Special Boys' Suits One Week Only. LOT 1 Durable school suite for boys, M'ti 8 to IS yours; regular $1.25 PP. ii rid $1.50 values; Special. LOT 2 Lnrtre assortment of well made (loiiblc-broaBtud two-niece suits, in uroy, nrnwn uti'i (iarK patterns; $i.7o, Tz ana values; Special Hammocks A beautiful assortment of stylos and the very latest weaves; all trimmed with heavy flounce; ranging in price from ) $1.20 LOT 3 Hniidpomn Scotch plaid, black worsted and atylinti striped and chucked cheviot HiiltH, all well made and lined; aires 8 to 15 yeors; rofjuular $2.50 and $:.00 values; Qr Special 31 w0 II oconomy is on your mind, wend your way towards our store; there you will al wa3'S find an abundance of irresistible values. Its the place where knowing shop pers come oftenest; its the trading center for economical buyers of men's and boys' clothing and every description of the very best to be found in hats and furnishings for men and boys. $1.25 to $9. Sec window. Special showing of Ladies' Komonos Made up in dainty organdies, pongee cloth and satin stripe cloth, at 85c, 1.00, 1.25, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. Business Bringers for Saturday Ladies' tan kid, lace, cloth top; $2 values for $1.25 Ladies' tan kid, lace, cloth top; $.fi values for $2.00 Ln'lies' ,tnn kid, lace, cloth top; $4 values for $2.50 Ladies' tan kid oxforde; $3 values lor $1.50 Ladies' black kid oxfords; $.1.00 values for $1.50 You can't always get good foot wear at such prices. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY - MAY 11. 1901 5 Oysters At Anrimu VCnllor'n. - . served in any style... TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco County warrant h relHtril prior tu Nitniiilior 1, 1HD7, will li iialil on iireneiitBtlon ut my ofticn, IntoroHt ueBHs Mftur Novoinlmr "II. 11)00. JOHN F. HAMPHHIKK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. inthej) Hood Itivor will celebrate on the Fourth. lUin is very much needed Antelope country. New shipment of Strausky enameled ware just received by Mayp & Crowe. Horses out on the Antolope range nro Bald to he largely nlllictod with mange. Invitations are out for on afternoon nt the home of Mrs. T. Baldwin, May loth. The celebrated Columbia Hock beer is now on tap at all the saloons in The Dalles. . s Cnrev Jenkins irradnated last wetk from the North Pacillu Dental Collego uU I'ortlaud. The Dalles will celebrate on the Fourth. Put that down as au absolute certainty. Mrs. Thomas Hudson charmingly en tertained the Twentieth Century Whist Club Thursday evening. Baseball game between tho Portland and The Dalles nines tomorrow after noon at tho old fuir groundB. P. L. Krotzer and his son, Louis, are up in tho Pendleton country with their boring machine prospecting for oil. Mrs. .loBoph Peters, In her usual de lightful manner, entertained the ladies of St. Paul's Guild Thursday afternoon. Lot it not bo forgotten that Professor Sandvig has decided to give another of his popular dances at tho Baldwin to uight. The Dalles and its wives and sweet hoartB and evoiybody else will attend the mntinoo at the now race truck next Thursday. Judge Bradshaw lias a summer's job holoro him iuthe Bruner murder trial. The Antelope Republican eaya as many us fifty witnesses have been subptnnuid. C. D. Moore, of White Salmon, has an order from Manager Bowers, of the Ho tel Portland, to supply strawberries for President McKlnley and party when they reach Portlaud. Captain Ferrier, who has been in charge here of the Salvation Army work, was luildenly summoned to Baker City and left for that place last night. Cap tain Ward has been placed in charge of the work as Captain Ferrier's successor. The Diamond flouring mills are closed down while being overhauled and fur nished throughout with the latest and moBt approved machinery. A carload of the machinery arrived here yesterday.. Rev. W. C. Smith, of Dufur, who has been assisting in a protracted meeting at Cascade Locks, paesed through town today on his way to Three Mile, where he will preach tomorrow, morning and evening. "" The people of Hub town would like to know where J. P. Mclnerny got that mare that he calls "Katie Pease." Is "Katie" any relative of Mac's famous trotter mat nau sucn a prouigai surplus age of row material in hi6 off fore leg T The Dalles Scouring Mills are now running fifteen to sixteen hours a day. About the middle of next week the force will be increased to two shifts and run night and day for at leaet n month, and after that as long as wool can be pro cured. " Tim Chkonicm: is authorized to say that as suon as next Thusday's matinee is over the Gentlemen's Driving Associ ation will take up the consideration of methods, ways and means for a big Fourth of July celebration and push tho alluir to an issue. The Free Methodists will hold a camp meeting in a tent on the