Very Unusual WINDMILLS, ... . f 0 1 M.A..I.l..A.!.H A a. t.1lAlu It is vcrv unusual for n rctnilar physician of good reputation to publicly endorse a proprietary rented v. Wo nave often heard of cases where doctors have secretly prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is most gratif yinj to receive tlie lullou'tug voluntary letter from C. F. Smith, M. D., thi. most successful pliysicianof Olcan, N. Y. "Messrs. W. II. Hooker & Co., New York City; I wish to add my professional testimony to the value of your English preparation known as Acker's English Remedy for Asth ma, etc. In several instances, after I have tried my utmost to give even relief, I have prescribed yourremedy, and it has acted almost like a miracle, not only relieving, but permanently curing every one of the patients. I en dorse" the preparation as one of the most valuable additions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the above is phenomenal. Coming from so distinguished a member of the medical profession, it carries with it an assurance which the public will bo sure to avail themselves of. It is rec ommendations like this which make it possible to give the broad guaran tee that is a partof every sale of Ack er's Enclish Remedy for Couehs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is claimed for it. or your money will be retunded. Do you know of any other medicine sold on those terms? Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves? These facts are well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at no., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and i Eng land, at is. sd., 2S. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money b.ick. Wc authorize the above guarantee. It". U. UOOKElt ifc CO., Proprietors, A'ac York: For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. sheep on. :Vogt Opera House, -1-1 1 1 rvrnr ri ir ' w 1 lht KlOlKVl 23,200 Recommended For Cascade Tract List of Approved Applications Sent to Sect eta ry of interior by Com missioner of Land Office. Washington, May 2. The commis sioner of the General Land Office today approved thirty-one applications to graze 123,200 sheep in the Cascade forest reserve during the coming summer. Upon the approval of these recommendations by the secretary of the interior, permits will be Usued to go into effect during the eeaeon recently determined upon. The approved applications are ae follows: George T. Hall and E. B. McEiioy, Eimene 1,500 H. H. Smith, Antelope 3,000 H. W. Wells, The Dalles 3,000 A. W. Fargher, The Dalles 2,700 J. V. O'Leary, The Dalles 2.100 J. M. Reeder, Shaniko 3,600 J. H. Sherar, Sherar's Bridge. . . . 0,000 George A Young it Son, Kidgeway.. 12.000 Payne Bros., Rutledge 2,200 John Karlen, Bake Oven 3,000 Charles Levine, Antelope 4,200 A. M.Kelsay, Shaniko 3,400 Emal Heskler, Wapioilia 2,000 P. J. Walsh, Antelope 4.000 T. A. Connollv, Sherar's Bridge. ... 4.000 J. P. Abbott, Wapinitia 5.0C0 R. R. Hinton, Bake Oven 9,000 O'Leary & Wilson, Grass Valley.. 2,200 frank Oabel, Wapinitia 4.4U0 Tilbon Bros., Grass Valley 4,800 Frank Malone, Antelope 4.000 T. H. McGreer, Antelope 3.000 J. B. Cartwright, Cross Keys G.600 -C. B. Done, Antelope 2,000 Mar mad like Maxwell, Shaniko. . . . 3,500 Herbart C. Rooper, Antelope 3,600 Ralph Perfily, Prineville 2,201) William Adams, Prineville 2,300 Gardner Perrv, Prineville 1,900 Robert Mays,' The Dalles 9,000 J. W. Merritt, Central Point 3,000 , 1 Queatlon AOMwereil. Yes, Angust Flowerstill has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized j world. Yonr mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousneee. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and atop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's Augu9t Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke & Falk'e. 1 F. J. Clarke, Manafjor. One Night Only... Saturday, May 4th. The one great event of the year. The representative American play. Wan Hall! By CLYDE FITCH, with HOWARD KYLE and an excellent company, and all the original scenery, costumes, properties etc., as seen duriiic the Ions and mem' orabie engagement at the Knickerbocker Theater, Isew lork. A Sumptuous Production. PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. us, If you tire in need of for it will pay you. anything in our lino, figure with We operate a REPAIR SHOP. prompt attention. PLUMBING-, TIN and All orders entrusted to us BICYCLE 4 I 1 will nave SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Subscribe for The Chronicle. 