The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY MAY 28, 1901 J. A. EBERLE, Tinnrh'njr a in Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, rather tlinu inkling to the rum habit. Since the excesses of enlisted men in Chicago and St. Paul have be come common talk, the country may look for a campaign at the next session, of congress to restore the canteen to its former place. It will 1 be ditUcult to combat the evidence the friends of the canteen can pro duce, aud it will not bo a hard tusk to influence a majority of congress men to vote that way. Spokesman-Reviow. We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest styled, and guarantee a perfect fit. ALL-SHADOWING FACT OF HOUR. Even away back in Missouri they have learned of the late boorish attack of Oregon's greatest paper on the president, and the Globe-Democrat can only account for it on the supposition that the editor is a crusty old bachelor. Says that paper: "An Oregon paper is foolish enough to blame President McKinley for vent uring on so long a journey with a wife whose health is uncertain. That paper Is probably edited by an old bachelor who never could get a woman of spirit to accept him. The president consults the wishes of his THE ' wife when ho goes on a, pleasure jaunt." After finding the following in the pages of such a radical democratic sheet as the New York Word, we shall not despair that some day even In these days the exports of the United States are almost double the imports. For the fiscal year, which ends witii next month, the exports our own Times-Mountaineer may I will foot up 1,500,000,000 and the have the candor to own that "pros perity is the all shadowing fact of the hour" : "Mr. McKinley's Southern progress gives clear and strong proofs of the u..w, Ui ..v...,...., v,.,., D()n,t expect a cheap enameled Prosperity is the all-shadowing fact J utensil to last long. It doesn't. imports 850,000,000. The balance of trade, 050,000,000, is oue of the greatest instances of expansion the world has seen For a time, to business fellows will FOH about thirteen years 1 have devoted moro time to politics than to business. The result -- 1b that my business bus suffered, at, least, I propose to devote more time and less to politics, provided the other let me. During these years some features have come into practice among business men that were not con sidered proper or necessary at that time. Among them is the scheme of profit. sharing or giving to some lucky customers a valuable present. 1 propose to do something in this line myself. For each fifty cents paid to me for goods fur nished I will give the customer a numbered coupon. On each Saturday at 9 r. m. I will give away two presents one, a year's subscription to any $1 period ical desired, and the other, one copy of some of thb famous pictures neatly framed, the customer can also make a choice of these as there are a number to be given away before supply is exhausted. In ad dition, ovory month I will give several valuable preH ents. On June 5th the presents will be a fine Hlhle, a Webster's International Dictionary, one year's sub scription to a fl periodical and one Hoys Dasobn Set. The presents to bo given away on July 0th will bo announced later. I hope to confine myself In these presents to ar ticles in my own line so that I will not interfere with tale of goods in other lines. In addition I will give a dividend each month to the person who haH pur chased the most goods from me. On Jnue fith this will be sfb.00. You do not have to purchase lllty cents worth at one time to get n dividend check, as I issue certificates of sale for less amounts which can be exchanged for dividend check when they amount to fifty cents. If clerk does not give you checks or or certificates when you make U X Nfll AH a purchase, ask for them. III. I . HULHIl DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall Burget UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. Don't. of the hour, and in the popular mind Mr. McKinley stands for prosperit)'. Rightly or wrongly, reasonably or unreasonably, to him is given the largest share of the credit. Nor can it be disputed that he does deserve much credit. He has not caused sun and rain in satisfactory propor tions; be has not created either the resources or the resource-developing energy and skill of the American people. But he has been a factor in the conditions of stability and sound currency, without which resources and energy and skill might have been in vain. There is just ground for the view that bis helpfulness has been due to accidental good fortune in a most accommodating "ear-to-the-ground opportunism," rather than to steadfast conviction and principle. Still, so long as results are satisfactory, motive cannot be profitably discussed. "The war in the Philippines is Don't think such a one can be kept clean. It can't. Don't believe the "cheap" enamel isn't steadily crumbling a way. It is. Don't imagine in using such you're not eating the enamel. You are. Don't figure you are savins money buying the cheapest. You're not. Don't forget the "cheap" has but one coating of enamel. Just one. Don't fail to recollect that imported Stransky steel-ware lasts for years. Don't buy that kind if health and economy are of no consequence. Don't try to get the genuine else where, for it'e sold exclusively by mlG-tf Mays & Choice, She Didn't Wear a Mask. But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcere, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 25cat G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 3 Kates to Pan-American Exiioaitlon, YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of usinir so-railed kidnin- remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxunl Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in tin; kidneys" and huve till your bladder and urinary troubles cured, ami your nights made restful by the imo of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Soxunl Pills. Price, $1.00 pur box buy of your druggist or sunt bv mail on receipt of price, in nlnin wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wiiyno, Indiana. M. 'A. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from ended. The Cuban question is an. The Dalles, 81.90. Tickets on sale first parently in the way to at least a tranquil settlement. A just and honorable Chinese policy is the most and third Tueedays during June, July, August, September and October.good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrarif prrmnts i'.in ha mmlu liv annln. to the academic, the abstract basis, ' ,nR t0 agent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalle'e, where discussion of them cannot ( whereby tickets will be honored on lake agitate the busy masses." I steamers in one or both directions be- J J tween Detroit and Ruffalo. tf conspicuous fact in our domestic affairs. All issues of policy and principle are for the moment reduced THE ARMY CANTEEN. Abolishment of the army canteen has caused students of the rum habit to closely watch the behavior of soldiers living a garrison life. From the army post near Chicago and that near St. Paul are reports that there has been a fearful increase in the amount of drunkenness among the J.v.mks Ihkland, Agent If the people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be used in nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which with no aid from the stomach, will diuest vour food. fiuptainlu .tar.'t 1 i 1 n l,,f fin am.. an (1iiiid nrwl Hint rlnanptinno nrn nnnr . ' . . 7 J """""""i iiw,"uua uiarKe v talk's I . u. Pharmacy t.nkinrr nlnnn tn finitn n. Inrnrn ovr.'nt. t D 1IT1 ., , i in:n vuur Jiitir iifipeurB ury mill 10 I lie "Bailey-tiatzei r The finest and fastest sternwheel boat on the Columbia River, Will Make DAILY TRIPS between The Dalles and Portland, Mon days excepted, arriving hero from I'ort land at 3 p. m. and returning at 4 p. m. JOHN FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Just What Yoa txiant. If: 4? New ideaB m Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing novur be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good minora at chean minor prices. Elegant designs, taBtefui colorings, yours for a small price, at our storo on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. AND PKI'AIIT for CIllCIIRO- I'ortlitiut Hiwclnl. i:'ir p. in, vIh Hunt liiKtun. Athuitio Kxiiremi, Vl'Mn. m. vlh II 11 it t IliRton. Ht. l'nill KHHt Mull, 'J:i'i)i. m. vln Hpo-kimo. -OREGON SHOIpLiNE Union Pacific TIME SSltKI)UI,K8 FKOM THK DAI.l.KH. BHtt ljjke, Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kim. uClty,Ht.lxmiii,oii. cngo mill tin; Knat. Halt bike, Denver, Kt, Worth, Omaha, Km,. aaHtilty.Ht.l.nulii, Chi cago ami the Kits. WiiIIh Willi, tawMtmi, bpoknnu.WiillHce.l'iill. limn, Mliiiii'iiixilix.Ht, I'mil, Duliitli, Milwau kee, Chicago and Kant. Aniivu 0K iJWp.m. IM.'ia. a. OCEAN AND EIVEE SCHEDULE From I'ortUnil. K:00i. iii. Dully UXCVJit Hiiiuiiiy, f.iti p. in. Hutiirilay, 10:00 ji. in. (All .Hilling (lAtCN Mllj.l lect to chiuitfc l I Kor Kan l'riiiiclKCd, Sail uvery fi dnyN. UolliuililH Itlvnr. To Astoria ami Way IjiiiiIIiiku. Dally Wltliinitttli, Itlvnr. Tuenlay, Thiit'ilny, i Sattmliiy, I 0:(JOu. in. illl'l VYity.ljiiuliiiKS. ('orvallls anil Way IjiikIImki 1:00 p, a, 1:00 p.m. except Hiintlay, 1 :30 p. w, except flundny, NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. We have on sale a lull llni) nt Ronfih and Dressed LimiteF Mouldings, Braokots, Laths, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will soil at live and let live prices. (ilve iih a trial anil we will treat you rlKht. GILBRETH & SON Third una Feilnrnl Ht. Wilkinson Warehouse IS NOW OPEN AS A WOOL AND mm Stora Ware 1 Wool Graded and Baled. Wool Bought and Sold on Commission. Correspondence Solicited. SAM WILKINSON, Prop. in other posts the decrease in drunk' J enness has not been marked, if arm' have lost its vitality it wants something . to give it life and vigor. We have what Mm huip nuui d If tb 1 1 tn l.V 4I ... . . i nvv-Mq n b Uuio all V 1 J (1 U WUil oiuuera uavu ueun uurreouy luiurmuu. ,jjtion. We have the Crown of This stato of nffulrs lends thn mnn