J it .;, l)c Mies VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 20. 1901. NO. 91 "I CHRISTEN THEE 'OHIO Miss Bather Touched the Mutton While President McKinley Stood By and Watched the Big Ship Slide Into the Bay. Sax Fuanoikco, May 18, Fortunately, Mrs. McKinley's condition toduy per mitted the president to attend the launching of the battleship Ohio from the yards of the Union Iron Works. To witness tin; launching ol this ship, was named in honor of his native; state, was tho leal object of the president's long trip across the. continent , and was the event which has attracted to the Pacific Coast, the governors ot three state, the Ohio congressional delegation, several United States senators and many other distinguished people. Dramatic and picturesque us was the sight of M.OOO tons of steel sliding into t ho full breasted tids of Sun Fruncn-eo bay, it was not so splendid and munifi cent as the great naval pageant which .accompanied it nor as piofoundly im pressive as the greeting extended to tho president by 4500 employes of the shipyard. With the threut of a great strike impending, the president' woids to the workmen taday have added significance to the event, and his refer ence to expansion and other national questions make his speech a notable one. When the president left tho sick room of his wife this morning every arrange ment had been made to notify him on tho instant of any change for the worse in her condition. The phjsicians as-Bliied-liim there was no indication of u set back, nut at his request telegraphic connection weie made at the wharf and at the ship yard, and save for tho time he was on the water he was not for a minute away from the direct connection witli tht! Scott rcsidenca. KKMAUKAIII.i: DK.MOXHTIIATION. The trio to Union Iron Works on the tug Slocum proved to be a triumphal I jurnoy, tho like of which Iiub not been witnessed in the country since Admiral Dewey, upon his return from the Philip pines, sailed up the Hudson on the Olympiu. Every cratt in the harbor whb decked out in gayest uttne. Up near the ship yards the grim warships of the Pacific squadron were swinging at anchor. Oil' near Ooat island lay the transport Sheridan. SIih had just ar rived from the Philippines and sho had aboard the Forty-second and Forty-sixth United States volunteer infantry, which ehe hud brought homo. The president saw her ut once and requested that the course of the Slocum should be changed to allow him to pass near her. Ah the Slocum approached the big transport there was a scene of almost frenzied enthusiasm. The soldiers, all in their service uniforms, rushed to the side and rent the air witli cheer upon cheer at the sight of Hit) president of tne United fetates come to welcome them home. He stood on tower deck uncovered, bowing and smiling and waving his handkerchief until the sound of shouting died uway in the distance. Tho president and his party moved to the stand where a representative of the IjOO employes of the Union Iron W rks asked a heartfelt blessing upon the head of tho president and expressed tender Hympitthy for his suffering wife, and presented the president as token of the esteem of the woiknien, with a gold pinto engraved with it suitable inscription. Tim president's response aroused much enthusiasm. Then came the launching. At 12 i-'U,', two and a half minutes before the tldo was at its highest, Miss Burlier j.ressed thu button. The last block felt away, at the same time Miss Barber, a young lady of seventeen years, let go He bottle of champagne suspended at the side of the bow by red, white und blue ribbon, mid as it crushed against tho Aide site uttered tho words "I christen thee 'Ohio.' " called on Presldent;McKinley thig after noon. President McKinley especially requested Gov. Geer to express to the people of Oregon his regret that lie was unable to visit them at this time. The president stated that at some time during his administration he expected to com plete his tour as originally planned. In that event, ho said, he would go direct from Washington to thonorthweet. The Ohio congressional delegation will leave tonight for Portland, Ore., arriving there Tuesday morning. Two days will be spent at Portland, including a trip on the Columbia river. THE CRISIS PASSED Mrs. McKinley Was Able to Sit Up Yesterday No Definite Date Fixed for the