The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 23, 1901, Image 4

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Will be at THE DALLES,
Saturday, (Day 25th, 1901
Tent? will bo located corner Second and Madison Sts.
300 -
- 300
d Hew litis Year !
All piTeoiiB nting Dalles City wntcr
for irriuivtliiK purposes bntwecn tliu 1st
tlity ot Mty mill tliu 1st. dny of Septum
bur, will obsurvu tliu following' rulue inn)
roguiutiuiiH :
l,er.imp will bo permitted to uno tliu
writer liolovv tliu lilnir on all uvun iIiivh,
nnd aliovu tin Mull' on nil odd duyo
from (i o'clock 11. in. until 8 u. in., and
from 0 o'clock p. in. until S p. in.
Tlio abovu ruluH must bu tttrictly coin
plied with, ami any infraction of tliu
nhos'u ruloa will subject tliu ollondur to n
lino of $1, and tliu watur will bu shut oil'
until paid ; ami for u second oH'ence
doublu tliu utiiouul.
I Tliu following cliarKt'S" will bu iniidu :
i For ono full lot ftOxlOO, sfl.oO pur month,
i Kach additional lot $1.'.." ; half lot. 76 cte.
J All puraoiiH uaiui water in closet or
1 toilet will see to it that tliu water la shut
loll' when not In u?u, or watur will be
i abut oil' altogether if allowed to run to
waste. .1. I. Oitossii.v,
I Sunt. Dalles City Watur Works.
mi ivii
WiirlcliiR ii-l llimri liny,
There's no rest'for those tireless little
little workurg Dr. Ividh'h Now I'iila.
Millions aru always busy, uiiritm Torpid
Liver, Jaundice, Hilliouaiieaa, Fever and
Ague. Thoy banish Sick fleiiduehu,
drive out Malaria. Never uripe or
weaken. Small, taatu nice, work won
dura. Try them. L'ocat G. G. IJhikelev's
drug store. L'
Hnj'K II ii Wan Ttirturril.
"I piifiured such pain from corns I
could hardly viilk," writes II. Robinson,
Hillsborough, Ills., "hut liueklon's Ami-
; ca Salve completely cured them." Acta
like manic on sprains, bruises, cuts,
sores scalds, hums, boils, ulcers. Per
fect healer of skin diseases and piles.
Cure uuaranteed by G. C. Hinkolcy, the
druuiSHt. 'Joe. 'J
Ir.yiiijf ir;imilioi.s simply dovel
oj) dry catarrh ; they dry up tlio secretions,
which adhere to the numbrano nnd decom
pose), causing n, far more serious trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, funics, smokes and snuffs
and mo that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely'8 Cream Halm is such n. remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
c.isily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for It' cents. All drii'Rists bcII tho
iOo. sizo. Ely Brothers, M Wnrrou St., N. Y.
Tho lialm cures; without paiti, does not
irritato or causo BiieezinK. It spreads itself
over an irritated and nngry surface, reliev
ing immediately tno paiutui luuauniatiou.
Will, Tlv'c r!riinm ll.ilfii vnn nrrt nwiwitl
' a x i t . . i. I tt 7.1
aguiusi. i-iasiu vjaiarrii nuu iiiiy X'ovcr.
If you want to rutain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soup
will make your Imir harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
be3t preparations for uluaii3iii'' the
scalp lisri and l'ine Tnr Siiampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and ylossv.
I'rice, -.) and 60 cents a bottle, at's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Don't Kuti It In,
Juet wet the airected part freely with
Mysterious Pain (Jure, a Scotch remedy,
am! tho pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke &
Trnusaot n Gonoral Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issued availablu in
tlit Kasturn Status.
Sifht Hxclnnu-u and Telciiriiphie
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. L-niis, San Fraucij'co, I'ortlaud On
lon, Seattle WiHi., and various iomts
in Oregon nnd Wiishington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
l'oi- I'urttiK" Kullwiiy I.aiulM at llin
(IINt'llllll lilll'IIS.
