The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY MAY 20, 1901 razor clams make n mcnl, although a hearty enter enn Ret away with three; nud many prefer one razor clam to three or four umton chops." It is J. A. EBERLEJvc,yevi(,cnt tbat IIonry'8gH:9in I. lit A, . a nuuuuy condition u uis estimate 01 an Orugoninn's capacity for razor clams is a little out of whack. Leading Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opnosite Mays & Crowe, The Oregoniun's dislike of Presi dent McKinley and its disposition to say mean, injurious things about him, must be deep and well settled, in deed, when it will stoop so low as to scold his wife for being "a chronic invalid" and for wishing to travel, and himself for not leaving her ut home. The whole article is coarse and vulgar, and should never have f appeared in the principal newspaper j of a city which was hoping to receive and honor the president and his j party. Salem Statesman. We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make up iu the latest styled, and guarantee a perfect fit. Kll KlItltH to It U It Hill. Charles E. Hicks has sold the Arlington Independent to J. M. Johns, of the Record, and the publi cation of the Independent will be discontinued. We didn't want to see McKinley anyway. Oregoniau. We believe you. 2so man ever does like to meet another whom he has foully and unjust!' abused. We Christians have adopted strong measures to stop cock-fighting among the Gemi-heatens in our new insular! possessions. Let us have the grace ! of consistency and stop pigeon EN Rot'TK TO Bt'KKALO, ) Via Chicaoo-Pokti.ani SpkciaM EniToii Chronicle : Some of your readers niny want to know what a Dalles boy saw on a trip to Buffalo. The firat thing I watched for was Co lilo falls, und was disappointed, as the uieh water had smoothed them over and changed the falls into rapids. The val ley of the Columbia was called by some I body the "garden spot of earth," but ! most of the garden must be out of Bight I of the road up to Umatilla. Here we leave the river and pasB some pretty country near Pendleton. The Umatilla Indians have some ot the best of it. From their many wigwams and few good houses they must be slow to learn the ways of the white people around them. After wigwams and mountain scenery For a time, to businctts follows will FUU about thirteen years 1 have ueyoted more time to nobtica than to buoiiieBs. The remilt ie that tuy business bus sutlered. at, least, I propose to devote more time and less to polities, provided the other let me. During these years some features havo come into practice among business men that were tint con sidered proper or necessary at tiiat time. Among them is the scheme of profit-sharing or giving to some lucky customers a valuable present. 1 propose to do something in this line myself. For each fifty cents paid to me for goods fur nished I will give the customer a numbered coupon. On each Saturday at D p. in. I will give away two presents one, a year's subscription to any $1 period ical desired, and the other, one copy of some of the famous pictures neatly framed, the customer can also make n choice of these as there are a number to be given awav before supply is exhausted. In ad dition, every "month I will give several valuable pnH ents. On June 5th the presents will bo a fine Bible, a Webster'B International Dictionary, one year'e uu scription tou $4 periodical and one Bo.vh' Haselia Set. The presents to be given away on .Inly 0th will bo announced later. 1 hope to confine mysnlf in thoBe presents to ar ticles in tnv own line ho that I w ill not interfere with sale of goods in other linos. In addition 1 will give a dividend each month to the person who has pur chased the most goods from me. On Jaue nth this will be JfS.OO. You do not have to purchase fifty couti worth at one time to get n dividend check, as 1 issue certificates of sale for less amounts which can be exchanged for dividend check when they amount to fifty cents. If clerk does not give you checkH or or certificates when you make U T UAI 1U a purchase, ask for them. m. I. llULHIl t and the land of Nod. I find we have ' jcroseed the Snake river and are passing ttiiuuu vuw uiuau fiuiuc ui iuiiU shooting at home. The editor of the Salem Journal is writing some articles on strawberry culture, and the funniest thing about I them to the Aloany Democrat is that the Journal man actually seems to know a little something of what he is talking about. A Salem citizen who has just re turned from California, where he looked up the prune situation, says the prune crop in the Sacramento valley is almost a failure and the report from prune districts in that state is not favorable for anything like a full crop. The amount of money in circula tion in the United States on May 1st was $2,195,304,235, as compared with $2,0G0,525,4G3 on May 1, 1900, owing by the late firm, and collect all showinc an increase of $184,778,772. 