The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1901, Image 3

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    Sale of Undermuslins
No doubt but you will be surprised to read of tliiH nle now a
month ahead of its usual time but ynu will Agree with us that
tho innovation is a move in the risht direction, Rpanlar Htooke
You can buy
a suit of clothes anywhere if you aro easily
satisfied and not particular about the styles
and the fit.
If you want
clothes that will look right and koop their
shape, come to us. We have the trade of the
men who are hard to please. Our Hart,
Schaffner and Marx suits will satisfy the
most critical.
and Fancy White Goods.
Pnrtl.nrmnro. hut few nnonln liv lff m.,. Bn i ro larger ire9,,r and nuwor now than they would ho in Juno.
,ii lurtro exlnnt havo ionn nut r.f tnwn tZ Vi ,! Z! "i "noinor monui tiie ones moat interested In the purchase of these goods
to all Ttoh"tifX mmer We "nVe PtCmMi B "8t f 6"ccial "t.ona tht will prove produblo
Women's extra quality Muslin, plain
fitiiHh; riiflU-s or edged with lace; legn
lur 05c, 75c, $1 and .f 1.25
Sale 58c, 63c, 83c, 98c
Also in this Bale W omen's Gowns of
the choicest and best materials, and of
the best Hnd most popular styles, at
prices ranging up to $5.00.
Chemise, Corset Covers and Drawers
ofl'ered at the same reduction.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
Women's Muslin Underskirts, dust ruf
fle, cambtic flounce; regular 09c, 75c, $1.00.
Sale 59c, 60c, 87c
Sale will commence Tuesday
morning and continue for bal
ance of week.
Space will not permit the mention of
many other exquisite designs we are dis
playing in Women's Understh ts at the
present time. Prices run like this : $1 50,
.n.75, .$'2, $2.25, $2.50, $3, $.1.50, $4, $-1.50,
$5, $5.50 and $0 reduced to $1.29, $1.43,
$1.09, $1.98, $2.08, $2.59. $2.97, $3.:!9,
$3 97, $4 37, $4.89 and $5.20.
Every man in town will want Canvas Shoes this summer.
Our line of these shoos is comfortable in every way, and every
shoe has a price attached that will please the buyer.
Men's Khaki Lace $1.50
Men's Covert Cloth Lace 1 .50
Men's Canvas Oxfords 1.50
Men's Khaki Bike Shoes 85
Bovs' Khaki Bike Shoes 75
Strictly all-woreted navy blue ecrge suits, Italian fc f
cloth and sorgo lined tj? X v
All-wool Scotch choviot suit in plain and Btriped d -i fr
goods, gray, blue and greenish colorings ()1Q
Our boat sack suits in imported Scotch choviot and worsted
goods comprises everything ClC Cfl in 01 Cfl
that is new and up-to date: 4IO.uU 10 4ZZ.3U
For prices and styles see our display in window.
Black Cat Brand Hose Kino llont half V0"? n
red, blue, tan and black.
Positively the best value ever shown in The Dalles. -OJ
Guaranteed strictly fast colorings; per pair ljjC
& Marx
Balbriggan Summer Underwear in
fancy or plain, per garment 50c
"Arrow" brand collars, all new and
stylish shapes 12Ac
"E. & W." collars and cuffs; only j Our " Monarch " negligee shirts are
place in town to get this well-known shown in large variety of styles and
brand 25c I colorings ' $1 to $2
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY 17. 1901
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All lViico County warrant reentered
prior to Meptftuilier 1, 187, will be paid
uu presentation at my office. Interest
censes after November i, 1100.
JOHN F. 11 A M I'M (i IKK i
County Treasurer.
Lace curtains for 50 cents and up, at
The Racket store.
Nice white Marseilles bed spreads for
l.li5, at The Racket.
A fresh consignment of delicious craw
fish is now on tap at the Owl. J Fait &
Co., proprietors. nlG-tf.
Tiie river stood at 28.9 inches this
morning, a rise of a foot and a half in
twenty-four hours.
Wanted A woman to do plain Bowing.
About three months' work on hand.
Apply at this office. mM-lwk
Some 00,000 pounds of wool changed
bunds yesterday and this morning ut
prices ranging from D.1.. to 11 cents a
The announcement is made that Mr.
