PBHSE & MHYS. Our standards are never pormittod to bo lowered for the sake of price but our prices are always held at the lowest point. Our constant aim is to improve the standard of this business to sell better goods, at the same low price, and to discover better merchandise. We state with utmost, assurance that more real bargains are oll'ered (-very dav in this store than in an' other store in town. Some Attractions in our Dry Goods Department. Wash Silks in fitripoB and plaids; the ends of this fiuiiHon'fl Htock. Considered good value lit 50c per yurd. We odor them tliift week nt 38Xcperyard Wash Fabrics Special drive of Dimity Corda at 4)4 c per yard i New Arrivals Our in our SHOE Men's Furnishing Dept. Department. New Oxfords Neckwear : and Correct ideas for conser vative dressers or "hot ( stuff" for the up-to-date young men. ! New shapes in four-in-hands, bows and "bat wings. 50c See display in window. Sandals.. The young miss without a pair of oxfords or sandalc will be lonesome thiB season. Every young lady ought to have a pair for summer wear; thev're so cool and comfortable. Our ox ford and sandal prices run something like this : Misses', 11. to 2 $1.10, 1.15, 1.25, 1 Child's, S.'o to 11 r tit. -i -4 t m r m toe, :jj, J. io ana i.zo ' Child's, r, to 8 75c, 90c, $1.15 and 1.25 The styles are so pretty that mother will let hnr have a pair when she sees them. a-XjU goods 3VEu&.xt.xs:x:x ikt rrjAiKr lo-xmEjs. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Fill DAY MAY 24. li)01 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. - . m TREASURER'S NOTICE. All U'hhdo County wurruntM ri:ltit(rl Itrlor tn .liiiiuiiry It, 1HKH, will l lil mi iriiHiiiitittliiii ut my utttvit, JnturnMt ittiuHitH Hftxr Aluy "4, J (Ml I. .IOIIN V. IIAMI'HIIIHE, County Trwiurr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Dressed spring chickens at the Stadol inan Commission Co.'h 24-tf Lost A firu jioliceman'e badge num hered "(i." l'leuse return to this office. m24-:it The Huiley Gatzort resumed her run yesterday, and arrived here toduy at about 11:20 p. in, A game of baseball will be played June lid between The Dalles aud Hood Hi vol umes at Hnr.d Jliver. The ladies of the Lutheran church will have cake mid rye broad at Mr. N'iekelseii's store tomorrow. The river stood at IIO.lt feet above zero n 8 this moruinir, a fall of four-tenths feet since yesterday morning at the same hour. M. P. Isenborg, of Hood River, 1ms been invited to deliver an oration before the G. A. It. at Heppnor on Memorial day. Inst Sunday morning the IiUIh around Antelope wore Pressed in a white robe of snow, while u heavy rain fell in the valley. For rent Two or three rooms suitable for light house-keeping. AUo a house of two rooms suitublo for baching. In quired this ollice. -Miu'Jt lie euro and attend tho meeting at the commercial club rooms tonight if you have any interest In the growth and up building of the city. The Dalles needs u pay roll. Attend the mooting at the club rooms tonight nnd leurn how something may be done tin, I I...l !..,. tl.Su linn The new hell for the Lutheran church Iiiih arrived and will be rung for the litefi I tliiut niivt KiitwWv mnrnini?. The timol of its dedication will be, announced later J Judge Bradnhaw thiB morning ren dered a decision striking out certain portions of the complaint in the case of Paul G. Kruger ve. Dalles City. The plaintiff will Hie an amended complaint. Miea Lola Tliompsop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, It. Thompson, who has been seriously ill of pneumonia, was holding her own at last accounts, with a faint proBpect of ultimate recovery. Her father, who was on the way to Buffalo, was reached by telegraph this morning, and is expected back here in a couple of days. It is devoutly hoped that he may find his daughter on the road to recoveiy on his return. The Hood Itiver council is thrifty. Having "discovered" that dog skins are worth $3 a piece, it has ordered the marshal to turn over to the city the pelts of all dogs he may officially slay for non-payment of the dog tax. Now that the driving matinee is over, the driving asssnciation will take up the matter of a celebration on the Fourth. An announcement of their action