The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 21, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 02
,-ist Scheme to Secure Trade of the
Orient Syndicate l'lans to De
velop Harbor in Mexico.
New Youk, May '20. The Tribune
nays: The plant of a Hyndicate bunded
by II. Clay Pierce, of St. Louie, if) is be
lieved, in ttiH at securing the b;ilk of
truiiHportntion of thut vast import nnd
export trade between America and Asia
which io as yet only in its infancy. The
corner-Btonu of Mr. Pierce's Hcheme, us
announced, is believed to botheestablish
liient of 11 new Pacific Coufet port for
deep sea vessels at Manzanillo, on the
south west coast of Mexico; and one of
the chief links in the chain whb forged
the other day when Mr. Pierce's party
alieady had control of the St. Louis &
.San Francisco, of the Fort Scott system
and of the Fort Worth road.
The western terminus of tiie Mexican
Central is Colima, which is only 85 miles
from Manzanillo, and which is described
us a nutural land-locked harbor, suitable
for sea-tioinn Ve sstls of the heaviest draft.
Lure sums of money will be expended,
it is said, to make this one of tiie finest
ports on the Pacific Coast, and the ex
tension of the Mexican Central lines from
Colima to Manzanillo will be at once
undertaken and lie pushed rapidly to
completion. After that two connecting
link m remain to be ereBted between the
St. Louis & Sun Francisco system and
the Mexican Central in order to complete
the chain between Manzimillo and St.
Louis. The Mexican International Kail
road will be one of these. It connects
with the Mexican Central at Torreon.
A new line must be built to connect
the Mexican International with the St,
Louis & Sun Francisco. This new lino
will extend from Sherman, Tex., to
Jitmle Pass, on the Itio Grande. When
it is built through freight can be carried
from Manzanillo without trans-shipment
to St. Louis and also to Birmingham,
Ala., from which point direct connection
may be made with Savannah, Ga., over
the Southern Railroad. It is asserted
that this route from Manzanillo to St.
Louis, and thence to New York, will be
fully 1 1100 miles shorter than from Sun
Francisco to this city.
It is said that the Seligmane, of this
city, are financing the deal. Isaac N.
Seligman said ;
"I cannot talk to you now about this.
I may have something to suy to you
But even that was more than his part
ners would vouchsafe. J. Stewart Muckie,
vice-president of the Mexican Interna
tional Hallway, Baid it was too early yet
to discuss the part which his road might
or might not not play in the enterpiise.
HotiltillNMi, mill Oilixr TlilMK"-
Nkw Yokic, May 20. "Socialism ar
gues," declurud the Kev. Dr. Lyman
Abort, in the pulpit of Plymouth church,
Brooklyn, "that so long as private prop
erty exists so long will there he ambition
and striving for wealth on the part of
the individual. When we have destroyed
this, says the socialist, and made every
thing into pno state in other words,
when wo have abolished Mr, Carneeie
and established Mr. Croker, all will bo
"It is our duty to make a nation bo
pervaded by the of Christ tluU it
shall be a witness of I lie power and grace
of God. This we Americans have done,
in a measure. Wo have treated the
foreigners who have come to us as no
nation lias ever done. Wo have granted
to them our factories and schools. Our
country is a revolatiou of the way the
pour and lowly ought to be treated.
Nothing is so inspiring us the way the
southern states have endeavored to up
lift the w'Kro we. The reports thut
como to northerners of cruelty und in
justice are not representative, for the
South bus indeed done nobly."
After citing our nution us an example
for other nations, Hussia in her treat
ment of her people; Germany in Iter
dealing! with tiie Chinese, Dr. Abbott
said this was not inspired by mere
national pride.
"I thank God that this one American
nation stood for the rights of even a
hostile China, that the government did
not transgress upon its rights and it was
the firet to withdiaw its troops."
ilrnxlnc nt Slirrp.
Sai,km, Or., May 20. Superintendent
Ormshy, of the Cascade Forest Heserve,
today received permits issued by the
department of the interior allowing 123,
000 sheep to be grazed on the reserve
this summer. The permits have been
forwarded to the applicants, wl ose re
quests were granted.