1 debt8 due and owing to said firm. The increase since April 1, 1901, j where the sheep range in winter and the j sage rats and rabbits manage to stay the year round. From the cars Idaho looks less like "the garden spot" than Oregon e cross the isnake river again at. American Falls and see the same water that (runs past The Dalles, 000 miies away. It is a large stream here and must bead many miles to the north, near the Yellowstone Park. At Pocatello, which is said to be 4000 feet high and is a great railroad town we change cars for Ogden and Salt Lake, and some other time I may have some thing to write about the Mormon city and what I see further on the trip. Buffalo. NOTICE. Ihe partnership heretofore existing between Charles Keys and Albert Nelson, of Dalles City, Oreeon, under the style and firm of Keys & Nelson, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The bn9inesB will be continued by Albert Nelson, who will pay all debts due and amounted to 8,0G0,G55. The cir culation per capita on May 1st was $28.31, as compared with 2G.58 on May 1st last year. Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Mav 7, 11)01, Ciiaklks Keys, 8m-2w Amikut Nelson. A German fellow citizen of thrifty proclivities suggests that the mem bers of the city council could ad- Take Notice! All who have coupons on the prizes offered at K. E. Teague'e grocery store, will pleaee bring them in before June 1st. The most valuable prizes are yet left, namely, two gold watches, one lady's and one gentleman's. mlS-Sl Vance themselves to the ranks of the ! " inepeopieouiy Knew wnat we Know ... . .. . ,. about Kodol Dyspepsia would immortals by investing in a big , be uged ,n near)y every ,OU8eholdi na merry-go-round and devoting the j lHere are few pe0,ie who do not suffer profits, which he conservatively estl-! from a feeling of fullness after eating, mates nt 25 a day, to the improve, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or ment of the streets of the city. The I terl". caused by indigestion or .,, , . , . i dyspensia. A preparation such as kodol council will probably invest in a Dy8f,ep8ia Cure, which with no aid from merry-go-round about the time it the stomach, will digest your food, concludes to build a sewer on Court jcetainly can't help but do you good t Clarke & talk's P. O. Pharmacy. street. , j "J have been suffering from Dyspepsia A rather curious suit has been : for the past twenty years and have been brought in the circuit court of Mult-1 unable after trying all preparations and j physicians to get any relief. Aftor taking one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief and am now In better health than I have been for twenty yoare. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts, North Creek, Ark. Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. I C. J. STUBLilG, r1 WHOLESALE AVI) ISKTA'L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 1 Next door to First National Bank. Coiiilnn IMimiih SJIli. Lone Hint. 101)1. i THE DALLES, OREGON. .5 rj.uiJ Just What You uaant. Wilkinson Warehouse. IS NOW OPEN AS A KB WOOL AND ram n TTT 1 l Mi 1 1 wnn ' I Wool Graded and Baled. Wool Bought and Sold on Commission. Correspondence Solicited. SAM WILKINSON, Prop. Gratidall & Barget DEALERS IN - J0J)eSj All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PS New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single Htock. Kcal iniitu- i tion creton elfects at ordinary prices. , Good papers at cheap paper prices. I Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our Htore on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. We Imvc im mhIc h (nil line n( Eonffh anfl Dressefl Lnmlier Mouldings, Braokots, Laths, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will null at live and let live prices. (live us ii trliil mill we will trent you rlKht. G-ILBRETH & SON Third iiuil Fmlnrul MU. OREGON Shot line union Pacific AMD IIS TAUT FOU (HiIenRiH Portland Hiionliil, p. m. vln Hunt liiKton, Atlillltlll I'.XIirL'NK, l",.. li 1. . ' l'J:)ii. in. ' w Oiniiliu, Km, vlNllimt HMNCIty.Ht ..UiiiIh.CIiI. liiRton. I iikii mill tliu KiWt. TIM li HdHKIlUl.KS PKOM THIS DAI.U'.H. Hiilt ljike, Deiivur. Ft. Worth, Oiniilm, Kim. HimClty.Ht. Uiiifn, ciil CURD 1111(1 tllU lillHt. Halt l.nku, Donvur. Ft, Ht. l'lilll FiiNt .Mull, V:Zri, in. via Hpo-kaiio. Walla Wallh, U-vvIhIoh, HliokiiiiD.Wiilliicu.l'utt IIIHII, Mllltieiim!H, Ht. l'lilll, Hullltli, Mlhvmi Ueu, Clilcn;(i ami Kant. AltKlVR FROH I'OSji.m. I Ua. m, ii. 0ii m, OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From I'artUnil. h:(M) i. in. i(AII Milling (iHtlW NUl) ' I Jeot lo ulniiiKc.) ' For Hun I'nmelKco, I Hull every d itayK. Dully exeunt Sunday, .V() i. III. Haturiliiy, lllllHI p. in. Dally exeunt huniiay, l,:ll a. III. Tuesday, ThurMln y, Satiinl.t), li U0 a. ui. Tuesday. 