The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 06, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY I), 1001
Merchant Tailor,
Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe,
We have an excellent line of Spring
Suitings, Pantlngs, etc., which we are
prepared to make up in the latest style-,
and guarantee a perfect lit.
The resolution passed at the last
council meeting, instructing the re
corder to notify the D. P. it A. 2s.
Company that in future they will be
rquired to pay one dollar a month as
rent for the lands they occupy on
the bank of the river for wharfage
and warehouse purposes has, we are
told, created considerable comment
of a decidedly adverse nature, not of
course because of the monetary con
sMnratinn invnlvnri. nn nnnmint 1
- -
of the principle at stake and the
apparent animus of the resolution.
If the resolution was merely in
tended to protect the interests of the
city, it was wholly unnecessary. The
company occupy the lauds by per
mission of the city, and the common
law principle that undisputed pos
session for ten years conveys a title
does not apply. On the other hand,
if the resolution was intended as an
attack upon the property rights of
the company it must and will fail be
cause it will not have the endorse
ment of the people of The Dalles.
If there is one Dalles enterprise
that The Dalles people are, and of
right ought to be, proud of it is
their line of boats. It has put money
in the pockets of the people tribu
tary to this city equal in amount to
ten times the entire cost of the
plant. If it has made money we
are glad of it. It had a right to
make money. We have given it a
lease of certain property for wharf
age and warehouse purposes, and
what of it? We have given an ab
solute grant to the 0. It. & N. Com
pany of property one hundred times
more valuable and nobocty finds
fault or wants the property back,
even if it were possible to get it
back. And vet the boat line has
done more, and is doing more, for,juriee( pain8 or Bodjv Eruptions k8
the benefit of this city and the the beat salve in the world. Price 25c
country tributary to it in one week a 1,ox- Cure guaranteed. SoldbyG.C.
than the railroad company does in a j Blakeloy the druggist. m 0
whole year. The boat company's ; "I have been euffering Irom Dyspepsia
interests are all mainly here. Our
prosperity is the company's proper-
Uy; our interests the company's in
terest; while it is open and notorious
that the railway company never
misses an opportunity to discriminate
against The Dalles by every means
conveniently within its power.
The place to take the true measure
of a man is not in the market place
or amen corners nor in the field or
forum, but at his own fireside.
There be lays nway his mask and
you may learn whether he is an ape
or an cngel, king or cur, hero or
humbug. I do not care a copper
what the world says for him, wheth
er it crowns him with glory or pelts
bim with bad eggs, I care not
what his religion may be. If his
babies dread his coming homo and
bis better half swallows her heart
every time she bas to ask him for a
5 bill, be is a fraud of the first
water, even though bo prays every
night and morning until be shakes
tbe eternal bills. But if the ebil-
(Iron run to tho front gnto to moot
him mid love's own sunshine lllumi
nntos the face of his wife when she
j hears Ins footsteps, you may take it
j for granted that he is pure gold, his
home , is heaven and the throne of
I God. I can forgive much iu n fel
low mortal who would rather make
, men swear than women weep; would
I rather have the hate of the world
i than the contempt of his wife; who
had rather call anger to the face of
j a king than fear to the face of a
child. llrann.
The Oregoninn publishes the
names of over a hundred women of
Albany and a score in Koscburg who
signed the petition for the pardon of
Hugh Patterson, who is serving a
term in the penitentiary for a most
hellish assault upon a fourteen-year-old
girl in a box car at Cottage
Grove. This is one instance where
it will not bo pleasant to see one's
name in print. It is impossible to
conceive what could have been in
the heads of these ten score of
women when they signed this peti
tion. The thought cannot be enter
tained for a moment that they con
done Patterson's damnable crime,
and yet these presumably virtuous
matrons and misses would have this
gross and lecherous beast again
turned loose upon society to ruin and
debauch the first young girl that
comes in his way. The Oregoninn
has done a good service to public
and private morals in publishing
these names. It will iiave the ten-
(lenCi' 10 rwl,,lin 0tllCr virtUOUS and
reputable women from making fools
of themselves.
Organization of a shipbuilding
trust upon the failure of tho subsidy
bill is an outrage on public decency.
Could anything be more lacerating
to Mr. Ilanna's feelings? Capital of
5,000,000 is subscribed in the face
of the assertion that the poor ship
builders can't exist unless govern
ment aids them. This is adding
insult to injury. Oregonian. This
is a sample of the Oregonian's fair
ness in any matter where the doctrine
of protection is concerned. It is a
suflicient answer to say that nobody
has ever thought, much less asserted,
that the "poor shipbuilders can't exist
unless government aids them." The
shipbuilders are abundantly protected
and are, therefore, in a most pros
perous condition. The Oregonian's
sophistry, in this regard, is worthy
of the Boy Orator of the Platte.
