The ftalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY - MAY 17. 1901! J. A. EBERLE, Leading-acaE Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, ' We have an escellent line of Spring j Suitings, Panting", etc., which we are prepared to mnke up in the latest styles, , and guarantee s perfect fit. , i WIIILH j HOLD FAST TO THAT GOOD. The American people are enjoy-1 mvalid wife at home when starting ing the results of a long-continued j ofr on a Signing tour of oflicial policy of protection to American visitation." Said a little girl yester labor. The results are greater than j da3" afternoon who, with an armfull the advocates of the protective policy ! of flowers, braved the blue coats and anticipated, savs the Bulletin. Thev , ascended the steps of the San Fran- are so great, in fact, that men who j have become conspicuous for their advocacy of protection are inclined to the opinion that the American laborer can take care of himself in ' comnetitinn with the lnhnrpr nf nnv I race in the world. The general de mand now is for new markets. It is admitted, however, that to get into foreign markets we must let foreign ers into our markets. This, it is contended, we can afford to do. The fact thst we have increased our ex ports of manufactured goods is ac cepted as proof that home labor needs no protection. Theie can be, it is urged, no protection for the labor employed in the making of . goods Bold in foreiga markets and if we can make the goods that are sold in foreign markets more cheaply than competitors, we certainly do not need protection against these same competitors in our home market. This reasoning is plausible, but not conclusive. Before we can fully accept it we must ascertain if the goods sold abroad are sold at the btme prices as like goods sold at borne. If, for example, the steel trust sells steel rails at $20 per ton abroad, and charges horre consumers $28 per ton, the fact does not prove that we can make steel and trans port it to a foreign country at 20 per ton. The high price charged the home consumer may enable the steel trust to sell a nortion of its . , , . . , ., . , above rules will Humect the offender to a steel product at less than the cost of fine 0f fi, and the water will be shut off production and transportation. j until paid ; and for a second offence double the amount. There is another point to be con-j The following charges will be made: sidered. We do not know that! I0',008,?') '"S5,0??1- ?nl,h- Lach additional lot f 1.2o ; half lot io cts. under the press of competition 1 All persons uBing water in closet or foreign manufacturers of steel wiiitlet will see to it that the water Is shut j on when not in use, or water will be not reduce the cost of production shut off altogether if allowed to run to to20 or less. When a market is ; being taken from a competitor, the j competitor fights to retain It. If he i cannot get $20 a ton for steel rails, ' he makes them for $18. If the in-! umnco im.ui -no. a.i I vader comes down to $18, he reduces . his price to $1C or less. Neither the uio ynuc vu iu ui i, j. unuvi wm. manufacturer nor his employe can ' afford to lose their market Men anoru to lose meir marhei. men who have been working for $2 per dav will wnrk- for less rather than cay wjii work tor less ratuer man not work at all. This invasion of foreign markets, in the long run, subjects the laborer to the operation 1 of the law of the survival of thei Gttest of those best fitted to the ' conditions under which they live. When this law is in full operation, , . . the discovery may be made that Borne other race makes more patient slaves than Americans. The maintenance of the protective policy will always preserve for us the home market. It may not give us a complete run of the markets of 4ue world, but It wijl enable our tnnnufncturers to nny rales of wages !'that will provide comfortable homes for the families of workingmcn. Nothing ever said or written could i better illustrate the utterly coarse , grained and calloused nature of the Oregonian than its brutal and un feelinu criticism, in yesterday's