The Dalles Daily Chronicle, TUESDAY APRIL 30. 1901 J. A. EBERLE, Lteading-Mflcffi-Merchant Tailor, n a cunr ,ifn Mno V IWn Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowd, I We have an excellent line of Spring Soitings, Pun tings, etc., which we are prepared to make np in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect fit. OIL DISCOVERIES IN TEXAS. It wi.l be ,-terostmg to -atoh .to,! Pffpr.t nf th rinh discoveries of 0;i . , ,. . , , . in Texas upon the political and in- dustrial views of her citizens, says the Hew York Tribune. Texas stntpcmpn Imrptnfnrp lrnvn cronerftllv been well to the front among those who shuddered at the dangers of plutocracy. The anti-trust laws of , Texas are perhaps the most sttingent j of those of any slate, not excepting the western states where populist legislators recently left their marks upon the statute books. Foreign corporations have found the utmost .1 :r:,...i. ., : ,1 i,oinni,e i T.,nr i nnu, until the present changed con ditions, outside capital has passed but reluctantly into Texas channels. The wonderful discoveries of oil, however, seem likely to alter all this. Hot so much money will perhaps be needed while the excitement is find ing its principal outlet in Innd specu- lalions, but later, and probably very Flower to clean out the system and stop soon, when the era of development I fermentation of undigested food, regn ; iii ua ; ' lte the action of the liver, stimulate the large quantities. Pipe lines, for in stance, are indispensable though expensive. Money will undoubted ly be secured, but the rale and the terms will be matters of the most serious consideration. Of course the -rate will be relatively high and the terms relatively severe so long as the laws of Texas render outside ! capital invested mere in tne least ! uncertain or insecure. This ex-1 tremely simple and obvious natural' law is now lo be demonstrated and is likely in time to prove illuminat ing to those who discuss economic and industrial problems in Texas. COL. PAT DON AN TAKES A HAND. The Sunday Oregonian devotes a column and a half to a reply to "the ; -letter of a correspondent of the j Catholic Sentinel," but without j naming the author who is none other1 than Onlnni'l Pat Dnr.nn tbp well. IU4U OlOIltl l at,, IUL WUI- . Ifnnwn flpsorintivp writ nr nnrt miHinr- " "w ' I The colonel's letter to the Sentinel, like everything that he writes, is vigorous, and as true as it is vigor ous. After stating that he is de scended from a long line of Presby terian doctors of divinity, extending Wnlr tn pnlnninl liavs the poloni'l I oacK to coioniat uajs, iul cuiunu j says: "I cannot refrain from hastening to assure you that, in iry opinion, every believer in Christianity. Cath olic or Protestant, in this city and region, owes you grateful and admir ing acknowledgement for your mag nificent rebuke of the Oregonian's long-continued trampling of holy things under swinish hoots. Its persistent and malignant attacks on all that Christian people hold most sacred have been outrages, not only on religion but on common decency. You bave done a service to the pub lic at large, as well ns to the church. At a citizen and lover of whatever makes for good citizenship, I repeat the assurance of my bearty thanks and earnest appreciation." Some day we shall probably get the exact truth regarding the arm' ennteen. The Methodist ministers I of Chicago have appointed n com- ! missioner to visit Fort Sheridan in ' company with representatives of i .. -. ... oilier denominations antl make a thorough investigation of the pniC t,Cal ffCCl8 f tb l0S,np f tllC army canteen at um post. ti,c bcv. ; M. M. Parkhurst, president of the j We carry a complete lino of Spnnld ' Anti-Saloon League, was selected to ' ing's base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc. ' make a detailed report of his invest!-1 Seo our wi,,llovv- Mn-vs Orowe. lltf cation to the Methodist Ministers'! For fresh balibnt, perch, herring, 1 Association. An old furnr IpIU nf hl Pnurfannn ---- - -- r - ------ witb a balkv borso as follows: "One day I was driving him along the road and just as we got to the railroad track be balked. 