On Tuesday or Wedneeday, a larue,
black dog with brown markings. Had
leather strap with largo ring, around
neck. For further information apply at
this office. m!5-2dhv.
lob (,'ouliln't Have Stood It,
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying; but Buck leu's Arnica
Salve will euro the worst case of piles on
earth. It lias cured thousands. For In-
for the past twenty yeara and have been
unable after trying all preparations and
physiclana to get any relief. After taking
one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I
found relief andatn now in better health
than I have been for twenty years. I
can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too
highly." Uiub writes Mrs. O. W. Roberts,
horlh Creek, Ark. Clarke & Falk'a P.
O. Pharmacy.
If the people only knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would
be used in nearly every household, as
there are few people who do not eufler
from a feeling of fullneas after eating,
belching, flatulence, sour stomach or
waterbrash, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia, A preparation such as Kodol
Dyspepeia Cure, which with no aid from
the stomach, will digest your food,
certainly can't help but do you good
Clarke & Falk'a )0. Pharmacy.
Mr. W. J. Daxter of North Brook, N.
C, says he suffered with piles for fifteen
years. He tried many remedies with no
results until he used DeWitt'a Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him.
Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
If anything alia your and tee
Frazer; he'a the l;44qnartera for all
bair remedies. RWBiber that he
makes a specialty of thtae goods. tf '
This Space is reserved for M. T. NOLAN,
Newsdealer, Bookseller and Grocer, corner of
Union and Second Streets, who will make im
portant announcement in a few days.
Ice cream and ice cream aoda now nn
tap at A. Keller's. allltf
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies juat received by Clarke & Fulk.
Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are
the beat. Ask your w x-er lor them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Ghirkc
& Falk.
Some desirable city property for sale
or rent. For particulars cull on Gibbons
& Marden. alltf
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly wire liquid pa'nts
We carry a complete line of Spauld
ing's base halls, bats, macks, gloves, etc.
See our window. Mays Jc Crowe. lltf
For fresh halibut, perch, herring,
razor clam?, and all kinds of i'tah iu
season, leave orders with J. A. Camaby.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt'a Little Early Kisera each valuable
little liver pills. Clarke fc Falk'e P. O.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Acker's English Remedy will atop a
cough at any time, and will cure tho
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
the druggiet.
We have a bicycle at $14 50, exactly
the same grade that our competitors are
asking $2 more for, and have been net
ting more than that for them at their
"greatly reduced prices," as they would
call them. Maier cVBenton. L'3-tf
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
All persons using Dalles City water
for irrigating purposes between the 1st
day of May and the 1st day of Septem
ber, will observe ttie following rules and
Persons wilt be permitted to use the
water below the bluff on all even days,
and above the bluff on all odd days
from G o'clock a. in. until 8 a. in., and
from ii o'clock p. rn. until S p. in.
1 he above rules niust be strictly com-
plied with, and anv infraction of tho
above rules will subject the .offender to a
line nl 1, and the water will be shut oil unjoining tbu United Ktutes (iovernineiit He
until paid; and for a second offence ' f-'rv,(: !lb"VJ. ,hi1' '"T -'tf""cu.t" "'V 1."kK.,1"
,lniililJilma.nnnt . tbe oliiniblii river, beitlii II I UK lit II IOllltl)ll tho
tlouoie ttie amount. wist bm,iiury line of tho United Hlute.s (iovurn-
rhe following charges will bo matin: ! ment Uecerve nlnety-elKlit unil four-tentliH
For one full lot 50x100. $1.50 per month. ) feet north tho Miiitiieuneorner thereof,
VnU ,i,iii;i int 41 or, . i,,,if ,,. 7r, . i tlicwco no r 1 1 1 i'iis t or ly p irul IcIIiik tlio t ruck (If t llll
l-.acl aUditional lot l.Jo; Hull lot .) cte. (,R.K()ll Knvuy unn NuvIkuIIoii ( omiiuny
tii iJereuiiH lining wnier in uiubki or
toilet Wl
'ill eee to it that the water Is abut
in tceiu ii iimi me wijicr 10 biiui
in not in use, or water will bo
off wh
shut off altogether if allowed to run to
waste. J. 15. Cno.ssnx.
Supt. Dalles City Water Works.
Will to Ainu Tiirnoil VdIIkw.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M. A. Hogarty of Luxington,
Ky., when they saw ho was turning yel
low. His skin slowly changed color, also
his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His
malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was
treated by the best doctors, but without
benefit. Then he wan advleed to try
Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach
and Liver remedy, and he writes: "After
taking two bottles I was wholly cured."
A trial proves its matchless merit for all
Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles.