Start for the National Capital. Mrlku Ih lit mi Kncl. Ai.iia.vv, N. Y., May 18. The street railway employee' strike, which was inaugurated eleven days ago on the lines of the United Traction Company in Al bany, Troy, CohoeB, Rensselaer and Wa- tervliet, is ut an end, and operations on tne entire system will be resumed at noon today. There have been conces sions on both sides, and an agreement was reached early today at a conference at which hath the corporation and the operatives were represented under which it, Bbonld be possible to avoid strikes in future. MoM'K For ii Speedy Knd. London, May 18. The Pretoria corre spondent of the Times, wiring Thursday, reports greatly improved prospects for the winter campaign. "The numerous surrenders of the Boers is a healthy sign," he savs. "1 am unable as yet to see a near date for the close of hostilities, but one may be more hopeful, especially if the results of the coming activity resemble thoee of j the past month." Kale to l'u:i-A iiiHi'luuu KxONitluii , For the Pun-American exposition at Buffalo the 0. K. & N. Co., with other lines in this territory, have asked tor the following rates to Buffalo and return, which will probably be made effective: From Portland anil common points 478.25, and from Spokane and common points $08.25. Tickets on sale Tuesday, May 21st, and every first and third Tuesday from that date until October loth inclusive. Going limit of tickets seven days to Missouri river or St. Paul ; journev to commence on date of sale. Final limit sixty days west of Missouri river or St. Paul, with stop-over privi lege west of St. Paul or Missouri river in either direction within limits. This is a preliminary notice and these rates cannot yet be guaranteed. Further notice will be given as soon as definite rates are settled. 15-10t Auotlier Tour. Ban Fhancihco, May 18. Gov. Geer, of Oregon, who ban been iu the city for the past week assisting iu the exercises attending the visit of President McKinley returned home tonight. Gov. Geer, accompanied by hie wife TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. Tho county court has instructed the county clerk to place a warrant on the tax roll of 1900 commanding me to col lect the tuxes for said year by making sale, if necessary, of t lie property there in mentioned, and lo return tiie roll in side of sixty days. J am sworn to do my duty, and am also under bonds for its faithful per formance; therefore have no alterna tive but to obey the mandate of the court, and will immediately proceed to make out a list of delinquents and ad vertise thu property for sale. BoiimtT Kelly. lOm-lwd.tw Sheriff of Wasco Co. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there will bo an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Kngle Mining Com pany at tho ollico of French & Co., bank ers, on Friday, May JJ1, 1901, at 7 o'clock I p. in., lor tne purpose oi tweeting seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By otder of tho president. The Dulles, May 1, 1001. J. C. llOSTlM'I.KIl, nil-td Secy, and Tieus. When your huir appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants sometime,: to give it life und vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con ilitlon. We huve the Crown of Science Hair i3'S) Grower and Cocoanut CreumSggiK? Tonic. They will cure dand fcust ruff and all scalp diseases. For sale at Fi azsr's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. Mr. W. J. Buxter of North Brook, N. 0., says he suffered witli piles for fifteen years, fie tried many remedies with no 'results until he used DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Wanted A woman to do plain sewing. About three months' work on hand. Apply at this office. rul'Mwk Subscribe for Thk Cukoniulb. San Fhancisco, May 19. Mre. Mc Kinley's condition was so far improved this evening that she was able to sit up for a while. This welcome news was given out shortly after 5 o'clock. General Shafter called on Preeident McKinley, and while they were talking, word came downstairs that Mrs. McKinley was sit ting up. The president at once asked to be excused and hurried to the sick room The anxiety caused by last night's bul letin, stating that Mre. McKinley's tern perature was higher, was dispelled at 10 o'clock this morning, when Secretary Cortelyou announced that she had passed a