Throat Troubles BUSINESS LOCALS. "Unrdwrll, Ky., where I lire, is in the ex treme western part of the State anil only a few nines lrom Lain), BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE IS I Ice creniu nnd ice cream eoila now on tap nt A. Keller's. nlHtfi A full line o( Eaetmnn films nnd sup 111., where the Oliio plies just received by Clarke & Fnlk. empties Into the . Mis., Some desirable city property for sale sissippi River. It mn ' 11 be that th -oat troubles or runt at particulars call on bibbons are common here he-. & Mimlen. alltf . p ui ioc p . t house with paints that ara tion, but. ' whatever the "u'lv puaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk reason. 1 find j have them. Clarke is Falk baye received a carload of the celebrated James 1J. Patton strictly mire liquid paints i itie least in quantity unii most in tion on hand. ' nnn'"y describes DeWitt'e Littlo Kisers, It is the best ; the famous pills for constipation, and thing 1-ever , ;ver complaints. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pliarmacy. it wise to com stantly keep a s u i i 1 o t Acker's lish Uemedy for Consmup- EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height !:.? hands, weight 1050 i pounds. Sired by Zombro, 2:11, the best son of MeKin- no v, 2:1H. First dam, Ilridesmaid, hv lioswond, son of Nutwood. Second dam, Lake land Queen, dam of Ad Alone l?'2:lu by Lakeland's Abdullah, son of Hninbltiton iuu 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Alhiuiihru, son of Mamhriuo Chief 11. EDMUND S. will ninku the season of 1001 at L. A. Porter's livery stable, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20. For further particulars see janso-dwimn FRED FISHER. Proprietor. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. came across rnr nnnri.i rnljls and throat troubles, and I have used it in my laaiiiy iur vrau. " rc b""u" iul ""u"ul ; n j? T"l i TilT J' ' ilruscbM.cre can be depended upon to have ,mi,its when you can huv James E. j OP8lJbLlD.2' Ol JdIOOU ixLeCllClIie , niivnvd. sn I am writing thU letter to . D,, t .... , -n Sii1? oiark &i Dr. Woods Sarsapanlla is the thing bothered lately with sore throat nndilitlieuit 1 breathinc, but just as soon as the dozen hot- Dvspepsia can bo cured liv using ties get here. I will mro her a few doses, and Ack;,r.s Dv6pepsla Tablets. One littlo she will certainly be well again. I expect to " write another letter in a short time saying Tb,et Bve immediate reliet or my wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure it money refunded. Sold in handsome tin is what she needs." (Signed) T. A. White. , boxes at i'5 cts. Rlakeley the druggist. Soldat2.a , Sick Headache absoiately and perma- the United states and Canada : and m tng' , - land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. fid. If you are not ' neutly cured by using Moki Tea. A satisfied after buying, return the bottle tc Fieugl,nt herb drink. Cures conntiuation that cures. D not forcet it; we have it, at 75c par bottlo largo bottles) ; guaranteed, or you may get your money back If not satisfied. IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we exorcise the greatest care, pounding your phvsicians urders. with efliciunt service. Wo carry the best anil use the best In cotn Our prices we make as low as is consistent We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything ItV nulhnrir Ihr ahnrf au&ranltc. IT. II. IWOKKK i- CO., ftopritU-rs, Sew l'orfc For sale at Blakelev'e Pharmacy. Nntloel The Elite barber shop is now running four chairs, thus givinc patrons the quickest service consistent with good work. Tile finest bathe in the city for both ladifo nnd cntlmen. Special at tention v'iven to children' hair-cutting and ladies shampooing. The only bar ber ehp in Vbe cityjusins Pteam-laun-dried linen. ml3-tf W. A. Crawford, Prop. Do You Want n Horse? I have for sale forty head of horse?, weighing from S00 to 1700 ponnds. If you want a horse or team I can fit you. in 17-24 and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25jcts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the