George Johnson, of the New York Cash
Store, will be married next Sunday in
Portland to Miss Lizzie Farmer, of thla
Wanted Ten homesteaders at once.
The hiBt chance to get good timber
claims near the Columbia river. Ad
dress H. W. L., care of the Chronicle
office. mlo-21
G. II, Taylor, a Klickitat county
sheepman, while over here from Gol
dendalo yesterday, sold his clip of wool,
consisting of fifty-six sacks, at tun cents
a pound.
Tiik Cnuo.Nici.i: besieged the Western
Union all this afternoon for a press dis
patch giving the condition of Mrp. Mo
Kinley, but without avail. There is no
apparent foundation for the rumor that
she died this morning.
Continental Union, No. 70, Order of
Washington, will entertain Its members
and initiate with an ice cream social to
morrow (Saturday) evening. May 18th,
at its hull in the postoflice building. Ail
members of tiie order are cordially in
Will Cross, who was severely injured
last Monday in one of hie legs through
the fall of tils pony, is now resting easy,
although he suffered a great deal of pain
for a couple of days, The injured mem
ber ws pot broken, but the pain was
probably as great as II it bad.
The editor of the Goldeodale Seutinel
pats himself on the head in this fashion:
"The Sentinel family believes in expan
sion. The editor's wife, Thursday, pre
sented him with twin daughters. As a
result the paper will be enlarged in the
near future and thus accommodate our
growing advertising patronage. Delin
quent subscribers are kindly requested
to help along in the cause by paying up,
and a year in advance."
Either the laugh you will have over
tbe deestrick skule exercises at the Char
ter conpert Tuesday night, or tbe sketch
"Per Telephone" will be worth the
price of admission, 35 cents, to say noth
ing of the other excellent numbers on
the program. Plan to attend.
There has already been delivered on
tbe ground 150,000 feet of lumber for the
new flouring mill building. The Bills
and heavy timbers arrived last night
and were unloaded today. Tomorrow
morning a full force of carpenters will
be put to work at the construction.
The auction sale of forty head of
horses by JefT DrippB commenced this
afternoon at Ward & Robertson's Btables.
At 3 o'clock a few had changed hands
at very moderate prices. The sale will
be continued tomorrow, commencing at
2 o'clock in the afternoon. If you want
anything in the horse line here is your
chance to get it at a bargain.
C. W. Diekman, of Portland, formerly
of Demons Springs, brought up on the
Gatzert last night tiie Hambletoniau
stallion, "Rustler" which he will take
to Moro for the season. The horse was
visited today at the Ward & Robertson
stables by a number of horsemen, who
pronounced hirii one of the finest ani
malB of his clans ever seen here. Rus
tler was Blred by Rustic, record 2:30, he
by Whippier Hauibletoniou ; dam Kit
tio L, by Geo. M. Patchen, junr, record
Wednesday evening Judge Rradshaw
sentenced 1). L. Uruner, the Crook
county murderer of Thomas Reilly, to
imprisonment in the penitentiary for
life. The Prineville Journal says Uruner
took the verdict of the jury very coolly,
in fact all through the trial he conducted
himself more like a schoolboy who ex
pected u chustisemeut for some minor
offense than a man wlioeo life was at
stake. Uruner has the appearance pf a
boy of 20 years of age. lie is married
and his girl wife was present at the trial.
There is a very curious piece of stone
at the jewelry store of .1. b. Aueox iV
Co. It is neatly dressed off in the form
of a whetstone, which it really is, and
measures twelve inches in length. It
looks like a piece of sandstone, but
differs from the true sandstone in hav
ing thin latteral layeis of a darker sub
stance. The peculiarity of the stone
consists in the fact that it is flexible.
You pan bend it more easily than you
could a piece of soft wood of the same
thickness, and it is capable of being
stretched to tbe extent of a quarter of
an inch to the foot. The moment (he
force that bendB or stretches it U re
moved tbe stone flies back to its normal
condition. The stone is a present to
Mr. Adcox from an old friend in South
Carolina. It was taken from a quarry
in that state, the only one of the kind
known. In South Carolina it is known
as limber stone.
Mr. Dufur for V. S. Marshal.
The Dufur Dispatch has this to say of
its neighbor and friend, Hon. W. H. H.