F. P. Mays lot, corner of Fourth and Washington streetB, commencing Wednesday, May loth. Tho meetings will be in charge of Itev. G. H. Stamp, district elder, who will be assisted by other ministers from abroad. Jud Fish prophesies there will be more fun at the matineeof the Gentlemen's Driving Association next Thursday than was ever seenat a similar affuir since the ride of John Gilpin, '"who went far ther than he intended and came safe home 3veryTio"dy""Blioufd 'be aio v- there, and, as matter of fact, we be- i again." ""IT , and, as la n liovo everybody will bo there. Klickitat county crop report, May 7th : Blockhouse Plowing practically done; crab apples, plums and cherries in full bloom ; apples leaved out. Lyle Grain in good condition ; rye is heading; com planted in progress ; fruit and garden truck doing nicely. Scott Peaches and plums have been hurt by the lato frost; apples, pours and cherries all right, with prospect of large yield. Tho Dufur Dispatch says that Chnrles Hlx, tho Kingsley boy who was nearly rousted to death laut fall by falling into au open tiro during a fainting spell, as he was recovering from a severe sick ness, has so fur recoverod from his injuries as to be able to be up and around the house, and that ull danger of a relapse is passed. Dr. Dodds, the at tending physician, has grafted some i)00 pieces of skin on the burned portion of the boy'a body and arm. Hardly a day passes without a new strike being made in the district, and each day it becomes more evident that we have the richest camp in the state. The right kind of developed work i'b now being done to encourage capitalists to come in and invest, and when this is brought about the district and the city of Ashwood will advance at an amazing rate until a large city, surrounded by rich producing mines, will take the place of cur little city and partly de veloped resources. Prospector. The editor of the Heppner Gazette reminds Receiver Otis Patterson that if he could now take a long-distance look from The Dalles to Heppner he might see an able-bodied band of Ply mouth Rox industriously scratching up his clover lawn and laughing at the chicken ordinance. One of them Is an old rooster hatched out by Obadiab Welch on Thorn krick in '78." Died, May 10th instant, Margaret Eetella, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lake, of this city, aged 15 years and nearly 10 months. The funeral will take place from the family residence to morrow afternoon at 5:30 o'clock and the remains will be interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The parents have the profound sympathy of this com munity in their sad bereavement. The "abeent treatment" fraud has re ceived a set-back at Nevada, Missouri. For a long time the "Weltraer Institute of Magnetic Healing" has been giving "absent treatment" to thousand of poor deluded dupes. The so-called "insti tute" was run by Stephen A. Weltmer and Joseph A. Keely. They were inak ing more money than Audrew Carnegie when the poBtofEce department stopped Uheir mail. They were lined $1500 each .by Judge Phillips in the United States. F court. A force of some twenty-five men, in cluding engineers and surveyors, are now at work below town surveying what will be practically a new railroad track between The Dalles and what is known as tunnol No. the first tunnel below this point. The now line will follow the river much more closely than the old and the proaent huge curves will be eliminated as far as possible. It 1b said that the grading work will cominenco immediately after high water, and that a force of from a thousand to fifteen hundred men will he employed. Tho Crook county murderer, Bruner, is evidently making a hard fight for his life. Judge McGinn, of Portland, and two of the ablest lawyers of Prlneville have been engaged to defend him and witnesses are being summoned from all parts of the compass. Four witnesses have been summoned from this county. Marion Thompson, Jerry Cochran and William Walker, of the Dufur neighbor hood, left that place for Prlneville this morning, and Mrs; E. M. Bruner, who works on the Whipple ranch below Boyd, will leave for the same place on tomorrow's train. At a special meeting of the city council held Thursday nigbt the White Collar line of steamers was granted a temporary right to a landing on the beach until each time when it can be ascertained what is at the disposal of the city for a permanent landing. On the motion of Councilman F. W. Wilson the council unanimously voted to reconsider the vote by which it was proposed to com pel Tho Dalles, Portland A Astoria Nav igation Company to pay one dollar a month for the use of that part of the river front now used by the company for wharfngo and warehouse purposes, and by another motion the whole matter was referred to the judiciary committee where it will, in all likelihood, sleep the sleep that knows no waking, llequkscat in pace. dUR CHURCHES The Christian Scientists hold their eervices at the residence of Mrs. W. Lord Sunday morninfe at 11 o'clock and Thursday afternoons at 3. St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. C. H. Lake, rector. Morning service at 11a.m. Evening service at 7:30. Sun day school, ,12:15. All are invited. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 15. Glifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m, in the new church on Union street. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and Union streets Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12:30 p. m; Lutheran League meeting 0:30 p. in. Rev. W. Brenner, pastor. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. Ulysses F. Hawk pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a.m.; clasB meeting at close of morning service ; Epworth League ut 7 p. m ; Junior League at 3 p. m ; evening service at 8. Class meeting every Tuesday even ing at 3. Prayer meeting Thursday evening Bt 8. Morning theme, "A Roy al Similitude." Evening theme, "The Meanest Man." Strangers will be made welcome at all the Services. Gentle manly ushers will assist you to seats. Congregational cdurch corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling, paBtor. Services tomorrow in the morn ing only. Preaching at 11 o'clock by the pastor. Subject: "Rest What It Is." The chorus choir of twelve voices will Bing Parke's "City of Rest." The male quartet will sing the offertory. Mr. B. S. Huntington will speak before the young people's society atG:45 p. m. The special anniversary service, which was to have been conducted in the evening, has been postponed until the following Sunday morning. Pan-American Souvenir Stamps. The new Pan-American souvenir post age Btamps that we get a glimpse of once in a while, have not reached the Dalles office as yet, and may not for several weeks. The Btamps are very beautiful and the pictures on them are intended to symbolize American pro gress, especially as it relates to the five principal means of transportation now in use. On the ten-cent stamps there is a pic tute of a fast ocean greyhound, the spray dashing from her bows as she plows the Bea in an attempt to reduce the record. The eight-cent stamps bear a photo graphic reproduction of a canal scene on Sault de Ste Marie, showing a lock in the act of letting a barge and a steamer through from higher into lower water. A picture of the suspension bridge across the Niagara river adorns the five-cent stamps. The great falls is shown in the distance, the view being taken from be low the bridge and near the center of the stream. The four-cent stamps are decorated with an automobile. The two cent, the stamp most generally in use, pictures a modern locomotive pull ing an express train and shows how the United States mail Is hauled from sea to sea. Another method ot mobility and navigation ib shown on the one-cont stamps, which are decorated with a cut of a lake steamer, such as are used on the great lakes. HtruiiHky Stewlwuro. LaBts for years. No seams to rust. You should try it. Four coats of enamel. Trusts do not control it. Solid steel. All one piece, Right in price, color and quality. Kitchens aro enriched by using it. Sold exclusively in-Tho Dalles by tull-tf Mavs&Ckowk. A. V. & A. M. There will he a special communication of Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A. M., on Monday, Muy 13th, at 8 o'clock, Work in the M. M. degree. All mem bers and visltln brethren are requested to attend. By order of the W. M. e.tm 0. D. Doank, Secy. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433, Local, 102. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. WAITED ! 500 BOYS to buy suits at our store. Wo have tho largest and most com plete lino of Boys' Clothing ever shown in the city. We are offering these goods at the very lowest prices. FOF? $2.50 wo will sell you tho best all-wool suit you have ever seen. We can show you tho handsomest line from $3.50 to $5 that wo have ever seen on the market. Our immense stock in cludes the vestee and vest suit for boys of 3 to 15 years of age. We guarantee our clothing to excel in fit, quality and workmanship. Our Prices are Always the Lowest. ..MAIER & BENTON.. Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools of all kinds, Large Stock of Fishing Tackle, Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries, also Bicycles rented and repaired, Full line of Granite Ware and Tin. Ware, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles. Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices. Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments are complete. ?f Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will ;2.e- have prompt attention. We will meet any and all Competition. We Positively Will Not Be Undersold. ..MAIER & BENTON.. 