The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 18, 1901, Image 3

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    Sale of Undermuslins
and Fancy White Goods
No doubt but yon will be surprised to read of this sale now a
month ahead of its us.ial time but you will agree with us that
You can buy
a suit of clothes anywhere if you are easily
satisfied and not particular about the styles
and the fit.
If you want
clothes that will look right and keep their
shape, come to us. We have the trade of the
men who are hard to please. Our Hart,
Schaffner and Marx suits will satisfy the
most critical.
mo innovation Is a move in the right direction. Reitnlar slocks
Furthermore, tint few people have left town so far, whereas in another' m nnh Vhnom' PV" PV, thewonki I.0 in ,,,n?'
will m n Wtaa extant linvn onna nut nf ... "ureB8 n "noiner month the ones most interested in the purchase of these (roods
liiunbTMnSSitSi ' WC ',aVe PrePared n 1181 f 8pecial a"'ct' hl will prove profitable
Women'M extra qnnlity Muslin, plain
(itiish ; ruffle or edged with luce; regn
lur 05c, 75c, $1 mid 1 .25
Sale .58c, 63c, 83c, 98c
Also in this sale Y omen's Gowns of
the choicest unci best materials, and of
the best and most popular styles, at
prices ranging up to $5.(10.
ClieniiBC, Corset Covers and Drawers
offered ut the sumo reduction.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Fltfures
Women's Muslin Underskirts, dust ruf
fle, cambric flounce; regular f.!)c, 75c, $1.00.
Sale 59c, 60c, 87c
Sale will commence Tuesday
morning and continue for bal
ance of week.
Space will not permit the mention of
many other exquisite designs we are dis
playing in Women's Understiits at the
present time. Prices run like this: $1.50,
$1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50,
$.", $5.50 and $0 reduced to $1.29, $1.43,
$1.09, $1.98, $2.08, $2.69, $2.97, $3.39,
$3.97, $4 37, $4.89 and $5.20.
Every man in town will want Canvas Shoos this summer.
Our line of these shoes is comfortable in every way, and every
shoo has a price attached that will please the buyer.
Men's Khaki Lace '. $1.50
Men's Covert Cloth Lace 1.50
Men's Canvas Oxfords 1.50
Meir's Khaki ike Shoes 85
Piovs' Khaki liike Shoes 75
Strictly all-worsted navy blue serge suits, Italian d - f
cloth and serge lined (plv
All-wool Scotch cheviot suit in plain and striped d c
goods, gray, blue and greenish colorings QlU
Our best sack suits in imported Scotch cheviot and worsted
goods comprises everything ClC Cfl tn (01 Cfl
that is new and up-to date.' 4ID.UU lU 4ZZ.3U
For prices and styles see our display in window.
Black Cat Brand Hose Kine .c.otto" l,a, n
. . red, blue, tan and black.
Positively the best value over shown in The Dalles.
Guaranteed strictly fast coloringB; per pair i-oC
& Marx
Balbriggan Summer Underwear in
fancy or plain, per garment 50c
" E. & W." collars and cuffs; only
place in town to get this well-known
brand 25c
"Arrow" brand collars, all new and
stylish shapes 12-ic
Our " Monarch " negligee shirts are
shown in large variety of styles and
$1 to $2
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SATURDAY - - - MAY 18. 1901
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wum-.o County ivurruntH reeltr(t
prior to nitiMitr 1, 1H17, will l paid
on pritiirntHtloii ut my ofllco. Interim
ciuHH rtn- Novmnhfr iilt, 1IIOO.
County TrttuHuror.
Two weeks more of school in The
A fresh shipment of crawfish jiiPt re
ceived at the IJnnk Cafe. C. J. Stub
ling, proprietor.
A fresh consignment of delicious craw
fish is now on tap at the Owl. J Fait &
Co., proprietors. . nilU-tf.
Wanted A womuu to do plain sewing.
About tiiree mouths' work on hand.
Apply at this ollico. ml-l-lwk
Thesheriir yesterday turned over to
the county treasurer the sum of $4,i)G2.
"(!. the amount of (axes collected during
the first fifteen duys of May.
Word comes from Tygh Ridge that
Wallace Fargher, one day this week, lost
thirty head of sheep that were poisonod
by eating lark's spur and wild onions.
Wanted Ten homesteaders at once.
