The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1901, Image 1

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    She Dalles
vol. xnr
NO. 89
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has bornn ihn slmt
m and has been niacin under bin iwr.
so,ml supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants mid Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drois and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
(uoutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mibsiunce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tfr ccnt.uh commnt. tt Muniukv rntccr, ncwtohr crrv.
Niuullpox lit MkuKwuy.
Seattle, May 1G, Following are pri
vate ad vices received by mail from
Sitka, Alaska, dated May 11th:
Doctors Moore, of Skagway, and Lin
hart, of Juneau, have been iuvustiatlnir
Hih smallpox epidemic at his place and
the former says there is no doubt of the
prevalence of the disease despite all
reports to the contrary. Tho doctors
vieited all the infected district?, the
Indian ranch, Russian town and the
Indian mission. Dr. Moom was very
outspoken regarding existing conditions.
He said there can be no question of the
seriousness of the situation. Smallpox,
generally In a mild form, is prevalent,
and owing to the uncleanly condition of
the ranch, combating the sickness will
be a difficult matter.
In Russian town there were but two
cases, one serious. At the mission there
were found over 110 children suffering
from smallpox. They have been treated
in the hospital, which is located a con
siderable distance from the dormitories.
Up to the present time there have been
seven fatalities, all confined to the
Indiana. A rigid quarantine has been
placed on the ranch, Indian policemen
guarding all entrances to the infected
quarters. Guards have kept visitors
from the homes of the two Russians
who are sink. In the last month vacci
nation has beeu general. All members
of the marine guard have beeu vacci
nated and among the citizens vaccina
tion has been compulsory.
He I'leaded Nut Guilty.
Des Moinkh, la., May 15,Letson
lialliet, of Baker City, Or., appeared in
the federal court hero today and entered
a plea of not guilty, in answer to an in
dictment returned against him last No
vember. Ilia trial will be held next
week, and promises to bo one of the most
important criminal proceedings in the
federal court here for many years.
The Indictment accuses him of using
the United States malls to further u
scheme to defraud, The alleged offense
consists, of sending advertising letters
through the maila calling notlco to the
White Swan gold mine, of Haker City,
Or,, saying that the mine had been
opened 400 feet into the ground, and
that thouaanrla of tone of ore were even
ready to be taken from the mine to the
mill ; alao that the mine waa ready to
run, and had produced more than $500,
000 op to that time, being simply await
ing further development for further
The Indictment alleges that Balliet
ant these letters through the mails,
knowing at the time that the claims
were false. Balliet alleges that the
prosecution is the result of spite work,
and that he will be able to clear himself
of the charge.
OregonliiiiH Winner.
Philadelphia, May 10. At the com
mencement of Old Jefferson Medical Col
lege last nieht 150 graduated and 30
failed to paes. Among the fortunate
ones were the following from Oregon:
Benjamin Franklin Giesy, M. D. Luther,
Hess Hamilton; Homer Isaac Keeney,
NIuLIkm Is Willing.
New Yohk, Mav 1G. General Daniel
E. Sickles is willing to be elected commander-in-chief
of the G. A. H. at the
National encampment, to be held in
Cleveland, O., in September. A. G.
Peterson, of St. Louis, is sending out a
circular letter aeklnu veterans for their
support of General Sickles for the office.
CMtarrli C'auuot tlx Cured,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the beat of tiie disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ib
taken internally, and acta directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in thla country lor years, and
is a regular prescription. It ia composed
of the best tonics knowu, combined with
the beet blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ia
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Hold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Jtluwn To AtuiUK.
The old Idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
lias beeu exploded; for Dr. King's New
Life Pilla, which are perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate llyer and bowels to ex
pel poisonous matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Sick Headache. Only 25c at G. C.
Blakeley'a erug store. 1
IMllrdlun The Olube,
The fame of Hucklen'a Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer ot
Cnta, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores,
Scalds, Bolls, Ulcere, Felons, Aches,
Paius and all Skin Kruptlous. Only in
fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. O.
