The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 04, 1901, Image 4

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    Vary f tnusual
It is very unusual for .1 regular physician of good reputation to publicly
endorse a nroprietuiv v. "We have often heard of cases where doctors
have secretly prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is most gratifying to
receive the following voluntary letter
from C. F. Smith, M. t)., the most
successful )hysicianof Okan, N. Y. .
"Messrs. II. Hioker & Co.,
Now York City: 1 wish to add my
professional testimony to the value
of your English preparation known
ns Acker's English Remedy for Asth
ma, etc. In several instances, after I
have tried my utmost to give even
relief, I have prescribed your remedy,
and it has acted almost like a miracle,
not only relieving, but permanently
curing every one of the patients. I en
dorse the preparation as one of the
most valuable additions to the prac
tice of medicine."
Such a frank endorsement as the
above is phenomenal. Coming from
so distinguished a member of the
medical profession, it carries with it
an assurance which the public will bo
sure to avail themselves of. It isrec
ommendations like this which make
it possible to give the broad guaran
tee that is a part of every sale ot Ack
er's Entrlish Remedv for Couchs,
Colds, Asthma, Hronchitis and Consumption. It must 'either do all that is
claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do you know of any other
medicine sold on those terms? Do you know of any other medicines which
prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than
prescriptions thev write themselves ? These facts are well worth considering.
They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs.
Sold at tsc ;oc. and $i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and ia Eng
land, at is. ail., ss. 3d., 4s. Oil. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your
druggist, and get your money u.ick.
Wc authorize the abjv guarantee. II". 11, HOOKER & CO., Proprietors, Xctc York.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
Lost on the Desert, a Little Girl
of Hunger and Exposure.
Saturday, May 4th.
Nohth Yakima, Wash., May I). A 5
year-old girl nas been found on the lone
ly dysnrt of the Koran Heaven country,
18 milps from her hotne, standing in a
badger hole, where she died from starva
tion. The child was the daughter of Hon.
W. B. .Matthews, ex-county commission
er of Yakima county. Searching parties
had been scouring the country five
days and nights in an effort to locate the
child" alive, it was thought that she
had been carried away by Indians and
would he found on the reservation. She
had h -en tracked 12 miles from home
when all tracks of her were obliterated
by the winds blowing the tracks from
the Hand,
Two children, a boy aged 8 years, and
the girl, 5, were sent out from home
live days ago to look after some lost
cattle. They walked away until 10 miles j
from home, when growing tired they
fell asleep. A passing .cowboy noticed
them, and after arousing the sleepers
took them on his pony and carried them
almost home. The children then assured
him they could get home without further
asBietance, and he let them go alone.
The night come on and it is supposed
the boy ran faster than hie sister and
left her behind. When he reached home
he was frightened and could not tell
exactly what bad happened. A search
was made for the girl, but she could not
be found that night.
The entire population of the Horse
Heaven district was aroused trie follow
ing day and the child was tracked for
12 miles in a direction opposite from
home. After five days' search the life
lees form was found standing alone in
a badger hole. The coyotes were howling
about, but had not touched the body.
Armour & Co.'m Plant Damaged.
Chicago, May 3. Armour & Co.'b
beef-house, one of the largest buildings
at the stockyards, caught fire at 6:30
o'clock today and was damaged by
flames and water to the extent of $100,
000. On the .fourth flour, awaiting
slaughter, were 1000 head of live cattle,
which were rescued with great difficulty.
The building also contained 4600 car
casses. The fire made such rapid headway
that a general alarm was sent in, and
after an hour and a half of desperate
work the firemen succeeded in conquer
ing the flames. One hundred men,
under the direction of Chief Sweeney,
were at work on the third and fourth
floors when a large ammonia pipe burst
and the stifling odor which arose droye
the men from their posts to the open
air. Many were blinded by the gas and
escaped with difficulty.
The destruction of the plant drove
500 men temporarily out of employ
ment. The plant will be rebuilt. The
building is a five-story brick, and ex
tended nearly a block.
The one ;ret event of the year.
The representative American play.
and an excellent company, and all the
original scenery, costumes, properties,
etc., as seen durim; the loni: and mem
orable eneagement at the Knickerbocker
Theater, New York.
A Sumptuous Production.
Reserved Seats on sale at
Clarke & Falk's Pharmacy.
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with
us, for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and' am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
, .-
j .. .GOIiDjUBlA BREWEfiY..
Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United Status Health
lteporlH for .lime liK. 11)00, says: "A moru mipei lor brew never entered
tlm lahratnry of the United otntes Health reports. Iris uhmiluiuly t,.vo(j
of the HliihteHt traee of adulteration, liutou tlm other hand in entupoHutl of
the hest of malt and choicest of Iioih. Its tonic, (piallties are of the high
vtl mid it eiiu he lined with tlm urimtt'Ht hunellt and' satisfaction hy old nnd
vouni:. Its iiHtt ran roiitciuutiously be pruHcnhml by tho physicians with
jhu oemiinty that a butter, purer or mom wholesome huverago cuuld nut
possibly he found."
East Second Streofc, THE DALLES, OREGON.
The People s National Family newspaper
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we ofl'ur
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
I'ublMitil Moniliiy,
WiilncMluy ami Krl
ility, If In reality a line
ami fresh every-nther-liny
Dally, gtvltiK thu
latest news on days of
Une, u ml covering
news of the other ;!.
It contains all linpor
taut fortlKU cable
news which appear
In the lnlly Tribune
of Mime date. iiImi do
mestlc it nil foreign
correspondence, short
(lories', eleiiut half
tone illintiutlons, hu
morous Items, Indus
trial information,
fashion notes, agricul
tural matter, and
comprehensive and re
liable lliinncial nml
market reports.
Hon price,
?1.W) per
We furnish It with
Semi Weekly Chroni
cle for f.'.ou jier year.
Published on Thiirs
day, known for
nearly sixty years lu
cwry part of the Till
till Ktate.s as it nation
al family newspaper
of the highest clan-,,
for fatmers mid villa
gers. It contains nil
the moit Important
general news of the
Dally Tribune up to
the hour of going to
press: .m agricultural
department of the
highest order, has en
tertaining reading for
every member of the
fiimily.olilaiid young,
market reports which
are as autli
orlty hy fiirnnTs and
merenaiits, and I
clean, np-to-dite, In
teresting ami Instruc
tive. Regular subscrip
tion price, II per year
We furnish It wltlt
eml-Weekly Chroni
cle for 1,M) per year
White Medicine Chief King of
in the City.
Bkin affections will readily disappear
by lining DdWitt'e. Witch Hazel Salve.
Look out for counterfeits. If you get
DeWitt'e you will get good results. It
is the quick and positive cure for piles.
Clarke & Falk'a P. O, Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee,
I am not representing any company,
but am the White Medicine Chief my
self. I was stolen and raided by Chief
Elk, the Chippewa Indian, and from
him learned the art of healing from the
plants, herbs and berries, and it is the
pure medicine made from herbs, plants
and berries that effects my marvellous
cures, and also my gift by the ureal
power called magnetism learned from
him. I heal in numerous instances
without the use of medicines at all,
merely with my hands. Through the
power of magnetism I also tell each and
every person their main diseases with
out the patient saying a word. I Intend
to make my home here for some time,
The people of The Dalles have been
humbugged in tiie past; but all I ask is
that you give me a trial, and if the work
is not as I say the money will be re
funded in all cases, I also give a writ
ten guarantee in all cases that are cura
ble. My office is at the Chapman block,
room No. 30. The Dalles.
Be sure to call and see the White
Medicine Chief and be cured of your
disease. Remember the place. Consul
tation from 0 to 12 a, m. and 2 to 8 p. m.
Subscribe far The Ouuomolk.
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latest disco vereddigeat
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efllclency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, indigestion, jueannurn,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea.
Sick Headache, Oastralgia.Orampsand
ali other results of imperfect digestion.
PrlceSOc.andfl. Largo site contains 2H times
mall ilxe. Jiook all about dyspepslamailadtrea
Prepared toy E- O. DoWITT A CO.. Ctjlcaga-
Sold by Clarke &Falk's P. O. Pharmacy
SOUTH and EAST via
Soutfiero Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
TrniiiH Icuvo The 1h1Ich for I'ortlnuil unit wnj
otntions at l:i u. in. ami :i p. m.
U. ... .1.. It ,.... I I I,, - ., . .
nu'iiiMum in uiu i,VKliiiui'l; w ill run II cr oil' 101 ti
mi. ml- m'Iii iltilr. llio CoiniHinv rriurvlnir tint riiilit tu rlm'5
Str. HuRUlntor
m-!iciIiiIu without mitlru.
Str. " Iralda"
Str. Dnlliio City. 'j
lit 7 A. M.
TliuMliiy . .
TliniMliiy . . . .
Kiitiiritny . . .
Arr. I'ortlnuil
ut I;.'?) i'. m.
I.v. I'orll.intl
III 7 A. t.
. Monthly
. . U'cdiirnlMy
Arr. DiiIU'k
II fi l'. u.
