NORRIS & ROWES BIG Trained Animal Shouas.. Will be at THE DALLES, Saturday, fllay 25th,, 1901 SHOWS 2 AND 8 P. M. Tents will be located corner Second and Madison Sts. -300- . 300- Eveig fict Hew lis Year ! NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. All persons using Dulles City water for irriuiititifc purposes between tho lt liny of May hih! the 1st day of Septum Iter, will observe the following rules mill regulation)) : Purrons will hi! permitted to Use the water below the bluff on nil even duyn, mid above the hlutf on all odd daye from (I o'elnok u. in. until 8 a. in., and from G o'clock p. in. until 8 p. in. The above rules must be strictly com plied with, and any infraction of the above rules will subject the offender to a fine of $1, and the water will be shut oil' until paid ; and for a second offence double the amount. Tho following charges will be made : For one full lot oOxlOl), $1.50 per month. HiuOi additional lot sfl.L'o ; half lot 75 cte. All persons usint: water in closet or toilet will kco to it that the water is shut oft' when not in use, or water will be shut off altogether if allowed to run to waato. J. H. Cuossn.v, Supt. Dallee City Water Works. inl!!wd Your f'lien Shows the state of your feelings and tho Btate of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and .vorn out and ilo not have a healthy appearance yon should try Acker's Blood Klixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakelej the druggist. Drying" preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho secretions, which adhere to tho uienilirauo and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry iug inhalants, fumes, smokes nud siiuITh aud uso that v.'hich cleanses, soothes ami heals. Ely's Cream lJalm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial uizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. AH ilruistR sell tho oUc. Rio. Klylirothcrs, fill Warren St., N.Y. The Malm cure without pain, does not irritato or cause giieoziug. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry mirfaco, roliov ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream JJalin you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the very Ixiat preparations for cleansing the scalp Kii and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft aud glogsv. Price, "." and oU cents a bottle, at FrazerV I barber shop, The Dalles. tf ' iskin aflecttons will readily disappear! by using DeWitt'a. Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for pilee. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Illlll'l lillt) It 111, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, aud tiie (mill is gone. Sold hy Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk'e fiavonm: extracts are tho best. Ask your l" K-er for them. A full line of Kastman films aud sup plies juat received by Clarke & Falk. A flrtuiiHti'it Clime Unit. "I Btuck to inyunglnu, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., "1 was weak and pule, without any ap petite and all run down. As 1 was about to give up, 1 got a bottle of FJcctrie Bit ters and, after taking it, 1 felt as well as 1 ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try (hem. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakoley, thodruugiHt. PrleefiO cents, li Work'liiK 21 lliiiir-n Uny. There's no rest for those tireless little little workers Dr. King's New Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid Llvur, .laundice, Billiousnesa, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Ilendnche, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or) weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. Hoe at G. C. Bliikelev's drug store. " Niij'H lie AViih Torturril. "1 suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes II. Robinson, Hillsborough, Ills., "hut Bucklen's Arni ca Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores scalds, burns, boils, ulcure. Per fect healer of skin diseases and idles. Cure guaranteed by G. C. Blakoley, the druggist. 25c. " NlRlit Whh lnr Ttirror, "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. ChaB. Applegate, of Alex andria, 1ml., "and could hardly got any sleep. 