The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 20, 1901, Image 3

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    PEHSe & MRYS.
Our standards aro never permitted to be lowered for the sake of price but our'
prices aro always held at the lowest point.
Our constant aim is to improve the standards of this business to soli abetter
goods, at tho same low pricoj and to discover belter merchandise. We state with
utmost assurance that more real bargains are ottered every day in this store than in
an' other store in town.
Some Attractions i New Arrivals
in our , in our
Dry Goods Department. Men's Furnishing Dept.
Henry Roelof's & Co. Stiff Hutu
strictly high crade lint in brown, black
. auu oxtoru gray, at
in stripes anil plaids; tho eri'ls of
this season's stock. Considered good
value ut 50c per yard. We offer
them tliiH week nt
Special drive of Dimity Cords ut
4Kc Per yard
Monarch Negligee Shiri6 we show all
the new fabrics, with or without cuffs
attached, at I
' American Hosiery Co's. summer un
derwear, extra super-merino gauze, pat-
,'ent-broad rib balbrigitan, reform cotton
and silk mixtures, in all the latest
I shades, at
: $1.00 to $3.50 $,ct.
I. & R. Morley's English Lustre Half
Hone, in the latest assortment of color-
int'S, at
50c per pair.
Arrow Brand Collars, just received by
express, new shapes and stylee, at
2 for 25c.
k" Oxfords
The young; miss without a
pair of oxfords or sandals will
be lonesome this season. Every
young lady ought to have a pair
for summer wear; thev're so
cool and comfortable. Our ox
ford and Bandal prices run
something like this:
Misses', 11'.. to 2
$1.10, 1.15, 1.25, 1.50
Child's, 81.; to 11
75c, 1, 1.15 and 1.25
Child's. h to S
75c, 90c, $1.15 and 1.25
The styles are so pretty that
mother will let her have a pair
when she sees them.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ice Cream
MAY UD, 1901
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wanuo County wMi-rauU melntiiri'il
prior ti hfitiiihr 1. 1HII7, will 1 nll
mi irHutitloii ut my ottloe. Iutrtit
i:mti iirttir Novmlr MOO.
Motility TriKiur!r.
Wlio lost a briar root pipe with amber
mouth-piece? There is a found one at
this office.
Another new shipment of Manhattan
shirts ban just been received by A. M.
Williams & Co.
A band rehearsal will be held ut the
club rooms Tuesday evenitig at 8:.'!0
o'clock sharp.
Commencing tomorrow A. M. Wil
liams & Co. will place on sale a line of
lino muslin underwear at wholesale
Knights of Pythias uro requested to be
in attendance at the meeting tonight, as
matters of importance will receive at
tention. Tho ladies will serve ice cream and
c.ike after tho Character concert Tues
day evening at the Baldwin. Cream
and cuke 15 cents.
Little Zodediah Ky.ekhih Honeysuckle
will speak his fust piece at the Baldwin
tomorrow night, as will also several
others quite as amusing.
Who knows what the "M. W. K. Co."
is? There is a letter at the postoflice so
addressed, but nobody in the office
knows what "M. W. It." means.
Domestic strawberries wore selling to
day at IK) and Itf cents a box. Before
the week is out they will bo down to 15
cents, and, possibly, two for a quarter.
Tho cook at the California Chop House
Saturday night fell oil" tho inerry-go-round
and sustained injuries to his right
arm that have since laid him up for re
pairs, Krncat P.raekott, who hails from
Mitchell, was arrested last night fur
creating a disturbance at the Umatilla
House while in his cups. Recorder
Uates fined him 5 this morning, which
he paid,
It is said that a certain Dalles young
man proposed to his best girl (as he
supposed) over the telephone and got
the wrong girl. If you want to know
how he got out of the difficulty, go to
the Baldwin tomorrow night.
Complaint is made that somobody has
been indulging in the unlawful and
brutal pastime of shooting robine with
in the city limits. If the guilty partv is
caught he will be as he. ought to be
made an example of.
A large crowd of citizens met the Bai
ley Gatzert yesterday afternoon as she
arrived here from Portland with an es
timated passenger list of eighty to one
hundred persons. The Sunday boat is
dead certain to become popular, especi
ally during the summer months.
Tn anticipation of the locks being
closed for a short time to navigation be
cause of high water, a thing which at
this time seems very certain, the White
Collar line will today, so it is said, send
up the steamer Tahoma to ruh between
The Dalles and the locks till the Bailey
Gatzert is able to resume her through
The river at this point this morning
stood at 112 '.), a rise of eight-tenths in
iwenty-fonr hours. It is probable that
the late cool epell may check any fur
ther riHe after tomorrow, but if not the
locks will Boon be closed to navigation,
as boats havo never yet passed through
the locks when the water was more than
seven-tenths of an inch higher than it
was this morning.