A permit requires the owner on enter
ing the reserve witli his sheep at once to
forward to the supervisor in charge of
the division a description of his range,
and the person in charge of the sheep
must have the permit in his possession
bo that it may be examined by any forest
officer nt any time. These requirements
will be strictlv enforced this season.
Mrs. McKinley Passed Best Night Since
Her Illness Doctors Say That Her
Progress is Satisfactory.
Html r (ir-nt Northern.
Chicago, May 20. A special to the
Record-Herald from St. Paul says:
Railroad men who have knowledge ol
the plans of J. J. Hill are positive in the
assertion that ex-Senator Pettigrew will
he made the executive head of the Great
Northern system. It had been inti
mated that he would succeed President
Mellen, of the Northern Pacific, but
this is considered erroneous. It is gen
erally accepted here as a fact that Mr.
Hill lias decided to make New York bis
permanent home.
Takes It Wry llaril., Or., May 20. Governor and
Mrs. Geer returned this morning from
California. They visited the governor's
mother at Oakland and saw the launch
ing of the battleship Ohio at San
In conversation with Governor Geer,
President McKinley said that tiie people
of Oregon cannot be more disappointed
over the change in his plans than he is
himself, for he has always entertained a
high regard for the people of this Btate
and Iihb long wished to visit them.
KhU'H to rau-Anicrlvuu Kx position .
For the Pan-American exposition nt
Buffalo the O. R. it N. Co., with other
HtifB in this territory, have asked tor the
following rates to Buffalo and return,
which will probably be made effective:
From Portland and common points
$78.25, and from Spokane und common
pointB !f()8.2r. Tickets on sale Tuesday,
May 21st, and every first and third
Tuesday from thut date until October
loth inclusive. Going limit of tickets
seven days to Missouri river or St. Paul ;
journey to cjinmence on date of sale.
Final limit sixty days weBt of Missouri
river or St. Paul, with stop-over privi
lege west of St. Paul or Missouri river in
either direction within limits.
This Is a preliminary notice and these
rates cannot yet be guaranteed. Further
notice will he given as soon as definite
rates are Bettled. 15-10t
The county couri has instructed the
county clerk to place u warrant on the
tax roll of 1900 commanding me to col
lect the taxes for said year by making
sule, if necessary, of the property there
in mentioned, and to return the roll in
side of sixty days.
I am sworn to do my duty, and am
also under bonds for its faithful per
formance; therefore have no alterna
tive but to obey the mandate of the
court, and will immediately proceed to
make out a list of delinquents und ad
vertise the property for sale.
Roman' Kki.i.v.
lOm.'lwd.iw Sheriff of Wasco Co.
Notice is hereby given that there will
bo an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Golden Fugle Mining Com
pany at the oflleo of French it Co., bank
ers, on Friday, May ."!, 1001, at 7 o'clock
p. m., for the purport) of electing seven
diiectors und transacting such other
business as may properly como before
said meeting. By order of the president.
The Dalles, May 1, 1001.
J. C. llO&TKTl.KH,
iiil-td Secy, and Tieas.
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tlm hair needs when it gets 2:1 that con
dition. We liuve j the Crown of
Science Hair Grower an d
Cocoauut CreamKHr Tonic. They
will cure dand W ruff and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Wauted A woman to do plain sewing.
About three months' work on hand,
Apply at this office. mH-lwk
Subscribe (or Tuk Cubonicuc.
San Fhancisco, May 20. At 9:30 this
morning Secretary Cortelyou gave out
the following:
"Mrs, McKinley's physicians report
that she had the best night since her
illness, and that her progress is very
The night at the Scott residence was
a quiet one. The president retired about
11:30 and slept all night without being
disturbed. This morning at 8 o'clock
Drs. Gibbons, Hirschfelder and Cushing
culled and remained about an hour in
consultation with Dr. Rixey. They left
the house apparently very well satisfied
with Mre. McKinley's condition.
