The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 23, 1901, Image 3

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    PBHSB 5t MAYS.
- r.
Our standards arc never permitted to bo lowered for the sake of price but our
prices are always hold at the lowest point.
Our constant aim is to improve the standards of this business to sell better
goods, at the samo low price, and to discover bolter merchandise. We state with
utmost assurance that more real bargains are offered every day in this store than in
any other store in town.
Some Attractions
in our
Dry Goods Department.
in stripoa mid plaids; the ends of
thiH season's stock. Considered good
viilmi lit fiUc pur yurd. Wo odor
tlllllll tii'iH wuukiit
8Xc per yard
! New Arrivals
i in our
Special drives of Dimity Corde at
4X c per yard
Men's Furnishing Dept.
Correct ideas for conser
vative dressers or "hot
stuff" for the up-to-date
young men.
New shapes in four-in-hands,
bows and hat
wings. 50e
See display in window.
The young miss without a
pair of "oxfords or sandals will
be lonesome this season. Every
young lady ought to have a pair
for summer wear; thev're so
cool and comfortable. .Our ox
ford ami sandal prices run
something like this :
Misses', ll1.. to 2
$1.10, 1.15, 1.25, 1.50
Child's, 8'.? to 11
75c, $1, 1.15 and 1.25
Child's, o toS
75c, 90c, $1.15 and 1.25
The styles are so pretty that
mother will let her have a pair
when she pees them.
.a.xjXLi goods ivxTvnicEr) iro" plain if'xotxifies.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TIH'Rl)AY - - - MAY 11)01
()- " ' (I
I Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
I) )
All U'lmiio County witrrimtH rueUtnrixl
lirliir to liiiiiiiiry :i, 1HIIK, will li paid
1111 irHiittloii u t my oflloti, Intui-ml
oiihhiim nrtir Muy "4, 1111)1.
(Jouiity TrxUHiirer.
Grand Matinee,
Driving-men's Speedway,
Thie nlternoon at 2 o'clock shnrp.
You'll regret it if you miss the races.
lion. G. V. .lohnuton, tlie Dufur mer
chant, wuh in town toiluy tukiii in the
Professor C. L. Gilbert will conduct
the examination of the eighth grade
pupils at Hood Itiver today, tomorrow
and Saturday.
The Carnaby market, haH, by long
odds, the best variotv of fresh vegeta
bles and fruits to be found anywhere in
The Dalles. If you don't believe it call
and see. m2!I-2."i
Tin: OinioNKM.i: wont to press today
three hours earlier than usual in order
that the employes, in common with the
business people of the city, might enjoy
the pleasure of the speed matinee.
Died, May 21st, at Wamic, John John,
son, aged about 110 years. The deceased
is a son-in-law of Martin Wing, Into of
this city. The cause of death was brain
fever. He leavos a wife and two small
Mrs. Anna Keonan, of 1180 Division
Htreel, Portland, writes to August lluch
lor of this city inquiring the addre-BS ol
her brother, Peter Hartman, who, when
last herd from by Mrs. Keonan, was
living In the Wapinitla neighborhood.
Saturday will bo dress goods (lay at
IWbo & Mays. Everything in the way
of now suiting, in black and colored
stuffs, will bo sold at ono-fourth off the
regular prlco. This sale Is for one day
only, and should bo taken advantage of
by all means.
The river at this place stood at 32.2
feet above zero thla morning, a full ol
nine-tenths foot Bince yeslorday morn
ing at the same hour. Forociut Ollleial
Heala prodlotB that the river will con
tinue slowly falling during the remain
der of the week.
The Bagley milk wagon had an excit
ing experience last ovenlng in the East
End, The horse got Beared at eonie
thing and after runuiug over a boy,
whom ia rendered for a time insensible,
he started on a straight shoot up the
bluff for home. The wagon, refusing to
accompany him was left in a slate of
collapse at the foot of the bluff. The
boy recovered after a time and was able
to walk home.
All kinds of languages Norwegian,
Dutch, German, Italian, Danish, Irish,
French, American, Latin, Greek, Japan
ese, Chinese, Wasco and Chinook
spoken at Hilly Waggenman's ehoe shop,
north of George Hueh'e Pioneer grocery
storo, The Dalles, Oregon.
At noon today Miss Lois Thompson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Thomp
son, who is dangerously ill with pneu
monia, wbb a little better than she was
last night and her physicians say there
is a possibility of her recovery. At twi
light last evening it was not thought
she would survive the night.
A special study of heredity has been
made by Professor Peilman of Bonn uni
versity, Germany. He traced the ca
reers of children, gaandchildren and
great-grandchildren in all parts of the
present German empiro until he was
able to present tabulated biographies of
the hundreds descended from some orig
inal drunken vagabond. Notable among
the persons described by him is Fran
Ada Jurke, who wan born in 1710, and
was a drunkard, a thief, and a tramp for
the last forty years of her life, which
ended in 1800. Her deecendnnts num
bered 81M,of whom 700 were traced in
local records from youth to death. One
hundred and Mx out of the 700 were
born out of wedlock. There were M4
beggars, and 02 more who lived from
charity. Of the women, 1S1 led disrep
utable lives. There were in this family
70 convietB, Hoven of whom wero sen
tenced for murder. In a period of some
seventy-live years this one family rolled
up a bill of costs in alms-houses, prisons
and correctional institutions amounting
to about $1,250,000.