Tho last chance to get good timber
claims near tho Columbia river. Ad
dress U. W. L., care of tho Chronicle
oflice. ml5-2J
Hudson & Brownhill this week sold
the John Fender place on thu White
Salmon to W. T. Wright, Tne ranch
consists of 320 acres of laud mid the con
sideration is tlUOl).
The insane man who jumped into the
Columbia river near Celilo a few weeks
ago and was sent from here to tho slate
asylum has been released from that in
stitution as restored to his right mind.
Jt is expected that President Ponroce,
of Whitman college, will deliver an ad
dress on "Good Citizenship" in this
city during the last week ol this mouth.
Further notice will ho given in duo time.
An extraordinary attraction will be
the colony of silk worms, which will
ho in this city next week. Watch the
papers for announcement of their arrival
aud then come aud see thu little spin
ners spin.
The Leader says the Sbaniko Ware
house company liRve at the present time
twenty five persons on the pay rolls.
Fourteen are employed on the addition
being built, (our a the lumber yard and
seven in the warehouse.
The river at this place stool at 30.5
feet above zaro this morning. A rise of
two feet more will close the locks to
navigation, an event that is likely to
occur next Monday, and is almost cer
tain to occur before the middle of the
Attorney Sam Stark will conduct his
first cuse as an attorney in the justice
court of his old home precinct cf MoBier
next Saturday in a controversy over a
horse between John Miller and Charles
Snipis. Mr. Stark is retained for Mr.
A fine, gentle rain fell part of Wednes
day and all day Thursday in the Dufur
neighborhood aud the country south of
there. Although tfie crops were not
suffering, the rain comes at an oppor
tune time and makes assurance of a big
crop doubly sure.
Since tho dog license has beetf reduced,
itwenty-seven persons have bdught tags
from Recorder Ned Gates, Even the
councilmeu and city officers, Ned says,
are buying tags for tbejr canines, and
this is justly regarded as a demonstra
tion of the wisdom if the reductiou
ordinance. ""
You have no doubt heard of serious
difficulties arising through mistaken
identity over the telephone; but you
huve certainly never heard of anything
ijuite so funny as occurs in "Per Tele
phone, which will be given at the Char
acter concert Tuesday night at the Bald
win. It is a laughable affair throughout.
Mr. Walther, of Sexton & Walther, of
this city, had a telegram yesterday an
nouncing that his father, Mr. Gustave
Walther, of San Db'go, was on bis way
hither and expected to arrive in Tno
Dalles some time today. Mr. Walther
will probably arrive here tonight and
may conclude to make his future homo
with his son.
Duncan Uhisholm.uf Kent, Sherman
county, yesterday sold his clip of this
season's wool to Mr. Smith, of Moses &
Co., of San Francisco, for 11 cents a
pound. The clip consisted of about !!7,
100 pounds of extra clean wool. It may
be added tliat 11 cents is considered tho
top price for the class of wool marketed
ut Tho Dalles.
Henry Gulick complains that some
petty larceny thief is in tho habit of
stealing ropes he uses on the skill' that ho
employs to ferry him acioss the slough
near the mouth of Three Mile to the
fiph wheel. The value of the rope is not
very much, but tho lose of it works un
inconvenience that has made Mr. Gu
lick determined to make an example of
the thief, should he over get truce of
Superintendent C. L. Gilbert is mail
ing to those teachers who have made
requisition, questions for the 8th grade
final examinations. The examinations
will begin at 0 a. m. May 23d and con.
tiuue for three days. These examina
tions are uniform throughout tho state
and are beguu and concluded on the
same date. The questions are prepared
by tho ' state superintendent and are
published by the authority of the state
boirdof education. The examinations
will be, in all caeee, conducted by the
county superintendents or by teachers
and officers appointed by them. Mr.
Gilbert will conduct the examination at
Hood River for the schools of the Hood
River valley.
County Assessor C. L. Schmidt, by
order of the county court, sent J. B.
Goit to Salem to find oui what amount
of school lands in Wasco county had
been deeded by the state and certificates
issued for the same. Mr. Goit returned
today and reported that he found over
9000 acres of land which bad been sold
by the school land board that is not on
the records of Wbbco county, and there
fore has never been assessed.