Blakeley'e, drug store, 1
Mrs. McKinley Was Decidedly Better
Last Night Alarming Staking
Spell in the Early Morning.
Sax Fuancisco, lay 10, 8:45 p. in.
Secretary Cortelyou gave out the follow
ing statement :
"The physicians in attendance on Mrs.
McKinley report her condition as de
cidedly improved since morning. Her
pulse and temperature are satisfactory.
The patient is resting well."
10 p. m. Dr. Hirschfelder and H. T.
Scott have just, left the Scott reeidence.
Dr. Hirechfeldvr has tone home for the
night. He said that he felt that Mrs.
McKinley was decidedly improved. Mr.
Scott said he felt very much pleased over
her condition. Secretary Cortelyou an
nounced that no further bulletins would
be given out tonight unlesB unexpected
developments should take place. Among
the callers at the residence tonight were
Admiral Cases and Captain Wilson, of
General Shatter's staff, At this hour
the lights in the building are out with
the exception of the one in the telegraph
room. 11 :30 p. m. Secretary Cortelyou etateB
that no more news regarding Mrs. Mc
Kinley's condition will be given out
In Favor of Acceptance.
Havana, May 15. A majority of the
committee ou resolutions, SenorTamaya,
Villendas and Quesda, are in favor of
the committee making an immediate
report advising the constitutional con
vention to accept the Piatt amendment.
Senore Gomez and Silvela are strongly
opposed to this action. It is said that
Senor Gomez, in drawing up the minor
ity report, interprets the explanations of
Secretary Root as an admittance that
the United States will change the Piatt
amendment if the Cubans insist upon it ;
that clauses will be added guaranteeing
the absolute independence of Cuba ; that
the third clause will be stricken out ae
the Monroe Doctrine provides for inter
vention Buould it be necessary, and coal
ing stations used for coal shall not be
used for naval stations. At today's
meeting the majority voted that, owing
to the explanations made by Secretary
Root to the commission, "we advise the
constitutional convention to accept the
Piatt amendment as a basis for future
treaties with the United States."
Hosiery j?
A now lino just opened,
showing tho
and most exclusive styles
and colorings ever brought
to this city.
This is going to be a Fancy Hosiery season, and we '
will be found right at the front with the most correct
styles at the most popular prices. I
25. 35. 50, 75 and 90 a pair.
Our Special
Reduction Sale of
R.eefer Suits
is still going on. These suits
aro worth from $2 to $5, and come
in all-wool cloths only.
Take any suit in tho lot and
take off one-fourth the price.
Sizes from 3 to 8 years.
Our stock is complete in every
detail. Underwear of the most
satisfactory kind in a range of
prices that adjusts itself to every
Cool, light-weight Balbriggans
at 50c, $1, $1.50 and $1.75 a suit
and the celebrated
Linen Mesh Underwear j&
See qur window display of bright, new Sun Bonnets.
Sizes for both ladies and children. Values 25c and 35c ;
This weeK Special 19c.
The Oldent Negro I'rvaclier.
New London, Conn., May 16. Rev.
William H. Conner, believed to have
been the oldest negro preacher in the
country, died at his home in this city
today, aged 101 years. He was born in
slavery, but escaped in 18129. He began
preaching before 1850, and though never
ordained, was at the head of the negro
religious society here and was affection
ately known as Father Connor. His
powers were remarkably preserved up
to a abort time ago.
Ouuger Favor Hlili Hubildy.
New Yohk, May 16. Edfcin H.
Conger, minister to China, as the guest
of honor tonight at the third annual
banquet of the American Asiatic Associa
tion given at Delmouico'e. In hie ad
drees he dwelt upon the great possi
bilities in China, advocated the sub
sidizing of American ships as a patriotic
measure, and regretted that our new
possessions in the Pacific were not con
nected by American cables.
Itegardlug Mm. liolha's MLvlou,
Duuban, May 16. Friends of Mrs.