Grand Matinee at
che Speedway this af
ternoon. Will you e
Members of Continental Union No.
7, Order of Washington, are untitled
that n special meeting Is called on Fri
day, May 2-lth, at 8 p. m., to ballot
upon candidates so that samo mav be
Initiated on the next regular meeting, at
which time Supremo Secretary J. L.
Mitchell will he present. All members
are urged to attend. By order of the
Union. Paul KitroKit, Seo'y.
Kor Hale.
A number of choice family cowh, full
blood and grade Jerseye. Apply to
J. A. Hn.vnKimoN,
Jm!i3tf Uingon, W ubIi.
A VlllaixiuR Slander.
The Dai.i.ks, Ore., May 22, 1001.
I have been informed that a rumor is
current to the effect that certain parties
were found by me in my waiting room
in a compromising position. I deeire to
state that the rumor never emanated
from me. It is entirely falee and with
out any foundation whatever, and is
calculated to do great injustice and
injury to me and to others who are en
tirely innocent, and who are the victims
of a slanderous rumor which must have
originated from some persons too de
based to be recognized by well-meaning
persons. It is faUe and should he t-up-pressed
and the originators should be
oeverely punished for the damage they
have done.
J. A. Geisenuokkkdk.
It is with some reluctance that Tin:
Chuonici.i: publishes tho above com
munication, and only gives it space in
order to point a very apparent moral.
Of the parties concerned in the alleged
scandal, or of the alleged facts of the
case, Tin: Ciikoniou: . knows nothing
and desires to know nothing. It hates
scandal and gossip as the devil hates
holy water, and only refers to this mat
ter in the most general terms when it
says that of all the crimes that can be
conceived of or imagined there is none
more utterly damnable and villanous
thau a false and unfounded charge
against fenlal virtue, and more especial
ly so when the charge attempts to
compromise the character of an estima
ble young lady. Enrroit.
lti'eord of IIIkIi Water.
Residents of The Dalles will be in
terested in knowing the dates of high
water in tho Columbia river at this
point during the last 23 years. The
followlug is the record as furnished us
by Special Observer S. L. Brooks:
1870 June 23 CI
1880 July 2 -18.7
1881 June 19 3J.7
1882 June 14 48.2
188:i June 18 .'13.7
1881 June 13 37.7
1885 June 24 '27.8
1880 June 9 37.2
1887 Juno 10 48.1
1889 June 21 38.5
1890 Juno 12 33.0
1891 May 31 20.5
1892 June 22 35
1893 June 14 3S.3
1894 Juno 0
1895 May 31 28.7
1890-June 22 42.7
1807 May 24 42.7
1898- Jnne21 iJ.9
1899- June 22 43
1900- May 10 32.2
Highest yet for 1901 33.1
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the akin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
A colony of 1000 Bilk worms arrived
here yesterday by expresa. They will
commence spinning i few days when
the public will be apprised and due
notice of the event given iu The Cmtox-
Louis Delco and V. Lewis, of Wapin-'
itia, were In town today. 1
State Senator F. P. Mays arrived hero
last night from Portland on a short visit.
Mrs. J. K, Fait returned home last
night from a three-weeks visit with
friends in Portland.
Mr. M. T. Nolan and daughter, Miss
Katie, were passengers on this morn
ing's boat for Portland.
,Mr. and Mrs. A. Scherneckan, after a
week's visit with the family of Mr. Geo.
A. Liebe, left on this morning's boat for
Mrs. Dudley Eshelman, who has been
visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Eshelman, of
this city, left today on a visit to Dr.
Eshelman'a mother at Centerville. -
Dr. O. D. Doane, Mr. Simeon Bolton
and Mrs. C. J. Crandall are delegates
from The Dalles to the grand lodge of
Odd Fellow b now in session at Pendle
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Twohig have re
turned to The Dalles .from San Fran
cifco and will make their future home
here. Mr. Twohig's health has not
been good since he left here ttiree or
four months ago, and he is glad to get
back to God's country.
Mayor E. B. Dufur and District At
torney Frank Menefee left on tho after
noon train for Portland. Mr. Dufur
will return here for a time anil, if he
can dispose of his property in this city,
will probably open a law office at Gold
Hill, near his placer mine in Jackson
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Races will be called
promptly at 2 o'clock
at the Matinee this af
ternoon. Don't miss
the first one.
A Nice Story.
The N. Y. Journal tells the following:
There was a very handsome young
doctor with a fine, curly beard well
cared for and there is no use conceal
ing the fact that his name was Seward
There was a little sweet-faced child
named Susan Baker, who broke her leg
and was taken to St. Like's hospital, in
New York.
There was a very Interesting young
woman, whose name was Miss Vander
bilt, who used to come to the hospital to
cheer the sick with flowers and good ad
vice. In the morning the handsome doctor
took care of Susan Baker's broken leg.