Goldendale is again a dry town. The
new council has repealed tho license or
dinance and both saloons have closed,
the one that held a license paid up to
next November having concluded to ac
cept the rebate for the unexpired term
and submit to the inevitable. It is ru
mored, however, the owner intends iu a
few days to re-open the place as a
"club," whatever that may mean.
According to an order recently issued
by tho Board of Kite Delegates there
will be a department drill next Wednes
day night at 7 o'clock, sharp. Tho board
makes a request that the business men
of the city excuse all lliemen in their
employ at (J:S0 p. m., so that tho lireinen
may bo able to be promptly on baud.
As this is a matter of vast importance to
tho property owners of the city, the
wish of the board has only to be ex
pressed to meet with general compliance.
Tho following occurrence is so unusual
that it deserves special mention : Last
week, says tho Milton Kagle, through
the bank of Milton, Thomas Spenco re
ceived $7:15, the hiiiiis being for money
invested a few years ago in West Astoria
town lots. Mr. Holy, the man who sold
Mr. Sponeo the lots, guaranteed tho re
turn of the money in two years with ten
per cent added for interest if the invest
ment did not prove satisfactory. Mr.
Sponce failed to realize tho golden re
turns expected and tho cash was re
turned promptly and cheerfully on de
maud as stipulated, and everybody is
The mutilated remains of a man were
found last Tuesday in the Columbia
river, a short distance below Stevenson,
The head was all gone except the back
part of the skull, and that bore evidence
of having been crushed by a blow of a
heavy instrument. The feet had been
burned oft" at the ankle joints and the
arms at the elbows, while the trunk was
perfectly nude, not even a hair being
left to indicate the man's complexion.
Every possible clue for identification had
been destroyed by fire or by mutilation.
A coroner's jury brought in a verdict in
accordance with the above facts, finding
the man came to his death by foul play
by parties unknown.
This morning the delivery cart of the
Columbia Packing Company turned a
corner too short in the neighborhood of
Fifth and Union, upset the cart and
threw the driver to the ground. In
some mysterious way both wheels parted
company with tiie box of the cart, and
the horse instinctively made for his
stand in front of the market, but rushed
past and. with the box trailing after
him, made a dash for the blacksmith
shop, a short 'distance east, where he
was easily caught. A Chinaman's vege
table outfit that wa9 standing at the cor
ner of Third and Washington as the run
away meat wagon came along, got scared
at the apparition of a cart without
wheels and started west on a dead run,
and may be still going west for anything
this deponent could leaiti to the con
trary. The quarterly for the Oregon Histori
cal Society No. A, for December, 1!)00,
has been leeeived. This completes the
first volume, which iB of great historical
value. The contents of this volume are
as follows: "The Oregon Trail," by
F.G.Young; illustrated by a map of
the immigrant road ftom Independence
and Council HI nil's to Oregon City, and
numerous half tones showing different
scenes along tho route. This is one of
the most important articles yet pub
lished, and it is the beginning of a
movement which it is hoped will result
iu permanently marking the immigrant
route from tho Missouri to the Wil
lamette rivers. "A Day with the Cow
Column," by the late Jesse Applegate
who came in 1841!, Col. Geo. H. Curroy's
Tribute to tho Ox Whip, Sam L. Simp
son's poem, "The Campfires of the
Pioneers," two poems by Joaquin Miller,
"Pilgrims of the Pluins," and "Pioneers
of the Paellie" and a document rolatlng
to "Tho Oregon Emigrants, 181!,'' mak
ing up a table of contents by which this
issue is fittingly described as "Tho Ore
gon Trail Number." Address all in
quiries about the publication to Geo,
Hiines. assistant eecretary, Oregon His
torical Society rooms, city hall, Port
laud, Oregon.
For infants and Children,
Tbe Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears the
fliguature of
A fresh consignment of delicious craw
fish is now ou tap at the Owl. J Fait &
Co., proprietors, nilti tf.
Subscribe for Tmk Ohk mvuvi,
Ohio ConijrCHnnien Will 1'ny The DnllftR
n Hlmrt VUlt.
Fourteen members of congress from
Ohio and one from Indian with a num
ber of ladles and gentlemvn aggregating
some seventy-five persoiis, aro expected
to arrive here tomorrownoon. The ma
jority of them came toAhe coast to wit
nees tho launching of the battleship
Ohio, and they desirn to crown the trip
by a visit to the dalles of the Columbia.
