ITlflTIHEE ! The newly completed truck of The Dalles Driving Ass n. will be foruinlly opened by n GRAND MATINEE on.... THIHT nay 16 PROGRAM VIIIST EVKNT TKOTTISCJ. JS'ellie Bly E. E. Fercnson Dick E. 0. McCoy Dock L L. Lane Fanny J. P. Mclnerny Bnne L. E. Crowe Daisy A. Keller SECOND EVKNT THOTTIXG, DOUDLK TEAMS Jim Dandy T. .1. Sfltifert Multnomah Lid and Maid. .L. A. Porter THIIU) EVKNT PACING. Primrose W. H. Hobaon Solo H. A. Sturdevant K0UUT1I EVENT TU0TTING AND PACI.Vli. Edmund S Fred Fisher Mac Grant Mays Freak , H L. Ruck Dufur T. H. Johnston Polly J. S. Fish KIFTII EVENT. Pony Race Quarter-Mile Dash SIXTH EVENT. Running Three-Eighths Mile Dash HARNESS EVENTS. Half-Mile Heats Best 2 iu 3 All races will be between horses owned bv members of the association. Races will be called at 2 p. m. Music by the Band YOU CAN GO as every business house in the city will be closed from 1 to C p. m. so there will be no excuee for you not to attend. Admission - - 50 Cents LADIES FREE. NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. All pt-rsons using Dalles City water for irrigating purposes between the 1st day of Alay and the 1st day of Septem ber, will observe the following rules and regulations: Persons will be permitted to use the water below the bluff on all even days, and above the bluff on all odd days from G o'clock a. n. until 8 a. in., and from (J o'clock p. m. until S p. m. The above rules must be strictly com plied with, and any infraction of the above rules will Biibject the offender to a fine of $1, and the water will be shut off until paid ; and for a second offence double the amount. The following charges will be made For one full lot 50x100, $1.50 per month. Eich additional lot $1.25 ; half lot 75 cts All persons U9ing water in closet or toilet will see to it that the water is shut off when not In use, or water will be shut off altogether if allowed to run to waste. J. li. UitossEN, Supt. Dalles City Water Works. inl.3wd Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; tlioy Ury up tno eecretlous, wnicu adhere to the membrano and decom pose, causing a far mora serious trouble than tno ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry lag inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, &G Warren Hi., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or catwe sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated anu angry suriace, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balmjrou are armed against Masai uatarru ana nay rerer. Question Aowwerod. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom beard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bait with headaches and other aches. You only Heed a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious Jbe matter with you. Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke & Falk's. 1 MRS. WILLIAM MCKINLEY TALKS Speaks Lovingly of Her Husband For His Kindness and Patience. Nr.w Orleans, La., May !5. After the trip of the presidential party had been concluded yesterday afternoon, and while Mrs. McKinley was waiting in the nook on the. steamer City of St. Louis which had been set aside for her until the chief executive of the nation had finished his adieus to the hosts of the occasion, she consented to be interviewed, It was the first and only interview ever secured from her. After she had expressed her delight ut the new scenes which had been unfolded to her, she began to talk about the president, whose name was mentioned. "Do you know Maj. McKinley?" she asked. "Ah, no one can know him, be cause to appreciate him one must know him as I do, and I am not speaking now of Miij. McKinley as the president. I am speaking of him as my husband. If any one could know what it is to haye n wife sick, complaining always and invalid for twenty-five years, seldom a day well, and yet never a word of unkiuduess has ever paseed his lips; he is just the same tender, thoughtful, kind gemleiuau I knew when first he came and sought my hand. I know him because I am his wife, and it is my proudest pleasure to say this, not because he is the president, but