The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY MAY 15, 1901 In Ibis, ns in many other matters, circumstances alter cases. J. A. EBERLE, Tifin flings ,mffi"r Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, The Baker City Democrat, in commenting upon trade conditions in its home town, says in part: "Information from a reliable source indicates that Baker City is in a fail way to lose its jobbing trade in Eagle, Pine and Johu Day valleys. The Columbia Southern railway reached Shaniko from Portland last year, and the teams commenced haul ing freight from that point instead of from Baker City as theretofore. Canyon City is connected with Baker by very poor, tough and disagreeable highways. Little effort has been made to improve it. Naturally teamsters will take the best road, though it be the longest, particularly when Shauiko jobbers pay part of the freight." We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, P.uitinga, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect tit. SHEEP OX FOREST RESERVES. IttKnrll Chttiierluitl. Beulin, May 14. Government circles furnish denial that any negotiations are going on between Austria anil Germany for a European commercial league against the United Suites. The idea is regarded as impracticable owing to the diversities of race and commercial interests. Iu the Mav Forum. Earlev Vernon I Tlie representative of the Associated Wilcox contends that sheep grazing j Mr- White, United States on forest reserves, when conducted under proper restrictions, is not de structive of the native forage plants, does not kill the young forest growth and does not menace the watersheds. Mr. Wilcox bases his conclusions on long experience in government em ploy in Idaho, Montana and Wyo ming. For a number, of years be ambassador, and F. H. Mason, the United States consul-general here, in regard to the matter. They both said they had beard of no negotiations in con nection with the league referred to. They regarded the matter as chimerical, and did not believe there would be two nations in favor of such a league. NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. All persons using Dalles City water for irrigating purposes between the 1st rlrtl. nf M.I. .in.) Ikn It.. t C 4 . . . . i ut, ui inn. miu llic isi lint UI CJCDkCUJ- was engaged m the study of plants ; be wil! 0b,erve the foiiowine rules and regulations : Persons will be permitted to use the water below the hluff on all even days, and above the hluff on all odd days poisonous to stock, and "had occasion to observe the feeding habits of sheep under all conditions.' Mr. Wilcox meets one by one the objections so often urged, that the sheep eat the forests bare, trampling out the roots with their sharp hoofs ; that the loose ground is so dug up in this manner that it is more sus ceptible to the erdoing action of water, that herders are careless with fire, and even set fires to burn off the undergrowth and promote the growth of grass; and that the mount ain streams nre polluted by the presence of large herds of sheep. Sheep, he says, avoid the forests and graze almost entirely in the open parks, and the herders will not allow them to graze in the timber because tbey scatter there and be come lost. He asserts that "sheep do not kill native grasses by trampling or by eating it; on the contrary, tbey exert a decided influence in promot ing tbe development of a more close ly growing sod." As to their pro moting soil erosion, he contends that when tbe earth is dry their passage has no perceptible effect, and when it is wet their hoofs sink into the soft soil and thereby cause a retention of tbe water, "which is exactly what seems to be desired." He denies that herders deliberate ly fire-the country. To do that, be says, would endanger their herds. Further, their movements may be constantly observed by the forest rangers. On the contrary, he says, tbe herders are cautious, and when from G o'clock a. ui. until 8 a. m.. and .from 0 o'clock p. m. until 8 p. m. ine above rules must be strictly com plied with, and any infraction