While in The iWiles the diatinguisl o i
visitors will bo tjio guests of .tho Com
mercial Club. On their arrival they
will partake ofa luncheon at the Uma
tilla House, after which they will take
a trip up tho river as far east as Celilo.
The club has appointed the following
recption committees:
Reception committee Hjin. Z. F.
Moody, S I. Brooks, A S Bennett, 1) M
French, J S Schenck, E fichanno, H
Herbrlng, M Z Donnell, Qhas Stubling,
M T Nolan, J M Patterson', J W French,
Otis Patterson, J P Lucas', F A French,
Geo Liebe, S Bolton, B p'Latighlin, F W
Wilson, F Menefee, H'S Wilson, F S
Gunning, W A Johnston, L E Crowe,
Hon A S Roberts, Robert Mays, August
Buchler, II J Maier, Geo T Parr, Hon
Hust Johnston, W H H Dufur, J 0 Hos
tettler, E L Lueddemann, R F Gibbons,
Hon John Michell, Judge Bradshaw,
P H DeHufT, W H Wilson, II L Kuck.
Indies' reception committee Mrs E
M Wilson, Mrs J M Patterson, Mrs H
Logan, Mrs S French, Mrs J S Schenck.
Mrs S Bolton, Mrs H L Lueddemann,
Mrs E M Williams, Mrs I) M French,
Mrs H S Wilson, Mrs J T Peters, Mrs
A M Kelsay, Mrs N Whealdon, Mrs G T
Parr. Mrs Wm Moody, Mrs P DeHuff.
Mrs U F Hawk, Mrs C W Dietzel, Mrs
S L Brooks, .Mrs N B Sinnott, Mrs J S
Fish, Mrs T J Seufert, Mrs E0 McCoy,
Mrs B S Huntington, Mrs A S Mao Al
hster, Mrs T A Hudson, Mrs W II
Wilson, Miss Anna, Lang, Miss Benlah
Patterson, Miss Laura Thompson, Miss
Mable Mack, Miss Rose Michell, Miss
Beesie Lang, Miss Georgia Sampson,
Miss Virginia Marden, Mies Louise
Ruch, Miss Bertie Glenn.
The reception will of necessity be
limited to one hour, and all citizens are
expected to meet the party and help to
entertain them. Those that are especial
ly appointed on the committees are
required to anticipate every wish of the
guests for the Bhort time they will re
main. The lady members of the com
mittee will report to Mrs. E. M. Wilson,
who will direct the pleaeant features
that they are expected to present. Ad
dress all inquiries to T. A. Hudson,
chairman of corrmittee on reception.
Ktolen Saddles Found,
Sheriff Kelly has never let up on hunt
ing for the two saddles and other horse
gear that were stolen from Farley &
Frank's saddlery establishment about a
month ago, and has at last been reward
ed with finding the two saddles, which
formed the most valuable part of the
steal. Since the theft Mr. Kelly has
kept in cone .'ant communication with a
number of sheriHa in the territory east
of here, and. was rewarded this morning
by a letter from Sheriff J. D. Smith, of
Columbia county, Wash., informing him
that the two saddles had been found in
possession of two residents of the county
named respectively Guy Jones and
Frank Dange, who claimed that they
had purchased them from two men, who
answer to the description of a couple of
men who visited tho Farley & Frank
store the afternoon before tho theft and
busied themselves for a time in examin
ing, among other things, the saddles
which were stolon tho preceding night.
The thieves have not been located
although there is a good probability that
they may be. The saddles would havo
been expressed here forthwith, as there
was no doubt of their identity, but Mr.
Farley concluded that it was bust that
ho should go up today to Dayton and
assist the authorities up there in identi
fying the thieves. Besides the saddles,
whose retail price was $83, the thieves
got away with an eighteen-dollar, silver
inlaid pair of bits, iu traca of which has
yet been found.
dmrurtrr Concert I'roKruiu.
Read tho following program' for tho
Character concert, which will be given
at tin) Baldwin tomorrow night:
DiiiiIiIii Quartet "llrcain On"
.Mlsse M. Michell, M. Collins, (i. Wlller
1ii, .Mr. liitnil, Messrs, I'. I''. Iluwk,
.1. (.'ruinllill, ;', IMieliniui, I'. StiUnii
IiUIiKic 'Maiulo llntlcr unci the Owl".