The President had some early callers
this morning. A deputation of clergy
men comprising Rev. Drs. Pond,
Gardner, Dennett and Hammond, the
latter the superintendent of the Method
ist Chinese Mission, in company with
four Chinese ministers, called on the
president. The Chinese presented to
Mr. McKinley a beautiful banner, to
gether with a memorial, thanking him
for his efforts in aiding the Chinese dur
ing the recent trouble in China. The
banner bore the inscription in Chinese,
saying; "Presented to William Mc
Kinley, August President of Great
America, by the Chinese Meinbere of
the Church of Jesus Christ in San
Francisco, as a Token of Their Honor
and 'raise."
The president accepted the banner
and thanked the delegation, which then
Secretary Cortelyou Btated that the
president had made no arrangements
for today, but would decide later as to
his programme. It is very probable that
he will inspect the returned soldiers from
the Philippines either today or tomor
row. -
Turlll' tliu Issue.
Nkw Yoiik, May 20. The Herald
quotes J. Hamilton Lewis, ex-member
of congress from the state of Washington,
as saying at a hotel here:
"Democrats ot the Northwest favor
David Bennett Hill, of New York, as
the next candidate for president, und
Tom L. Johnson, of Ohio, as the nominee
for vice-president, in my opinion.
"Mr. Bryan has told me that he is not
a candidate for the presidency, and does
not desire to be considered as such. I
believe thut the main issue of the next
campaign will be the tariff. Practical
free-trade is the only possible solution
of the great industrial revolution which
is now impending."
Some desirable city property for sale
or rjnt. For particulars cull on Gibbons'
& Murden. alltf
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke Sr. Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly wire liquid paints
The least in tiuautitv und most in
quality describes DeWitt's Little Risers, j
the famous pills for constipation, and
liver complaints. Clarke it Falk's P. O.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton 'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it
Falk, agents. ml
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief, 25 cts.
und 50 cts, Blukeley, the druggist.
Moki Tea positively cures s'ick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded, 25 cts
and 50 cte. Blukeley, the druggist.
Do You WmuI h Horn'.'
I have for eale forty head of horses,
weighing from 800 to 1700 pounds. If
you want a horse or a team I can fit
Fine Under-imislins
at less than wholesale prices.
Fortune favored us in this transaction. Underwear such as we offer here, is not
often seen sold at these figures. Ready cash and a sure out-put enabled us to accom
modate the maker and relieve the embarrasment of the dealer to whom this consign
ment was made and who proved unable to come to terms.
The name of the maker is withheld by special request though the same is quite
familiar to many of our Dalles ladies, and his goods stand high in their favor.
The sale is now on and will continue the balance of this month. We would not
guarantee the following assortment for that length of time, however so come soon.
a saving of a third
$3.50 quality for
$1.75 quality
1.50 "
1.35 "
1.00 "
.90 "
.05 "
. 1.00
. .90
. .07
. .60
. .43
You will agree that no finer Under
wear was ever shown here.
Corset Covers.
$1.50 quality for $1.00
.75 " " 50
.40 " " 27
.35 " " 23
$5.00 quality for $3.33
3.50 " " 2.33
3.00 " " 2.00
2.25 " " 1.50
2.00 " " 1.34.
1.25 " " 84
Children's Drawers.
Sizes 2, 4 and 6.
40c quality for 27c
Sizes 7 and 8.
50c quality for 34c
On display in window
and Underwear Dept.
On display in windo
and Underwear Dept
Striken A Kicli Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervoua de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, N. II., "No remedy helped me un
til I began u&ing Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles ; that they are a grand
to.iic and invigorator for weak, run
down women. No other medicine can
take its place in our family." Try them.
Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 1
The city council having reduced the
dog license to .f 1 for a male and $2 for a
female, have ordered me to enforce the
law and impound all dogs for which the
license has not been paid. This, there
fore, is to give notice that all unlicensed
dogs found running at lurge will be im
pounded, and if not redeemed will be
killed. Taos. J. liitiVKit,
ml-1-20 City Marshal.
If anything ails your hair, go and Bee
Frazer; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that lie
makes a specialty of these goode. tf
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels do not act
properly. DeWitt's Little Early Kisors
remove the cause of disease. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
'urtitK" Itiilluiiy t.ttnilx at Hid
C'llSt'lllltl I.OI'KM.
Extra SPECIAL Bargains
In Lace Curtains and Bed Q,uilts.