'Here's a go,' says I to my self; 'what if a train should come along.' At first I was afraid a train would come; then, after a while, I did not care whether it came or not, and in an hour I was afraid one wouldn't come. I just ached to' have a train come along. I prayed for one. Sure enough pretty soon I seen one coming. It made me smile. When the engineer whistled for me to get off the track I smiled. When j she got a little closer I climbed out the - - - bw. l-J-d . me icnce anu prepareu to enjoy a p.cnic Oh, but it was snort. That balky horse hafl eworn lhat he wonldn.t po, bul he went tuat time. He was distributed aU along the track there for twenty rods. And che old buggy and harness! It , looked too comical ! Never bad such fun since I was a boy! Itather expeu- i stve fnn it wus. too for the railroad company. I sued 'em for $700, and the jury of farmers gave me G7'2.50. It was i too hard lo drive a balky horse and be a j Christian at the same time. I tried it years ago, mid gave it up as a bad job." Cow For Sail:, Good gentle, fresh milch cow for sale fitpanvnr frmr oullnnc mill- nur rlnv J Question Answer ml. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale df any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. Tbey used AngUBt nervous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a. few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke & Falk'a. 1 Stepped Into I.lve Coala. "When a child I burned my foot fright fully," writes W. H. Eads, of JoneBville, va., "which caused horrible lee sores for 30 years, but Bnckleu's Arnica Salve .wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, ScaldB, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 25c. 5 If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf Subscribe for Thk Ciiuo.vicle. PROPOSALS For 1'ortHge Kail way Laud at the Gaacarin I.iii'KH. fiea'wl bids will bo received by the bourd nf rKlrtae emmISSIoIlurH of the btato of Orevnu until'.' o clock p. m. Moy -!, 11)01, mid then pub llelv Aliened, for the DUrcbHM! of a tract of lum adjoining the United States Govcrnmuut Ku nerve above the upper entrance to the loeku in the Columbia river, beginning at a point on the east boundary line Of the United States (iovern uieut Reserve ninety-eight uud four-tenths (ttS.4) feet north of thecoutheast corner thereof, .thence northeasterly paralleling the track of the Oregon iUtliruy ana 'Navigation Company eleven hundred (1110) fiet, being a strip eleven hundred (11W)) feet long between the track of the ru 11 road company und the Columblu river, iih limy uescrinea ut page lui hook "l , KecordH needs for Wunco County, Oregon, authority Ior haW MuK ,,riinte(1'by act uf th'0 I twenty-Unit legiHltitlveusHembly; conveyance to m n D'irain anu ttue aeeu. Kiioh bid miiNt he accompanied by a certllled check of the amount of twenty (20) per cent of the bid, payable to the Htate treasurer, to be for feited If the balance of the purchase price is not paid within ten duy after acceptance of the Mime. Jllds should Ik; nddresscd to the Beorctary of Btate and endorsed "illd for 1'ortage Kallwitv lind." The Hoard of 1'ortage Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all blls. T. T. OKBK, Governor. F. I. UUNHAK, Secretary of State. (JHAfi. ri. MOOItfc', Btate 'Jreusurer. nil-w.ts-.lw Notice. Notice Is hereby given to ull ert-ons not to purchase any of the following notes, to-wlt; one note for 1W) and one for iao, both dhted February 1U, 1901, payable one day after dute, with intercut at tun percent: both payable to It. II. (illbreth, and both ilgncd by John V, ilas riuart aiidCharlen Mimquarl. AIM) one note for $51. dated February 'A 1V01,. payable one day afterdate, with interest ;at ten per cent, digued by Charles Masijuart and payable to B. 11. (ill breth, These notes were obtained by misrepresenta tion, and will not be paid by tie makers there of, anil the public Is hMfbf .warned not to pur umw the Mine, nor auy of tatta. CUy.dregonjAynl aWdlW-wl CHARLES II AbyUAKT. BUSINESS LOCALS. loo cream and ice cream soda now on tnp nt A. Keller's. ftl'itf Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are I the best. Ask your c "cer ior them. Floral lotion will enre wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte & Falk. Cntnti flitaf rnlilu iHt nfnrutrtv fnr anln or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons & Mrden. amt razor clams, and all kinds ot tisli in 'season, leave orders with J. A. Carnaby. Wnaiuy auu nui i.mmuy uwkub u r tii i . i i- Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Soule Bros., piano timers, will be in the city for a few days only. Leave orders at either Menefee & Parkins or Nickelsen's rauBic store. al7-19 "I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor find a cure until I tried DeWitt's Witcb Hazel Salve. After using it once, I forgot I ever had anything like Piles." tE. C. Boice, Somers Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Be sure you get De Witt's. Clarke&Falk's P.O. Pharmacv. wmrtlbv wriw Atoki 1taA pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. I25ctB. andoOcts. Blakeley, the druggist. Spring cougliB are specially 'dangerous and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy. aiK ai.u, rnarmncy, We have a bicycle at $14 50, exactly I the same'grade that our competitors are , asking $2 more for, and have been net ting more than that for them at their "greatly reduced prices," aB they would call them. Mater & Benton. '23 -U Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's DyBpepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your iiver is aluegish and your bowels clogged. Pe- Wilt's Little Early JRiaers cleanse the whole system. Thev never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 ctB. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E Patton'e sun proof paints for f.1.50 per ! gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & talk, agents. ml A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. You will not have boils if vou L Clarke & Falk's snre cure foi boils. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't for cet this. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night..,. TUESDAY, April 30th 100 Laughs in 100 Minutes, Horace Ewing In the Great Comedy Triumph, Widow . . . . . . Bedott As played by Mr. Ewlng over 1000 times. Supported hy a Specially Selected Com- panjr. A happy blendinjr of Fares, Music and Vaudeville Novelties, The Great Laughing Show! HAVE A SMILEJrYITH THE WIDOW, 50c to alJ purta of th houM.j Seats will be on sale at Clarke it falk'a. mm. OREGON Shoit Like amd Union Pacific ISr.VUT KO H ClUl'IIRO- l'orthmd Special, 12:'J." p. in. via lluiit illKton. Atlantic Kxpress, V1:M n. m. via Hunt ingtou. Bt-l'niil Fast Mail, i:'i'ip. m. via Hh kaue. TIME S(!HKI)l l.l..S KHOM THE DAl.I.I.S. AUKIVK KHOM Salt 1-nke, Denver, l't ! Worth, ninaha, Kan- ,.., , BndCtty.Ht.U.iilK.Chl-l l to I'' '" cugo utm the hast. Salt Lake, Denver, l't. Wnrth. Omiitnt. Khii- nasCity.St Umls.Chl-j i eago and the Kast. I. 15 n. m. Walla Wallh, U'wlstimJ hpokmie.Walhuv.l'till-1 man, Mluneapidis, St. I Chicago and East. :;.:;o a m. OCEAN AND EIVEK SCHEDULE From l'orttaiiit. (All suiting dates sub j jeet to ehauge ) For Sun rranp.eo, Sail every ft days. f :00 p. m. l-(xi p. m. Dally ex cent Sunday, mhi i. m. Saturday, 10.1X) p. m. Dally except numhiy, ii:0t.i ii. in. Coliimlilii Klvi-r, To Astoria ami Way l.amllns. I:l P. m. except Sunday. WilluiiiuttK Itlvnr. ,, . I::wi p. m. Oregon City. Newlierg, uveept and uy-ljindlngs, .....v.,.. ...v.M,M auiKiav. TiiL'vtluy, Tliiirsdiiy. Snturdav, 0:W)u. m. i::m) p. ni. .Monday, WedueMlKy Friday. Corvallls and Way Ijiiidlii(,"4. TucMlay, WIllHiiiHttii hihI 3 30 p. m Thursday, Yamhill HIvith. .Monday, -V. n ,,'' 0-'goi City, Dayton and ediieMiay ,:W)n. in. . u-i.r.i , ,i,n,.v Friday. . . ..w ........ Ijcuvu Klpariu dally, 3:4Uu. in. Huttkn ltlrer, Hlpariii to I.eivlston. Leave l.eulston dull-, h.Wii, 111. flT- rartiea desiring to go to lleppuer or auuts on Columbia Southern via Higgs, should tte No. L, leaving The Dallea at 1U:L'5 p. m. making direct connections ut Hcppucr junction and Illggs. Hettirnlng iiiakIug(llre:tci)uiieflUou at lleppuer Junction und lllgg with tNo, 1, ar riving at The Dalles at 1:U5 p. in. For further particulars call on or address JAri. IUELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. ft Complete of at M.Z.DON NELL, j THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will Boon be here when every Btylish dressed man will want an up-to-date Hpring Suit. Those are tbe kind of patrons 1 am tailoriqg for. Come in and look qver my Spring line of Suitings. All the latest novelties for 1001. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In til Its stages than should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Bala cleanse, soothes snd heals tho diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into tbe nostrils, spreads ever tb nesbnuia and is absorbed. Belief Is im- mediate and a curs follows. It Is sot drylog-loes sot jwoduca tneexlflg. Urge HUe, eo cents at Drug gist m by matt Trial Vise, 10 cents by mall. IsLY OUOTUK88, 60 Warren Htreet, New York. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 years oUl; height 15.? liaiuls, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zoinbro, 2:11, tho best son of McKin ncv, 2:1 U. First dnni, llrlilfHiimltl, by Hoxwond, hom of Nutwood. Second dam, Uk.. hind Queen, thun of Ad Alone 2 2:211. by Ukeliind'H Abdullah, sou of 1 1 am bleton ian 10. Third diun, Prniiulla, by Alhumbrn, Him of Mambrlno Chief 11. EDMUND S. will tntike tho connn of 1!)01 nl 1. A. Tortcr's livery Htnble.Tb DnllfH, Oregon. Terms for tho Soason, $20. For further par Menhirs fee nn:U).dw4ino Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cures. Do not foruet it; we have it, at 75c per bottle (large bottles) guaranteed, or you tuny got your money bank if not satisfied. ' IN COMPOUNDING- PRESCRIPTIONS we exiircice tho greatest care. We carry th best nnd nee tho befit in com pounding your phiHiciaiiH orders. Our prices wo mako bh low iih ih conelstent with eftloient perviee. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drugs, Patent Medicines, Sundries and l'hotograph Supplies, GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. !u. E. FALT & CO., 5 V Proprietors The Owl." 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use y Delivered to any part of the City. i honeB. nuouii, 173 Second Street, y Advertise in The Chronicle. I L. Lane, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcrw, Phone 159 ! FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tranaaot a General Banking Business, Letters of Credit imjuod uvailublo in the huHturn htiiteB. Siirht KxchatiKe and Teleitrnphic TraiiBferH Bold nn New York, CIiIchko, St. Louie, Kan Fruuuieco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Waali., uud vuiIoub pointe In Oregon and W'tiBhinicton. ColleutioiiB tnadn ut ull points on lav oruble terms. me CoiumDia Packing Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKEKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersdf BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. KTO. U itsiaDiant GENKHAL BlacKsmiifi i Horsesnoer L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. Fipst-Class in Every ljespect MBALH AT ALL IIOUKN. Oysters Served in any Style. b7 Beooud 8t., The bullet, Or FRED FISHER, Proprietor. i Just What You LUaot. New IdeuB in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety aa we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Keul imiti tion cretun effects at ordinury prioee. Good papers at cheat) paper pricw. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, yoors for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of hotiBe paloti. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J, B, HCHKNCK, frfuldeiil. .Mas l Voiit. Cuhic First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business tranewted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds prompt) remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold 01 New York, Ban Francisco uuc! "ort land. DIKKOTOHB. D. P. Thompbok. Jo. 8. Bchium. Ed. M. William, Gko. A. u H. M. Bxam.. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. Wu liavuoii.miluafull Hmxif Rootb and Dressed Lnmlier Mouldings, Brackets, laths, Shingles, Windows, Doori OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will soli t he and let live prices. (live us a trial and wu will tri't you right. GILBRETH&SOK Third and Federal HU