comfortable night, and that the slight fever noted last night had subsided. The president did not attend church, but remained at home nearly all day only going out for a short walk just be fore noon. There were manv callers at the Scott residence today. There was a general feeling that the crisis had been passed, and that Mrs. McKinley would continue to gain strength. No definite date has yet been decided upon as to when the president will start for the National capital, but it iB hoped that Mre. Mc Kinlev will be able to travel within a few days. Secretary Long left this morning for Colorado Springs to visit his daughter, who is ill. At 9:15 ;. m., Secretary Cortelvou gave out the following bulletin : "Mrs. McKinley's physicians report that she has had a very good day, and the progress made since morning is satisfactory." President McKinley ie in receipt of cablegrams from the king and queen of England, President Loubet of France, and many other European potentates, inquiring as to Mrs. McKinley's condition. Among the callers today on President McKinley was Calvin S. Titus, the first American soldier to mount the walls of Pekin, who returned Friday on the trans port Sheridan. Ilaiilfili Wan InUleH Nut Sold. Copenhagen, May 18. It is officially announced that the Danish West Indies have not been sold. As previously set forth in these dispatches, the negotia tions are progressing on matters of de tail, but it is not likely that a treaty will be concluded before the rigedag and congress meet. BUSINESS LOCALS. Some desirable-city property for gale or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons & Marden. alltf Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke k Falk have them. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James b. Patton strictly mire liquid paints The least in quantity and most in quality describes DoWitt's Little Misers, the famous pills for constipation, and liver complaints. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.75 por gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James h. Patton'a sun proof paints for .1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & balk, agents. ml Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets aro sold on u positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any lorin ot dyspepsia. uno nine tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. Mold Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist. Do You Waut Home? I have for sale forty head of horses, weighing from 800 to 1700 pounds. If you want a uorse or a team i can ni Fancy Hosiery J& A new line jut opened, showing the Brightest Richest and most exclusive styles and colorings ever brought to this city. This is going to be a Fancy Hosiery season, and we will be found right at the front witli tho most correct i-tyles at the most popular prices. 25, 35, 50, 75 and 90 a pair. Our Special Reduction Sale of Summer Underwear Our stock is complete in every detail. Underwear of the most satisfactory kind in a range of prices that adjusts) itself to every purse. Cool, light-weight Balbriggann at 50c, $1, $1.50 and $1.75 a suit and tiie celebrated DR. DEIMEL'S Ivinen Mesh Underwear j& Boys' Reefer Suits j? at off is still going on. These suits are worth from $2 to $5, and come in all-wool cloths only. Take any suit in the lot and take off one-fourth the price. Sizes from 3 to 8 years. At $5 Suit At $5 Suit SUN-BONNETS See our window display of bright, new Sun Bonnets. Sizes for both ladies and children. Values 25c and 35c ; This weeR Special 19c. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. 3 Striken A Well Find. "I wae troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous de bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas ter, X. H., "Xo remedy helped me un til I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my i wife in excellent health for years. She says Electiic Bitters are just splendid for lemale troubles ; that they are a grand tojic and invigorator for weak, run down women. Xo other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakelev, the druggist. 