1 Tlmrsiliiy, Coluiiililu Itlrtir. To Astoria and Way IjinillllKh. I (W Ji. m. I 00 p. m. except HiUKlny, WIllHtunttti Itli-nr. OreRon City Nel,erK, 1 jj Milem, Indeiieiiiluliee, ,, iV und Wiiv-IjiikIIiii'k nilimny. CorviilliH and Way l-lllldlllRM Wlllniiixttn hiiiI Vuiiililll ItlverM. I "M i. m. MiiiiiIhjt, Weiliievlfy IrlUiiy. i :) p. in, .Mimilny, siitnrdiij , 0k.k,, i)vt.m anil Wediiumiay , no a. in. Wiij ljuidliiKH. rltlny. Leave Ittimrla dally, ;i lila. in. Siiiikn ltlrer. Itlpiirlii to LuivlNtou. I.onvo K'lvlnlnn dully, k :J) a. in. Pfirtll.M .1l.Mlrlllf. tf. ffl fit jioiiiiN nu i;oiuuinia Hiiuinurii via IWkkh, MidiiM take No. L', leavlne Tliu Dalle4 at la p. m. uiakliiR (limit eoiiiii'utloiiN at Heppner Junction and HIrrs. Ite'.unilni: uiakiURdlri':tciiuiietlim at ilui)iuur jiiiietlou and IIIrrh with iNu. Lav rlvuiR ut The Dalles at 1 :().' i. m. For further particulars, call on or inlilrc." JAri. IUKI.AM), AKi'tit, The Dalles, Oregon. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of UBing HO-called kidney remedieB without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull paiim in your back. DiHcard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidne.VH" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the use of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wayne, Indiumi. M. . Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. L. Lane, (KNKKAl. Biacksmiin ...AND. The "Bailey-Gatzert" The finest and fastest stornwheel boat on the Columbia River Will Make DAILY TRIPS f Horseshoe nomah county. A woman sues the' Ancient Order of United Workmen for the insurance carried by her dead ex-husbaiul. When the man joined he made his wife the bene ! ficiary, and after they were divorced lie neglected, purposely or otherwise, 1 to name another beneficiary. In the j meantime his divorced wife married I "Our little girl was unconscionce from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. I quickly He- again. The lodge claims that when I cured a bottle of One Minute Cough the woman ceased to be his wife she Cure, giving her ihiee doses. The croup no longer had an insurable Interest i wafl ,"m8tered B,ld..our "le darling epeeuuy recovereu." bo writes A. u. Spuffbrd, Cheater, Mich. Clarke A in his life. Henry Dosch has been spinning some tall yorns to the Buffaloites, if we are to judge by an article in the Buffalo Times, beaded "Clams a Foot Long in the Oregon Exhibit." Speaking of razor clams, Mr, Dosch tells the innocent reporter that "two Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday, Don't forget this. Wanted Ten homesteaders at once, The lutt chance to get good timber claims near the Columbia river. Ad dress H, W. L., cre of the Chronicle office. m 15-21 to to to between The Dalles and Portland, Mon days excepted, arriving here from Port land at 3 p. in. and returning at 4 p. m. JOHN FILLOON, Agent, $ The Dalles, Oregon. Wagon and Carriago Work. Floh Brothers' Wagon. Third anil Mctii, Phone 159 me Columbia PacKingco., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTtlKKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JltlKD BEEF. ETC. J.K. HOHItNdK, 1'ruNlilunt. .Max a. Voiit. C'HHlllui p. S. GUfiTOG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.., -OKAIXU I.V- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AKat for Ituwoll it Vo.'n KiixIiich, TlirusbcrH aud Huw MIIU. Telephone 167. Long Distance 1073, Cor. Second & Lanolin Sts, THE DALLES, OR, First national Batik. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Depoaita received, subject to Bight CollectlonB made und proceeds promptlt a, uem,lt on dv of oollectlon. Hlght and Telegraphic Exchange aold New York, Han Francisco and porl. land. 2 p: Tmompsow. Jho, b. Hohuui. o. m. Williams, Gao. A. Liaaa. H. M, Bball. Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, i 1 THE DRUGGIST. i Spring Suitings Tlio tiimi will hooii ho horn wiiun wrr BtyliHh dniHHud unit) will want mi ii't0J (Into Spring Suit. TIiohd uro ilif kl'"1 01 jmtroiiH 1 am tailoring for. Cunie in und look ovr my Spring linn of Kuitine All tlio latuHt novultiua for 1HUI. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In nil ItH BtnKUH tUero tlioulil bu cluunlluutii. Ely's Cream Balm clfaime,ciotUeHaii(l livala tliu dlaviiMoil iiiouilirnne. It cnruii catarrh mid drlvua way cold lu tbo tiutd Vrewn Balm ii placed Into tbo nMtrll,'.'p over tha membrane and li absorbed. Jtella mediate ami a cure followe. It (i not d'yl"-" not produce enceisliiK. Irgo BUe, 60 oeriW '"u gliU or by mall ; Trial Hle, 10 eeuU by m"- t UL.Y lWOTUKHS, 60 Wurreu Street, Ntw w X