of tbe above rules will subject the offender to a fine of $1, and the water will be shut off until paid; and for a second offence double the amount. The following charges will be made: For one full lot 50x100, $1.50 per month. Each additional lot $1.25 ; half lot 75 cte. All persons using water in closet or toilet will see to it that tbe water is shut off when not in use, or water will be abut off altogether if allowed to run to waste. J. B. Cnossns, Supt. Dalles City Water Workfl. ml-3wd AclvertUed Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for May 13, 1001. Persons calling for the same will give date on which tbey were advertised : BarrioB, T M Adams, J W Crawford, Mr Cooper, Mrs E DaviB,MissMurrie,2 Delaney, M M Hancock, Mr Jas Grewell, Mrs Emma Johnston, Claria Humphrye. G M Johnson, MiBB Min Jones. Mr J F McKellar, S W Lewis, Edward H McCohnell, John X McDougal, Willis Miller, C I Miller, Harry Fries, Charles Marshall, Fred Robertson, Wayne Runvan, Wm C Kodkey, Ida Helen Ray, George Sato, R F Staufer, S D Townsend, Jess Williams, Violet Weodruff, Wm White, Hannah Winton. Wm Welch, Wm Webb, Harry (2) Walters, Om Walker, Wm S J. M. Pattehsox, P. M. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The county court has instructed the county clerk to place a warrant on the tax roll of 1000 commanding me to col lect the taxes for said year by making sale, if necessary, of the property there in mentioned, and to return tbe roll in side of sixty days. I am sworn to do my duty, and am also under bonds for its faithful per formance; therefore have no alterna tive but to obey the mandate of the nnti vt anil trill 1 m rrut 1 1 tin! w txmfuail tr forest fires are started tbey arise i nmke out a list of delinquents and ad- from the careless ways of hunters and tourists. He admits that tbe presence of large flocks of sheep tends to pollute the mountain streams, but argues that "it is impossible to keep all pol lution out of streams without pro hibiting all business along their vertiee the property for sale. Rodbut Kei.i.v. Sheriff of Wasco Co. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com pany at tbe office of French & Co., bank ers, on Friday, May 31, 1001, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the nurnose of electing seven course; and the economic question . directors and transacting such other arises is this connection whether it is desirable to prohibit tbe develop ment of a great industry, such as sheepraising, on the ground that the mountain streams may thereby be somewhat polluted." This article was written in direct reply to one by C. 6. Newell, in tbe February Forum. Tbe truth lies between tbe two to tbis extent, at least, tbat locality and other con ditions will often determine whether tbe presence of sbeep on tbe forest reserves works an injury or a benefit. business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the president, The Dalles, May 1, 1901. J. C. HoSTKTI.KIt, ml-td Seoy. and Treas. Niitlcel The Elite barber shop is now running four chairs, thus giving patrons the quickeit service consistent with good work. The finest baths in the city for both ladies and gentlemen. Special at tention given to children's hair-cutting and ladies shampooing. Tbe only bar ber shop in the cltyesing team-Jaun-dried linen. mlS'tf W. A. Crawford, Prop. FOll about thirteen years 1 have devoted more time to politics than to business. The result is that my business has Buffered. For a time, at, least, 1 propose to devote more time to business and less to politics, provided the other fellows will let me. During theso years some features hnvo come into practice among business men that were not con sidered proper or necessary nt that time. Among them is the scheme of profit-sharing or giving to some lucky customers a valuable present. 