j,a!,cr: of, PriMdcnt. McK;ill,e-v bringing bis "chronic and mvalid wife" along witb him on his "Western tour. Great Heaven! has it come to this, that a man's devotion to the person related to him by the holiest j ties that are known to earth is to be subservient to a little pomp and , spectacular exhibit that form no es sential part of presidential duty? All honor to William McKinlcy for bringing his invalid wife along with : him, and all honor to him for pre ferring the moan and sorrow of the sick chamber to the plaudits and huzzahs of the admiring multitude. Says the Oregonian, speaking of President McKinley's great sorrow: "A prudent man in his place would iiave foreseen this contingency and forestalled it by leaving his semi- c'ac0 mansion vhere Mrs. McKinley H,o !: ,i,i. . uci uutciuig uctnvcu nit; uuu uraiu; "I brought these for Mrs. McKinle-. We are so sorry ; I hope she will be better soon." Which of these two, the big Oregon daily or the little ciau rruuuisuu mauien, voices me sentiments of the people of the Pa ciGc Coast? The question needs no answer. C- T - - 1 . . l It is thought in Portland that he Dalles, Portland &, Astoria Naviga tion Company will put on a boat between Portland and the Cascades to compete with the Bailey Gatzert of the White Collar line. If such action is taken a lively rate war will ensue. Eighty-seven carriage horses were sold in New York the other day for an average of over one thousand dollars each. The horseless era has been indefinitely postponed. Yesterday evening's Telegram has a nice write-up of the Dalles races, that did not come off. The Tele gram correspondent went off that time at half cock. ' NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. All persons using Dalles City water for irrigating purposes between" the let day of May and the 1st day of Septem ber, will observe the following rules and regulations: Pereons will be permitted to use the water below the bloff on all even days, and above the bluff on all odd days from 6 o'clock a. m. until 8 a. m., and from 0 o'clock p. m. nntil 8 p. m. The above rules must be strictly com plied with, and any infraction of the waBie-c . n n-7'&r wl Supt. Dalles City Water Works. tnl-Swd to DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The county court has instructed the f0UnlJ;, cle,rJLt0 place a,.warrant on ' tax roll of 1900 commanding me to col- lect the taxes for said vear by making ale' if ""essary, pf the property there- jn mentJone(l( an(J o return tnH roU ,n. Bide of sixty dayH. ,J am eworn'to do my duty, and am aUo nn(jer bon(jg (or hH faitn(u) I)er. formance; therefore have no alternu- tlve bllt .,0 obey the mandate of the corti and wm jram)diately proceed to make out a list of delinquents and ad- vertUe the P"IW gjjjjj- Keu v 10ra-4wd.i w Sheriff of Waeco Co. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there will 1)6 Bn annual meeting of the stockhold- 0" ' " T.rTr'u ' pany at the ofhee of French &. Co., bank ers, on Friday, May 31, 1001, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other business aa may properly come before aid meeting. By order of the president. TheOsllM, May 1,1901. J. C. BOKTtTJ.EU, ml-td ,6o j. aad Treat. Subscribe for The Oiuwniclk. FOR about thirteen yours 1 have devoted nioro time to politics than to biiolneHS. The result is that my business has suffered. For a time, at, least, I propose to devote more tlmo to business and less to politics, provided the other fellows will let me. During these years some features have come into practice among businods men that were not con sidered proper or necessary at that time. Among them is the scheme of profit-sharing or giving td some lucky customers a valuable present. 1 propose to do something in this line myself. For each fifty cents paid to me for goods fur nished I will give the customer a numbered coupon. On each Saturday at 0 p. m. 1 will give away two present one, n year's subscription to any $1 period ical desired, and the other, one copy of some of the famous pictures neatly framed, tiie customer can also make a choiru of these as there are a number to .VXWJXA'VjJAX'ATA'r'A ... C. J. STUBliIJG, WHOLESALE Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First Ciimlon l'liniiH 2:! 