Only 25c. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the
druggist. 0
Through the courtesy of Representa
tive M. A. Moody this office has a lot of
government garden seeds for disposal to
anybody who may call for them, with
out respect to his politics, religion, race,
color or previous condition of servitude,
The seeds are principally selected vari
eties of watermelon, lettuce, spinach,
onion and cucumber. d.twtf
"Our little girl was unconiciorice from
strangulation during a sudden and
terrible attack of croup. I quickly se
cured a bottle of One Minute Cougb
Cure, giving herlhieedosea. The croup
was uiaatered and our little darling
epeedlly recovered." 60 writea A, L.
Spafford, Chester, Mich. Clarke &
Falk'e P. O, Pharmacy.
' - . i
o I lCnW A
c Ww) N
i viSwrW E '
R : i N j
! 1
worn M men ana women
ie u upeedy and reliable cure for nervous
debility, rheumatism, lumbago, nclatica,
lame buck, kidney, liver and stomach
disorders, poor circulation, sleepless
ness, etc.
Established 30 Years.
Write todav for my latest books, !
"Health in Nature," and "Strength;
Ita Use and Abuse by Men."
Dr. A. T. Sanden,
Southwest cor. Morrison and -Ith
IT-'mch -il.viv ;5mo
Transact a Gonoral Banking Businoss.
Letters of Credit issued available iu
the Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, S.m Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle WhhIi., and various points!
in Oregon and W iishington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
mm ifinii
L. Y
Hung, Prop'r.
first-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
87 Secniul Ht., Tho Dulles. Or
Tor I'ortitKii Kullwiiy I.iiiiiIh nt tlm
SenUii bids wilt bo received by the i.ourd of
POf'W : eoiiiiniwlonm of the Htuto of Oreiton
ii" " IlleSoV Xct'o? In! I.
' hitndrtti moo) feet long Ix-tween tlm trunk of
, , rillroa(, tho (;oliimblu river,
.A'nuiyiieKerliieiiJitpoioi Hook IV' luiorift
eleven niiiiureii iih'V nei. ueinj; 11 Hirip cievei
of Deed for Wutco County. Oregon, uutlioritv
for wild hiilo liehiK Krmittil by uii nut of tho
twenty-lirst lc-jlnlutlveiiM-einbly, conveyance to
bo ii b'lrxuhi HUd Mill) devil.
Kurd bid limit b ueeoiiipiinleil by u rcrtllluil
cheek of tho amount of twenty (W)) per cent of
tho bid, imyublo to the Utu treusuier, Ui bo for
felted if tlio buliineuof tho purcliut-e prleo Is not
paid within ten duys after uceeptunce of tho
IlIdH should bo uddresHed to thu ReereUry of
Statu mid eiiilorbcd "Hid for 1'oituuu Kullvvuv
'1'ho lloutil of I'ortnKoC'ominls'tlonerH reserves
thurlKht to reject mi) and all hi 18.
T. T. OKKtt, (iovcrnor.
V. I. l)U.NAI,8frotaryof fitate.
(II AH. H. MOUKK, Htato Treasurer.
Notice Is hereby Klven to all poriioris not to
purclmko uny of tho following note, to wlt:
iino note for lays and ono for YM, both ilhtod
Kebruary l'J, 11K11, puyHblo ono day after date,
with Interest at ten percent; both payablo fli
It. II. (Illbrcth, and both sIkiuiI by John I". Mhn
iiiart and UhurloH MiiKiiuart, Also ono unto for
fM, iluteil February 2,1, 11KI1, puyablu ouo day
afterdate, with Intercut at ten per cent, Hlifiied
by Clmrle.i ilHMimrt and payable to H. II, (ill
breth. Tlieno noteH were obtnlneil by lillsrepretentu
tlon, und will not bo paid by tfio makers there
of, and the public 1h hereby warned not to pur
chase tho ame, nor any of tiiem.
JJalleH City, Oregon, April 12, 1111.
a'JOdlw-wl lillAKhKB MAaQUAKT.
Isolated Truct I'ublic Land Sale.
Notice in hereby iilven that in piimuanoo of
limtriictlnnts from tlio UomiiiUtlouer of tho lieu
oral l uii'l Olllce, under authority vented In him
by Hoctlon'JlM, U, ti. itov, Httt.,aHrtmendml by
tuoiujt o( OoiiMroH approved Ktbruaryao, wjS,
wo will proceed to oiler ut publlo Halo on Wed
liMday, Iho 6th day of June, next, at the hour
1 10 u. in., at IIiIh office, the following tract of
land, towlt:
LoU 7 und 8. Beo. 35, Tp 1 N, R :i K, W. 31.