1 propose to do something in this line mvBelf. For earn fifty cents Vaid to mo for goodn fur nished I will give the customer a numbered coupon. On each Saturday at l p. in. 1 will give uwiiy two present? one, u year's subscription to any $1 period ical desired, and the other, one copy of some of the famous pictures neatly framed, the customer can also make a choice of these as there are a number to be given awav before supply is exhausted. In ad dition, every month 1 will give several valuable pres. flits. On June 5th the presents will be a fine Bible, n Webster's International Dictionary, one year's sub scription to a $4 periodical and onu Hoys' Ituaotnill Set. The presents to be given away on July (nil will be announced later. 1 hope to confine invself In those presents to ar ticles in mv own line so that 1 will not interfere with cnli) of goods in other HneB. In addition 1 will give a divide nd each month to the person who has pur chased the moHt goods from me. On Jane fith thiB will be !?.r) 00. You do not have to purchase fifty cents worth at one time to get a dividend check, hb I issue certificates of sale for less amounts which can Im exchanged for dividend check when tbey amount to fifty cunts. If clerk does not give you checks or or certificates when you make U T liftl IIJ a purclmHo, ask for them. III. I . llULHIl I V 5" C. J. STUBliIflG, WIIOI.KSAU: AS'l) KKT.WL Wines, Liquors Cigars l Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest door to First National Hank. ilonilnn Vhoiif JJU4. liOiiC IUt. 101U. "4 i THE DALLES. OREGON, .i .5' Just What You uaant. II 1 ' ' 71 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety us we are showing never be- ! fore gracud a single stock. Real imita tion creton etlects at ordinary prices. Good papers at client) paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. Advertise m The Chronicle. id. w. vatjse, Third st. mflTIHEE ! The newly completed track of The Dalles Driving Ass'n. Cut Out This r will be formally opened by a GRAND MATINEE on.... Ill 16 PROGRAM FIltST EVENT TKOTTINCi. Nellie Bly E. E. Ferguson Dick E. O. McCoy Dock L. L. Lane Fanny J. P. Mclnerny Babe L. E. Crowe DaiBy A. Keller SECOND EVENT TROTTING, nOUIH.E TEAMS Jim Dandy T. J. Senfert Multnomah Lad and Maid. .L. A. Porter Tlimi) EVENT PACING. Primrose W. H. Hanson Solo H. A. Sturdevant FOUttTII EVENT TIIOTTING AND PACING. Edmund S Fred Fisher Mac Grant Mays Freak H L. Kuck Dufur T. H. Johnston Polly J. S. Fish FIFTH EVENT. Pony Raco Quarter-Mile Dash SIXTH EVENT. Running Three-Eighths Mile Dash HAKNEHK EVENTS. Half-Mile Heats Best 2 in 3 All races will be between horses owned by members of tbe association. Races will be called at 2 p. m Enclose It to Me With Ten Dollars and I will furnish yon all complete, ready for use, mv 1900 Model No. 7 SAN' DEN ELECTRIC BELT. It iB superior in make, quality and power to any belt of fered by other dealers for which they charge $40. ThiB masterpiece of electro-medical science wl'l cure your nerve loss, your weakness, your kidneys, your stomach and poor circulation by endowing you with that vitality which builds up the system. Drugs are useless; they are harmful. My belt cures where barrels of medicines have failed. Why suffer longer? 1 ofl'er you an invigorant which lias no equal in tbe world, for it will drive out your pain and make you a strong, Bound man. Write for my illus trated books free. Dr. A. T. Sanden, Roouib 18 and 20, Russel Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. JJmch Uiw :)mo Music by the Band YOU CAN GO as every business house in the city will be closed from 1 to 6 p, in. so there will he no excuse for you not to attend. Admission - - 50 Cents LADIES FREE. Mr. W, J. Baxter of North Brook, N. C, says he suffered with pile lor fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no remits until be used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Balve and that quickly cured blear Gierke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transaot a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections mode at all points on fav orable terms. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. Wo have on hiik- a lull lino of Mil anfl Dressed Lnniljer Mouldings, Brackets, Laths, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will sell at live and let live priceB. (live iih a trial and we will treat you riKlit. GILBRETH & SON Thlril ami Poclnral Ht. 4Ve- r L. Lane, GKNEKAL Biacksmitn AND flarsBsnoer mm mm L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. first-Class in Every flespeet MEALS AT Al.r. HOUltM. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second Rt.. The Diilleh. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digest! what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature iu strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic No other preparation era approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and nermanentlv curaa Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of Imperfect digestion. rillftr id. fAiMilumUluiui essentia. JiobicauntoutaysMiMlamuVclfiM PrMre sy t O. OeWITT A CO.. CbUiS bold by Gierke & Fslk'e P. O.Pbertuacy Wagon and Carriage Work. Fieh Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jefferson. Phone 159 MP4I XAMMMAM w (4 4 X 1 4 4 a i A- A fcyirawisf rue CoiumDia Pacfcing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIKD BEEF. ETC. J. B. HCHRNCK, President. Max ,. Voijt. (.'aNl'.loi First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREC30N A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to 8hrht n Draft or Oheek. Collections made and proceeds promptly remit. fail on Aa nf nnlla..ti Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold 01 New York, Ban Francisco anc! "ort- :ana. 2 Fl?'?rUra0K' J B Soe. Eo. M. Williams, Gho. A, Lisas. H.M. filALL. -OREGON Shorj line ahd union Pacific TIMK SCHKDLMjKS I'ltllM THK JIAI.I.K8. DSI'AKT rou (!h1('IIK(. Hortlniul Hlicfilnl. i:l'. in. via Hunt lliKton. Atlantic Kxprc'KN, a. m. vli limit- lllKt'UI. Ht. I'iiiiI I Wnlla Wnllh, U'WlKtnu. I'uKt Mnll, . Kiiokmio.Wiilliicu.l'iill U:i!fli, m. limn, Mlmu'iipiOlK, Ht. vliiHpo. rniil.DtiluUi.Mllwiui. kiinu. kvu, ChlciiKo and Kimt. Suit ljiku, Dotivur. I't, Worth, Oniiilm, Kim HiiKUty,Kt.lxnilN,(;ii cK' "ml Uil' Kimt. Halt l.aUu, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omnha, Kim Has City, HI l.oulH,t;h. uiirii mill ttiu Kast. AltRIVK fROJC 1 :05 p. m. I 13 ii. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Fritin I'lirtlHiiil, K;IK p. in. t All nulling Uati-H Mib j Jetit to uhaiiKi' ) For Pan Frminlscn, Hall uvury fi ilnyn. Dally L'XCCIlt Sunday, p. in. Haturilny, IO:lK) p. in. Dully ex roii t .Sunday, (1:00 a. in. Columbia Itlver. To Astoria anil Way IjiiiiIIiiKu. W'lllutnnttn Klrrr. Orison City, Ni-whi-rK, Haliim, liiilL'i'iiiluiii:t', i anil Way-ljiniiliiKs. 1:00 i. m. l-.oo p. a, except Kinulay, I ;30 p. m. except HutiLlay. Tni'silay, 'I hiirxitay, Katuriliiy, (i:U0 a. in. C'.irvalllN anil Way lJiiultngM I ;") p. m. Momly, Wciltii'vliy Friday. '1'llL'Kilay, WniHianttx anil 3 30p.m. TluirMliiy, liiuilull lilvtird. Moinliy, hi i irony, , () iiu... inivtnii ami Wt'diitnaar Wuy-ljuiainnH. 71IK1 II. lit. 1'IIVC! KlnurJii lIllllV Il lO n. m. Klpnrlu to LowlHtun. I Hiutkn ICIvnr. l.cuve UnvUton dally, gt I'artieK ncdlrliiK to no to llcpiuicr or jHiintK on Cnlumhlu Houthern via IIIrrh, ahoold tutu No. L leuvltiK The Dalles at VIM p. m. ninkliiK llrcot cunncctioiiN at HcppiiiT Junction hiuI HlBKb. ltuturnliiR malt Iiir direct cmmectlOD at llciipnur luiietlon unit HIkrk ulthiNu, 1. ar rlviiiK at The Dalleh nt l:o: p. m. For further partlcularH. call on or Hililre JAH. lltKl.AM), Axt'llt, The DhIIcii, Onvcu. Complete of Dm s at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings Til., tin... will annn lot lllirll W'liell B"(t1 stylish drewted man will want an m, (lute Kprinjc Suit. TIiohb uro the klnflw pntrons 1 am tailoring lur. Cobi i i und look over my Bprins lin of boiHB" All thu latest novelties for li'01. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In til Iti sUrm tutro linuld bo cleauliltOM. Ely's Cream Bain clean ef,iootuc and heals the dltoued inoinbrano. It curea catarrh and drives awiiy a cokl lu the head ijulckly. .u oyer the moiuhrtne and Ii aUorheo. jLt produROBnoexInK. I'g slet 6 "lii gliti or by mall TrUI BUe, 10 cen w vj r WLY MtOTUEMH, 00 Wsrreu w""