In the afternoon the kind-hearted young
woman came and talked to Susan and
tried to cheer her up.
Susan Baker talked to Miss Vander
bilt about Dr. Seward Webb, and she
talked to Dr. Seward Webb about Mies
Vanderbilt. The little girl told how
very kind the good doctor always was to
her. One fine day she introduced the
kind young doctor to the young lady.
Not long afterward they were married.
The kind doctor and his wife now
have a summer home in England, with
three thousand acres of land around it, a
park of two hundred thousand acres in
the Adirondacks, a private car and a
great many other useful and neceeeary
This proves clearly that it pays to be
kind to a little girl with a biokpn leg.
We are not told, by the way, what be
came of Susan Baker. We hope that
she also has a private car and two hun
dred thousand acres in the Adirondacks,
for she was at least as polite as tho
young doctor and tho young lady.
For infants and Children.
Be Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Ladies' Shirt Waists!
DeWitt's Little Early Risers search
the remotest parts of the bowels the im
purities speedily with no discomfort.
Thev are famous for their etlicacy. Easy
to take, never gripe. Clarke A Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
"yo are now showing a full line of summer waists in
percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so
handsome and attractive as this season.
We make a specialty of White Waists.
Call early and inspect this line, as we are sure we can satis
fy tho most fastidious. No trouble to show goods.
Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Wave,
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
?J)" Any orders entrusted to us on the above linea will
jKr have prompt attention. "&Vi
We will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
l'HONKS NO. 4.
Don't expect a "cheap" enameled
utensil to last long. It doesn't.
Don't think such a ono can be kept
clean. It can't.
Don't believe the "cheap" enamel
isirt steadfly crumbling away. It is.
Dou't imagine in using such you're
not eating the enamel. You are.
Don't figure you are savim? money
buying the cheapest. You're not.
Don't forget tho "cheap" has but one
coating of enamel. Juet one.
Don't fail to recollect that imported
Stransky steel-ware lasts for years.
Don't buy that kind if health and
economy are of no consequence.
Don't try to get the genuine else
where, for it's sold exclusively by Mays it Citowi:.
Executor's Notice.
exeeutor of the estuto of Kvulluo hvmis., lu- i
ewihutl, bus Illi'il liis llmil account us Mich ex ,
ccutor, in thu county court, StHto of Oickoii,
Cimutx of Witsco; mill mill court bus appointed ,
tho uv tli iluy of May, l'JOl, at the hour of 2 o'clock ,
Oil MllU Iluy lor III!-' JiemiMK hi iiuju ihuis in mm i
tllltll lU'COlllll, UllU lor IIIU WHMlliiuv lunnn,
j.anh On icK at Tin; Oai.i.k, On , )
Apiil 10, l'JOl. I
Notice Is hereby kIvimi Unit Uiu followlii)!
nniuuu kuttleri luive Hint notice of Intention to
imike lluul proof on iliolr respective dulnm be
fore the Keu'Uter nnU Kecclver at The Unllea,
OivKoti, on Kridny, May 'J4, l'JOl, viz.:
lleury Liiireiixeu,
on homestead iipullciitlou No. -172.0, for the
HE14 ami N,'a HKtf, Soc. M, Tp. 1! N,, It 12 E,,
W . M.
George I.orruzen,
on liomcntwid implication No. 47X, for tlio8,i
8W mid 81 Bee. '20, Tp 2 N 12 K,
Witnesses -Ixiii la Kordou, Henry Hoyen, Geo,
xren.iMi, Albert UuvitWouuuU Henry Loreumi,
nil of Thu Dulles, Oricm. .. . , .
tipria JAY . LUCAS, Keglstcr.
The Elite barber Bhop is now running
four chairs, thus givinn patrons tho
quickest service consistent with good
work. The finest baths in tho city for
both ladies and gentlemen. .Special at
tention given to children's hair-cutting
and ladieB shampooing. Tho only bar
ber shop In the cityjueing Pteam-laun-dried
nilll-tf W. A. Crawford, Prop.
Caturrli Uuuiiot ltt Cured,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and iuucoub surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians iu this country lor years, and
in n in. , nl. i r nrpsi'riiitimi. Tt in cnmiinPHll
of the best tonics known, combined with
. ... , ..... i ii .i..
the nest moon puriners, acting uirccuy
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggiste, price 7fic.
Hall'e Family Pills are the beflt. 12
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly wire liquid paints
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't foraet this.
Subicribe (or Thk Cmtoxicu:.
Sold only by
H. Herbring,
The Dalles, Or.
aa Bfisiauraot
j. Y. Hone, Prop'r.
first-Class in Every RespeGt
MKAI.S AT A 1. 1. HOiril.H.
Oysters Served in any Style.
67 Second St., The Piilleh, Or
Undertaker and Embaimer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Louk
distance phone 133. Local, 102.
Acker's English liemedy will stop
cough at any time, and will cnre the
wirnt cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded, 25 cts. and 50 cts. lilakeley
the druggist.