Any und all iernom cluliiilng udverwjly the
abovc-Ucitctlbed laudn are udvWt! to II lo their
claims la thltioUlcuoii or Iwforo tbu dy ubovu
deilgndted for tliocoinmeiiceiiieut of mid ule,
otherwlHO their ilghU will, be forfultul,
U. , Uud OOlcc, The tMo,Or.,M,T.,J3,m.
JAY J". l.l'OAH, lUsglnter,
prt7 OT1B I'ATTKKHON, Kecever.
Just What
You uaant.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wo are showing never be
fore graced a Hingle stock. Kcul imita
tion ureton eflecte at ordinary prieen.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
iOlegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours
for a small price, at our Htore on Third
street. Also a lull line oi house paints.
D-. W. VAUSE, Third St.
We have on mle u full line of
Roili anfl Dressed Lulicr
Mouldings, Braokots, Laths,
Shingles, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sell at live
and let live prices.
(live nn u trial mnl we will treat
ou rlKltt.
Third mnl Kmlnriii HIh.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carrlago Work.
Fish Brothors' Wagon.
Thim and JcHcrou, Phone 159
31 a x A. Voiit.
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Dopoaita received, uubject to Bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange aold on
New York, San Franoiaco am'. port
I). P. Tiiomphon. Jmo. 8. Buiibnok.
hO. M. WII.MAMH, Gko. A. Likiik.
U. M. Bkam..
THe coiumDia PacKing Co..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Shout line
and union Pacific
tjmi; Hcmcnn.r.K
riiiifi p. m.
vhi limit
rj;H)u. in.
vlu limit
ht. I'lllll
Kit st Mult,
'j:W. in.
vlu Hp
kunu. HU Lulus Heaver, Ft,
W'nrtli, Oniiilm. K,u,
MuxCity.Ht. bulls, oih , l:05ti,a
ciiKo mill the Knit, i
Knit l.nla, Denver, Ft
Worth, OiiuiliH, U
ciiko mill tlio Knit. i
Wiilln Wullii, UiwlKton.
Willi, MIllllfiiiMil d.Ht.l IPSO. n
lU'u, Clilfiiitoiiml Kimt.
From l'.irt IiiikI.
(All nnllliiK diitc'M nub
Jvnt to uIiiiiiku )
For Hun Knim'tnco,
Hull iivury ilujs.
H'.IHJ . 111.
1:00 p.m.
:( 1 1. in.
K:liO i. in.
Ciilutiiltlit Itlviir.
l.oo p. m.
Axtorlu unit Wivy
Dully,- Itlvnr.
Sfnfiluv ,(,rW,'m Ul ty, Nowhere
5! ' Hulum, liiik'iH'inlcni?;
I 3)r.ra.
unit W ny-1 jiikIIiik".
'1 liiirhiluy,
titCO it. iu.
I'M p.m.
('orvnlllH mill Wuy
Tuuvluy, WlllHiimttii mnl ;i:p.m
TliurMliiy, Vutiiliili ItivnrN. Jlniiilm,
Niiiiriiiiy, I,,,.,,,,,, citv.D' nHliiwmr
':iK)n. in.
Wiiy-IJiniUim'i. Mity
;t:(Uu. in.
Himl;i. ItlTiir.
8 sou. u.
HI pit tin to l.mviMtoii,
gXf 1'urtieH .leHtrliiR to pi to Ileppnor or
poluti. on Coliiiublu Hoiithern via IIIkki, ihoull
tuke No. -j, leuviiiR 'I lie Duller nt U.V p. n.
nitiUliiK itlmit eoniieetloiih ut llvjipncr junction
mnl UIkk. ItetiirnhiK niiil'inKillri'eteiiiiiicctlon
at lleppner Jiinetloii mid IIIkkh wtthiNu, 1, ir
rivniK nt Tlio Dulles ut l:0.'i p. in,
Tor fiirthur purtiriilurx. cull on or iiiMre
JAri. lUKI.A.M), AKi'iit,
The Ihillfn, Ortp'o.
of :
JL '
The timu will aoon ho here when ew'T
atyliah dreaaed man will w"nl1un1VPjf
date Spring Suit. Those are the klnao'
patrons 1 am tailoring for. ,yB'8 '
and look over my Spring line huiting'-
All the latest novelties lor ii"".
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
In all ita atai tUtro
should bu cleaiilliiens.
Ely's Croani Balm
clcannei, lootUen and lteala
Ihu cllitoauid iimiubraue.
It curutt catarrh anil driven
away a cold iu the bead
Cream Balm U placed Into t!o 'yJ'uJj, IB
over tue lueinbrauo aud la abiorhed. .
mediate and a euro follow. It l ot "'f, . p,u
not proiluco tneezlni;. Imw Hlc, W
Vlit .ir liy malt Trial Blxc, 1 cen' uf TTL yorb
IdLY IHW't'UKRS,! Warren Wreeti""