SoaVil Mils will lie tcn-Uti! Iiy tile hiwinl of
rmttnirr pomniiHilouer of Hie Hlnloof Otiumi
lllilll - oYlaok p. m. Mny Jl. 1DI. anil then liilli
Holy niteiieil. fur tliu iiite!iiiM of a Irm'tof lit i tt I
n'-jnlubn the t'lilttil Htitte Uiiveriniieiit lie
mtvc iibivi- the tiiiiicr entrance to Hie looks In
tin-Columbia rler, iK'KtiuiltiKiit it point nti the
oust bomiil.try lttu of the I' ntti-it Stale (invorn
inent lUvierw) iiliiety-elulit mill (mr lenlhs
C.ii. I) feet nortli of the Mtiltlieast rorner Iheteof,
thonee northeusterly pmillelliiK the tnit'k of th
ilri'Kon Itiillway miti Nuvlpilloti Cipni)iiny
eleven humlteil (WW) f et, IioIiik a strip eleven
lumilrecl feet Iouk lietweou the truck of
Hie iitllroml rititiiiutiv iitn! the Colunthhi river,
us mily ileverlheil at piiKe 101 Hook " I'," Iteeonls
of ileitis for Wnseo ('utility, Orenou, iiulhoilty
for sitltl Mile lielnu' Kruntnl by im net of the
tvoiity.lirt lei?sliillveiifMMiibly. roiiveynitue to
bo u b'lrjfiilu ti ml Mile docil.
Knelt bul limit bo iieeonipnnlctl by n rertllu il
cheek of tliu miionat of twenty C.M) per rent of
the bill, imvable to the stuto treniltcr, to he for
felted If the h.ilnneeof the iiiireluiM price Is not
paid within ten duyn niter iicceptmicu of the
Illtls should be mldri-sseil to the Heeiel iry ol
itiite nnd inilorsed "llhl for I'oiIiiki' Itnllwav
The llonnl of l'ortitf,'e Commissioners rocres
the rlKltt to reject nil nuil nil 111 Is,
T. T (IllKIt, (lovernor.
1". 1-. IM'NIIAl:, Secretnry of Stnte.
CIIAS.H. MOOKK.HtnteTriMsiirer.
nil w.ts
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Broad, Pies and Cakes. Also
all lcinds of Staplo and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Cut Out
Of thu product of thin well-known bruwury tliu United States Health
Ktiports for .lune US, 10(10, says: "A moro nupeiior bruw never entered
the labratory of the United .Status Health reports. It is ubolutu!y devoid
of thu slightest trneu of adulteration, but on the othur baud is roinpoHcil 0j
the best of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of thu hil,.
est and it can bu used with tho Ktuntesl bunullt and sathifaetion by old m,d
yoiuiK. lis lift) can coiiKcientioiisly be prescribed by tho physician with
"the cersaintv that a bettor, purer or moro wholesome beverage coultl not
possibly be found."
East Second Streot, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Clarke ti Falk'p flavonni; extracts are
tho best. Ask your v "eer for them.
A full lino of K.istman iilun and sup
plies jiHt received by Clarke & Falk.
j Enclose It to Me
j With Ten Dollars
' and I will furnish you all complete, readv
I for use, mv 11)00 Model No. 7 SANDION
! KLl.OTKK' HHIr. It is superior in
I make, quality and power to any belt of
j fered bv othur dealers for which they
J charge .t 10.
i This masterpiece of electro-medical
'science wi'l cure your nerve loss, your
I weakness, your kidneys, your stomach
! and poor "circulation by endowiiit; von
I with that vitality which builds up tho
system. Dnms are useless; they are
j harmful. My belt eurea wlnre barrels
i of medicines bavu failed. Why snller
lonm-r? I oiler yon an invieorant
which has no equal in thu world, for it
will drive out your pnin and make yuu a
stroiiL', sound man. Write for my illus
trated books free.
Dr. A. T. Sanden,
Rooms 18 and 20, Uussel Ittiildim;,
J-imeli -ditw .imo
Skin alfi'Ctions will readily disappear
by usiru DeWitt's. Witch lliwl S.tlve.
Look out for counterfeits. If you net
DeWitt's you will t;et itood results. It
is the quick and positive cure for piles.
Clarke A Talk's 1 O. I'onrm'ie1'.