5 107 SECOND 8TKKET. l'HONKS NO. 4. NOTICE- The partnership heretofore existing between Charles Keysand Albert Nelson, of Dalles City, Oregon, under the style and firm of Keys & Nelson, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by Albert Nelson, who will pay all debts due and owing by the late firm, and collect all debts due and owinc to said firm. Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Mav 7, 11)01. CiiAiu.KH Keys, 8m-2w AuimiT Nki.son'. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have the Crown of Science Hair dgS$E Grower ftn d Cocoanut CreamECHr Tonic. They will cure dand rnfi' and all scalp diseases. For sale at Frum's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75u a bottle. .loli Couldn't Have Stood It, If he'd had Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; but Hucklen's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For In juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's the beet salve in the world. Price '25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G, C. HIakeley, the druggist. 0 If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry aud crispy. Now we have two of the yery bc3t preparations for cleansing the scalp Kgg and Pine Tar Shampoo, It will leave your hair soft and glossy. Price, 'Jo and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraer'a barber shop, The Dalles. tf Don't Hub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, aud the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. fur Bale, Black mare, 0 years old; weight 050 lbs ; broke to ride or drive ; also cart and single harness; mare is gentle. Ad dress. Box 850 or this office. m0.2wks If anything ails your hair, go and, see Frailer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods, if PROPOSALS Fur l'ortuE Hallway Lauds at the Caccadu Locks. Sca'ed bids will bo received by tho board of portage commissioners of tho State of Oregon until i! o'clock p. m. Muy 24, 11)01, iiml then pub licly opened, for the purchase of a tract of land unjoining the United States Government Ke seive above tho upper entrance to the locks in the Columbia river, beginning at n point on the east boundary line of tho United States Govern ment Reserve ninety-eight and four-tenths (US 4) feet north of tho southeast corner thereof, thence northeasterly paralleling the track of tho Oregon Hallway una Navigation Company eleven hundred (1100) ft et, being it strip eleven hundred (llou) feet long between tho track of tho railroad company and tho Columbia river, as fully described at page 101 Hook " r," Hecords of Deeds for Wasco County, Oregon, authority for said sale being granted by an act of tho twenty-llrst legislative assembly; conveyunce to bo a b'irgaiu and sale deed, Kach bid must lu aceomtmnied by a certilled cheek of tho amount of twenty f-X)) per cent of the bid, payable to the state treasurer, to be for feited If tho babincoof the purchase price is not paid within ten days ufter acceptance of tho same. lllds should bo addressed to tho Secretary ol State and endorsed "Did for i'oitugu Hallway Land." Tho Hoard of Portage Commissioners reserves tho right to reject any and all bl1s. T. T. UK Kit, Governor. V. I. DUNllAU, Secretary of State. CHAH. 8. MOOKK, State Treasurer, ml-w.ts-aw NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, on., ( April 111, WOl. i Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has illod notice of his intention to make llnal proof In suppoit of his claim, and that bald proof will bo inmlu before tho Kenisier and Itecelvor at I ho Dalles, Uicgon, on Satur day, May lUOl, vU.: 1'uter C, Vagaii, of Tho Dalles, Oregon, H. K. No. 6JW, for tho N',.j NW)4, Seo .), NKU NE'4, See ti, Tp I ri, II li K, and bWJi SKU see 3J, Tp 1 N, it 12 K, W . M. lie. names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous- resilience upon aud cultivation of said laud, vi.i Olmilos Gossan, Isaac Maluev, Sylvester Jlabcock, A. W. Turner, ull of Tho Dalles, Or. aprJO JAY 1. LUCAS, Itegistcr, NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dai.lks, Oh., Apiil lh, lUOl. I Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has tiled notice of his intention tit make llnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bu made before the Keglster and Heceiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on Satur day, Muy 25, iwil, vt..: l.eruy K. Illlleury, of 'The Dulles, Oregon, II. K. No. Mill, for tho 8KU Seo 17, Tp 1 S, ft 1 1 K, W. M. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.; I'. Kiigun, Charles tfossou, Waller Ecott, A. Turner, ull of The Dalles, Oregon, apra) JAY t'. HU AS, liegUter. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Kisers such valuable littlH liver pills. Clarke & Falk' P.O. Pharmacy.