Mr. .1. I'. I.ui'iis
Polo ")cc) Down Di'cp" .. Mr. I HeMou
Select ((catling (Willi muilcul ucciiinpaul-
iiient) Miss Myrtle Untie
Holn--"Too l.ulu" . Miss Myrlln Mlchull
Slifakin', Munln', Dialogs, and Slch by tho
M'holurs, under the direction of Skufo
Milkier lleekluh Pettllioiie.
Ins. Pin t. .. Mr. Win. lilrgfcld, Miss Schmidt
(iuy flailing Mr. Kurl Hundei.s
Ned Austin Mr. II. K. Northup
Nau (Jvulil Miss Hose Michel!
Mury llaleoino Miss Pearl CJi tines
Nora (an Irish servant) .Miss Kduii Ihmictl
Admission 'V cents. Curtain rises at
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
500 BOYS
to buy suits at our store. Wo
have tho largest and most com
plete lino of Boys' Clothing
ever shown in the city. We
aro offering these goods at the
very lowest prices.
we will sell you tho host all-wool suit you have ever seen.
Wo can show you tho handsomest lino from $3.50 to $5 that
we have over seen on the market. Our immense stock in
cludes the vestee and vest suit for boys of 3 to 15 years of
age. Wo guarantee our clothing to excel in fit, quality and
Our Prices are Always the Lowest.
Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
Any orders entrusted to U9 on the abovelinee will
have prompt attention.
We will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
Mr. Pitman, of Marquam, Or., arrived
in this city Saturday.
J. H. Sherar arrived in town this
morning from Sherar'e Bridge.
Mrs. W. K. Barrett, of Portland, who
has been visiting with her brother, Mr.
W. C. Allaway, was a passenger on the
boat this morning.
Attorney VV. II. Wileon went to Ashby
yesterday on business connected with a
suit over the Oregon King mine, which
will bo tried in the federal court at Port;
land in a few days.
J. F. Thompson, of Lewiston, former
ly of Five Mile, was in town today. Mr.
Thompson is on his way home from pay
ing a abort visit to his brother, W. S.
Thompson, of Sherman county.
Richard Baird, a resident of North
Yamhill, started from hero this morn
ing, in company with Mrs. Baird, to go
overland in a light prairie schooner to
ins mining claim, the "West Side" in
Haker Countv, which is located closo to
tho Golden Kagle, which is owned by
a company of Dalles capitalists.
John Mathieeon, of Rufus. was in
town today accompanied by hiB father,
who recently arrived here from Scotland
on a visit to his son. The senior
Mathh'Bon iH a native of tho royal bor
row of Linlithgow, which has tho proud
distinction of being the birthplace of
the unfortunate Mary, Queen of Scots.
Tho F.lite barber shop in now running
four chairs, thus giving patrons the
quickest service consistent with good
work. Tho finest baths in tho city for
both ladies and gentlemen. Special at
tention given to childien's hair-cutting
and ladies shampooing. The only bar
ber shop in the eitynsing eteain-laun-dried
niKl-tf W. A. Crawford, Prop.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and f0 cts. Ulakelcy
the druggist.
PoWitt's Little Karly Risers search
tho remotest parts of the bowels the im
purities speedily with no discomfort.
They are famous for their efficacy, liasy
to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's
P. 0, Pharmacy,
ror Hale.
Black mare, 0 years old; weight 050
lbs ; broke to ride or drive ; also cart and
single harness; mare is geutle. Ad
drees, Box 350 or this office, inO'L'wkB
Business Men,
Attention ! !
At a regular meeting of the Board of
Fire Delegates of Dalles City, held on
the Sth day of May, 1901, a department
drill was ordered to take place on
Wednesday Evening, May 22,
at 7 p. m. sharp, and also on tho third
Wednesday of the months of June, July
and August, at the same time.
Tho Board. requests that the business
men excuse all firemen iu their employ ,
at G:S0 p. m.
By ordor of the Board Fire Delegates.
10. M. Wixoatk, Sec.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone Local, 102.
Don't expect u "cheap" euameled
utensil to last long. It doesn't.
Don't think such a one can bo kept
clean. It can't.
Don't believe the "cheap" enamel
isn't steadily crumbling away. It is.
Don't imagine in using such you're
not eating tho enamel. You are.
Don't tlgnre you are saving money
buying tho cheapest. You're not.
Don't forget the "cheap" has but ono
coating of enamel. Just one.
Don't fail to recollect that imported
Stransky steel-ware lasts for years.
Don't buy that kind if health and
economy are of no consequence.
Don't try to got the gfiiuine else
where, for it's sold exclusively by
nillUf Mays A Cnowf.
You will not have boils if yon tako
Clarke &, Falk's sine cure tin buils.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Wilt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. O.