because he is my husband. I wish that 1 could have seen him yesterday. I love to see him among the people whom he seeks to serve so faithfully. Hut I read his speeches this morning. I read all his speeches. I only wish that I could help him as I should. But he is so kind, so good, eo patient. He gives me all the time he can. He never forgets me, no matter how busy he is. But I will be glad when he is out of public life. I thought he had done enough for the country, and now I know that he has done enough, and when this term ex pires he will come home and we will settle down quietly and be will belong to me." If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned have duly tiled vvith the clerk of thu county court for Watco County, Oregon, their final hc count and report as executors of the estate of Horatio Corson, deceased, and that Monday, the thirteenth (13tb)day of May, l'jul, nt the hour of 2 o'clock j). m. of said day, ut the count) court room iu the county court nousc In Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, has been llxed by the Judge of bald court as the time and place- for thu hearing of naid report. All persons interested in aid estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cmisc. if any there be. why said report should not be ap- provea ana anowca anu saiu executors nit charged. Uated this 3th day of April. 1931. OHAltl.ES K. CORSON", WILLIAM K. COKSON. Executors of the Kstate of Horatio Cortou, jjeceasea. apriu P WINDMILLS PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in noud of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBIjNG-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON t WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! He People's National Family Newspaper To all old and now subscribers paying one year in advance wo ofl'or Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Ohronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, is iu reality u tine and fresh evcry-other-day Daily, giving the latest news on days of Issue, nud coveting news of the other 3. it contains all impor tant foreign eablc news which apiicars in the Dally Tribune of same date, nUo do mestic it ml foreign correspondence, short stories, clciraut half tone illustrations, hu morous items, iudus triii 1 information, fashion notes, nirrlcul- t ii nil matter!), and comprchentivoaud re liable financial and market reports. Regular subscrip tion price, -TI..VJ per year. We furnHh It with Semi Weekly C'hroul- 1 clo for f-'.W per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. rtibllshcd on Thurs day, u:id known for nearly sixty years in cery part of the Uni ted Htates as a mi'loii- n family ucw9paicr of thu highest clans, for farmers and villa r;ers. It contains all thu most lmortiiitt general news of the Daily Tribune up to the hour of going to press; .in agricultural department oi me highest order, has en tertaining reading for every member ol tno lamiiy.oiilauil young market reports which art1 ai'cented as auth otily by farmers and merenauts, and is clean, up tocl ue, In teicMiug and lustruc' tlye. Regular subscrip Hon price, JI per year, i We furnish It with bemi-vwruiy (Jiiroui ele for M per Send all orders to Ohronicle Publishing Oo., The Dalles, Or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Isolated Tract Public Land Sale. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from thu Commissioner of the lien eral Land Oiliee, under authority vested iu him by Section 2155, U. ti. Kev, HUt., as amended by the act of Jongres approved February 'JO, 1M., we will nroceoU to oiler at nubile hale on Wed. ueEday, the 5th day of June, next, at thu hour oi io a. in., at this otllce, tht lollowlug true; of land, tii-wtt: lots 7 and 8, Sec. 155. Tp 1 N, K l.'l K. W. 1, Any and all nersous cluirninir adversely the above-described lands are url vised to file their claims .'n thlsotlicoon or before thu day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their tights will be forfeited. U. 3. Laud Office, tfhe Dalles, Or., Apr. '.3, l'.Ol. jai i-. i."i;ao, uegisier, apr-J7 OT1 5 I'ATTKltaOX.ttccei er. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Isolated Tract Public Land Sale. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of instructions iroin wiu i.oiniiiissioner oi ino iien eral Land Ollice, under authority vested in him by Section a 155, U.S. Kev. Stat., us amended by the act of Congress approved February 'i, Ih'jj, we will Droceed to ofler at nubile sale on Satur day, the lilt day of June, next, nt the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., at this ollice, the following tract oi land, io-wit: NKMNWM Sec 10. Tp'.' N. It 13 K. W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the auove-aescnoea lanus are aaviscn ut me tneir claims iu this otllce on or before the day above designated for the commencement of (aid sale, otherwise their. rights will bo forfeited U. 8. Laud Office, The Dalles, Or., Apr 17, 1901. JAY I. LUCAS, Kcglster. apr20 OTIS 1'ATTKJtSOls , Kecclver NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atThk Dallks, Oh,, April 1G, ltMJl. i Notice is hereby given that the following named bettler has illed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made before the hogis'er and Kecclver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sutur day, May 25, 1901, viz.: l'eter C. Fiigau, of The Dalles, Oregon, If. K. No. K!i:j, for the NJ NWtf . See 5, NK'NKU, See C, Tp I S, K Vi K, and HWJi 8KK Sec Si, Tp 1 N, K Vi K, W. M. He names the following witnesses toprovu his continuous' residence nion and cultivation of aald land, viz.: Charles Uosson, Isaac Matncv, Sylvester Jlabcock, A. W. Turner, all of The Dalles, Or. apr20 JAV I'. LUCAS, HvgUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lani Office at Thk Dalles, Ok., ' Apill is. Itwi. ( Notice i hereby slven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mode before thu Keglster and Receiver at The Dulles. Oregon, on ciitur- day,i!ay25, 1'JOl.vlz.: Leroy K. Hllleary, of '.The Dalles, Oregon, II. K. No. 5101, for the See 17, Tp IS, It 11 K, W. M. Ilo iiiiiiu the following witnesses to urove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of i. O. Pagan, Charles Ooason, Walter Ecott, A. Turner, all of The Dalles, Oregou. apr20 JAY F. LUCAS, Register. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker... -DL'ALKIl IN- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Kussell it Co.'k Jinglnci, Threshers and Saw Mills. Cor, Second & Laosiiii Sts., THE DALLES, OH, Teleplione 157. Lone Distance 1073. nTn mill nun TlnniTin 111 II mi Llll II I I I II i a iiiiii iiihi ii r ci'iii r uniifnnrn iinmrin iin ii ui luum l ubiiiu ouuiiiiiiii rduinu uu. SOUTH and EAST via Yellowstone Park Line. TilK DINING ('A It KOUTK KKOM PORTLAND TO TUK KAST. TIIK ONLY DIRKtJT LINK TO TIIK VKLLOW- STONK l'AKK. lkavk. I Union Depot, Finn and I sts akrivk. No. 'i. 11:15 A.M. No. 1. 11 -,30 1'. M. No. Faat mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla, Gray's naroor ana sou in uena i points, Hpokaue, Koss-I laud, ii. 0., Pullman,; Moscow, Lewistou, liuf falollunip mining coun- 5;60 1', M. try, Helena, Mlnueapo-I lis, St. Paul, Omaha,' Kansas City. St. Louis. I Chicago and all points east and southeast. ruget Hound Kxpressit for Tacoma and Seattle 7;0u A. M, and Intermediate points No. 3. Pullman first-class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Missouri river poluts without change. Vostlbuled trains. Union depot connections iu all principal cities. nuggagu enocKUj w uesiiuauou oi iieseis, For handsomely Illustrated deserlntlve matter. tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 'i!A Morrl son Htrcet, corner Third, rortianu Oregon. Executor's Notice. Notlco1 is hereby given that I zander Kvaiis. executor of the estate of Kvalluo Kvaus, de ceased,' lias tiled his llual account as such ex ecutor, in the county court, Htate of Oiegou, County of Wasco; and said court has appointed tho '.Tth day of May, 1W1, at thu hour oi 3 o'clock on said day (or the bearing of objoetious to Mid .! xount, .ua lor U gffiffiyftgg; n'ii Executor. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at ivih a. in. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland 8:30 urn 7:00 pm " Albany L!;aQnm 10:f0 pin Arrive Ashland 12:itinm llixOam " Haerameuto .r:oopm ;'.Vnm " Ban Francisco 7:1') pm 8:15 am Arrive Ogdon ,r) : 15 a m 1 1 : 15 a in " Denver 'J:0Uam 9:00a in " Kansas L'lty 7:25 am lii'ium " Chicago , 7:45a in 'J-.'Mum Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 p m 7:00 a m " KIPaso tiioopm 6:00 pm " Fort Worth 6:ao am C;aoam " City of Mexico . 0:55 am 9:Mam " Houston ..,.l:00am 4:00 a in 11 New Orleans 0:25 u in 0:25 p in " Washington C;42am ll'Unio New York 12:1) pm i2'Upm Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and KIPaso, and tourist cars to Chicago, Ut Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America, See agent at Tho Dalles station, or add.tss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. DiGUNH'SJ;- DNL mi I CI Suywa Plmnlaa. HSv I BniQniw..puriir(fb;faToS3: a oaawl Uisswnau. JUMMX or m bowl Mh aa la atnun ONI FO A I THE CELEBRATED .GOIilUMA BHEWEKY .. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tliti prniltit of thlH well-known brnwury tlio TJnlteil StuteB Ilvultli ltuportu for .Innu 28, 11100, bhvh: "A inuro aiipetior liruw nevur entereil tlm lnbriitnry of tlio United Ktntua Ifenlth rnports. It ih nliolntuly duvoid of thu HlighteHt tritee of itdtiltnrittion, but on thu other liitnil Ih cotupoHiul of the bent of malt iiml uhoiceHt of hnpH. Its tonic (jimlltioH Hre of thu high em ami it can bu lined with tho KreiiteHt lioiuifit and HHtiflfniUion by old and votiiiK. ItH use can coiiHCiontioiiHly be preecrihtid by thu phyHiciatiR with tho cersainty that a bettor, iiurur or inoru wholoaoiiio beverage could not possibly bu found." East Second street. 'l'tLbi u&.LLihis, UKhJGON. riyrj-syrT-rT-xi-prrs-Ti-T-ii a-Tisiisii 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiasa REGULATOR LINE. I DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY HteiimerN oi tin, ltegiiliitur l.lno will run as r the fol- oir,iig .scliuiulu, tho Compiiiiy ruxervlug the right to chimgc S rc.'ic(liile without notice. Str. RoRUlator Str. 4SIralda" 4 Str. Dnllos City. DOWN, l.v. Dulles nt 7 a. M. Tuesilny Thuinhiy . . Hrttunliiy. .. . Arr. I'ortlniiil ut 1:80 r. ii. ur. Leaves Cascades li n. tn. down I,V,7 a!! Arr,vo I)rtllL'B 10:''!0 t7 a'."" . . Moiiriny ; hottve Dalles !l p. m . ?.V".","5r.' . . WcdncMlHj- . . wwlnesdiiv.... Kriihiy , Arr. Cascades i :.!0 p. in. Frldny Arr. Dulles 1 ,, , Arr. I'ortlniiil ii 5 r. m. Dally ex. .Sunday. m urn p. M. u r. 1a . Portland lit 7:00 A. N. 1 uvMlsy Thnrday .HiitiinUy i i,uii.m nt 5 r.M.ji Kxeursion KiIhh overy Saturday for pnrtieH of fivu mid upwards: Dalles, "3 White Salmon and intermediate points, i0c; Dulles to Cascades, $1.00. A For an evenlnir trip take tlm "Irnlda" at I! p. in. to Hood Itivur and re-1 ' turn ou the up boat, arriving ut Dulles at (S.IIO p. in. 1 FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, , Travel by tlio Hteamen ol tho Itcgnlutor Line. Th (,'ompniiy will onilenvor to give Its put- i rous cue iH'si ervieo pounuie. tor niruier iniormuiion Portland Ollice, Ouk-Strect Pock. W . C. ALLAWAY, Gun. Afc't. A r.tri.wTtir.tiy.iiTlrTyi.ytirlytrlr'iT'i.YliiaMB Wasco Ware house Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinde Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, VSVSd Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- ton FloUr T''H I,'f,nr lfl nufncturel expresaly for family use : every sack Is Ktiarautued to give Btttiflfactlon. Wd sell our fiooils lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't think to call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats 6 WII0I.KHAI.K AND ItKTA'L r ui" i - a- nines, uquors uigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. r r r r f Y W Cloudon I'hcinn Hit. fe' I.onic Illat. 1001, Next door to First National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON aULXKZrj,i,:.,,VTO5L.'ib''Iw mi. "uuniiu rana DEALBH8 IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall S Burget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Th Dallas, Or. flobes, Burial Shrouds Etc. 7 Advertise in the Chronic