Science Hair .... ..... Cocoanut Cream wuo lavor vue army canteen to uu terly condemn the sentiment that compelled congress to abolish the soldiers' clubhouse. Too many of the enlisted men, they say. look upon the leave time that they receive much as the sailor looks upon the time be has on shore that is, as the time to plunge into dissipation of all kinds. The friends of the canteen argue that under proper army regu lations the praotice of selling beer at pott canteens bad been a means of aiding temperance in the army, Grower and Tonic. Thev win cure eianu mmm rutl and nil scalp diseases. For sale nt Frazer's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 7oc a bottle. Oil! Solillnr'H Kxierlmice, M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind,, writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doc tor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, whicii worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 3 Yoa will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for bolls. Subscribe for Tub Chkoniclk, Subscribe for Tun Ciiuomclk. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 9 L. Lane, OKNKKAl. Biacksmiin i ...AND... ') Horsesnoer p. m. Monday, Wvilni'ixhy Krldny, 7;(K)n. in. AVIIIiiiiiiittii mill iiiiiiiiiii iiivitrN. II CI Vny- Tuowlny, Ml 1 . i Milium) , ii in ii i i iiiviirN. JlonilAV. Niliiriliiy, orwon CItv. DuvIihimihI 'Wcilm-wiiy Wiiy-IjiiiilliiK. .'! .Tl) ii. m. iioniiny, U'llVl! Itipiirlii iliilly. it. in. I Himkti Ulr. l'.lpnrlu to lAiwInton. '1a'vc U'Wliton dally, 8.:ju.iu. Tiirtu-H .luHlrlnir to e to llemmcr or Ihiiiilh mi i.DiuiiiDiii niiiuiaTii vin iiikks, utioulil tiiku No. '., luuvlllK Tins DiilltM nt UXt p. m. mitkliiK iitni!t (.'oniicatloiiN nt Ilupimcr Junction mill IllKk'h. HutiirnliiK mtiiiliiKillri'ctcoiiiivctlon ut Ili.'iipiiur Junction mid IIIkkk with iNo. 1. ar rlvliiK at Thu iMllen ill l:l'i p. m. l'nr further pnrtlciilnrs, cull on or Hclilrcw J AH. IIIKI.A.NI), AkwK, TIiu DiiIIwi, Otiiton. Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Mgnh. Piionc 159 OO YIIARt' EXPERIENCE mm TRADE MARKS JCSIONS COPVRIOHTS AC. Anyone (ending a ikclrh and docrlptlon ma'' quickly uicertaln our opinion freo whether Invention Ii probaDly pntentablo. Conimunlrr Moim strictly confidential. Iliuidbookou I'atenU lent free. Oldeit niieiicy forocurlu(t paleiin. I'atei.u taken tbrouiih Munu k, Co. recelVM tvtcial notice, without cliargo, in tbo Scientific American. A handiomely lllnatrateit weekly. T.nrMt elr riilatlon or any wilenilHo Journal. 'I'erini. 93 a rein our monthi, f 1. Sold ljr all netmdealer. CONTEST NOTICE. IJNITKIt KTATICK ImNU OKFICK, I Miiy 11, l',K). ( A MiltlicleiitcontuttiillliJiivIt IniviiiK U-eii lllril in UiIh oltlco by O. AiiKiut KniiiuUt, couU-Ht-nut, ulimt lioiiif.tciid ;iitry No. lili'l, iniiilii April II, 1SU7, for Wj N Bwi ill mid 12 k NJ-.Ji Hvo :u, Tp I! N, it I'J K.liy ltlliiy,l.(llu.con4 tcte, In which It I iiiltKMl thutbHhl ItiluyJ. (ilrthao from tho llth ility of Ajirll, IW7, uii to Iho iirenent duto nevor bevu on tho piuue, never entsbllnlitd hlH roldenco thereon, mid that lio un aumiuoiii-u uiu iraoi, Aim Hint 0 IICK(!1 ahaudomnent h not duu to defeudaut'ii c-inplfiy. ineiit In tho Military or imvul service of tho IJnllwl Klattn aald iwrtlon are hereby nollllwl to appear repond and oiler evldenco toiiehlnir da Id Hllegatlon at 10 o'clock n. m.nii Juno'i, 1001, before the register and reeelver at the United Htalei land olllco In The IMIIcs, OruKon. .TH?.J!1S.c"n.tof,S.,,t "? H proper iirlldit. ylt, llled Hay 4. 1001, net forth factJ which hiv that afterdue diligence tiertional ervlco of thia notice cannot bo made. It in hen-liv iiniir.i u,i directed that nuch notice bo given by duu and projier publication. w16 JAV I', J.UCAB, itexiatcr. TTie ColumDia Packingco.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKHH OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF, ETC. J.K. HCIUNCK, frealdeut. .Max a, Voiit. t'unhiei FM national Back. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buninesa tranaacted )n-,HlJI ruulnml ...1,1,.... i.. , . n ii 4, Drn or Ohok. Collection!) made and prooeeda promptW ii .eraJt1 on dv ot collection. Slant and Telegraphlo sohanKe iol,l New York, San FranoUoo an, "ort. land. Ed. M. VfivvuM, Gao. A, Liui H, M. Bkali., Complete Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring. Suitings Tho tiiiio will noon bo horn when verF Htyliah droHsiid until will wunt un iip-w (lute Spring Knit. Thoao uro tho kind oi pntrnnH 1 itm tiillotini? for. Coiiio I" Hiid look ovor my Hpriiif liim ni .Suitings All tho Intent novoltioa for 11)01. Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In all Its tK there liouhl bo cleanllue. I Ely's Cream Balm clauMi,iootuenaniUiuala Ihu dlgei iiieinhraue. It curtm catarrh ami drlvoa away a cold hi tho head ....i. 1. 1.. juivaijr, i. w, . , thn unilrlll, WW8 over the weuihraiio and It abiwrhtd. 'UM!V1P wdlalo and a euro followa. It U not Wt not produce neczlnj;, large Hle, ceaw -glito or by mall j Trial BUc, 10 cenU hy "' fc M.Y WWTUBIW, 60 Warreu rti N it " mat