Special Boys' Suits One Week Only. LOT 1 Durable Hohool euitH for boys, ayn 8 to 13 years; regular jfl.tJfi PP. und $1.50 vbIuob; Special DOC LOT 2 Lartro assortment of well made double-breasted two-niece snltp, in rey. brnwn iui'1 dark patterns; $1.75, .$2 Bnd $2 2" valuoHj jn Special ,. 4H.ZU LOT 3 Handsome Scotch plaid, black worHted and stylish striped and checked cheviot BiiltB, all well made anil lined; ntres 8 to 15 years; rcguular $2.50 and .$:j.OO values; Qr Special $ .00 11 oconomy is on your mind, wond your way towards our store; there you will al ways find an abundance of irresistible values. Its the place where knowing shop pers come" oftonest; its the trading center for economical buyers of men's and boys' clothing and every description of the very best to be found in hats and furnishings for men and boys. Hammocks A beautiful assortment of styles and the very latest weaves; all trimmed with heavy flounce; ranging in price from $1.25 to $9. See window. Special showing of Ladies' Komonos Made up in dainty organdies, pongee cloth and satin stripe cloth, at 85c, 1.00, 1.25, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. Business Bringers for Saturday Ladies' tan kid, lace, cloth top; $2 values for $1.25 Ladies' tan kid, lace, cloth top; .$? values for $2.00 Ladies' tan kid, lace, clotli top! t $4 values for $2.50 Ladies' tan kid oxfords; $3 values tor $1.50 Ladies' black kid oxfords; .$3.00 values for $1.50 You can't always get good foot wear at such priceB. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Fill DAY MAY 10, 1901 m served Oysters . , At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All (Vmiiii County warrautM roKlnternd prior to Nitftinhnr 1, 1HI7, will lie ialcl on presentation at uiy uttice, IntereHt oniai after November 0, 11)00. JOHN K. UAMI'SHIItK, County Treanuror. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. It won't occur until the 20th; hut keep the date in mind. Clarke county, Washington, has re funded $40,000 of G per cent bonds at 1 per cent. The Shanlko Leader says : W. Lord will begin the erection of three dwelling houses just as soon as the material for the same can be shipped in. Marion Thompson and Jerry Cochran, of Kail Hollow, near Dnfur, have been mibpuMiifl na witnesses in the Bruno O'lliloy murder trjal, now in progrose at l'rineville. The Goldendale Sentinel says: Andy Bunnell has sold all his wethers for $3.10 per head to an Eastern buyer. He reserves all the wool. His lambs average an- increase of 117 per cent this year. The trial of J. Brown in Kecorder Gates' court ycBterday afternoon, for committing a nuisanco on the premises of John Moore, resulted in the convic tion of the defendant, who wiib fined $40 and costs. The manager of(the Edison Big Elec tric Shows, now exhibiting east of the Gilbreth lumber yard on Second street, has agreed to give ten per cent of the receipts of this (Friday) evening to the Dalles public library. The baseball game next Sunday be tween a Portland nine and The Da I leu nine will commonce as eoon as possible after the arrival of the excursion train from Portland. TicketB for the game are still on Bale at 25 cents each. Professor Saudvig, in response to bo many requests that lie could no longer resist, announces that ho will give one more dance at the Baldwin tomorrow (Saturday) night. The hall is beauti fully decorated o as to greatly enhance the pleasure of the occasion. While ona of Alex. Cathcart's dray teams wae backed up yesterday ' after noon against a box car near the Wasco warehouse, preparatory to unloading a dray -load of brick, a locomotive came long and, frightening. the horses, they started on the ran, making west on Qecpnd .street it far as weft of J. Wors ley's grocery store where they attempted to cross the Bide walk but were caught, just as the reach of the wagon snapped in two the only damage that was done to anything. The Baldwin Sheep & Land Company have twenty wool clipping machines in operation at Hay Creek. Ttiose who have seen the machines at work speak highly of them, as they clip the wool closer to the animal and no ugly cuts are left upon the alieep to heal up. Shaniko Leader. ", The National School of Illustrating, of Indianapolis, Intl., has honored Miss Violet Kent, of this city, by giving a crayon sketch of hers of the bust of the late Prince Bismarck, the place of honor in a pamphlet of testimonials of the Btudonte of that inetitution. The sketch j to have a drawing on the 5th of June, when is well worthy of the honor. Miss Kent has charge of the Giflbrd photograph gallery of this city. The first railroad excursion of the year will take place next Sunday and be given by the Past Sachems' Associa tion from Portland to The Dalles. A Portland paper Bays this excursion gives promise of being one of the most suc cessful that ever pulled out from the Union depot. Trains will leave Port land at 8:30 a. m. and arrive here about noon, and on returning will leave at 5 p. m., thus giving the excursionists be tween four and five hours of a stay here. An old negro in a neighborhood town arose in prayer meeting and said : "Breddorin and sisterin, I been a mighty mean nigger in my time. I had a heap er ups and downs -'specially downs since I jinud de church. I stoled chick ens und water million1?. I cussed. I got drunk. 