P. Willig, the merchant tailor, who
waB injured last Sunday by jumping
from an excursion train that he had
boarded at the depot expecting it to
stop at the Umatilla House, after Buffer
ing till yesterday, called in Dr. Logan
who found that Mr. Willig was suffering
from dislocation of the right shoulder.
With the assistance of Dr. Donne, Dr.
Logan, with some difficulty, reduced the
dislocation and Mr. Willig is now doing
as well as could be expected.
Fishermen who live on Desdomona
sands caught a monster black fish in a
net last evening, says the Astoria News
of the Kith. The great fish was about
thirty feet in length and weighed sev
eral tons. So gieat was his weight that
all the forty men on the sands could not
haul him onto the wharf. Finally
horses hauled the big fellow onto the
sands, where ho was taken from the
web. This is the first time in years
that a block fish has been caught in the
river. Tho black fish is generally known
in this vicinity as a whale.
Stock Inspector A. A. Bonney and Dr.
William McLean, state veterinaiian of
Portland, visited Tygh Ridge last Mon
day and killed two horses that were
alHicted with malignant gleet or glan
ders. One of the horses belonged to Joe
Ramus and the other to J. A. MclCllson.
This is a yerv loathsome disease and is I
always fatal to both horse and man.
Several persons have died from this dis
ease in this stute, catching it from gland
ered horses. Any suspicious cases
should bo killed. Messrs. Bonney and
McLean also found a few horses alllicted
with mange, hut all were being eared
for and went improving. The cattle of
Mr. Kinney, of Wamie, alllicted with
ringworm, are doing well aud are prac
tically cured.
Mr. Wallace Wilson, of the Baldwin
restaurant, went to Portland today to
be gone about a week.
Mrs. Balfu Johnson, of Astoria, and
Miss Nellie Michell, of Stevenson, spent
last night in the city aud left for Steven
son on the afternoon boat.
Mies Mary Wilson arrived here today
from Sail Francisco on a visit to her
brother, Mr. James Wilson, with O. J.
Ktubling, Mis Wilson will probably
remain here for a mouth or six weeks.
A special telegram, received here at
nonn today, announced that Mrs. Mc
Kinley is improving and ie able to take
solid food, Sbe has had no recurrance
of the sinking spells.
The president will probably be able to
attend the launching of the Ohio.
Poor Boy!
He waB away at boarding school and
wrote to the old folks at home as follows :
"I hope Matilda's cold is better. I
am glad she ia not at skule. i think i
have got consumption. The boys at
this place are not gentlemanly. I will
try not to get bad habits. The pants
have worn out at the knees, the tailor
must have cheated you, the buttons
have come off and they are loose be
hind. The food is not good, but I shud
not mind it if I was only stronger. The
piece of meat I send you is off the beef
we had on Sunday, but on other days it
is more Btringy. There are black beetles
in the kitchen, and sometimes they cook
them in the dinner, which cant be bole
some when you are not strong, i have a
tame beetle as a pet. Do not mind my
being uncomfortable, as i do not think i
shall last long. Please send me some
more money, as i o 25 centB. if you
cunt spare it i think i can borrow it of a
boy who is going to leave.
You loving but retched son.
ttruiiKt) SirliiK.
Sandy Hancock tells of a spring he
found out in the wildest part of the Blue
mountains, says the Heppner Gazette.
The Christian Scientists hold their
services at the residence of Mrs. W.
Lord Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and
Thursday aftemoonB at 3.
St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. C.
II. Lake, rector. Morning service at
11a.m. Evening, service at 7:30. Sun
day school, 12:15. All are invited.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 8 p. m, in the new church
on Union street. Sunday ecuooI at 10
a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m.
Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and
Union streets Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12:15 p. m;
Lutheran League meeting 0:30 p. in.
Confirmation of the cathechetical class
will take place the following Sunday
Whit Sunday -beginning at 10:30. Rev.
W. Brenner, pastor.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. UlysseB
F, Hawk pastor. Morning service at
11 o'clock. Sunday Echool at 10 a. in.;
class meeting at close of morning service ;
Epworth League ut 7 p. m ; Junior
League at 3 p. m ; evening service at
8. Class meeting every Tuesday even
ing at S. Prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 8. Morning theme, "The
Burning Bush;" evening theme, "A
Great Dilemma." Strangers will be
cordially received at all the services.