1 had consumption so had that if 1 walked a block I would coiign fright fully aud spit blood, hut, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured mi! and 1 gained 5S pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to euro Coughs, Colds, La Gripne, Bronchitis and all Throat anil Lung Trouble". Price 50c nnd $1.00. Trial bottles free .at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. - PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED ...COMJflffilA BHEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery tho United States Health Reports for .luue US, 1000, suys: "A more supeiior brew never entered the lahratory of the Tinted States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand iB composed of the be-t of malt and choicest, of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest honollt and satisfaction by old ami young. Its use can consniontiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cersainty that a bettor, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Socond Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. m Wareiora Hi (i Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SPlKSt Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- "fOTl "Fl Oil T This I" lour is manufactured expressly for family I't-'AJ- w. UH. uverv I'aek is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think H Transact a General Banking Business. will "il get our prict-H and lie convinced. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon aud Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats WINDMILLS, U Restaurani PUMPS and PIPE, L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect .iii:ai.s at am. not.'us. Oysters Served in any Style. ! 87 Beooticl St., The Dulles, Or BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height 15.? hands, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zombro, 2:11, the best son of McKin ney, 2:1U. First dam, Bridesmaid, by Boxwood, son of Nutwood. Second dam, Lake land Queen, dam of Ad Alone " Hi'IH. by Iikeland's Abdullah, son of Uainbluton ian 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Alhainbra, son of Mambrino Chief 11. EDMUND S. will make the seaon of 11)01 at L. A. Porter's livery stable, 'J.'ho Dalles, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20. For further particulars see janiio.dwJmo FRED FISHER, Proprietor. Trained Elephants. Trained Ponies. Trained Zebras. Trained Zebus. 20 Funny Clowns 20 Trained Monkeys. Trained Goats. Trained Dogs. Trained Seals. MHIUI.I. Str. Heyulntor the CHILDEEH Don't miss the new bigStreet Parade REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY 1 Hit'ioner of tin. JicKiilutor J.Ino will run m: per the ml- $ owiiib hclicilule, tlio Compuiiy reecrvliiK the fluht to chiuifsu 'i K''.s'dulu without notice. jj '1 Str. Dnllou City. 'jj RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHBR, THE DALLES, OREGON. r Str. " Iralda' V I C fa i -i- o V Propriety The QwL" $ Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Dolivored to any part of the City. I'liones: fil Local, , rj. 4- T y 8, Loon Dimance. 173 Second btreei. y At 11:00 A. M. Prices, Adults 50c; Children 25c uuwn ( t A. M, Tiienluy ' TJiuiKluy " Kuiiirilny . y Arr I'orthoni t itt I v, M. CI'. i.v. I' HI 7 A. M. Miimliiy . Vei)iiuKiy . . .. Friday Arr. Dulles M 5 I'. M. I.eaveH Cascades (( a. in. Arnvo D.iIIoh II) :,'!() a. m. 1iavo IXiIIuh I! p. in . Arr. UaecailoH 7 ;!i0 p. in. Daily ex, Sunday. DOWN I.V. DuIIch lit 7 A. U. Miimliiy . .. VVciliiesiliiv... Kriiliiy Arr. I'ortlioid lit 1:30 I', M, u. Ia . I'lirtliiml M lit 7. IK) ,. M. i 'I'lll'UlllV . 'I hiirnluy A . . hiitunlity i Arr. Dallux i ni .) 1', m, I' Kxciirslon lUtoa ovory Siturday for partieH of (Ivo and npwardm D.i i, Wliitu Salmon and intermediate points, r()u; Dal leu to CWudew, ijil.OO. DallcH, 1 K For an evening trip tako tlio "Irnltlu" at U r. hi, to Hood Uiver and ro- fl iM turn on tne up boat. 2 FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, f. Truvcl by tho Hteamem of the IteffiiUtor Mac. Tho (;ompay will endeavor to give Its imt- ,3 K road the U.'t nervlco pomlbly, For further Information adilrew 0 L 1'ortUud Ofllcc, 0k-Street Iock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Ant. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cm-cH. not flirut it j wo liiivo it, at 75c por bottlG 'lua'0 bot,le,li Kiiarantuo.l, or you may mi your inonoy Imck if nut HatiHlicd. IN COMPOUNDING- PRESCRIPTIONS wo oxorc DoundliiL' with cilliilout Horvlcu. cIho tho KnmtoHt euro. Wo carry tho licnt and iiho th l'Bst lia k' your phvHiclttiiH ordura. Our pricuH wo mk h low na i c01"" ilont Horvlco. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything apimrtuinliiK to Druge, Patont MedlolnoB, Sunttrlee and Photograph SopP11"' GEORGE C. BLAKELfiy'