and purpose may be expected at any time during the next two or three days. Do you want to borrow money on real estate, at 0 per cent Interest, payable in three to ten years, without commission or bonus of any kind? If you do, we are the firm that can accommodate you. You can repay the loan in monthly in stallments without feeling the loss. If you are tireil of paying rent and want to own your home, come and see or write to us. Hudson it Drownhili, The tlalli.o Oi'imriti P O rlrnu-pr 1.1 'J ho wire for Uie power plant ol the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company has arrived. There is a whole car load of it divided up into 181 bales, each of which will stretch half a mile, the whole mak ing ninety miles of wire or three times the distance between The Dalles and White Itiver falls. Tho polos are ex pected here by any train when the work of lelivering them u the ground and sotting them up will be rushed to com pletion. It pays farmers to know jiiBt what vacant land there is in their township. Sometimes very valuable land is smug gled, and the poHsoeniun of a correct plat might be the means of giving you a good farm. We uro hi a posilion to furnish complete tuwnship plats of any township in Oregon or Washington, cor rected up to date, showing vacant and occupied lands, streams, railroads, towns, and other useful information, for the sum of .fl each. It. will pay you to in vestigate this matter, if you are inter ested. Enclose L'-cent stamp for reply and address Hudson & Urownhill, The Dalles, Oregon. W. K. Abrame, formerly of this cityv and later a partner of Ben Snipes in his unfortunate hanking venture at IloBlyn, Wash., filed a petition in bankruptcy in the United States court, Portland, Wednesday. Tho liabilities of the peti tioner have grown out of the hank part nership aud subsequent failure, although he had no capital in the concern and had only a working interest as manager. The list of liabilities of petitioner com prises twelve pages of names, and amouutfl to 1(2(10,000.87. His assets con sist of property couveyed for the benefit of credltore November 25, 1801, valued at 1(279,000 amount realized therefrom not known aud other iiroperty of the value of 3G0. Take the Children to the Show. DoeB your memory ever call you back to the day when you were a fair-haired little "tot," and the advance agent of the old-time circuB invaded your little home town with Iub pretty pictures of prancing ponies, elephants, dogs doing all sorts of tricks, aud ye merry old clown with hie funny painted face and grotesque garb and the innumerable wonderful things to Bee? Of course it does. Do you remember how you'- heart beat, aud how you ionged for the time to come when the circus would arrive, and after counting the weekB and days and hours the time arrived and the "greatest show on earth" appeared? Was that not one of the happiest days your life? Without doubt it was. The man muBt be blase indeed who cannot associate his first circus with the happy days of youth. Time has passed since then. You may have little men aud Important Notice. All persons interested in the es tablishment of a woolen mill at The Dallee, are requested to be preeent in the Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock tonight when a most important proposition will be submitted for the consideration of every person who has any in terest in the growth aud well-be-ing of the city. As a large attend ance is earnestly desired, every body is cordially invited. N. WlIli.W.DO.V, President Dulles Commercial Club women of your own now, who will ex perience tho Bame joys and sensations, the expectations and tho disappoint ments that you did. Norria & Howe's Big Trained Animal shows will exhibit in this city tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon and night, under their enormous waterproof tents, which will be located at Madison and Second. Do not fall to take the little ones to this great moral show; do not fail to let them see the new big free spectacular street carnival aud children's fairyland parade, which will be given on the morn ing of tho exhibition, Norris & ltowo's shows is eminently suited and adapted to amuse the little ones. You win not crowd too much