Sale of Undermuslins No doubt tint yon will bo surprised to mad of this salo now a moritb ahead of its nsial time but you will Hgreo with us that thn innovation is a move in the right direction, lingular stoeke You can buy a suit of clothes anywhere if you aro easily satisfied and not particular about the styles and the fit. If you want clothes that will look right and keep their shape, come to us. We have the trade of the men who are hard to please. Our Mart, Schaffnor and Marx suits will satisfy the most critical. and Fancy White Goods. t...i ... i.. i if.. . '"'k-t, irenner nun newer now than tiiov won i ne in June. . In , larin ex ton have , , f ' Em ,n ,?,"1U,Br lnnntH tho ont" m8t interested in the purchase of those Koods GOWNS. Women'n t;xtrn quality Muslfri, plain fiiiinti ; ru(lls or edged with luce; regu lar ((!, Ton, !fl und $1.25 Sale 58c, 63c, 83c, 98c Also in this sale Women's Gowns of Mm tirwl lujat ..t.v!nl.i .....I .t ..w...uw ...... in.nv i.i.i.i 1 1, i n , llllll ui .1... l... ...! tnu iicau tin ii uiuat iifiuiar tJiviep, prices ranging up to $5.00. at Chemise, Corset Covers and Drawers offered at the same reduction. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures I Underskirts. Women's Muslin Underskirts, dust ruf fle, cam hi ic flounce; regular 09c, 75c, $1.00. Sals 59c, 60c, 87c Sale will commence Tuesday orning and an co of week. morning and continue for bal- Underskirts. Space will not permit the mention of many other exquisite designs wo are dis playing in Women's Unders tii te at the present time. Prices run like this : $1 50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3, $3,50, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50 and $0 reduced to $1.29, $1.43, $1.00, $1.98, $2.08, $2.59. $2.97, $3.39, $3 97, $4 37, $4.89 and $5.20. CANVAS SHOES. Every man in town will want Canvas Shoes this summer. Our line of these shoes is comfortable in every way, and every shoe has a price attached that will please the buyer. Men's Khaki Lace $1.50 Men's Covert Cloth Lace 1.50 Men's Canvas Oxfords t. 1.50 Men's Khaki Hike Shoes 85 Bovs' Khaki Bike Shoes 75 Strictly all-worsted navy blue serge suits, Italian cloth and serge lined All-wool Scotch cheviot suit in plain and striped goods, gray, blue and greenish colorings $10 $15 Our best sack suits in imported Scotch cheviot and worsted goods comprises everything T I C Cfl COO Cfl that is new and up-to date.' 4ID.uU lU 4ZZ.3U For prices and styles see our display in window. Black Cat Brand Hose F'no cotton half hose in red, blue, tan and black. Positively the best value ever shown in The Dalles. - Q l Guaranteed strictly fast eolorings; per pair 1C mm MKT, SOHArrNt a MARK P CHIOAM Hart, Schaffner & Marx Tailor Made Clothes Balbriggan Summer Underwear in i "Arrow" brand collars, all new and fancy or plain, per garment 50c 1 stylish shapes 12hc "E. & W." collars and cuffs; only Our " Monarch " negligee shirts are place in town to get this well-known shown in large variety of styles and brand 25c colorings ' $1 to $2 PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - MAY 15, 1901 Oysters - served i in any style. At And raw Knllnr'n. - TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Waico County warrautx rcteril prior to Mitinbr 1, 1K07, will he paid on preneutatloii at my ottlue, luterum Htm artr Noviiilr 111(10. JOHN r. HAMl'HHIKK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A girl wanted. Inquire at the Euro pean House. in 14 -It New shipment of Strausky enameled ware jiiBt received by Mays & Crowe. The Fortnightly will meet with Mrs. Joseph Bonn Friday afternoon, instead of Thursday. Wanted A woman to do plain sewing. About three months work on hand. Apply at this office. mll-lwk The river at this place Btood at 2(5.1 feet this morning, a rise of 1.0 feet in the previous twenty-four hours. Parties wanting to lay in their cord wood for the winter will do well to see us before buying. Maler & Benton, .'it Notice Ward & Robertson will run their wagonette all tomorrow afternoon from the city to the new race track. Jay Bird bicycles at $ 13.50, and Pen nant bicycles, brand new while they last, at $14.50. Maier & Benton. 1!! 3t Wanted Ton homesteaders at once. The last chance to got good timber claluiB near the Columbia river. Ad dress U. W. L., care of the Chronicle oflice. ral5-2l The beautiful cigar-ribbon sofa pillow given by Gumbert'B Leading Cigar and Tobacco House, was awarded to Mr. F. Faulkner, he being the party holding the lucky number. Miss Myrtle Buffe, who bo delighted the audience at the play, "Henrietta," recently given, will give a recitation at the Character concert next Tuesday evening at the Baldwin. Dr. Caldwell assures us that lie will livo faithfully to his oiler found else where in this issue. It would be well for those not having found relief in other treatments to call on him. The cause of the delay to tho steamer Iralda yesterday was an accident to the feed pipe. Alter nearly live hours de lay Engineer Joe Carnahan bad the in jury repaired and the pipe made good as. new, Mr. William P. Grimes, of Seaside, , Clatsop county, was united in marriage morning to Miss May Miller, of this city. The wedding ceremony wb performed at 0:30 o'clock at the Calvary Baptist church, Rev, W. B. Clifton offi ciating, and the hanpy couple left im mediately on the boat for their future home by the sounding sea. Eight wagon loads of hogs 04 in all belonging to Van Woodruff, of Wapi nilia, arrived at the Btoekyards this morning, the first of a lot of 05 recently purchased by the Columbia Packing Company. Nathan Harris this week bought of GibbonB & Marden, the residence prop erty of Mrs. T. W. Sparks, of Portland, on Third street. Consideration $1200, which is a good deal less than .the prop erty ib worth. Colonel George T. Prather tells the Telegram