Wasco WcttaKt Hi Ci,
Headquarters for Seed G rain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain otpiiidn
Headquarters for tolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XuIl
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Trained Elephants. Trained Ponies.
Trained Zebras. Trained Zebus.
20 Funny Clowns 20
Trained Monkeys. Trained Goats.
Trained Dogs. Trained Seals.
Don't miss the new big Street Parade
At 11:00 a. M.
Prices, Adults 50c; Children 25c
tt uown.
J.V Dlllll'H
( lit" A. M.
'i' i.., ..,i L,.
If Saturday...
ft. Arr. I'ortltiml
R ut i:ao 1. m.
Steamers ol the Iti'iiliitor Line will run iim per tliu fol-
owiiik fclirclule, tin., company rcK-rvhiK tliu rlijht to change 'j
bchvilulu without notice.
Str. Rc-BUlator
Str. " Iralda" ;
Leaves Cascades t! a. m. !
l.v. rortliind 1 A i,..ii,. i,i..m
lit 7 A M - wrtiii;n iu.iiu it, uii
. . .Mom'jay ; Leave Dulles 15 p. in.
,. . . .Friday, Arr. Cascades ;.!0 p. m,
Arr. Dalits 1
a fi p. m. Daily ex. rjiinduy.
Str. Dttllos City.
l.v. Dalles
at 7 A. h.
WciliieMlav .. ,
Arr. I'ortliittil
at l:.20 p. Mi
l.v . Portland .
at 7:00 a. m.
.... 'inutility
. ...Saturday
Air. Dalles '
ut a p. u.
Kxciireion Hts every S.iturduy for parties of fivo und unwiirds: D.iIIhh.
C White fjalmon mid inttirmediuto points, TiOc; Dalles to Caacudes, $1.00.
jj' For uti evenlnt trip take tlm "Iralda" at ! p. m. to Hood Kivor und r
j' turn oil the up bout.
C. Travel by the Steamers of the Iteauliitor Mne. The Conm.niv will iMiili.nvn tn i.ivn it i.nt- .
U r I... I....) .u ,. ......II.U L-... ... I.. I . . !- I
n iuiio imv wvoi. b iwu iJuiaiuiv. I'ui lillllll llllilf llllltioil mill ruin
Portland Office, Oak-Strcct Dock.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Can. At.
Bay Stallion, 4 years old; hoight hands, weight 1050
pounds. Sired by Zonibro, 2:11, tho best son of MeKin
noy, 2:1U.
Flrat (lain, Bridesmaid, by Uoxwood, son of Nutwood. Second dam, Laku
land Queen, dam of Ad Alene 2 2:20. by Lakoland'H Abdallali, eon of iluinbletqn
Ian 10. Third dum, Prunella, by Albauibra, sen of Mauibrino Cliief II.
EDMUND 6. will make the season of 1001 at L. A. Porter'n livery Btablo. The
Dallea, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20.
For further particulars see
Tine Hour is nmnufacturt'd (jxpressly lor family
use : every I'aek is uiummtccd to eive satisfaction.
Wri sell our (iikiiIr lower than any bouse in the trtide, mid i( you don't think to
call mid cut our prices and bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for "Wheat, Barley and Oats
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with
iif, for it will pay you.
AVo operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
X J. E. FALT & CO.,
T 'oprletor8 "The Owl."
Purest Liquors for Family Use 5
Delivered to any part of tho City.
I'honuH: fil Local,
858 Lung Distance.
173 Second Street.
Speaking of Blood Medicine :
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing
tbat cures. Do not forfret it; wo have it, at 76c per bottle (lurtfo bottie-n
Kiiumnteeil, or you may ot your money buck If not natlHllud.
wo oxoroiBo tlio Krentout uam. Wo enrry tliu mt und ubo tlu ln,S
pound Ink your plivuiciunH ordorfl. Our prlceH wo make ah low iia l couilB'
with ulllclont uurvlco,
We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything
appertaining to Drugs, 1'atont Medioinen, Sundries nnd l'botogrnph 6opP"
in30.dw4mo FRED PI3HER, ProDrietor.