4. Lone lWt. 10U1. THE The newly completed track of The Dalles Driving Ass n. will be formally opened by a GRAND MATINEE on.'.. THURSDAY. M 23 PROGRAM fiust event Titorn.vo. Nellie Bly E. E. Ferguson Dick E. O. McCoy Dock L L. Lane Fanny J. P. Mclnerny Babe' L. E. Crowe Daisy A. Keller SECOND EVENT TBOTTING, DOL'ISLE TEAMS Jim Dandy T. J. Senfert Multnomah Lad and Maid . .L. A. Porter Tinni) event r.VCl.NG. Primrose W. H. Hobson Solo. . . . . H. A. Sturdevaut KOL'UTH EVENT TltOTTINO AND PACING. Edmund S Fred Fisher Mac Grant Mays Freak r H L. Kuck Dufur T. H. Johnston Polly I. S. Fish FIKTH EVENT. Pony Race Quarter-Mile Dash SIXTH EVENT. Running Three-Eighths Mile Dash HARNESS EVENTS. Half-Mile Heats , Best 2 in 3 All races will be between horses owned by members of the aesociation. Races will be called at 2 p. m Music by the Band you CAN GO as every business bouse in the city will be closed from 1 to C p. in. so there will be no excuse (or you not to attend. Admission - - 50 Cents LADIES FREE. Mr. W. J. Buster of North Brook, N. O., saye he ufJered with piles for fifteen yearB. He tried many remedies with no results until be used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cored him. Clarke k Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. IHmTIHEE ! 1TTAW1ATA1 Jk ATA't JM"- '3 I Si AS'D KET.WL ,3 t i National Bank. DALLES, OREGON. Advertise m The Chronicle.1 Cut Out Enclose It to Me With Ten Dollars and I will furnish you all complete, ready for nee, mv 1900 Model No. 7 SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT. It is superior in make, quality and power to any belt of fered hy ottier dealers for which they charge $40. TbiB masterpiece of electro-medical science wi'l core vonr nerve loss, your weaknees, your kidneys, your stomach and poor circulation by endowing yon with that vitality which builds up the Bystein. Drugs are useless; they are harmful. My belt cures where barrels of medicines have failed. Wtiy suffer longer? 1 offer you an invigorant which hae no equal in the world, for it will drive out your pain and make you a strong, sound man. Write for my illus trated books free. Dr. A. T. Sanden, Rooms 18 and 20, fussel Building, PORTLAND, OREGON, .'.'mch diw 3mo FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Teleeraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louie, San Francieco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. U Bestauraot L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. first-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT AM, IlOUltH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 8er:oiifl St., Th DhIU-s. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially d Igests the food and aids Nature io strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It lBtbe latest discovereddigeat ant. and inn In. Tin nMinr nrnnarst l nn caq approach it In eQlcieocy. It io smut! reiivvcaauu iJvruiaoeuuy cures Drspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bour fitomaoh, Vausea, Sick Headacbe, Qaitralgla,Cramp.ao4 all other results of lmnerf ect duieatlon. reeerea ey S- C osWiTT co. cauae Bold by Clarke AFalk'iP. O. Pharmacy This Ad be given awav before supply is exhausted. In ad dition, every'montb 1 will give several valuable pres ents. On June 5th the presents will bo a fine ISihle, a Webster's International Dictionary, one vear s sub scription to a $4 periodical and onu Hoys' llusoba Set. The presents to ho given away on July 0th will be announced later. I hope to confine mvself In these presents to ar ticles in mv own line so that J will not Interfere with sale of goods in oilier lines. In addition 1 will give a dividend each month to the person who has pur chased the most goods from me. On Jnue fith this will be .5 00. You do not have to purchase fifty cunts worth at one time to get a dividend check, as 1 issue curtilicates of sale for less amounts which can he exchanged for dividend check when they amount to fifty cents. If clerk does not give you checks or or certiiicatos when you make U T Nfll AN a purchase, ask for them. III. I . HULHIl Just What You cuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock, ileal itnita- j tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheat paper prices. : Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours for a small price, at onr store on l'hird street. Also a full line of houH paints. d. w. vatjse, Third st. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. W'c have on null a lull lint' of Ronch and Dressed Lumber Mouldings, BraoketE, Laths, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will sell at live and let live prices. (ilvc un n trlul nnd we will trent you rlglit. GILBRETH & SON Third anil Federal Mm. i L. Lane, GEKEUAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. , Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeffcnn, Phone 159 J TieCoWiaPacKingCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDKAUTnKKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKD beef. etc. J. K. HCHRNCK, i'rcNldtiiic, Max A, Voiit. CuMhlui First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Bnainees transacted Deposits received, aubject to Bight Draft nr fthJih Collections made and proceeds prompt! vuii.wu uu uar ui nuiieoiion. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York, Bin Francisco and port land. Eo. M. Wiwuiis, Quo. A. Uvt. a. M. Bball. lT BlacKsmim j ...AND... 'i Horses .OREGON SHOfQ tan and Union Pacific I) El A 1ST roa TIME SMIHni'I.KS MOM THE DAI.l.Kf), AIlRIVE rnnji l'ortliuul SU IjiUo, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omnhit. K,it. BiihClty.Ht I-ouIn.cIiI. ciiro mill tho KiiKt. Vi'.'i."t i. in. vlit limit liiKton. Atlantic 1 ...... .... 1:05 p.m, Suit Uiko, Denver, Ft. Worth, Oiniihu, Khii j miKCIty.Sl.UmlH.ail. 14, . li":N n. m. vlu limit liiKton. HI. I'iiiiI KiiKt -Mull, U:'2T. ). in. Vlll H kmiu. l l.'m.m. ciiro mid iiiu IJiist. Wllllll Wllllh, UwlHtOll.l hiOTkimc.WiiIiiico.I'uli-' mini, MlnnvtiiHii s.Ht.l .u-n. n I,mil.I)iilutli,,Mllw.ii "RB1' fci-o, Chlcii;o mul V.wtA OCEAN AND EIVER S0HEDULE Prom rortlmul. (All Hlllllng lllltl'K SUlj. I Jl'Ot to C.tlllllRU ) 1 For Sun Friinclcco, ! Hull every .1 riuji.. I b:(i0 . in. I'M p. in. Dully uxrojit Hunilnv, h'.VC) p. in. riutiinliiy, 10:(W p. in. Dnlly Coliiiiilila ltlvnr. To Ahtorlii nml Wiiy I-IIIKllllRh. I 'lp. m. except Suiidny, Vlllannttt Ulvrr. UXfVpt rr..fiti fif v.... i...... llSlp. tn, huiKliiy. i H..IPI1, inli,.,,,,,,,!,,,, ,.q-'Pt h.wii. in. Ilul wny-UitidliiKt. 'lucMlny, , 'Ihurxcliiy, Corviillls mid Way Hiitimluy, , IjiihIIiikk. 0 (H) u. in. ButtUay. i p. m. Monday, Wwliiewliy Frlaay. Tiu-Mlny, U'lllanmttn amt H..H)n m ThurMlny. VhiiiIiUI lllvrm. JlonJayj Snttirdiiy, '()ICR citv,l)ny ton mill Wi-dnmnay .!IX). in. , Way-liimlltiRN. ITIUny. U'llVC Itlimriu Hnuku ltlTpr. Itlpurlu to lx;vl)(t(in. U'wlntnn dally, 8.J)h.iu, i "in iy. .'IMUh. in. rnrttt'H dtfiirliiR to no to llcpimcr or lioltitK on Collimtilu Hoiithvrn via IIIrrh, Htiould hue .No. 2, lenvliiR Tho Dnlli-d nt 12 '.'5 p. m. mnt-.liiR direct coiiiivutionx nt lluinivr Junction ihI UlRRh. Ki'UirnliiR makliiRilIrw;tcoiiiicctloa ut Ileiini'r Junction nnd DIrrh wltliiKo, l,r rlviiiR at 1 lie Dalleo at 1:00 p. m. For further piirucutnrx, cull on or Hitdre - JAli. IIIKLAND, AKi-lit. The Dnl Ion, Oregp Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings Tiie time will Boon bo hero when VW MtyliHb droHHed man will wunt n P:t0'f date Kpring Suit. Those uro the 01 patrons 1 tun tailoring for. Com," n and look over my Spring line of Suitings. All the lntoHt uovoltiufl for 1001. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. . Nasal CATARRH In all Hi iUkb (Ure iltuuld bo cloaiiliueif. Ely's Cream Balat cloiuic,o(ithcBn(l lical the (IIoaod ineuiurane. It cured catarrh and drive away cold la the bead uulckly. Crcasa Bain li plaed Into the nortrlli, orer the membrane and Is abeorbed. ;wrl mediate and a cure follow. It dflD? not produce incexlut;. large Blue, 1)0 ou "K (UU .ir bjr mall j Trial SUe, 10 cent by bl . am m 4