Louie Botha deny that she is going to
Europe to plead with Mr. Kruger for
peace in South Africa,
l'Uyed Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parte
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriahneas,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidon
cee of impure blood. No matter bow it
became eo it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has nevei failed tocure Scrolulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee, Blakeley, the drug
gist. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your v "er for them.
Fur 1'ortHgn Hallway Lands at the
Cancarto Locks.
Sca'cil bids will b received by the board of
portiicu cnminii-sloiiers of the Statu of Oregon
until 2 o"cloek i. in. May 24, luui, and then imb
llcly opened, for tho purchase of a tract of land
adjoining the United States Government He
serve ab'ive the upper entrance to the locks In
the Columbia river, beginning at a point on the
east boundary lint of tho United States Govern
ment Heserve ninety-eight and four-tenths
(Ub.4) feet north of the southeast corner thereof,
thence northeasterly paralleling the track of the
Oregon Hallway mm Navigation Company
eleven hundred (1100) f et, being u strip eleven
hundred (1100) feet long between the track of
the rullroad company and the Columbia river,
as fully described at page 101 Hook Hecords
of Deeds for Wasco County, Oregon, authority
for suid sale being granted by an act of tho
twenty-tlrst legislative assembly; conveyance to
be a b'trgalu and sale deed.
Kach bid must be accompanied by a certified
check of the amount of twenty (SO) per cent of
the bid, payable to the statu treasurer, to bo for
feited If the balance of the purchase price is not
paid within ten days after acceptance of tho
lllds should be addressed to the Secretary ol
State and endorsed "Hid for Pottage Hallwa
Tho Hoard of I'ortage Commissioners reserves
the right to reject an 5 and all bHs,
T. T. OKEK, Governor.
K. I. DUNHAK, Secretary of State.
OIIAS.S. JfOOHK, State Treasurer.
It Dazzles The World,
No Discovery in medicine has ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that has been caueed by Dr. King's New,
Discovery for Consumption. It's severest
tests have been on hopeless victims of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage,
Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of
whom it has restored to perfect health.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay
Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough
it ia the quickest, surest cure in the
world. It is sold by G. O. Blakeley, the
druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or
refund money. Large bottles 50c and
ifl.00. Trial bottles free. 1
HtrlhM A llleli Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous de
bility," writes F. .1. Green, of Lancas
ter, X. H., "No remedy helped me un
til I began using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for yeara, She
saya Electiiu Hitters are just splendid
for female tumbles; that they are a grand
toalo and invigorator for weak, run
down women, No other medicine can
take its place in our family." Try them.
Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. C, Blakeley, the druggist. 1
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels do not act
properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
remove the ciuse of diaeaee, Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy,
Take Notice!
All who have coupons on the prizes
offered at R. E. Teague's grocery store,
will please bring them in before June
1st. The most valuable prizes are yet
left, namely, two gold watches, one
lady's and one gentleman's. mlo-31
DeWitt's Little Early Risers search
the remotest parts of the bowels the im
purities speedily with no discomfort.
They are famous for their efficacy. Easy
to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy .
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r -vStir ft r Jr naflV Tstflr lAr 3tr W3iir lAtr -.Lr -wffW fhr lAr nftjr ffir -VW Jt- nAf -ftr rthc "aAr ttfW i
The " Bailey -Gatzert"
The finest and fastest sternwheel boat
on tho Columbia River
between The Dalles and Portland, Mon
days excepted, arriving horo fron Port
land at 3 p. m. and returning at 4 p. m.
Tho Dalles, Oregon.
Grandall & Boirget
DEALERS IN " fjobeS,
fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
m The Dalles, Or.
in ill. ii i i. i . 'f in. , . ,,, . - - JgBM
Theru 1b not a caae of nervous weakness in the world
today (no matter what tho dbuhh or of how long standing)
that the ueeof LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS according to
directions, which are simple and very easy to follow, will
fail to permanently cure. Whv do ynu remain weak when
LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will make you strong?
Price, 1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by
mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
M. 'A, Doimell, Agent, The Dalles.