Gentlemanly ushers will assist you to
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:15
I), in. Tim mnrnim nnrvi!i from 11 In
It does not come to the surface, forming J ,., will ... (littmmil, .
jubilee of the Congregational
a rivulet as other springs do, but ia a
hole in ttie ground one foot across. The
water comes up on one side of the hole
aud goes out on the other side, under
ground ; on, on it goes, in a rush no one
knows where. Tho water is always icy
cold, and clear as crystal, aud is always
in a rush. The depth cannot bo mens-
the Congregational Home
Missionary Society. Special exercises. I
Mrs. Sommerville will present a abort!
paper, which will be followed by an ad-
dress from the pastor. Subject, "Tho j
Mission of Congregationalism." In thu
evening the pastor will speak. Music as
follows : Morning anthem by the chorus
The partnership heretofore existing
between Charles Keysand Albert Nelson,
of Dalles City, Oreeon, under the
style and firm of Keys & Nelson, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will be continued by Albert
Nelson, who will pay all debts due and
owing by the late firm, and collect all
debts due and owing to said firm.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Mav 7, 1001.
Ciiaklks Kkys,
8m-2w Ai.iikkt Nelson.
If the people only knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would
be used in nearly every household, as
there are few people who do not suffer
from a feeling of fullness after eating,
belching, flatulence, sour stomach or
waterbrash, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which with no aid from
the stomach, will digest your food,
certainly can't help but do you uood
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Drying preparations 6imply dovel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to tho membrano and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes mid smifl'a
and uso that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho bead
easily and pleasantly. A trial bizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
GOo. sizo. ElyBrothors, fill Warren St., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritato or oauso sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Halm youaro armed
agaiust Nasal Catarrh and Ilay Fever.
Tor infants and Children.
flie Kind You Havo Always Bought
Boar3 tho
SIguaturo o
At... -a .... il. ..
ureu.anu uie stream ouuig so swiu u.e , (.loiri A H()nu, ()f Tlllnkf!givini:.. tlV
measuring poles are forced out of tl.e Prtrkt., At the eveniim service the ehoi'r
hands and carried on underground, I wi m)(lur Variu,e ..T,,a City of Rm
never to be Feen again; and so with j Tu u,, ()imrtet will sing the olfertories
everything dropped into it; it Is gone ,(t b()th B(.rvl(.0rii yonne lwnpW(i ,,,,.
forever. Standing near this spring wo , ... ..., l)u , ... , ...
can feel tho earth tremble, and we can j KU Wrt)11Mi (Sll)Jri(!t "Women of the j
hear a roaring underground like water , ,0 j
falling over a precipice. ( - I
v r. ; ;, i ''" mhihhiim .tii-tniK..
The world's gre.itest living animal
trainers, Nonis & Rowe, will exhibit
their big trained Hiilmal shows in The
The camp-meelinn of the Free Meth
odist church, which was to have begun
on Wednesday laet, on the southwest
Dalles, haturday afternoun ami night, i corner of Fourth aud Washington
May 25th. These big shows exhibited 1 Btreets, will begin tonight. Tho meet-
here two years ago aud left a most en
viable reputation.
for Mule.
Black mare, 0 years old; weight 950
lbs ; broke to ride or drive ; also cart and
single harness; mare is gentle. Ad
dress, Box 350 or this office, iu02wke
Subscribe for Tun Ouuoniolk,
lug wa delayed because of thu tabetnaclu
not arriving in time, but is now on the
ground and ready for services. Preach
ing will be as follows: 10 a. in., 2:110
p, m. aud 8 p. in, of each day. All are
invited to attend. The meetings will
continue over the 20th,
Guv Dkk.vky, V, C,
G, R. Htam; D, K,
Dotted swiss goods with a lace stripe,
a yard wide, for 15 cents at The Racket.
Ladies' wrappers with the coraet
linings, at The Racket, going cheap.
You will not have boilu if vou take
Clarke S: Falk'.- sain cum toi boils.
Ladies' duck skirts fur 50 cents and
.f 1, at. The Racket store.
Clark i Fulk are never closed Sunday.
Don't foriret thii'.
Quality and not iiuantity makes De
Wilt's Little Kirly Risers such valtiiblo
little liver pills. Clarke i Falk's P. O.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts,
All orders attended to promptly. Long
dietance phone -Kill. Local, 102.