The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY APRIL 29, 1901 1 J. A. EBERLE, Leadings. Merchant Tailor. Second Street, opsitc Mays & Crowe. j world. Your mothers and grandmothers We have an excellent line of Spring thought of using anything else for Snmngs, Pantings, etc., which we are . , , ... n , prepared to make up in the latest Btyles, 1 indigestion and biliousness. Doctors and guarantee a perfect fit. ' were scarce and they eeldoru heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or g heart failure, elc. They used AugnBt Richard Corbden will surely turn Flower to clenn out the system and stop over in his grave when he learns that "'""entation of undigested loud, regn- , , , , , ,. late the action of the liver, stimulate the England has abandoned the policy nem)Ug an( orpaDic acUon of the BVS. of free trade to the extent of im- tem. and that is all they took when feel posing an export duty of a shilling a ing dull and bad with headaches and ton on coal and a duty of. about a , her Bt:heB- You ol-v neetl a few losee , . . , .... i of Green's August Flower, in liquid cent a pound on imports of sugar. 1 . The dutj' on coal is mainly protect ive. The revenue from it is esti. mated not to exceed 10,000,000 a year, so that the revenue feature is plainly a minor matter. The im- portant consideration is that it will i stop the increasing drain on the domestic coal supply and the in creased cost to the continental man ufacturer will, to that extent, protect the British manufacturer. The duty of a cent a pound on I miles east of Whitman. A change of imports of sugar is estimated to ! the wind at this time carried it rapidly yield about $45,000,000 annually, I B0UtD i,lt0 tl,e be8t catt,e diatrlcta of , Jt . Grant and McPherBon counties. A but the protective purpose is not eecond brancb uontiDued nt;arl, 30 miIe8 only obvious, it is avowed. The ; in B weBtery course, and has not yet British chancellor said in his budget j been put out. Another branch of the Bpeech: 4,Fair pltiy must be given fire swept the Brown, Lee and Big Creek to the British refiner as compared i v"p- The ranchmen have-been un .... . . , . , ,. thus far to check the flames. A with his continental rival. The re- J ditrl(,t o abont m mUeg ,n ,ength and finer of beet sugar must be favored i from jq to 40 in width has been totally as against the refiner of- cane sugar, swept of bay and the dry prairie grass nr viop vorsn. " ' that for a month to corce would have So well do the British refiners un derstand the meaning of the tax it is said ther are alreadv nrenanne'i j - d i 1 o to relight their extinguished Ores. This is sorry news for American Cobdenites, coming as it does at a time when they ere preparing, with Tenewed energy and hope, to marshal'32 years, residing in the southeast ii al e .. u .i .i i of the citv, took carbolic acid this morn all their forces against both the , . , ' , , , . , ,. , , . . 1 ing with suicidal intent and died on the policy and principle of protection. way t0 the hoBpltaK He had been drnk. Public intelligence will not be de- ig heavily around the city for some ceived as to the meaning of this new days. He leaves a wife, but no children. departure of our British cousins. He nad lived thie acuity nearly all 1 I u: i: ti. ,. .:u i.i.i :.. "V . , . r , 1 . . -r. riuc uuue is u lunai; uvcu iu xuy land. The Astorian justly says that Minister Conger pronounced j fence of the missionaries is a knock-j out mow to tue auuntiant cueap i criticism which was directed against them as the cause of the Boxer out- break and n rnnnnlmifi lnntors. As ! ... . me Astorian maintained some months ago, Minister Conger states i that the native Christians proved the only salvation of the foreigners jn China when they were hemmed in ! by the Boxer hordes. He might have carried bis point further and stated that China will never be satis- factorlly opened to foreign enterprise , until the proportion of native Christians to the total population i becomes much greater than it is at present One has to go from home to leanilMir remedies. Remember that he the news. The Pacific Farmer says "Citizens of The Dalles are negoti ating with parties for the erection of a cold storage and fruit cannery plant at Ibat place." Tub Chuon jcle wishes this were true but, alas, nobody here knows anything about it. Last year the mortality in the Grand Army was naturally much greater than ever before. Fourteen years ago, in 188C, tbe total was as small as 2260. In 1890, four years later, it was 5000, and sinco tbnt time has ranged from 7000 to 8000 annually. . One of the regiments just re turned to this country left COO of its members in tbc Philippines to outrage in business. The climate seems to be no serious drawback