W. II. II. Dufur is spoken of aB next
United States marshal. We sincerely
hope he may land the prize, for Harri
son is deserving of it. Shaniko Leader.
And so do we hope "Harrison may land
the prize," for he is certainly deserving
of it, and it would be an honor to our
town and also to tbe republican party of
this county and the state at large in ap
pointing him to this position when the
vacancy occurs. Harrison has faithfully
discharged the duties of the little poel-
Jtion of forest supervisor satisfactorily to
every one concerned, even exceeding
the expectations of his friendi and re
ceiving compliments, and many of them,
from the press of the state. Then, if he
has done better than his friends could
expect in the discharge of his reserve
duties, why should he not receive a
higher and more suitable position? We
think he should, and join hands with
ttie Leader in saying "Harrison is de
serving of it
Character Concert I'rouraiii.
Read tiie following program for the
Character concert, which will be given
at the Baldwin next Tuesday night:
Double Quartet "Dream On"
..Misses M. Mleholl. M. Collins. (J. Wilier-
ton, Mm. (i mat, .Messrs. U. 1 Hawk, ('.
J, I'rtimlull, Ksliolinun, F. Hoxton
Irish Recitation (In cost time) Mr. .1. 1. bunas
Solo "Deep Down Deep" Mr. F. Sexton
Select Heading (with musical accompanl-
ment) Miss Myrtle Uuffe,
Folo-Solectcd Miss Myrtle Mlehell
oi.osinu hxkucishs 1)i:i:stiiick skiti.i:.
Spealdn', SIiikIii, Dialogs, and tflch by the
scholars, under the direction of Skulu
Muster HezeUhih I'uttliione.
Ins. Duet .. Mr. Win. Illrfeld, Miss Hehmldl
Guy HarlliiK Mr. Hail Sumluis
Ned Austin Mr. II. K. Nmthup
Nan 'uz.ln Miss Jtoso Mlehell '
Mary llalcoiue Miss J'eiu l Orlines
Nora (an Irish .servant) .Miss Kdua Harnett
Admission 35 cents. j
Dr. Ilolhster ai rived hero on the noon
train front Portland.
Louis P. Ostluml, formerly of this
oty, now q( Sumpter, is in tho city vis
iting menus.
Mrs. Robert Teague. of this city, paid
a visit this week to Iter sister, Mrs. J. J.
Kolf, of Upldeiidale.
Judge Rradehaw, N. 15. Sinnott and
Douglas Dulur returned here today from
attending court at,Prineville.
Attorney W. R. I'resby, of Golden
dale, stopped over here today on hie
way home from a professional visit to
Hood River.
Harry Curtis, of this city, who was
admitted to (he bar laet week at Pendle
ton, will complete his education by a
two years' courte at the Stanford Uuni-uersity.
rhiloRoplilcal Reflections.
A Dalles man, who ib some thing of a
philosopher in a small way, hands in
tbe following:
At a certain livery stable on Second
street there is a dog chained to a trunk,
evidently for the purpose of keeping
one from running away with the other.
But which? Now, if said canine carries
off the trunk he may be mistaken for a
tbief, and necessarily be hauled over tbe
coals tor his misdemeanor; but if the
trunk carries off the dog it may be con
sidered a good riddance of bad rubbage.
If the trunk be intended as a custodian
of said quadruped, to keep him out of
mischief and prevent bis following the
natural bent of his inclinations, and his
nose at the same time, while looking
after other people's business, then said
trunk may be consideYed a suitable ser
vitor of the city's welfare and entitled
to the respect and good wishes of all
lovers of peace and harmony through
out the community.
Again, if said canine haB nothing
more to do than to guard trunks, it
might be well to hitch him to another
trunk, not far distant, representing a
well-known dry goods house for adver
tising purposes. Success to the faithful
guardian of our city's welfare, and a
warning to all other dogs not to get into
trouble and suffer likewise for their
good or bad behavior.
Metaphysics If I say "I lie," I speak
the truth; but if I say "I speak tiie
truth," I lie. Do 1 lie, or speak the
Look at these Bargains.
Don't expect a "cheap" enameled
utensil to last long. It doesn't.
Don't think such a one can be kept
clean. It can't.
Don't believe the "cheap" enamel
isn't steadily crumbling away. It is.
Don't imagine in using such you're
not eating the enamel. You are.
