city by Kov. U. F. Hawk. Lost Saturday, a titiniiig a ring, silk small sum of money, at this olllee. A regular communication of Columbia Chapter, No. Hi), O. E. S., will be hold this (Tuesday) evening, May 28th, at 8 o'clock, By order of the W. M. Mary Scott Myerp, secretary. The case of Paul Kruger vs. Dalles City for damages alleged lo have been received through a dofective crosswalk, came up for trial at 1 i!IO this afternoon. Moore & Gavin appear for the plaintltl' and H. S. and F. W. Wllaon for tho city. Eastern Montana newspapers report tho purchase of quite a number of horses in that section by an agent of the British government. The animals averaged fifteen hands In height, 000 to 1000 poundB in weight and sold at about 10 per head. For the baieball conteat at Hood Kiver pocket-book con handkerchief and Finder will leave ni27-2t next Sunday the steamer Iralda. will leave here at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. The round-trip fare will be 75 cents and the ticket will udmit its owner to the privileges of the baseball grounds. The teachers and pupilB of St. Mary's Academy, desirous of being participants in the paying of the debt on St. Peter's church of this city, are preparing an en tertainment to be June loth. Admission 50 cents. It is to be hoped that all will aid in making it a snccesB. Dr. Penrose lectures tonight at the Congregational church on "Good Citi zenship." As the doctor muBt leave for home on the 0:15 train, the lecture wiil commence promptly at 8 o'clock. Dr. Penrose's reputation is assurance of a great treat for those wiio will attend. Tho lecture is free and everybody is in vited. Is the race to become extinct while our women hunt for work higher than that which God gave them? It is in finitely lower work. What woman's club or woman's column can match the home which the wife and mother makop beautiful and sacred for her husband and sons? What Bre a thousand can vases to a live child, with its fair dim pled body and living soul? June Ladies' Home Journal. Indian Ghurley. a Warm Spring siwaah who loves tho white man's lire water not wisely hut too well, was found drunk last night and making a disorderly attack upon a Chinaman, near First and Washington streetp. Nightwatehman Champlln threw him into the calaboose and Judge Gates fined him $2 this morning, which the Indian served out in jail. Word comes from Antelope and Shan iko that they had quite a vigorous electric storm out that way at twilight last evening. Tho wind blew violently for Oregon and was mingled with rain and hiiow ; but no harm was done, so far as known, with the mild exception that all the fuses in the telephone ofllces were burned out and communica tion through this means was for a time suspended. OverTygh Itidgo and Wapi uitla Flat there fell about the same time n heavy shower of rain. T. E. Jones, superior judge of Trinity county, California, spent yesterday in the city tho guest of Charley Schutz. Judge Jones and Mr. Schutz arc Calilor nia pioneiirp, who lived neighbors in Trinity county from 18511 to 1871, when Mr. Schutz moved to Oregon. In recall ing yesterday the frietids and acquaint ances of their early days in California, the judge and Mr. Schutz were forced to the sorrowful conclusion that ni tie tenths of them had joined the silent ma jority. Judge Jones returned to Port land on this morning's boat. In one of the suits for ill voice now be fore the circuit court tho plaintiff hus band is one of a pair of twins who are so alike that this writer, who hae known them both, almost intimately, for over twenty years, cannot tell, and never could tell, tother from which. Both were in the city yesterday, and while it may be amusing, it isn't strange that the lawyer who is conductine the caBe nehould twice have attempted a consulta tion over Borne point in the case with the wrong twin, and once in the pres ence of the latter's wife, whom the law yer probably took for "the woman in the case." The two-bit fare between Portland and Astoria is ended. By an agreement between the representatives of the sev eral competing lines, after June 1st the rate by rail will be $2 for a single trip or $o the round trip, and on all steamers $1.75 for a single trip and $2.50 for a round trip. To Seatide, Gearhart Park, Long Beach and Nahcotta the fare will be .