The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY - MAY 25, 1901 J. A. EBERLE. Tii in rl inn Merchant Tailor, Second street, opposite Mays & Crowe. We have an excellent line of Spring SuitinRB, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest stylet), and guarantee a perfect tit. CONSTITUTION DOES NOT FOL LOW THE FLAG. A special to the Record-Herald from "Washington says: The decis ion of the supreme court of the United States is that the constitu tion doss not follow the flag. This decision, the most important that great tribunal has ever made, will be handed down nest Monday. The decision is in favor of the gov ernment, but by a divided bench. There will be at least five individual opinions, but some of these are con curring opinions, expressing the views of the writers more fully and particularly than is done in the opinion of the majority. The court goes back to the period in which the republic was formed, and the constitution framed, and endeavors to ascertain what was tbe intent of the founders of the natiou. Tbe opinion of tbe majority of the court disposes of the uniform tax ation clause of the constitution, which has been invoked by all the appellants in these cases, in the fol lowing manner: ''The framers of the constitution, in writing that clause, had no thought of its application to territorial pos sessions. No such question as is now presented bad arisen in their minds. The clause 'all duties, im posts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States,' the court holds, was placed in the con stitution as a result of the jealousies of the states which united in form -ing the nation. It was intended to prevent any state or combination of states securing advantage over an other or others; to prevent the ports ot one state gaining preference over those of another in the importation of goods. "This rulo of uniformity was made primarily for the states united, the court holds, not for territories then possessed or afterward acquired, and the constitutional requirement is satisfied as long as all duties on im ports are uniformly imposed at all ports throughout the United States. The advantage of this uniformity may be extended to territories and possessions not states and not mem bers of the American union, but it is for congress to determine under the authority ot the constitution." The Iloppncr Gazette comes to us this week with tbe names of Fred Warnock and E. 1 Michel! at its mast-head. We have not the pleas ure of a personal acquaintance with Mr. Warnock, but wo do know Mr. Michcll to bo a most worthy and exemplary young man, whoso ability and industrious habits aro bound to keep tbe Gazette up to the high standard so long maintained by its former owners, Messrs. Otis Patter son and J. W. Reddington. If there must be another rouqd of tariff tinkering, as tbe Oregon ian intUU, let it come, but let tbe tinker ing be done by the friends of pro- tcction, and not by its .enemies. Our past experience with democratic revision of tariffs lias been too recent and too costly to allow the business interests of the country to view with complacency nuothor revision by the same party. OUR CHURCHES The Christian Scientists hold their services at the residence of Mrs. W. Lord Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Thursday afternoons at 3. St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. G. H. Lake, rector. Morning service at 11a.m. Evening service at 7:30. Sun day school, 12:15. All are invited. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. U. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. ni. and S p. m, in the new church on Union street. Sunday school at 10 a. ni. ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and Union streHe Preparatory service for communion at 10 o'clock ; confirmation service 10:30; Sunday school 12:15; evening service S. Sermon by Theophil Schoenberg, student of the Chicago Eng. Lutheran seminary. Congregational ctinrnh corner Fjfth I and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling, ! pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 7:45 p. m. At the morning service the mixed choir will render an anthem. The male quartet will furnish a number in the evening, and Mrs. Parr will sing as an offertory, "Beyond the Gales of Paradise," by King. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. Ulysses F. Hawk pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday echool at 10 a. in.; clasB meeting at close of morning service ; Epworth League ut 7 p. m ; Junior League at '.i p. in ; evening service at S. Ciasti meeting every Tuesday even ing at S. Prayer meeting Thureday evening at S. In the evening the mem bers of the local G. A. R., W. R. C. and home guard will attend service in a body. The public is cordially invited to all services. A Fireuiuu'H Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., "I waH weak and pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit ters and, after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, ! atreogth and vigor from their use. Try (hem. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, thedruggist. PriceoOcents. 2 Hates to Pan-American Exposition, Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from The Dalles, f 8 1.90. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during June, July, August, September and October.good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply- I ing to agent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalles, whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf James Iiiei.a.n, Agent Your face Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and CIrin Ti'mntlAno Tf iiimi n m tint i i weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparilias and so called purifiers fail; knowing this wo sell every bottle on a positive. guarantee. Blakeley, tb druggist. The Carnahy market has, by long odds, the best varietv of fresh vegeta- 1 bles and fruits to be found anywhere in The Dilles. If ycu don't believe it call and see. m 23-25 DoWitt'a Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels the im purities speedily with no discomfort. They are famous for their efiicacy. Easy to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharrnacv. , When your hair appears dry and to I have lost its vitality it wants something , to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have the Crown of Science Hair rfSjfofegfe Grower and Cocoanut CreamTHafl Tonic. They will cure dand sassaBsT ruff and all scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of tbe skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded, 25cts and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Ico cream and ice cream soda now on Up at A, Keller's. al3tf FOR about thirteen years time to politics than to 1b that my business has Buffered, at, least, I propose to devote more time and less to politics, provided the other let me. During these yeara some features have come into practice among business men that were not con sidered proper or neceseary at that time. Among them is the scheme of prntlt-sharing or giving to some lucky customers a valuable present. 1 propose to do something in this line myself. For each fifty cents paid to mo for goods fur nished I will give the customer a numbered coupon. On eacli Saturday at 9 p. m. 1 will give away two presents one, a year's subscription to any $1 period ical desired, and the other, one copy of some of the famous pictures neatly framed, the customer can also make a choice of these as tiiere are a number to Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies The "Bailey-Batzert" f The finest and fastest stern wheel boat on the Columbia River Will Make DAILY TRIPS between The Dalles and Portland, Mon days excepted, arriving here from Port land at 3 p. m. and returning at 4 p. m. $ JOHN Wilkinson -IS NOW WOOL AND 1 Wool Graded and Baled. Wool Bought anJ Sold on Commission. Correspondence Solicited. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. OO YIIAR8' EXPERIENCE mm TRADE MARKS jFllnNS COPVRIQHTS 4(5. Anyone sanding- a (ketch and description ma' quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether n Invention Is prouaolr patentable Comuiunir Hons strictly confidential. Handbook on I'utentf tent freo. Oldest alienor for securing patents. i'utei.u taken tbroufb Muuii k Co. recelrw iptcial notic, without charge, jo too Scientific Mmttim. A handsomely lllustratd weekly. Trst clr filiation of any rlentldn journal. Terms, 13 a year: Bold, by all newsdealer". I have devoted moro business. The result bo given away before supply 1h exhausted. In ad dition, every month I will give several valuable nres nts. On June 5th the presents will be a fine Bihlo, a Webster's International Dictionary, one year's sub scription to a fl periodical and one Boys' Bu" Bet. The presents to bo given away on July (1th will bo announced later. 1 hope to con lino mvself in these presents to ar ticles in my own lino so that 1 will not interfere with sale of goods in other Hiiob. In addition 1 will give a dividend each month to the person who Iibb pur chased the most goods from mo. On Jauo 5th this will be :f5.0). You do not have to purchase ilfty cents worth at one timo to got a dividend check, as I Issue certificates of salo for less amounts which can be exchanged for dividend check when they amount to fifty cents. If clerk does not give yon checks or or certificates when you make U T fit AM a purchase, ask for them. III. I HULHIi For a time, to business fellows will. & Burget Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tiro of using so-called kiilimv remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxual Pills and he forever rid of those dull pains In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have nil your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the nee of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Soxual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wiiynu, Indiana. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. FILLOON, Agent, $, The Dalles, Oregon. J Warehouse OPEN AS A SAM WILKINSON, Prop. CONTEST NOTICE. Unitkii Statkh Imnd Oim;i:, i Muy 11, imn. j A Mllllclent contest iilllditvlthiwiliK been jilcI III tlilH otlico by O. AiiK"t Kriifiulkt. contest tint, whist )iometeiid entry No. lliyi, made April 1 1, im7, for w; mv si m mm a ., ni. i Bw IB. T. a N. It 12 K.ty,',' testee, III wliloli H Im hI.ckkI tlmt Mild HiluyJ. (ilrtliax from tlio nth day of Aiiril, lh'J7, nit to the pieseiit date never been on the place, never established his reildeueo thereon, unit Unit he has abandoned tnetruct. Ami that the ill lentil abandonment In not duo to defendant' employ J',1!1.1 10 miliary or naval service of the United Httiten ssld turtles ate hereby notified lo appeur. respond and otter evldeueo tonchliiK nald alienation at 10 o'clock a. in. on Junu&P. 1U01, before tbe register and receiver nt the United btatea laud oftlee lit Tbe Dalles, OreKon. Tbe said contestant bavin-, in u protnr iidldii ylt, filed May 4.1ml, aet forth facta Xoli I Simv tbataftrduudlllKenceiiersoiial ervleu of this notice cannot be made, It In hereby ordered ami directed that such notice be Hlveu by due and proper publication. wl& JAY I MJOAH, Iteglster. Storage Wrti i Just What You uuant. New ideas in Wall Paper hum. Such wide variety us wo are Bhowing never be fore graced a Hingle stock. Real imita tion enston clients at ordinary prices. Good paperB at cheap paper prices. j Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours ; for a small price, at our Atom on Third street. Also a lull lino ot house paints. D. W. VATTSE, Third St. 1 NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. We lime on wile 11 lull Hue of SoiiEb anil Dressed Lumber Mouldings, Braokota, Laths, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which wo will sell at live and let live prices. (iivo lift n trial ami we will treat you rlKht. GJLBRETH & SON Third ami Pmlarul HU. i L. Lane, (JKNKKAl. Wagon and Carrlago Work. Flah Brothers' Wagon. Third and JelTcnu. Phone 159-1 TtieColumtiiaPacKiogCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANIIKACTIIKKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIED BEEF. ETC. J.H. HcimNOK, President. Max A, Voiit, (.'udhloi FM National Bank. THE DALLES - orroow A General Banking Basineaa tranBaoted Depcaite received, aubleot to Bight Collections made and proceeds proraptlt at 1 1rem,Ui!Bd oa uv ot olleotion. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on new York, Ban Franolaoo anc'. Port land. 2 P. THOMSON, Jwo. 8. 80BBNUK. 60. Mi WiLMAin, Gko. A. Lima. . iU UBAI.b. BlacRsmiin ANDaa Horsesnoer ..Oregon Shopjline Union Pacific AMD DKl'A UT Kill CIllCHKO- l'orthiiul HliCCllll. lT.Vt. ni. vlrt Hunt lllKtoll. Atlrtlltll! Kxprexs, 11:!) ii. m. vln Illlllt lllKton. Ht. l'lllll Knit Mull, ):Z'V- . via Hm knne. TIMK HOItKIWJ.KH VKOM THK DAM.KM. rnoit Halt Uike, ilenver, Kt. Worth, Onuilin, Knit aiuiUty.Ht.lnU.Oiil cairn ami tint Kitit. 1:05 p.m. Bait Uikv, Denver, Kt Worth, Oiimliii, Km, MN(;ity,Hl.lnils,ji. ciiko and the ICnst. 1:15 a, a. Walhi Wallh. Ixiivlntiiii Hpokanc.WnlUco.l'iill. mini, Mliincni)llH,Ht l'lllll. lMlllltll.Sllhvm. StfOa.a, kee, ChlciiKoiind Kml, OCEAN AND EIVER BOHEDULE Prom rortliiiiii. (All siiIIIiir ilatcn sub. I Jeut to ehiuiKe.) I'or Han I'miiicImm), Ball every fi days. H:U) ). in. 1:0) p.m. Dully t'.XI'ojlt Hiiiuliiy, .":) p. in. Saturday, W:W i. in. Dully exeunt Hnniiiiy, CiiIiiiiiIiIh Itlviir. i;W p.u. except H unlay, To Astoria anil Way IjiiiiIIiikn. U'llliiniiittx Itlvnr. Ori-Kon City. Newherc 1 m; hiilt-lil. lndi'iiynili'iiiii. vl" i',;(m) ii. in. Tiii'nliiy, TlnirMlay, Siitniilay, li.lil it. in. ' mid Wiiy-UindiiiKs. BimJjy, I TOii.m. Monday, WeilurMlir Krlmy. CnrvalllN mid Way IjiihIIiiki. Tuesday, AVllluiiiiittx mill 3:3i)p. ra TlnirMlay, Viiuililll l(lvr. Monday, iatiirilay, ().,. ;lv Dvtou and WulmtOiiy 7 .u a. m. Wiiy-hiiidliiKs. rWr. I'ave Itlpnrlu Hintkii Ulvor. Irfsre IicnUton ilnlly, S:3Ju,rj. .'iftoV. iii. Klparlu to Ixnvlstiin, i 1 I'll. I,... liMlrltlir ff.i .... ... Iliihnn.. iioiutx on Columbia Boutlierii via IIIkks, ihould take No. ', leavliiK The DalUw nt VIM p. a. mnkiiiK dlreet (.'onui'ctloiiK ut llcpjiticr Junction mid HIkk. HeturuliiK miikiiii-illri'Ctcoiiiiectlon at Hcppucr iiiiictloii mid HIkks with No. 1, at rlvuiK at The Dalleh at i:ivi p. m. Kor further particillarN, eall on or mlilrcM JAH. IKKIANI), AKtrnt, The Dalles, Ontun. ft Complete of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUQQ1ST. Spring Suitings The tiniii will hooii li hum when Htyliah dreoaed iiiuii will want an uP'j ilutu Spring Suit. TIioho ro tlm Kina.0' patrons 1 am tailoring for. f0!"Bn" and look ovor my Spring lino ol bulling"' All tho latoat iiovultieH for l0l. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In all Ita itai;i tUcro llioulil be cIvsnliuoiH. Ely's Cream Balm cle&nes,iootuegandhvali the diseased iiieuiuraue. It cures calarrlt ami drlvce away a cold In the head iulckly, tireHui Italm is placed Into the norl 7Jm rtr tue uiemlirami and la aborbJ. 1'", ovr tue memiirane ami la ausorw. " . mtdlsto and a euro follows. Tit Ii ' "llSim wot produce siiwuIhk, Largo Hliti W esoW1 Itlsts or hy mall j Trial 8Uo, 10 cut T w -wb M.Y IHWTHKHH, 00 Wurrcu Wrti I,w HP