dructrist. appertaining to Drugs, Patent Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. Jnrr Dnirrs. NOTICE TO DOG-OWNERS. The citv council having reduced the dog license t.i $1 for a male and 42 for n female, have ordered me to enforce the law and impound all dogs for hieh the license has not been paid. This, there fore, is to tiive notice that all unlicensed dogs found running at large will lit- im pounded, and if not redeemed will be killed. Titos. J. l)r.l-Ki:, ml4-20 Citv Marshal. NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION. I-and Office at Vancouver, V aih, Hay IT, Hot. Notice is hereby given that the following nauitfl ettU'rs have llled notice of their inten tion to niuk tiiml proof in Miiiport of their claim aud tbat said proof will be made Ucfure . i;. rresoy, i . s. i omniusioner mr J)ilriet ol , Wu.hincton,at his olllt'- in (ioldcndale, Wash., ! on inturd;ij. June&, I'M, vi..: Elkunnh It. llylton, II. . Vo, 9700, for the N . NE'-f. HE'4 XKM and ! .VE'4 of SE4. :il, Tp-i N, U I.: K, V wlio numes the following witnesx;.- to prove hi con- tinuoii" residence iiKit and cultivation of said land, viz.' Orie E. ahlppey, Corfix Sorensen, John Daf-f.-on, James O. Lyle, all of Lyle 1'. O.. Wash. Corfix SorrtiHHii, H. E. No. 937S, for the ISW ; SEl. Sec i; ntul N'.. of iE'4 and NEli of NW(4, See 'Jl. TpSX, K '12 E, W. Jl., who names the following wit nesses to (prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz - Elkiinah 11. Hylton.Orie E. Sbippey, John Duf fron, James 0. Lyle, ull of Lyle 1. U., Wash. Orlo E. Slilpipy, H. E. No. 9231. for tne fractional 5W( of NV'4 fractional W. of SWA and the SEJ of --V. '4 01" See ti, Tp 3 N, ft 13 E, W . M who names the fol lowing vitneje to prove his continuous resi dence upon und cultivation of said land, viz Elkamih B. Uylton, Corflx Soieusen. John Dallron and James O. Lyle, all of Lyle 1'. O., Wash. mlh W. K. Dl'NB.VU, Itegistcr. F. S. GUfilSliriG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker... THE CELEBRATED .. .GOkUJWBIA BflEWEGY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known hrewory tho United States Health Reports for .June 2S. 1H0O, says: "A more supeiior brew never ctiturvd tho lahratorv of the LTnited i-'tateH lltmlth reports. It is absolutely dnvuM of the slightest trace of adulteration, hut on tho other hand is con 'posed of the best ol malt and choicest 01 nopn. Tlu .r,tilf. , 1 1 , i ita i.H.. n t .1 . 1 . . .r ..'.u uiiiiii.inn IIIU u iril lllrth. est and it can bo used with the greatest heii'dlt anil satisfaction by old nnd young. Jts use can consciuniioiiHiy ne prescrioeti ny tne physicians with "the ccrsainty that a Imttur, purer or morn w holeBonio beverage could not pos8il)ly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. .5fV t.'--VV 'ri' t rinse llilliui J m:Ai.i;n in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aceut for ltli-cll ,t Co.'.- Engine, Threshers ai.d iaw .Mil. Telephone 1 j7. Lone Diitance 107I? Cor. SguoucL & LailH Sis, THE DALLES. OR. "I have been suffering from Dyspepsia for the past twenty years and have been unable after trying all preparations and phvsicians to get any relief. After takinc one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for twenty years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." thus write? Mrs. C. W. Roberts, Iortri Creek, Ark. Clarke & Fulk'e P. 0. Pharmacy "Our little girl was unconscionce frcm Btrangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. I quickly Be enred a bottle of One Minute Cougli Cure, givinu her thiee dosee. The croup was mastered and our little darling speedily recovered." So writes A. L SpafTord, Chester, Mich. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap wiii make vour hair harsh, drv and cricpy. Now we have two of the yery Iw3t preparations for cleansing the bca'.ii Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossy Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer'e barber Hhop, The Dalles. tf Skin affections will readily disappear by u-inc DeWitt'e. Witch Hazel Salve Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt'e vou will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for piles. Clarke & Folk's P. O. Pharmacy. tlon't 1CUD It 111, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain ii gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. For Sale A Cyclone camera ; nearly good as new. Inquire at this office. m7-w NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Otfice at Tin: Daubs, Oi: , ( April 10. l'joi. j Notice is hereby given that the folloivins namtd settlers have riled notice of intention to make tinal proof on their rejfctive claims be fore the P.egister and Hecelver nt The Dalles, Ortjrou.ou r-riday, May 21, 1MJI, viz.: Henry Lorerizeu. on homestend application So. 472.1, for the e1 NEl-t and Klj si.l i, ec. 20. Tp. 2 S., 11 12 h." tJeorc Lormzpn. on homestend applic ition No. 172G, for theS1 SW und aEh. te. 20, Tp 2 N., It 12 K . Jl. Witnes-es Louis I'.ordun, Henry ltoyen, Geo, i.oreuzen, Ajoeri unvia-niuiuii nenry koreiizun uu oi ine uanes, uretron. apr!3 JAV I'. Lt'CAS, Ucci.itcr. V V V V V V V V W V V v .vvvvvvvvvv V 'V REGULATOR LINE. 1 Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f11 kin Headauarters for Boiled Grain, an kind? Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Xeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour Th'iH Flour ib manufactured erpronsly for famllr use: every rack Ih guaranteed to givo satiBfactlon. tt it ! 11 I... .1... - I 1 II . , .... i lUIirc DftllTI IVH f trnnil ViV nntlUIVV II n buh unr nuuus mwur umn miy iiuiibf in iuu irimt), Him n yiin uoirt inintH lMLbLrt, 1 UIllLAlMJ & AO U1UA 1:U. Liujll An 1 "3 . aml Kt our prices and Ihi convinced. Btenmers of tho lltqrulator Line will run ns cr thefol owdig kchtdule. tiie Company rourviiiK thu riKlit to cliungc hchedule without notice. i Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats Str. Reculator fc IlOWN. f Lv liiilles S' Ht 7 A. !I. J; TueMlay J, Thiif-dny . ... k' fiuturdny. .. . g Arr. I'ortlimd at 'USD i. it. UP. Lv. Portland 1117 A. M. . ilondiiy . . Vi-dneilHy Friday Arr. Dulles it 5 1. x. Str. "Iralda" Leaves Cascades G a. in. Arrive Dalles 10:110 a. in. Leave Dalles : p. in . Arr. Cascades 7;IiO p. m. Dailv ex. Sunday. Str. Dalloa City. I Iiowk Lv. Dalles i nt 7 a. x. 1 Monday . . . . Wnlnusdnv .., , Friday I Arr. l'ortlnnd at 1:m i'. i. i IT. L . l'ortlniirl at 7'f0 A. i. TueMlay . . Thtirydiiy butiirdiiy Arr. Dallen 4 at 6 r. M. A 8! R Excursion U ites every Saturday for parties of five and upwards : Dallen, White Salmon and intermediate point, fiOs; Dalles to Cascades, 1. 00. ft K T tA- . . l iiir . i .i t . t . t 1 rur an evenini; trip taKC tne urauia--at is p. m. to iioou liiver anu re- Floral lotion will care wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke & Falk. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Hi sere such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omen at The Daixkh, Ob., ) Apiil is, ltoi. I Notice in hereby civen Unit the following named vettlor bus tiled notice of hla Intention to iimko Dual proof ill upmrt -f hi claim, and Unit uid proof will be tamle before the UtKliter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on (Satur day, May 25, 1801, viz.: Leroy K, Hlllttary, of 'The Dulles, OreKou, If. K. No. 5101, for the BKU Bc 17, Tp 1 6. tt U K, W. M. ile iibiik the followinK wltuekei to prove tils contlnuoua relducc uou and cultivation of vaid land, viz.; I'. U. Kagan, Charles Goon, Walter Scott, A. Turner, all ol The Dalle, Oregon. upr20 JAY I. LUCAS, Heglitcr. CONTEST NOTICE. Umtco fcT.vTEt. Land Office, , JI11V II. A snfliolent contest nllidavlt havins lxjon (lied in this office by O. Aucust KriinuUt. contest nnt, hornettnd entry No. 0121, made April 11, 1W7, tor 't, w ftec :n and l.'i m. Sec S2. Tp 2 N. It 12 i:, by I'.lley J. (iiit, con- resiev, in wmcn u ih ni.ectu tnat tali! mioy J Uirt has from the 1 Jtli day of April, 1.VJ7. up to the pretent date-never been on the place, never esuimiMieu nis renounce tnercou, nnu mat lie uas uiMiiilontl uie tract. And that the ullcced abandonment Is not due tc ilefendant'N emplov- ment In tne military or naval Mirvieu of the L'nited States unid pnrt!e are hereby notified to appear respond and oiler evidence tmiclilim said itlleKHtiou at 10 o'clock a. m. on .Innu2.', VMl, tjefore the reslhter and receiver at the United Mates land otheu in The Dalles, Orceou. ine saia coutextaiit imvuiK. in a proper allldii Vit. filed JInv I. 1KI1. net forth facts which hlinu- tbat utter due diligence personal tervlee of this notice cannot be made, it "i hereby ordered und ui reci en unii suen nonce im given oy one anu projier puoncuiion. ml5 JAV I'. LUCAS, Itifjiatcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, On.,; May 11, 1'jOl. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in sunnort of hli cltlm, and tout &ald proof will be made bo nne ins reguter ami receiver at i lie Dalles, vregou, ou ouiuruay, June .'.-, ivji, viz: Frurik ICohertu, of Mosier, Oregon, II. K. No. .S775, for the 8WJ. Sec. JW, T. 2 N.. I'.. 12 K.. W. M. He names tne following witnesses to rirove his continuous residence unon. and cultivation ot aiu land viz: D. J. Koberts. Klilnev llrk'L't. John Ix-ininL'er. iaiviu uuuigen, an oi jio.iier, uregou. mlS JAY P. LUCAH, Uedsler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Washington, . , . lii, laoi. Notice Ih hereby given that tho fnl owlnir. named tuttler has tiled uollco of his Intention to make final proof in nupwirt of his claim, nnd tbot said proof will bo made before the HeiMnter and Hetelver of the U. H. ljuid Ottiee nt Van. couvcr, WHshhigton, on Monduy, Juuo ai, IU01, Alfred I'oscal. of Lyle postolllce, Wash,, who made II, K. No. 10.200, for the southeast i natter of northwest quarter, south half of tnuthwest iuartcr. and northeast quartern! southwest quarter of sec tion i, township 1 north, range 12 east, W, JI. He niimei the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of ald laud, viz: Joseph Bllva, John Hpltzenbergcr, James Kl. lard nnd Frunk Ituynolds, all of Lyle 1', O.. Washington. inl5 W. It. DUNIIAH, Keglttcr. Y)K' EIHND01trjrjCK Physician and Surgeon, Special attentlou given to urgery. el. tO Biomi 21 and 22. Vogt Bloc W turn ou the up boat. jj- FOE COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 1. Travel by the Steamer of the Hegtilntor Line. The Compuiy will endeavor to give its put , ions the best service possible. For further information address &, I'ortlaud Oilice, Oak-htrect Dock n.',Tu.i W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Aat. J. E. FALT & CO., "The Owl." Proprietors of 1 ) Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. lhouee. ig1 D.9lance 173 Second Street. 9 7 Ci 9 ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARG-AIN STORE of the City. WAITED ! 500 BOYS to buy suits at our store. We have the largest and most com plete line of Boys' Clothing ever shown in the city. We are ottering these goods at the very lowest prices. $2.50 we will sell you tho best all-wool suit you have ovor soen. Wo can show 'ou the handsomest lino lrom $3.50 to 5 that we have ever seen on tho market. Our immense stock, in cludes tiie vosteo and vest suit for boys of 3 to 15 years of age. We guarantee our clothing to excel in fit, quality and workmanship. OvLr Prioei are Alwayi the Lowest. WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. Jfyou are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. Wo operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON A THE DALLES, - WALTBEB, OREGON. ..MAIER & BENTON.. Have a Complote Stock of the Following Lines Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools of all kinds, Largo Stock of Fishing Tackle, Kubber Bicycle Tires and Full Lino of Sundrios, also Bicyclos rented and repaired, Full lino of Granite Ware and Tin Ware, White Mountain Ice Cream Freo.ors, Garland Stovos and Stool Kangos, .Day, B. A JI., and Cleveland Bicycles. VJumbing and Tinning dono at Lowest Prices. Our Cord Wood and Grocery JDopartmonts aro complete. Mr Any ordure untriiHUid to uh on thn ahovu llnoa will havo prompt attentlou. -fiS We will meet any and all Competition. Wc Positively Will Not Be Undersold. ..MAIER & BENTON.. 1. 107 SKOUNO HTKKKT. I'JtONKH NO. 4.