The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 70
l)e Dalles
jinn "mtii 'in niiimilliinitnii 'Hii-ii.liniiTiilii
AXfcgefable Prcparationfor As
similating the Food andRcgula
ling the Stomachs ondBowels of
Promotes Digeslion,Checrfur
ness andRest.Contains neillicr
Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic. '
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Puny Jim Srai"
JiftK-rmml -Hi
Apericcl Remedy forConstipa
tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
exact copy or wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Evidence That Filipino Rebellion Will
Soon End Ireland Holds Con
ference With Root.
mm naval coaling station. A secret
deal with President Castro, of Venezue
la is reported by which (or money he
may permit it. This furmeties addi
tional reason why President Castro
wanted Minister Loomit withdrawn."
New Yobk, May 1. Evidence that
the Philippine trouble is rapidly drawing
to u close, says a special to the Tribune
from Washington, is found in the fact
that Archbishop Ireland has been in
Washington for two or three days, and
has held several conferences with Secre
tary lioot. From the beginning of the
negotiations looking to a settlement of
the church question, Archbishop Ireland
has been the representative in this
country of the Vatican. The distinguish
ed prelate har succeeded in keeping him
self from the public view in his preseut
visit to Washington, and this circum
stance addB strength to the belief at the
capital that lie haH come to confer
with the authorities legardlug the
treatment to be accorded to the millions
of church property of which the friars
have been dispossessed by the Insur
rectionists. In the last month Judge Taft has sent
to Hecretary Root manyconfldentiul com
munications on this subject. It is pre
sumed that they contain recotnmenda
tipus which the secretary is now study
ing carefully so that he may assist the
Taft Commission in formulating a policy
to be pursued toward the church inter,
eats. Archbishop Ireland also is sup
posed to be prepared to deal finally with
the question for the church, and it is
therefore thought that he uud Secretary
Root can soon arrive at a deuisiou satis
factory to all interests iuvolved. Their
decision will probably be communicated
ut an early date to Judge Taft for his
Will Hhe Teat Our Monroe Hiictrlne'.'
New York, May 1. A dispatch to the
Herald from Trinidad says: "Inforaiw
tion baa reached here that the German
cruiser Vinetta recently completed sur
veys of the Island of Margarita. Ottlccrs
of the ship spent ten weeks making
charts and soundings. The officers say
a tine harbor has been discovered with
every advantage (or a coaling station.
German merchants iu Venezuela will
try to buy the harbor and also huudreds
of acre near by, ostensibly as a private
investment, but really to make a Ger
1'rotuctJou of Trunti.
Washington, April 26. There is an
impreeslon that Representative Babcock,
of Wisconsin, is going to have a good
following in his party when the next
congress shall meet, and he shall resume
his attack upon the protected manufac
tures of Kigantic trusts. However suc
cessful Babcock may be in the house, it
seems to be a foregone conclusion that
the senate will hold up so radically
change any lurid' law drawn on the lines
proposed by Mr. Babcock that there will
be really no tariff remedies for trusts.
The large majority in the senate is made
up of men who are inclined to support
the old party policy.
Venezuela Apolog-lKea.
Nkw York, April 30. A dispatch to
the Herald from Caracas, Venezaela,
says : The incideut relative to the arrest
of Ignacio H. Bale, United States con
sular agent at Barcelona, was closed to
day. Consular Goldsmith, at Laguayra,
sent to Mr. Russell, the American
Charge d'AfTaire here, a letter from the
Venezuelan government expressing re
gret for the occurrences and explaining
that it was a case of mistaken identity.
The situation of affairs here is now
He 1m Dead him! llurieU, Yet Alive,
Wai.i.a Waw.a, May 1, Mortimer
Montpetit has returned to Walla Walla
from his former home in Ohio, to flud
that he was buried tome time ago, after
being fatally burned in a fire. These
alleged facts are matters on record in the
ofilue of the county auditor at Walla
Walla. Montpetit disappeared about
two years ago and a body found in the
ruins of a burned building was Identified
as his. It was buried by a lodge to
which he belonged and a marble head
stone placed on the grave, Montpetit
has removed the tomstone and has ap
plied to the superior court to have the
record ol his death strioien from the
auditor's hooks.
The least in quantity and most in
quality describes DeWitt's Little Risers,
the famous pills for constipation, and
liver complaints. Clarke & Falk's P. 0.
Subscribe for The Curoniclk.
Indemnity Committee Decides That
Amount Shall Re 273,000,000
Report Presented Today by M.
Paris, May 1. The foreign office re
ceived adispatch from Pekin announcing
that M. Pichon, Frencii minister, pre
sented today the report of the committee
on indemnity. The amount China is to
pay has been fixed at 1,365,000,000 francs
($2715,000,000). How it is propoeed that
the indemnity be distributed among the
powers is not set forth, but as the dis
patch does not mention The Hague it
is thought the ministers are hopeful of
being able to settle the proportion by
each power by discussion at Pekin.