that Hood river valley will this year have the biggest crop of straw berries in its history. Tne colonel esti mates the crop at 71,000 crates, as against G9.000 crates last year. The following "personal" appears in the last number of the Ashwood Pros pector: "W. S. Rice and Miss Sadie Short passed through the business part of Ashwood Monday evening. While here Mr. Rice treated the young lady to a can of baking powders." Frank Morrison, the circulation rustler for the Boise News, was in town today on the way with his family to Boise City. Mr. Morrison says Fred Floed, late with the Times-Mountaineer, is on the stall' of the News, is aB steady as an eight-day clock and is going to be mar ried in the near future to a very estima ble young lady. The Gentlemen's Driving Association make special request that visitors to the race track at the matinee tomorrow af ternoon be on the grounds, if at all pos sible, promptly at 2 p. m. It is tho in tention and desire of the management to call the first race promptly at 2 o'clock, and to have no unpleasant de lays between the trials of speed. A span of horses hitched to a freight wagon made things lively for a short time in the East End this noon. They came wes from tho direction of the warehouses and making a square turn at Laughlin street, wound in and out among a number of teams that were feeding on tho vacant lot near by, and were finally captured by a Villain"" who had started after them on horse back. No damage was done to them or anything else. D. Ellis Caldwell, doctor ol medical psychology, has secured rooms 10-11, Chapman block, and makes tins tin paralleled oiler: "I will give free treat- inents to all sutlerers, until turtner notice. A few of the many diseases I treat and cure -lung, asthma, kidney and liver, rheumatism, stomach and blood disorders and all female trouble. Exception : A charge will be made for the treatment of stammering and for private calls." Oflice hours 9 to 12; l tc 4. mlS-lO The first home-grown strawberries offered In this market were brought to town Monday by N. A. Errickeen, of Mill creek. The firBt shipment was with petitions for Bruner's pardon, and made from beie by Mr. Erricksen on if he haB the proper pull and the man the 10th last Friday. It consisted of who could hire three high-priced law one crate and it was consigned to Port- vers to defend him haB a pull of a most land. The wretched, wishy-washy, important variety he will be turned California substitute for our own berries (loose and given a chance to do some will now take a back seat. Strawberries jj more shooting, are retailing at 25-centB a box, but the f price will soon be low enough for even j an editor to get a mouthful once in a I while. The Antelope Republican does an un intentional injustice to Gus Delore in (charging him with having sold a horse out of a band of thirty odd head belong ing to A. S. Mac Allister of this city, which Delore was bringing here for sale. Delore did sell a horse, two in fact, but it was by Mr. Mac Allister'f consent, who gave Delore authority to sell in caBe be could get the price placed on any of them. Delore arrived here today, after leaving the remainder of the band in the Sharp pasture on Three Mile. There is nothing wrong with Delore and Mr. Mac Allister is Tin: Ciiiio.nici.e's au thority for saying so. The first matinee of The Dalles Driv ing Association in point of attendance will undoubtedly be a snccess, as the advance sale of tickets has fully equaled the expectations of the management. Holders of tickets are requested to at tach them to their clothing in such a way that they may be readily Been, thus avoiding any embarassing questions from the chief marshal or his assistants. The services of Mr. VV. W. Williams, for many years marshal at the state fair, have been secured aB marshal on this occasion. Lovers of music are assured of a treat, as rehearsals by the best musicians in the city are being held and, we are informed, with better re sults than ever before. Let us all turn out and make this first matinee a rous ing success. The Crook county murder case was given to the jury last night at 12 o'clock, and at 4:30 this morning the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the second degree. On the Jlrst ballot it is said the jury stood eight for murder in tiie first degree, two for manslaughter and two for acquittal. It would be a strange verdict anywhere else but in Prinevllie; but in that town they never hang a man unless he has been tried in Judge Lynch 'h court. Murder In the second degree! Think of it! When the murdered man was shot in the back of the head by Bruuer while ho was run ning away from Bruner's vengeancethe bullet coming out through his forehead ; and shot too by tho muruered man's rifle, which he had dropped In his flight. If there ever was a case that called for a verdict of murder in the first degree it was this. It is such verdicts that justify lynching, if anything can. If the murderous brute was sure of be ing kept in the penitentiary during the rett ot his natural life, the verdict might pass; but it is certain as any thing can be that In a few years the governor of the state will be besieged PERSONAL MENTION. The New School Lnn, Mr. Phillip Michell was in town today trom btevensen. Mrs. J. F. Miller, wife of Captain Miller, of Salem, and Mrs. M. B. Grey arrived here today on a visit to their brother, Mr. J. H. Jackson, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leiblein and child, of Dufur, and Miss Christine Nickelsen, of this city, will leave in the morning on a visit to relatives in Sacra mento. Miss Nickelsen expecte to be gone two months. Mies Dorothy Fredden left on this morning's boat for-' Portland, from whence Bhe will go by way of the North ern Pacific to .New York City, where she expects to remain for an extendedjear periuu vieuiiig ibibiivcb, ' BUItN, In this city yesterday afternoon, May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Creighton, a daughter. ,-. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ice cream and ice cream soda now on tap at A. Keller's. alBtf A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Some desirable city property for sale or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons & Marden. alltf Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly 'Hire liquid paints The least in quantity and most in quality describes DeWitt'e Little Risers, the famous pills for constipation, and liver complaints. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & talk, agentB. ml Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Ono little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts, Blakeley the druggiBt. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Ten. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep I and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 Jet e. ami 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Paint your bouse with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke fc Falk bave tbem. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday, Don't forget this. Subscribe for Tuic Ciihonicmj. State Superintendent J. H. Acker man writes as follows to Superintendent C. L Gilbert: "The new school law will go into effect May 24, 1901. You will notice that section 41 reads in part aB follows: 'And the fiscal school year shall begin on the third Monday of June and end on the last day of June.' A mistake oc curred in the enrolling committee and the law, should have read as follows: 'And the fiscal school year will begin on the third Monday in June and end on the day preceding.' I think it will work no injury to administer the law upon the supposition that tiie school year be gins on the third Monday in June and ends on the day preceding. The cur rent school year will begin or the first Monday of March, 1901, and end on the t third Monday in June, 1902. You will notice, therefore, that the current school be more than twelve months long. All reports, records, etc., should be kept upon the basis of the school year extending from the first Monday of March, 1001, to the third Monday in June, 1902. The annual school meeting will be held on the third Monday in June, 1902. All school officers whose terms, under the old law, would expire on the first Monday in March, 1902, will hold over until the third Monday of June, 1002. "We have special blanks to be filled by applicants for state life diplomas, un der sections 170 and 180, Oregon School Laws. Hence, when applicants wish to make application for a life diploma un der said sections, they should make ap plication to this oflice for the prpper blank. I will consider it a favor if you will so inform all applicants." Curd or Thank. Mr. and Mrs A, E. Like desire to ten der to tho people of The Dalles their sincere gratitude and thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended tow ards them during the sickness and deatli of their beloved daughter. Take Notice) All who hnvo coupons on tho prizes offered at R. E. Teague's grocery Bfore, will please bring thorn in beforuJuiie 1st. Tho most valuable prizes are yet left, namely, two gold watches, one lady's and one gentleman's. ml5-31 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the ttguature of For Sale A Cyclone camera ; nearly good as new. Inquire at this oflice. iii7-w You will uot have boils if yon c s Clarke & Falk's sure cure tor boils, Kate to Pan-American Exposition, For the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo the O. R. & N. Co., with other lines in this territory, have asked for the following rates to Buffalo and return, which will probably be made effective: From Portland and common points $78.25, and from Spokane and common points $08.25. Tickets on sale Tuesday, May 21st, and every first and third Tuesday from that date until October 15th inclusive. Going limit of tickets seven days to Missouri river or St. Paul; journey to cjmmence on date of sale. Final limit sixty days weBt of Missouri river or St. Paul, with stop-over privi lege west of St. Paul or Missouri river in either direction within limits. This is a preliminary notice and these rates cannot yet be guaranteed. Further notice will be given as soon as definite rates are settled. 15-10t Auction of Horsm. On Friday, May 17th, there will be cold at auction, at Ward & Robertson's stables, between 30 and 40 head of horses weighing from 1100 to 1000 pounds each. The horses may be seen at the stnbles on and after Wednesday. Sale will commence at 2 o'clock p. m. For further particulars inquire of Jeff Dripps. ml4-3t Alumni Notice. There will be a special meeting of the Alumni association of The Dalles High school, at the residence of Mr. C J, Crandftll, on Friday, May 17. 1901, at 8 o'clock p. in. The presence of all members is desired. By order of 14-2t Enw.Mtu D. Baldwin. Pres. Ilon't KiiU It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarku & Falk. for Kule. Black mare, 9 years old; weight 950 lbs; brokn to ride or drive; also curt and single huriuss; mare is gentle. Ad dress, Box Sod or this otbee. mtVJwks If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; lie's the headquarters for nil hair' remedies. Remember that ho makes a specialty of these goods1. tf DoWitt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of tho bowels tho im purities speedily with no discomfort. They are famous (or their ellicacy. Easy to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy, Clarko& Falk have on sale a full Una of paint and artist's brushes. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker Md Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433, Local, 102,