sunshine into their lives. Their happiest days are now, and they will remember the day spent ut Norris & Howe's shows in after years as one of the happiest of their lives. Do not disappoint the little ones. The Carnaby market has, by long odds, the best varletv of fresh vegeta bles and frultB to be found anywhere in The Dalles, If you don't believe it call aud see. m28-25 Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pattou strictly mire liquid paints The Driving AMnclatlnn Mntlnno. Tho first matinee of Tho Dalles Driv ing Association was held yesterday af ternoon and was a decided success. All the business hollies closed promptly at 1 o'clock, and by the time the first speed trial was under way there were any where from 800 to 10C0 people on the grounds. Tho D. C. A A. C. brass band dis coursed excellent music and pleasantly filled up the inevitable intervals be tween the races. The entries for the first contest, trot ting, best three in five, were Dr. Fergii snn'ji Nelly Bly; J. P. Mclnemy's Fan ny, and K. 6, McCoy's Dick. Nelly Bly won tho two first heats and roce. Time, l.ol and l.ol.V The interval between the two heats was enlivened by nn exhibition of Jud Fish's splendid driving team, which made the round of the Hack in 1.3S and the mile in 3.15. The second roce was a splendid con test between Fred Fisher's Edmond S., II. L. Kuck's Freak and Grant Mays' 'Mack. John Roth, of Kingsley, was permitted to enter the contest with his unnamed trotting stallion; but after scoring with the rest boUi disappeared from view and, unlike the tabby cat in the song, never came back. Mack won the first heat in 1.24, but withdrew from the contest in the second heat on ac count of having cast a shoe. The second heat was won by Edmond S. ; time 1.26. The third heat by the same; time 1 25. Not the least interesting of the con tests was the pony race. There were three, entries Henry Heabner, Ora Bngley and Ted Seufert, the latter on an Indian pony not much bigger than a Shetland Sheltie. It was n quarter mile race and the pony ran like light ning in spite of the fact that Bagley crowded the pony and ite rider against the pole in a manner that it was a won der didn't re?ult disastrously for one or the other of them. The race was given to Ted Seufert. and he not only earned it, but richly deserved it even If he hadn't earned it. The most interesting race of all waB the pacing contest between L. A. Por ter's Solo and W. H. Hobsou's Prim rose. Solo won the first heat; time 1.15; The second heat was won by Primrose ; time 1.12, and the third heat and race by Solo; time 1.11. One of the moFt interesting events of the matinee was the exhibition of three superb 2 year-old colts, the gets of the famous stallion, Multnomah, which died last year. Three handsomer animals of their class the eye never gazed on, and the Bight of them was worth the whole price of admission to the matinee. They belong respectively to Messrs. D. V. Poling, Frank French and E. C. Peaee, of this city. i Memorial KxerclxeH at liberty. The teacher and pupils of the Liberty school have prepared the following pro cram for Thursday afternoon, May 30th, and to which they cordially invite tho parents and all friends of education : Souk America School HIhr Sulutu School Origin ol Memorial day James Solluck Hec Sleep, Soldiers, Sleep" ... Krmu lloltoit MuicJ Kecitation" Mav" Myrtle Selleck Heading "Driving Homo tho (Jowh" Kiiwani Underwood Cln-sDiill- "Memorial Day" tour Pupils .Soi'g--"Decoration Ode" .. School Kec- -"Sow for Sheaves" . .. (ieorgo IIatiuga Memorial Quotations,. . .i School Kec "The Hoy and tho Soldier". .Kloyd Woolery Mus-iu Heading "Memorial Day ' .Agnex Hastings Kec "The Memorial Day' ....Jessie I'ndi'rwoud Hec- -"Decoration Day"... .Mary Meholsou Song "Tribute to the liravc" School Heading "A Now Memorial Day" Hon1 Wilson Kssay -"Memorial Day' .. . (.'. H. Deems Mubln Hec -In Memo.