Don't figure you ure savin money
buying tho cheapest. You'ro not.
Don't forget tho "cheap" has hut one
coating of enamel. Just one.
Don't fail to recollect that imported
Stransky steel-ware lasts for years.
Don't buy that kind if health and
economy aro of no consequence.
Don't try to get the genuine else
where, for it's sold exclusively by
mlO-tf Mays & Ckowk,
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life aud vigor. Wh lavo vbut
the hair needs when it guts In that con
dition. We have M the Crown of
Science Hair rf8$j3 Growor and
Cocoanut Cream xrcyBr Tonic. They
will cure daud ruff and all
scalp diseases, For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Kor Hale.
Black mare, U years old ; weight 050
lbs ; broke to ride or drive ; also cart aud
siugle harness; mare is gentle. Ad
dress. Box 350 or this office. mCi2wks
Clarke 4c Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
A ranch 25 miles south of this city,
447 acres, fenced and cross fenced, and
consisting of six fields ; plenty of water
in each field; 300 acres good tillable
land, 150 in fall wheat; all farm build
ings; bandy to school. Price, $5000;
$1500 cash, balance on time to suit
purchaser, at 6 per cent interest.
A fine little place, consisting' of 80
acres, three miles from the Wasco
county court house; plenty of water,
and having the finest spring in Oregon
on the place. Price, $000.
A place of 160 acres, 14 miles south of
The Da'les; 40 acres in cultivation.
This place will be Bold for less than
government price; must be sold at once.
The above places are only a few of the
many snaps Dad Butts has in bis hands
for sale, m 16-22
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were Bcarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bail with headach? and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter witli you.
Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke &.
Folk's. 1 1
The partnership heretofore existing
between Charles Keysand Albert Nelson,
of Dalles City, Oregon, under the
style and firm of Keys & Nelson, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will be continued by Albert
Nelson, who will pay all debts due and
owing by the late firm, and collect all
debts due and owing to said firm.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Mav 7, 1901. Keys,
8m-2w Ai.iiert Nelson.
Ktitrs to l'aii-Aiiiirluiiii Kxpositlun,
For the Pan-American exposition at
Buffalo the O. R. A N. Co., with other
lines in ttiis territory, have asked tor the
following rates to Buffalo and return,
which will probably he made effective:
From Portland and common points
$7S.25, and from Spokane and common
points !f(8.25. Tickets on salo Tuesday,
May 21st, and evory first and third
Tuesday from that date until October
15th inclusive. Going limit of tickets
seven days to Missouri river or St, Paul j
journey to commence on dale, of sale.
Final limit sixty days west of Missouri
river or St. Paul, with stop-over privi
lege west of St. Paul or Missouri river in
either direction within limits.
This is a preliminary notice and these
rates cannot yet be guaranteed. Further
notice will 1)0 given us soon as definite
rates are settled. 15-lOt
Kxperience is tho best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup, Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts, and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
gists. For sprains, swellings and lamented
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For "Bale by Blake
ley, the druggiit.
If the peopleonly knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would
be used in nearly every household, aa
there are few people who do not Buffer
from a feeling of fullness after eating,
belching, flatulence, sour stomach or
waterbrash, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which witli no aid from
the stomach, will digest your food,
certainly can't help but do you good
Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacv.
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh j thoy dry up the Becrotious,'
which adhere to tho membrauo mid decom
pose, causing a far moro serious trouble, than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, funics, smokes and snutTa
and uso that which cleanses, soothes and
heala. Ely's Cream Balm is Buch n remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily aud pleasautly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
COo. sizo. Ely Brothers, 5(5 Warren St., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause snoozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry (surface, reliev
ing immediately tho painful intlammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you nro annod
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovor.
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer; lie's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
makes a specialty of these goods. tf
Dotted Swiss goods with u laco stripo,
a yard wide, for 15 cents at Tho Racket.
LndieB' wrappers with the corset
linings, at The Racket, going cheap.
You will not have boils if von take
Clarke & Falk'a pure cure loi boils.
Ladies' duck skirts for GO cents anil
ifl, at The It icket store,
Clark A Falk aro never closed Sunday.
Don't forgot this.
Por Inlands and Children,
Fhe Kind You m Always Bought
Betmj tho
Siguaturu of
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta,
All ordors attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433, Local, 102.