I.i!i(Vi!H Ciiscadi'H 0 a. in.
Arnvit Dalh'N 10 ;.'!() a, in.
iiowrr hp. 3
I.v. Dulles J,v I'nrllnml A
... . ... f ... . .. '9
II. ( A. n. HL nt A. M.
l.L'UVi! Dulll'H II p. III. i Monday . TucMly
,, , ,,,, W'diii"diiv .. TliurulivrJ
Arr. CiiHiiinlt'H i :.I0 i. ill. Krldny Hutunlay 1
,. .. , ; Arr, Cortland Arr Diillrs'j
imiiy ux. rjimuuy. hi I :m I'. i. ntor.M
KxciirHinn liiton nvt'ry Saturday for partittH of 13 vu mid upward: Dalles,
lulu .S. Union and inturincdtnin nouita, nl)c; DnlltiH to CiiHinulfH, .fl.lll).
For an nviMilnir trip tuko tho "Iralda" it 1 1! p. in. to Hood liivur anil re
turn on tin: up hunt, arriving at DulleH at (i.i)U j). in.
Travel by tho HteamerM of tlm HfKUlator I.lim. Tho (.'omtmitv will omleavor to ulvu 1th nit
J roiiH thu Uwt fci'rvlcu jioisllile. I'tir Inrthur Indirniatlini luMrun.t
I'ortlmid Olllcu, Oak-Htrcut Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. AKt.
RmoTO Plmp1r, Parent
Curo lltnulMctio ml Dnptpiii.
V"CS '"' will mill mpl rB( t,r fall tmt lot
Jxmivo I'ortlnuil H:30iim
" Albany UMWum
Arrive Aahland i.ll'.Xt n m
" SucriniK.'iiU) MiOpm
" Sun Kriiiicibco 7:l'i p m
Arrive Oxdon
" Denver
" Kantian (Jtty.
" UblcaKo ....
fi: 15 a in
. 'J:00 a m
T.Z n tn
7:Lr a m
Arrive Um AiiKcJes lja) ii m
" Kl I'atio (i:fX) p m
" Kort Worth 0::)iim
" City of Mexico . n m
" Houston CWnin
" New Orleans Oriliim
" Wttslilfiftton OM'Jam
" New York Uijllpui
7:00 pm
10:50 p in
ll::io h in
-1 ;x a m
HMftu in
0:00 h m
7: i" a m
7:00 am
:on p in
0;:i0 a m
'J-JA a in
1:00 urn
cva m
ti'ula in
p m
Dues It I'y to Ituy Ulieup'.'
A cheap remedy for eouyliH and colds
is all right, hut you want eomethinit
that will relievo and cure the more hc-
vere and dangeioua resultu of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yee, if possible; if not poasinle for you,
then in either case take the oni.v rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success in novum
throat and lung troubles, "Boechee'e
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
onk bottle, Recommended many years
by all druggists in the world, and sold
by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize
almanac. 2
liun'jc Kub It In,
Just wet the affected part (reely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Pullman nnd TourUt cam on both trains
UhalrearH Hucramentn to Ofrden mid Kl I'luo.
and tourist cam to Chicago, HI Loiilu, New Or
leans and VVantiliiKton.
Coiniectliic nt Han Krancleco with overnl
KtcaiMhip lines or Honolulu, Jaiwiii, China.
I'hlllppliicu, Central and Houtli America.
See agent Ht Tliu WiiIIch station, or wlil.ui
Ocneral PuseiiKcr Aont, t'ortlutid, Or
Notice is hereby given that the di
rectors of school district No, 12 will, at
their regular meeting at 2 p. in. Tues
day, May 7th, receive sealed bids for the
construction of a sidewalk on the south
side of Tenth street, in Iront of east one
half of Academy Park school grounds,
and extending from Court street east
ward to Washington street. Said side
walk to be six feot wide, of good tir lum
ber edged and sized upon uppei surface,
and walk to be constructed in accordance
with ordinances of Dalles City, and work
to 'be subject to approval of street com
missioner. Bidders to furnish all mate
rial and to do all necessary gradinir.
The board hereby reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated April 30, 1001.
G. J. Faiilkv,
30a0w Chairman of Sehool Board.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, st?l!i.kSt
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
ton FlOUr '"8 'our ,H manufactured expressly for family
v UBe : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell our poods lowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think N
call aud get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Hank.
(liiiiilun I'lliine ISiU.
I.onif out. 10111.
Grandall S Burget
All kinds nf
Funeral Supplied embalmers
The Dal lee, Or.
Burial Shrouds
Advertise in the Chronicle