0 THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUfJBlA BREWEfcY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of tliiH well-known hruwury thu United Slates Uuattli Reports for .lime. 1U0O, says: "A more mi pin lor liruw never entered the hihratnry of the United Stilton Health reports. It is aliHolutcly devoid of the nliu'titcHl. truce of iidnlteratioti, Inn on the other hand is composed of tho hi'Ht of malt and choicest of hops. ItM tonic qualities are uf the high est and it can ho used with the cnmit-m lionellt mid satisfaction hy old untl vontil!. Its use can conccientiriiiHly ii- prt'Hccilifd hy tho physicians with ihe cureniuty that a huttur, purer or more wholeiiome huvcriiije could not posaihly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! The People s National Family Newspaper To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance wo offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. Reserved Seats on sale at Clarke fc Falk'a Pharmacy. TICKETS, $1.00 DR. SAN BURN. White Medicine Chief Hint- of Cures in the City. We will pay $14 50 for any "Pennant" bicycle offered for sale, providing same is not shop.worn nor damaged. Wj: AHE AUTIIOUIKKD AGKNT8. Mays & Crowe. ml-tf , We juit received another shipment of Columbia and Hartford bicycles. Our prices are low. Mays & Crowe. ml tf The "Cow Boy" 5. cent cigar hits the mark. Sold only at Grant's Cigar and News Stand. a30-2t For A good secondhand top-buggy, at a rare bargain. Call at this office. a23tf Subscribe for Thb Chkoniolk, Sabtcrlbe (or Trnc Chroniclx, I am not representing any company hut am the White Medicine Chief 'my self. I was stolen and raieed by Chief Elk, the Chippewa Indian, and from him learned the art of healing from the plants, herbs and berries, and it is the pure medicine made from herbs, plants and berries that effects my marvellous cures, and also my gift by the great power called magnetism learned from him. I heal in numerous instances without the use of medicines at all, merely with my hands. Through the power of magnetism I also tell each and every person their main diseases with out the patient saying a word. I intend to make my home here for eotno time. The people of The Dalles have been humbugged in the past; hut all I ask is that you give me a trial, and if the work is not as I say the money will he re funded in all casee. I aleo give a writ ten guarantee in all cases that are cura ble. My office is at the Chapman block, room No. 36. The Dalles. Be aure to call and see the White Medicine Chief and be cured of your disease. Remember the place. Consul tation from 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 8 p, m. Consultation free, Clarke & FaHc bave oa tale a fall line of paint and artist's bruibte, NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. I'tiblUlieil Monday, Widnenlny mid I'rI day, If- In reality n tine mil fresh overy-other-clay Dally, givluc; the latest nevn on days of Issue, unit covering news of the other .". It contains all impor tant foreli!" cable news which iiiear in the lMily Tribune of .-nine date, iiImi do mettle it nil fnrchiit correspondence, short stories, elcKaiit half tone Illustrations, hu morous Items, Indus trial information, fashion notes, agricul tural matters, ami comprehensive) aiitl re llaljle tinanclal ami market reports. I Hejrular subscrip tion price, $1,00 per ear. Wo furnish It with ' fc'eml Weekly Chroni cle for fJ.OO cr year. , NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. I'ulilhlied on Thurs day, anil known for nearly sixty years in every part of the t'ul ted States as a iisiMon al family nexvspacr of the hlKhest class, for fanners anil villa gers. It contains all the most important general news of the bally Tribune up to the hour of koIiii; to press: .in agricultural department ol the highest older, has en tertalnliiK reading fur every member 01 tn fnmtlv.olilaiid young market report.s uhlel are accented as mith orlty hy farmers anil increments, anil i clean, uu-to-ilatc. In terestlng anil tnstruc live. Regular subscrh tlon price, f 1 per year, We furnish It wltl Semi-Weekly (Jlironl cle fur 91. per year Str. RuBtilator J T?TP.aTTT.ATfYP TTIMTn 5 DALLES, POMUNI) & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY! Hteameis ol tin. Itcgulator l.lne will run n )cr tliefol scliiilule, the Company reserving the right to clmngc schedule without notice. . DOWN. I.v Dalles ' at 7 A. l. Tneilay . . . Tim inlay . . . '.Saturday. Arr. Portland ut l::) v, x. I.v til1. Portland it' A. M. Monday WeilncMlMy . Krlilay Arr. Dalles II fi I'. H. Str. " Iralda" I.eavea Cascades (' a. in. Arrive Dalles 1():!I0 a, in. Leave Dulles It p. m. Arr. Cascades 7 :.'I0 p. in. Dailv ex. Sunday. Str. Dnllos City. I.v. Dalles at 7 A. M. .Monday Wcilnesiliiv Krlilay... . Arr. Portland nt l:Mi f. m. i l. I'nrtlanil J in rut a. x. i Tuwilay '. TliureiisyJ Hiltiinlay Arr. l)iillMj iuii r. a. i -i IOxiMirntim Ititi'H every Saturday for narticH of five and upwardn: Dalles, White Salmon and intermediate noints, Tide; Dalles to CattcadcH, ft. 00. For an evenlmr trip take tho "Iriiltla" at n. in. turn on the up hunt, arriving at Dalles at (!.!!() p. in. to Hood Uivur and re- Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Oo., The Dalles, Or Ml Wilkinson Warehouse -IS NOW OPEN AS A WOOL AND Lien lis Wnnse Wool Graded and Baled. Wool Bought anJ Sold on Commission. Correspondence Solicited. SAM WILKINSON, PrOD. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially diaesta the food and aids Nature In strenetbenins and recon- atructioff the exhausted digestive or- cans. It lathe latest dlscovcreddigest ant and tonic. No otliomrenaratlon can anoroach It In elllciencv. It In stantly relioveaand permanently curea Dyspepsia) Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, 8our Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of Imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and It. .Large site contain! 8M time mall ilse. Book alt about dyspepsia mulletl tree partd by E. G. OcVITT A CO., Chtcagfr Sold hylClarke&Falk'HP. O. PharniHcy SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains Ivhvo The Dalles for I'ortiauU ami way shitldiiH ut a. m. and n p, m. PR.GUNN'S: ONE FOR A OOIK. nmor Plrnp!e, Pment r.Uloii.u.i., Vmltf thulilocd. OuroHnvdclieijil, A Dln,, ... TA. T oMhd! ems -n ogJOIUnCUU. OR. ROSHNWf OO OfcHi 7 tin Executor's Notice. Notice In hereby ulvcn that U-auilor Kvuiin. executor ol the etuU of Kvalluo Kvuiu, do oeaited. hu tiled liU llnal account h mich ex ecutor, In tho county court, HUto of Oieifon, County of Wbco;du Mid court bat appointed tho 27th day of Mar, 1001, at the hour of U o'clock on ald day for tho bearing ot objection! to aald final account, and for the nettlemvnt thercol. J-KANDKU KVANrf, a'JI Kxtt-utor. U'uvo 1'ortlaud " Albany Arrive Ashland " Kacrillnc;ulo ... " Ban Krauchco . . H-M a m!:30u m ..12::s:in m .. li:00 p in ,. 7:15 p in Arrive Offdon " Denver " KalisaKClty, " UhlcaKo ti:l.r) a m , j:wi h in 7 siM a in 7:1") a in Arrive Uih AiikcIom i;'jn p in " Kl I'ano f.:tt) p in " Fort Worth :ai)Hin " city of Mexico !i:5,riiin " lloiuton 1:00 a m " Now OrlcaiiH il:'irnun " WaahlllKtou lilt-' a in " New York 12: Upm 7:oo pm lu:M p m ll:30nm l; as a in ::.)ii m 11: 15 am 0:00 am 7:W n m U.'UOitm 7:ma in G:u) p in ;:) it in 0:55 u in 4:00 u m fi.2.5 p m ii'K it in Vi'U p n l'nllman and Tourist cars on both tralim i;halrcarn Uacramvnto to UKdeu uud Kl lao, and tourlit ears to Chicago, Ht Loulu, New Ur leuim and Washington. Coimcfltlntr at Ban FrauciHco with voveral atcamiihlp lines (or Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central aud bouth America. Bee agent at Tho Dalle n tat Ion, or add.(a C. H. MARKHAM, tieneral Faaieugcr Agent, fort land, Or Clark it Falk are never cloied Sunday, Don't forget ttiii. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, . Travel by the Hteaniers of tho HeKiilatur Mtie. 'I'hii Coinpanv will cmtlcnvor to Klve Its pat- roiix cue hesi xcrvicu ponlnle. for mrtlier wilurmatloti address l'ortlaiiii Olllee, Oak-Htreet Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qen. Agt. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aii kind? Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmiffS Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr lur ,B nianufactured expranBly for family xv uiie : every Hack is Kuaranteed to tfive eatiafaction. We sell our goods lowur than any Iioiiho in the trade, aud if you don't think M call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats C. J. STUBliIfia WIHH.IiH.M,K AND UKTA'li Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt anention. Next door to First National Bank. (lOllllOll I'lllltlH .'(. m k- Long out. iwi. , I ML DALLES, OREUUm. L DKALKUS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied CrandallfiBarget UNDERTAKERS fp EMBALMERS The Dallee, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. Advertise in the Chronicle