-y ol the Maine .Maggie Hastings Address "The Soldier l!jy" . .Owen Evans Queries ... School Song "Scatter the Flowers' School iieeilation "Decoration Day" . Hay Hell Hec "Sheridan's Hide" . Hcrtlm I'ndexuood Heading-" The Nation's Di ad' ;. it. Deems Music Hccltation "The llluu ami the Gray". M ir cf si Selleek Song "Hattlo Hymn oi tho Hepubllo", . . School C. it. Dkkms, Teacher. Kates to l'uu-A liltirlcuu Kxli.iHitliin, Kound-tnp rates via O. H. A N. from The Dalles, fSI.90. Tickets on sale firet and third Tuesdays during June, Jul j , August, September and October.good for continuous passage going on date of sale. IMurn limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will he allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can he made by apply ing to agent O. It. it N. Co., The Dalles, whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf Jamks Iiu:i,nd, Agent (i. A. It. Notice. Members of J. W. NeBinith Post, No. 32, W. R. C, No. 17, and Company D, O. N. G., are requested to meet at G, A. H. hall on Sunday evening, May 20, 1001, at 7 :30 sharp, to march In a body to the M, E, church to listen to the an nual memorial sermon to be delivered by Itev. U. F. Hawk. By order It. L. Aki.v, rost Com. Ico cream aud ice cream soda now on tap at A. Keller's. al3tf Subscribe for The Cmto.sioi.it. ...The New York Cash Store. 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Wo .arc now showing a full lino of summer waists in percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so handsome and attractive as this season. We make a specialty of White Waists. Call early and inspect this line, as we are sure we can satis fy tho most fastidious. No trouble to show goods. ..MAIER & BENTON- Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools of all kinds, Large Stock of Fishing Tackle, Eubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries, also Bic3rcles rented and repaired, Full lino of Granite Ware and Tin Ware, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles. Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices. Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments are complete. Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will X'" have prompt attention. We will meet any and all Competition. A. - We Positively Will Not Be Undersold. ..MAIER & BENTON.. I 107 SECOND STKEET. PHONES NO. 4. l'EKSOSAI. MENTION. Frank Aldrich was in town today from Goldendale. Mr. Hobt. Mavs, Jr., and wife, of Antelope are in town. Hon. G. W. Johnston, the Dufur mer chant, waB in town toduy. Mr. T. W. Ayrcs and wife, of Hepp ner, are in the city visiting their dauRh ter, Mrs. Forwood. T1. f!. nmwB. manaser of the Colfax Telephone Exchange, and eon arrived here on this morning b train to visit rel atives and friends. CASTOR 8 A For infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 82guaturo of Talk is cheap but results count. It takes money to make money, llinleon & Hrowuhill evidently are aware of this, consequently they are spending n lot of money advertising, not only in the home papers (for they believe in patron izing home industries) hut also in the Oregonian and Eastern papers. They are not uf'iiid to branch out; they know how to reach buyers, and this accounts for the larue number of sales they have made within the lust few mouths. They get "results." They have clients who are looking for a large sheep farm uud range, a large cattle farm and range, and a few Eastern buyers who are look ing for laruiB worth from !f2000 to .fSOOO. Jf you have property of this kind to illspose of, now is your time to see Hud son .V Hrowuhiil and list it with them. ASK FOR THE FOR MEN Copyrighted Sold only by H. Herbring, The Dalles, Or. u Besiant The lClite barber shop is now running four chairs, thus giving patrons the quickest service consistent with good work. The finest baths in the city for both ladies and gentlemen. Special at tention given to children's hair-cutting and ladies shampooing. The only bar ber shop In cite cityusing f teaiii-laiin-dried linen. nil.'Mf W. A. Crawford, Prop. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday, Don't forget this. Subscribe for Tuu Cmto.Nioi.K. L. Y. Hone, I'rop'r. first-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT Al.r. IIOl'KS. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 St'coml St., Thf Dalles., Or WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -i'.V.l. Local, 102. Acker's English Hemedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded, 25 cts. and 50 cts. illukeloy the druggist.