1 NOTICE TO DOG-OWNERS. The city council having reduced the dog license to for a male and $2 for a female, have ordered me to enforce the law and impound all dogs for which the license has not been paid. This, there fore, is to give notice that all unlicensed dogs found running at lurge will be im pounded, uuu if not redeemed will be killed. Thok. .1. Ditivi:n, inU-20 City Murshal. If anything ails your hair, go and see FYazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt's Little Early Misers remove the caiue of disease. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint ami artist's brushes. PROPOSALS For lititK ICiillwuy IiUIkIh it I tliu t.'lleillll 1 . ilt'll r . SeuVil bills "111 bo leeched by the board of loi ti)K eoiuiimsliiiieih n( tliu tilutuof ()ici,'ou unlit 'i oVlock p. in. May J I, I'.Kll, Mint thru pub Jlolv opened, for the pun'haso of a tract of limit 1 a Jillll"K l lie I lilted Htntc". (iovi'l lliiH-nt Ito- soive nb vo the upper cutialico lo the lock.-, iu I the Columbia Ik it, ih'kIiiiiIiii; at u point nu the I cast bouuilmy hu ol the lulled States tinvoni I nieiit Kcsene nlnetj -eiK'ht uiul foil I tenths Extra SPECIAL Bargains In Lace Curtains and Bed Quilts. LACE CURTAINS. A new pattern in Curtains, sizo 2- yds, por pair 40c A extra fine design, size 3 yards, per pair 73c Also a splendid pattern, size 3 yards, por pair 75c Better and larger at 1.10, 1.38, 1.73, 2.40 and 3.70 Our $3.70 Curtains are equal to any ever sold hero at $5.00. BED QUILTS. We have in full size only and of very host quality at 73c, $1, 1.18, 1.40, 1.03, 1.80 and 2.45. You may not be in need of any of tho above goods at present, but it will pay you to buy even for future use. TUC CAID79 i rib rfiin The Place to Save Money. Second Street. you. tan -a Jkkf Dkhu's. Subscribe for Thk Ohkonici.k. tbiturrli tJuunot lie Uureil. with loeul applications, as they cannot reach tho uuiit of tho disease, (Jatuirh is u blood or constitutional disease, ami in order to cure it vou must tako inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Ohio is taken internally, and acta directly on tliu blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's C.i. I) feet norm of the Miutneast corner tliereor, I p,,...,.-!, i;l1m ifl ,,,-, n minek nieilli'lnu tlu'iico uiirtheaMt'ily pnullelhu,' the Hack of tho j Ul,,u r" t,l,ro 18 oc ft 1UUI.K liluliune. otetjou Hallway ami Nuv!j;ailmi company It was was prescribed by one of the best IK.IO III, IMII.', , VJf I l,,l.4MnMPtJ'l.l,WI handled tl UK)) leet liuiu between tliu track of tliu nitlroail company anil tlio I'olumblit river, ii fully li'crlle l at pane 1U1 Hook " l','1 HccoiiIh of irviIs lei Vwtbi'o i.ouuty, Oicgou, authority for MiiU Mile, beliu: Kiauttil by nu act of thu tweuiy-IIrM U'KUIatlvetiNM'inbly; eonvuyiinco to be a b'irKalu ami talu iteetl, Kadi but iuut bo lUTomiuinUst by u eortllK'il chirk of Ihu uinount of twenty (VM) per cent of tliu bid, pn ablu to the (tutu trciiMiiur, to bo for fuitud if thu balance of tliu purchase, price in not paid within ten days ufter acceptance of tliu mine, liids blioutd bo addressed to the Secretary ol Statu und endorsed "Jltd for I'oitttgu Itailwa) Uind." Tho Hoard of 1'orUge Commissioners reserves tho right to reject tiny and all bils. T. T. UKKK, Governor. K. I. DUNHAU.Bteretary of State. OH A8. 8. MOOHK, HUte Treasurer, nil-wis liw physicians in this country tor yours, and is arcLMilar nrt'scrintion. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results iu curing Catarrli. Send for testimonials, free. F. J, Chunky A Co,, I'rops,, Toledo O. Sold by drrtitfKlsts, price 7fic, Hall's Family Pills are tiie best. 12 Floral lotion will cure wind chapping aud sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke & Falk. bunk lit llleott llui Kit I ii k. A lunch -5 miles south of this city, 117 acres, fenced und cross fenced, and consisting of six fields; plenty of water in each field; !!0d acres good tillable laud, in full wheat ; all farm build inu's; handy to school. Price, $5000; 1500 cash, baluncu on time to tuit purchaser, at (i per cent interest. A tine little place, consisting of 60 acres, three miles from the Waeeo county court house; plenty of water, und liavini! the finest spring in Oregon on the place. Price, if (100. A place of 100 acres, 1-1 miles south of The DuUes; 10 acres iu cultivation. This place will be sold for less than government price; must be sold at once. The above places are only a few of tho many snaps Dad liutts has in bis hand for sale, inlO-22 Ice cream and ice cream soda now on Up at A. Keller's, alStt