$4 round trip, either by rail or steam er until September 15th, when it will probably be Increased. An arrangement has been entered into whereby the tick ets to these points will be interchangea ble, and ,can be used either on cars or Bteamer. Sunday evening the inhabitants of the little town of Twickenham, on the John Day, were thrown into great con fusion by un accident to the ferry. As the ferry was crossing the river with a lood of cattle, Captain John at the "Helms" and the first mate and the rest of the crew at their potts, when the boat was observed to be sinking and the cattle (about 75 in number) crowded agai.nst the railing of the boat, breaking it and crowding a number into the river. The boat settled in the water until it reached the river bottom and could sink no farther, for which the captain and crew wore thankful. Thev deserve great praise for the cool manner m which they manned the life boat and conducted themselves ashore. Only one life was lost a steer. Wheeler County News. I'KKNONAL MENTION. Max Lueddemanu, of the Antelope Herald, was in town today. lion. W. II. H. Dufur and Mrs. Dufur pasaed through town this afternoon on the way to Portland. Mrs. Emery Oliver and children are in the city from Portland visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sylvester. Mrs. Uuby Cava Strosnider, of Mem phis, Missouri, a ejusin of Dr. Eshel man, is a guest of the doctor and wife. Mrs. Klindt and Mrs. Gourluv re turned home on last night's boat from a two weeks' sojourn at St. Martin's springs. Mrs. J. O. Barter, Mrs. M. Bulger, Mrs. D. J. Cameron and Mrs, J. Leach, of Portland, arrived on the noon train to attend the Huott-Zigler wedding at the Huott residence on Eight Mile tomor row. CASTOR I A Tor Inl'anti and Children, III Kind You Hivi Always Bought A copy of these beautiful verses, signed with Dr. Maltbie D. Babcock's initials, was received on Saturday the 18th instant, by llev. Dr. A. F. Beard, of Norwalk, Conn, one of the secretaries of the American Mieeionary Association, in a letter from Babcock. On the same Saturday Dr. Babcock killed himself at Naples, Italy, in an attack of acute mel ancholia: Why bo (if rnld of dentil, ns though your life were hronth? Death but anoints your uyes with clay. Oh, Kind nurprlRol Why should you be forlorn? Death only lmskn the com. Why should you fear to meet the thresher of the vhent7 Is Mccp h thine to dread? Yet sleeping, you nro dead, Till you awake and rise, here, or beyond the skies. Why should It be a wrench to lenve your wooden beneh7 Why not with hnppy .shout run home when school Is out? Tho denrones left behind Oh, foolish one nnd blind. A day and you will meet. A night nnd you will erect. This Is the death of denth, to bieath awny n uream, And know tho end of strife nnd tnste the death less life. And enjoy without a fear, nnd smile without n tear; And work nor euro to rest, and find the last the oesi. (Signed.) M. O. R ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Special Council Meeting. At a special meeting of the city coun cil, held last night in the recorder's office, John Fllloon, local agent of the White Collar Line of steamers, appeared before the council with the request that his company be granted the use of the foot of Washington street, north of Firet street, and be permitted to build an in' cline from First street to deep water, Tho matter was referred to the judiciary committee, with instructions to report at the regular monthly meeting next Monday, June 3d. The request of Agent Filloon that his company be permitted to stretch a Bign across one of the streets of the city was refused, and the matter of street signs having come up in this way, the mar shal was instructed to have all bueinesB signs now stretched across the streets taken down forthwith and also- to have all obstructions removed from the side walks. No further businees coming before the council, the meeting adjourned. Decoration Day. to Members of J. W. Nesmith Post No. 32, W. R. C. No. 17, and all soldiers and sailors of the civil war, soldiers of the SpantBh and Philippine wars, and Co. D, N. G., are, invited to assemble at A. II. hall on Thursday, May 30th, promptly at 1 o'clock, when we will form and proceed to G. A. R. cemetery, where appropriate exercises will be held for the occasion. Col. Jackson will be present, and will deliver an address at the Congregational church in the even- ng. All citizens and school children re invited to participate with us in the exerciseB of the day. By request of R. L. Akin, Post Com. A duck farm, properly managed, ought pay and pay well. There is not a month in the year when a reasonably fat duck will not bring 50 to 60 cents re tail in this market. Now there ought to be good returns to a duck farmer at these prices according to the following report of L. E. Lindsay, of Pine Flat, Klickitat county, as related by Mr. Lindsay to The Chuonici.i: : "I bought two ducks this spring, for which I paid one dollar. I already had a drake, so that my total investment was, say, $1.50. The two ducks went to house-keeping and, in a short time laved seventy-nine eggs. Two and a quarter dozen of these we ate, and the remaining fifty-two were set under bene. All were fertile, but one egg got broken when half hatched and one young duck was killed by a sparrow hawk. I have now fifty young ducks that in a very short time and at practically no cost will be worth half a dollar a piece, or $25 on an origin al investment of a dollar and a half. 1 know no reason wiiy I could not do as well, proportionately, with an original ! etock of one hundred ducks instead of ' three. ' Ladies' Shirt Waists. We are now showing a full line of summer waists in percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was nevor so liandsome and attractive as this season. We make a specialty of White Waists. Call early and inspect this line, as wo are sure wo can satis fy tho most fastidious. No trouble to show goods. r ..MAIER & BENTON.. Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools of all kinds, Large Stock of Fishing Tackle, Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries, also Bicycles rented and repaired, Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, " Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Dar, B. & II., and Cleveland Bicycles. Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices. Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments are complete. Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will "S Jiii- have prompt attention. "SSj. We will meet any and all Competition. 4 . We Positively Will Not Be Undersold. ..MAIER & BENTON.. 1GT SECOND STltEET, lMlONES NO. 4. I 3 merely aseert the rights of the city un der the grant of the legislature. An ordinance will be passed granting the White Collar Line the right to build an incline from the foot of Washington street to low navigable water in the Co- umbia. Iu the Circuit Court. A true bill has been entered in the case ol tue ."state vs. ike w. fliooro, lor larceny of a quantity of brass castings, the property of the O. 11. & N. Co. Moore was arraigned this afternoon, when a motion to set aside tho informa tion and a demurrer to tho information were both over-ruled and a plea of not guilty was entered by defendant. The motion to set aside the information is u rather mysterious document. One ol the counts upon which it is based is that tho ''information is not written in the English language." Tho attorneys for Mr. Moore are Bennett & Sinnott. D. Martel and J. W. Ryan were brought hero today from Hood River, by Constable Olinger, and were placed in the county jail on tho charge of larceny in a dwelling. The complaining witness is C. L. Gilbert, proprietor of the Mt. Hood hotel, The defendants i are charges witn Having stolen 72 cigars j from one of the rooms of the hotel, the J cigars being valued at V., cents each, or fill ctnrltr f 1, ,.fr tA . H. 1111 tli VttlllB Of M.tM, TllO iitlVI S bill VIUI GVUUJ Ul V a J VJ (IliV Ut ttJU legislature which L'ave Dulles filtw thn ' ffiJn8 will plead before Judge ASK FOR THE SHOE FOR MEN 1'liKllng of the .ludlclury Cummltttio. Brail- for NhIh. . l L l -! l i control of f iiH .ilv w.Up front. th imli. i s,,avv ttt " w lomoirow. clary committee of the city couucil has arrived at the conclusion that the coun cil is only the custodian and trustee of tbe property and cannot alienate it or even lease it except for public ueo and benoUt. The committee believes that the least; made to the D. P. & A. NT. Co. !h void in so far as it was intended to give that , Aekur H Heniedy in any case of cotuprfny absolute control and monopoly i wahs uol(j9 or cro,,l. Should it fail to of tho lands leafed to them, and that give Jl''ie,11'lta refunded under the terms of the grant of the leg-1 'J5 ct9 and 50 cte Klkeley, the drug iBlature anf opposition line of boats may I K'sts. A stylish black driving horse, very gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy, harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap. Address, W. It. Hockwim.i., m27d2vvw.'5w Dufur, Ore. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Bears tho Sfguatureof lawfully demand wharfage privileges at the D. V. & A. N. Co.'s dock by paying such reasonable charges as may be agreed upon or be llxed by the courts. At tbe next meeting of tbe council un ordinance will be passed embodying this proposition, but it will effect no change in the practical use of the D, P. & A. N. Co.'s property DeWitt's Little Early itisers search the remotest parte of the bowels the im purities speedily with un discomfort. They are famous for their ellicacy. Eaxy 1 Sold only by H. Herbring, The Dalles, Or. mm Besiaurant L. Y. Hone, PropV. first-Class in Every Respect: MK.U.S AT .Yl.r. llOUltS, Oysters Served in any Style. b7 Scemul St., T liu Dalles, Or WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. to take, never gripe. r, u. f narmacy, Clarke k Talk's Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James K. Patton The iulentiou is to Etrictly wire liquid paints All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -133. Local, 102, Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday, Don't forget this. Icq cream and ice cream soda now on tap at A, Keller's. aKHf