1 nhot craps. 1 slashed udder coons wld my razor, an' I done er sight er udder t'iugs, but, thank do good Lawd, breddorin an' sisterin I nebher yot done lost my 'ligion." Blue Kiduo (Ga.) Post. N From a private letter received by Mr. .1. B. CroBHon this mnrninu'it is learned that his son, J. A. Crossoirf now in the employ of the SouthernPacific Railway Company, has been Hiflected out of be tween 300 and -100 Oiakemen, many of whom have beonjii the employ of the company for years, us one of two brake men to aciionipany the presidential excursion train from Santa Barbara to San Franoleco, a trip that will occupy eomo four days. Our friend Jimmv is naturally proud of the honor conferred on him by this distinction. Joe Kirohhoff, formerly in the em ploy of Mays & Crowe as gunsmith and I bloycle-repalrer, returned here yester day from the Baker City hospital, where he has been con lined for the past two months with a very severe case of blood pcisoning. " MP. KlrUttliofT "iisST gone from here to work for the Golden Eagle Mining Company, and had only been at work a week when a sliver from a pipe he was helping to lay in a tunuel en tered his left hapd with the above re sult. It was a very close call, but Mr. KirchhofTis now out of danger, with his hand and arm intact, save for the loss of the index finger. It is doubtful if he will be able to resume work before the end of a month or six weeks. M. T. Nolan exhibits, in one of his show windows, a number of valuable presents that he intends to give away to his customers, among which is a mag nificent King James family Bible, bound in alligator morocco and a Webster's international dictionary, with latest in dex, bound in sheep, beBidea a number of framed pictures, copies of famous paintings. Mr. Nolan's plan is to have a drawing every Saturday night, at which those holding the lucky coupons will be entitled to a picture and a year's Subscription to a dollar magazine; also tlioBQ holding the lucky coupons will be entitled to the family Bible and dictionary and a boy's baseball outfit. Mr. Nolan gives a coupon to every pur chaser of oO cents' worth of anything sold in his store. There is a strong possibility that The Dalles may have a woolen mill before many moons. A gentleman, represent ing an Eastern woolen manufacturer, spent a couple of days in the city this week looking over the situation and conferring with the members of the committee on manufactures ot the Com mercial club. It is proposed to put in a four-set mill, the machinery to be first class in every respect and strictly up-to-date. The mill would give em ployment to about 80 persons. No bonus is asked but the people of The Dalles are asked to subscribe $25,000 in ten-yoar bonds. The subscription asked is on the same principle as that made to the scouring mill. The gentleman proposing to put in the mill has given the higheet possible references and tho committe of the Commercial club have written to the patties and expect re plies in the course of u week or so. The committee are strongly of the opinion that if the references are found as satis factory as they expect them to be, there will bo no great difficulty in raising the necessary bond subscription. Van VVoodrull', of Victor, while in town today, sold ninety-live head of fat hogs to tho Columbia Packing Com pany. The hogs will average about 250 pounds each. On the first of last Feb ruary Mr. Wood r u 11' sold to the same company seventy head, which brought him the round sum of $009,00, and he has still 300 head of stock Itogseft. He would not tell Tm: Cmtoxicu: what he got for the last lot, but Tm: Ciikonici.k knows for a fact that Mr. Woodruff re cently refused $5.35 a hundred, and judges, therefore that he got, at least, cents a pound. Mr, Woodruff reck ous that he has put iuto lila hogs, sold and unsold, 4000 bushels of wheat. That is to say, they cost, measured in wheat, 4000 bushels, He says he could pull out of the stock hog band one hun dred bead of block hogs that would dress one hundred pounds each, Reckoning, therefore, the value of all the hogs that are represented by the 4000 bushels of wheat, Mr. Woodruff figures that he has got for his wheat the equivalent of 75 cents a birth el at the ranch. The ranch let it be said, Is nearly fifty miles from The Dalles. County Court Proceed lug. At the meeting of the county com missioners' court, which convened Wednesday and adjourned last evening, the following business was transacted : In the matter of the petition of Thomas Burgess and others for a change in the county road near Ilidgeway, against which there was a remonstrance by H. C. Cooke and others, the prayer of the petitioner was denied. The petition of O. S. Walters and others, for a new county road, was granted. The matter of the petition of II. Lon green and others for a change in a county road, against which there was a remonstrance signed by Emiln Kahter and others, was continued to the next term of court. Tho petition of D. McDonald and others, to have obstructions in the county road removed, was continued. The matter of the petition of Peter P. Kunny and others for permission to vacate part of the Barlow's Gate road, against which there was a remonstrance signed by Douglas Allen and others, was continued. The petition of N. W. Wallace and others, for a new county road, was continued. 