A new pattern in Curtains, size 2h yds, per pair 40c
A extra fine design, size 3 yards, per pair 73c
Also a splendid pattern, size 3 yards, per pair 75c
Better and larger at $1.13, 1.38, J. 73, 2.40 and 3.70
Our $3.70 Curtains are equal to any ever
sold hero at 85.00.
We have in full size only and of very best quality
at 73c, $1, 1.18, 1.40, 1.03, 1.89 and 2.45.
You may not bo in need of any of the above
goods at present, but it will pa' you to buy ovon
for future use.
The Place to Save Money.
Second Street.
June DkII'1'8,
Scaled hlds will bo leeched by tlto hoanl of
pOltllKC COIIIIIllssloneiB of the htllteof Olclfllll
mull .' o clock i, hi. Mtiy H, luui, and then pub
licly opened, fur tin1 puiehase of 11 trnt't of liiinl
urJnliihlK the I'lllted States linveinmcnt He
serve nbivo tlu upper entrance to the luck:, in
Hie couimwtt incr, iickimiiiiik 111 " P'uoi on me i
cast boundary 11 1 ! of the Culled States tioern
incut Itcseive iiinctj clulit and foui tenths
f.i.vl) feet north of the southeast coiner theieof, i
thence northeasterly piiaiieiiiu: me iiiick oi tiie
Oickou Hallway mm Navinatinil Company
ehiven hnnilicil (lino) (. et, beliiK it strip eleven
liunilreil tUW) feet Ioiik between thu track of
the milinml enmpiny and the Columbia river,
its fully at pant) 1U1 Hook " I , ' lleconls
of needs for Wasco County, Oregon, authority
for said sale boliijr Kraut''1' by an net of thu
twenty-Hint legislative assembly; conveyance, to
bo a bargain ami salt) deed,
l'litch bid must bo accompanied by it eertilled
check of thu amount of twenty (JO) per cent of
thu bid. payable to thu statu trcasiuer, to lie for
feited If the balance of the purchase prlco is not
paid within ten days tiller acceptance of thu
JlldH should be addressed to the Secretary ol
Plate and endorsed "Hid for I'ottage Uuilwii)
The Hoard of 1'orUtgu Commissioners reserves
the right to reject am aud all blln.
T. T, UK Kit, Governor.
F. J. DUNHAK, fcfccretury of Btuto.
OHA8.8. MOOHK, State Treasurer.
Oiititrrli (.'uniiot lie Cured.
with loi'til applications, as t liny cannot
reach tho ucat of tliu iliet-aeo. Catarrli
is a lilood or constitutional iI'iki'iiso, anil
in onlur tu euro it von iniint tukti intur
nal ruini'iliiis. HsiII'b Catarrh Cum is
talcun internally, anil actB ilircutly on
thu blood anil iiiucoiih stiifacea. llaU'i)
Catarrh Cum iB not a quack uietliiMiic.
It was was preecriht'tl hy ono ot the hest
physicians in this country tor ym.-a, ami
is a regular prescription, It is composed
6V tlm hest tonics known, combined with
the heat hlooil purilitirs, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces, The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces stioli wonderful results in
curiiiK Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., I'm f is., Toledo O.
Bold hy drrutfKists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family 1'illa are the best, lii
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured bv Carter
& Falk.
J I.llllli III llll'.H liUI'Klllll'..
! A ranch ") miles totitli of this city,
j 4 17 acres, fenced and cross fenced, and
consisting of bix fields ; plenty of water
i in each Held; o00 acres good tillable
laud, lot) in fall wheat; all farm build
'iuu's; handy to school. 1'nce, K'000;
ijfl'HH) cash, balance on time to tuit
pti i chaser, at (1 per cent interest.
A tine little place, consistiuf of 80
acres, three miles from the Waeco
county court house; plenty of water,
aud liavimt the finest spring in Oregon
on iIih place. Price, .ftiOO.
A place of 1(H) acres, U miles south of
The DaMes; -10 acres in cultivation.
This place will tie sold for less than
uoveriiiuent price; must he sold at once.
The above places are only a few of the
many snaps Dad iiutta has in hie hands
(or sale, m 10-22
Ice cream aud ice cream aoda now on
tap at A, Keller's. a!3ll