Paris, May 1. Official advices re
ceived here from Pekin say the ministers
are divided into two parties in the dis
cussion to decide how China is to raise
the indemnity. France, Germany, Rus
sia and Japan agreed in faver to raising
the ciiBtomB duties, which can be relied
upon to produce a great part of the
requisite Bum, and the imposition of a
duty on junks, which will constitute a
tax on international navigation and tak
ing over of Bome of the likin (provincial
transit duties). On the other hand the
United States and Great Britain decline
to agree to an inciease of the customs
dutiee, but they do not appear to have
presented a counter proposition. The
fact tbat the United States and Great
Britain have joined hands on this ques
tion has caused surprise here. It was
hoped that the United States would
stand with France and Russia. The re
sult will be greatly to protract the nego
tiations. I'an-Amerlcau KxpoHltlon Is Now Opened
Buffalo, May 1. The gates of the
Pan-American exposition were thrown
open to the public at 8:30 o'clock this
morning. The initial day of the six
montb6 term of the big show was ushered
in amid the banging of hammers, shriek
ing of saws and rattling of work carte.
But there was much to interest the
thrones, The program arranged com
prised some informal exercises at the
government building at noon, a salute
of 45 aerial bombs and the general un
furling of 200 flags. Band concerts will
be given afternoon and evening. All the
exhibit buildings are open and a few
places on the Midway are ready for
business. Everything is expected to be
ready on May 20, when the formal
dedication will be held.
A Haglng, ltoHrlug Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chae. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water,"
he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and
cough. It grew worse daily. Finally
the best doctors inlOakland, Neb., Sioux
City and Omaha said I had Consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5
Heveu Years In lied.
"Will wonders ever cease?" inquire
the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,
Kan. They knew she had been unable
to leave ber bed in seven years on ac
count of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general debility ;
but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
In three months I felt like a new person."
Women suffering from Headache, Back
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will
find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed, G. C. Blake
ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 5
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels do nit act
properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
remove the cause of disease. Clarke &
Falls' P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk baye received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly oure liquid paints
Ladies' Fancy Neckwear.
All the new things you have read and
heard of are here in pleasing variety. Vel
vets, liberty silks, satins, chiffons and nets
are used in the making, and the newest of
25c to $3.00.
2-clasp Pique Walking
Gloves in browns, gra3s,
mahogany and tans. Firm
and pliable stock. Every
pair warranted.
$1.50 per pair.
Ask to see them.
New Fancy Ribbons
25c and 50c.
The kind that will not tarnish.
Graduated Belts Gilt-tanned kid, white
kid lined; gilt harness buckle and eyelets. The very
highest grade gilt belt on the market $2 to S3
Gilt Tinsel Belts at 35c, 50c and 75c.
JUST OPENED Straight-front belts black
patent leather with cut steel and gilt trimmings; brown
and gray mocha with cut steel ornaments; black seal
with cut steel trimmings 75c and $1
Beauty Pins In
blue enamel; will not tar
nish or break; dozen on a
3gS53mi Special per card lOc
New Caps for Boys,
25c and 35c.
The Willluma guaranteed
13 Hat will not break.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1a
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country tor years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills are the bent. 12
A I'oor Millionaire
Lately starved in London because he
could not digest his food. Early use of
Dr. King's New Life Pills would have
saved him. They strengthen the stomach,
aid digestion, promote' assimilation, im
prove appetite, bolu by (j. v. iiiaReiey,
the druggist. 5
Don't Hub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remody,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Played Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has nevei failed toctire Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. M'iney to Ioau.
Five thousand dollars to loan on ap
proved security, at reasonable rate of
interest. Inquire of Huutingtnn & Wil
If the peopleonly knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would
be used in nearly every household, hb
there are few people who do not suffer
from a feeling of fullness after eating,
botching, flatulence, sour stomach or
waterbrasb, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which with no aid from
the stomaoh, will digest your food,
certainly can't help but do you good
Clarke & Falk's P. O, Pharmacy.
This week's specials in
the Boys' Clothing Section.
$2.50 for Children's Vestee Suits
A nice array of suits, with fancy vests; worth $3.50, offered to close
out this week at'this low price.
$3.00 Boys' Blouse Suits
Handsomely trimmed with braids and in pretty shield combination
effects; blue cheviots and mixtures, which sold for $4 and $5.
$6.00 Boys' and Young Men's Suits
Long Trouser Suits in fancy worsteds, cassimeres and tweeds, which
sold for $9, $10 and $12, to close out this week at this low price.
A Cap FREE with every Boy's Suit this week.
Successor to
p. S. GUWlflG.
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker...
-nEAl.KIt IN-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
AkoiU for Kussell A: Co.'s Kil:ica, Threshers and Saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
Cor, Second & Langblin Sis,, THE DALLES, OR,
Hundreds of Lawyers, Preachers, Actors, and other
overworked Professional and Business Men who thought
they had kidney trouble haye told us they had uever
been able to find anything to equal Linooln Sexual
Pills for the cure of that pain in the back, and the a
gone feeliux that so often precedes paresis,
Price, $1,00 per box buy of your druggiit or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
LlifOOLN PE0PBIETABY 00 Ft, Wayne,
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles, Or.