1'KKSO.VAL MENTION. F. M. Jackson, of Hood River, was in town today. Attorney B. S. Huntington went to Pend'eton on the noon train. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nicholson, of Boyd, were in town today and made this office a pleasant call. Mrs. J. W. Harry, of Seattle, arrived here today on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bolton. William Floyd, of Seattle, who has been here looking after hie business in terests for nearly a week, left for home this afternoon. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The county court has instructed the county clerk to place a warrant on the tax roll of 1900 commanding me to col lect the taxeB for said year by making sale, if necessary, of the property there in mentioned, and to return the roll in side of sixty days. I am Bworn to do my duty, and am also under bonds for its faithful per formance; therefore have no alterna tive but to obey the mandate of the court, and will immediately proceed to make out a liet of delinquents and ad vertise the property for sale. RoiiEitr Kkij.v. 10m-4wdAw Sheriff of Wasco Co. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore exieting between Charles Keysand Albert Nelson, of Dalles City, Oregon, under the style and firm of Keys & Nelson, boB this day been dissolved by mutual consent. ThebuBineBB will be continued by Albert Nelson, who will pay all debts due and owing by the late firm, and collect all debts due and owing to said firm. Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Mav 7, 1901. ClIAKLKS KeVH, 8m-2w Amickt Nui.so.v. Notice. The Elite Barber Shop is now running three chairs, thus giving patrons the quickest service consistent with good work. Tho finest baths in the city. Children hair-cutting and ladies sham pooing. W. A. Cuawfohi), Prop. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SIguature Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts und 50 ote. Blakeley, the druggist, Spring lamb at the East End butcher shop, mU 2t Fouud A lady's undressed kid glove, which has been left ut this office. For Sale A Cyclone camera; nearly good as new. Inquire at this ollice. m7-w The Dalles Scouring Mills have on hand some unusually choice springy wool for mattresses or pillows, which they are soiling at 40cts per pound. 4m-10 ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. WAITED! 500 BOYS to buy suits at our store. Wo have tho largest and most com plete line of Boys' Clothing ever shown in tho city. We arc offering these goods at tho very lowest prices. $2.50 wo will sell you the best all-wool suit you have ever seen. We can show you the handsomest lino from $3.50 to $5 that we have ever seen on the market. Our immense stock in cludes tho vestee and vest suit for boys of 3 to 15 years, of age. Wo guarantee our clothing to excel in lit, quality and workmanship. Our Prices are Always the Lowest. 4 ..MAIER & BENTON.. Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools of all kinds, Large Stock of Fishing Tackle, Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries, also Bicycles rented and repaired, Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles. Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices. Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments are complete. gft" Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will jp.it- have prompt attention. We will meet any and all Competition. We Positively Will Not Be Undersold. ..MAIER & BENTON.. I 107 SECOND STREET. PHONES NO. 4. I C CM TT P. V Proprietors MlUlta ffcvwl of AJ ww y Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of tho City. phones . igL; D;Blance 173 Second Street, y Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cures. Do not forget it j wo have it, at 75c par bottle (large bottles) ; guaranteed, or you may get your money back if not satisfied. IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we exercise the greatest care. We carry the best and use the best in com pounding your physicians orders. Our prices we make as low as is consistent with efficient service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drugs, Patent .Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102. EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 years old; hoight 15J hands, woight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zombro, 2:11, tho host son of McKin noy, 2:1H. First dam, Bridesmaid, by Boxwood, son of Nutwood. Second dam, Lake land Queen, dam of Ad Alene 2 2:20. by Likeland'H Abdullah, sou of Hambleton ian 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Alhambra, son of Mambriuo Chief 11, EDMUND S. will make the season of 1!M1 at L. A. Porter's livery stable, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20. For further particulars see jn30.dw4mo FRED FISHER, Proprietor.