to the average American. llcforc be starts West, President McKmley wishes it distinctly under stood that he doesn't have to kiss a nj babies this trip. Anaconda , Standard. If Aggy can't get another job he might be appointed war corres pondent for the Commoner. Los Angeles Times. I Ouentlon Anrnrpil. I Yes, August Flowerstill hus the largest i sale of anv medicine in the civilized form, to make you satiBned tnere is nothing Berions the matter with you. Get Greeu's prize almanac. Clarke & Falk's. 1 Nelirnftku 1'rulrlr Fires. Hvaxnis. iS'eb., April 27. For the last thrnn ilava the nnnii liills nf thin gBCtion of tlie"atate have been u eeelhinB sea of fir-. About noon Thursday, lightning set fire to the range in seveial places. At first it got under headway in Spring aud Bnekboard valleys, and with a heavy southeast wind the fire was driven to the Burlington road, three served as the only food for cattle. It is impossible to estimate the damage that has been done. Many ranchmen have no feed left for their cattle, and it is thought that a heavy lose of stock will be the consequence. Suicide at Saleiu, Salem, April 20. C. N. Tanner, aged uio me, Aiir uuiuucr win iiuiu mi in quest this afternoon. It is Btated that Tanner is supposed to be short in the funds of the school district of which have been insisting on a euttlement. c, r. navi, M,rt aso.non Salem, April 20. -The committee of expert clerks working on the land board uookB have filed a report with the at torneygeneral covering the period dur ing which George W. Davis was clerk. It revea,8 a finortajte of over m000( ap proximately the same as reported dur ing the legislature. No other dia- crepancies have yet been revealed Bteppea into c.,ai. 'When a child I burned my foot fright fully," writes W. H. Eads, of Joneaville, Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for ! 30 years, hut Buckleu'n Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cut8' fe'ore8 Bruisee Bnd Pile8- Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 2oc. 5 If anything uile your hair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all T. ... maes a specialty of these goodB. tf buoscriue tor hie uuuo.nicle. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all pernon nut to purchiino any nf the following notes, to-wlt; one note for S)3 mid one for 1130, both (luted FebriDiry'l'J, 1U01, payable one day after date, with interest at ten per cent: both payable to it. Ii. (illbreth, and both signed by John K. Ma nuart and Charles lliuquurl. AUo ode note for fil. dated Kebruury 23, 19U1, payable one day after date, with Interest at ten per cent, signed by Charles MnnUart and payable to B. II. Gil breth. Theie note were obtained br mUreprecenta. tion.und will not be paid by tne maker there of, and tbe public U hereby warned not to pur cnaae tbeianie, nor any of them. uauei uuy, Oregon, April ii, iwi JOHN K. MAHOUAHT. in oiSdlvr-wl CUAULKB MAoyUAUT. SOUTH and EAST via Soutnem Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dulles for l'ortlnud mu! wny stations, nt 4:2a n. m. and ;i . m. i ' Leave I'nrtlaml S:R0 n : 1 " Albany IU.'IMii: Arrive Ashlnnd I'.Jt'.'S'n. " .Sucriimeuto fi:00 p " San Francisco 7:15 p: Arrive ORdon 5:4ft n " Denver 'J:00 n " Kniisn(.:ity 7:'i" a " Chluaco 7: 15 ii 11 'Kin m 4 ::." a in b:16 a m U:00a in 7:2."i a ni y:30tun Arrlve 1-os Angeles 1:20 pm " Kt l'no fi:0O p m " Fort Worth t:: n m " City of Mexico U:55 u m " Houston 4:00 h m " New Orleans 15:25 n m " Washington fi:4.' u tn " New York 12:43 pm 7:00 n m fiitX) p m it; SO ii 111 U:.Via m 4:00 a in (5:2s i lit Ii-I2ll 111 12-4:1 p m Pullman ami Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to ORden and Kl I'aso, iiml tourist cars to Chicago, St Louts, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See Hgent at The Dalles station, or nild.ns C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or BUSINESS LOCALS. Ice cream and ice cream soda now on tap at A. Keller's. allitf Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. ABk your ttT Ncer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arne & Falk. Some desirable city property for sale or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons : & Marden. alltf j We carry a complete line of Spauld I ing's base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc. ' See our window. Mavs & Crowe. 1 It f For fresh halibut, perch, herring, razor clams, and all kinds of fish in season, leave orders with J. A. Carnaby. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Risers Buch .valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Soule Bros., piano tuners, will be in the city for a few days only. Leave orders at either Menefee & Parkins or Xickelsen's music Btore. al7-19 "I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor find a cure until I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once, 1 forgot I ever had anything like Piles." E. C. Boice, Sotners Point, . Y. Look out for imitations. Be sure you cet De Witt's. Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacv. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. De Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy. Experience is the beet Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give limmediate relief money refunded '25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drag gists. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night ... TUESDAY, April 30th 100 Laughs in 100 Minutes. Horace Ewing In the Great Comedy Triumph, Widow . . . . . Bedott A played by Mr. Kwlng over IU00 times. Supported by a Specially Selected Com pany. A happy blending of Farce, Music and vaudeville isoveltles. The Great Laughing Show I HAVE A SMILE WITH THE WIDOW. 50c to all parte of tha houa. 6tn will be on sole at Clarke & FuU'u. mm. OREGON Sholt Line and union Pacific DBl'AUT KOI: (Ml It'll Rl- l'orlliind Special. fi:' in. via Hunt IliCton, Atliitltlu Express, lSiPH n. in. vlk Hunt ington. Ht. I'nul Kh st Mull, t:'i"i p. m. via Hpo kittle. TIME SrHKIH'LKS ruoM THK DAl.l.Kri. Aitnivi: V'ltOM Stilt ljtte, Denver. Kt. i Worth, Oiiiiilin, Kim J , MiKCIty.St. Louis, Chi 1 -' !' "' ctiRo tinti xni i.iist. ?nlt Uike, Denver, Kt. Worth, (iiiiiiim, Kim-1 .( jj lv, m, mis City, St. IjiuN.CIiI. t'liKu uiul the l.'ust. Wnlht Wnllh, U'wlnon, MHiknne.Wiillaee.l'ull- . mini, Minneapolis, St. 1Mb hi. , I 'mil, Diiluth, Mlluiui 1 kee, Cliieni'oiiiul Kast. OCEAN AND EIVEE S0HEDULE From 1'iirtliiiiil. (AH snillliR tlntts sub jeot to change.) For Fan l'rauclsco, Sail every A days. 8:00 p. in. 1.00 p. in. Dally except Sunday. MOfl p. m. Saturtlitv. W-M . in. Dally except Sinuliiy, Columbia ltlver. To Astoria iiml Wny Uiuilliigs. I:l) p. in. except Sunday. WIIlMiimtti Itlvnr. OrcRon City, .Wwberc, l:M) p. m. Salem, Iiiilepcmlcucu, Hiiuday anil Miiy-LmuiliiRk, I) '00 ii. in. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6;00 u. in. t'ta) p. m. Monday, WetlnesdHj' Friday. Corvnlllx anil Way Uimllucs Tuesday, WUlHiuntti-hiuI n KOp. m Thursdiy, Vuinliill llivtirn. Montlay, S.itiir.lay, 0lKgtm (.,ty HVt(m nmI Vediit'.iay Wiiy.ljmdltiK'i. r"1"y liive Ktparlit dully, :i:lu it. ni. Hnuk Klrer. Illptirlti to lvcwlHton. Leave dally, Titr,ti -,ital ri rt(v t. tri ti 11 i.ti. , it.r ir poiius on i.oiuniom sotiiueru via iiirkn, hiioiiiu take No. l!, leavtiiK The Dalles at ia:M p. m. mnkiiiR direct conuectious at lie ppner Junction und HIkks. KeturulnR iiiiikliiRdirectconue!ttou tit Heppuer Itiuctlou aud IIIrrs with iNo, 1, ur rivliiR at The Dalles at t:0." p. in. For further particulars, call on or address JAri. IRELAND, ARent, The Dalles, OrcRou. 0 Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. 1 Spring Suitings The time wil soon be here when every atylinh dressed man will want an up-to-date (Spring Suit. Those are the kind of patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in and look over my Spring line of Kuitiugs, All tbe latest novelties for 1001. Suite to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In til III itigM thtre should bo cleanllneis. Elj's Cream Bain cleanMf,soQibe and heals the dlneated membrane. It cure catarrh and drives way a cold in the bead quickly. Cream Balm U placed Into the nostrils, spreads over tbe membrane and Is absorbed. Ilellsf Is Im mediate and a enre follows. It is not drying doe not produce sneezing. Large Hlze, B0 cents at Drug, gists or by mall; Trial tilzc, 10 cents by mall. JsLV WWTUBI18, 66 Worreu Street, New York. Given With every dollur'n worth of goods purchased at my Btoro for the nextSlii. Dnye, 1 will Kivo mm ehnnco mi the following prison : v 1-Fln.t p;ho 1 TGenf Gold Watch m.,1 Chain a-StuMiiil prize 1 L,uUt'B (-,0,(1 w' hihI Cln :i Third ptlze . 1 Kinoklm; Set l-Fourth j.r.xo ' &ver Hut tor Dlnh ,u lhitter Kn( 6 Fiftn prino 1 Rut s"vr Knlvoa nd Forkt In mldltinn to giving nwav them' prizes 1 will sell goods iih low ne tho lowt and guiminti'o my goods to he fresh. Give mu a trial. ROBERT TEAGUE, Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cures. Do not forget it; we have it, at 75c per bottlo i largo bottles) guaranteed, or you may got your money back If not Hittistled. " IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we esercice the greatest care. We carry Urn best and use the host In com pounding your phvsiciniiH orders. Our prices we make as low as is consistent with eflieiont service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drugs, Patent Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies, GEORG-E C. BLAKELEY. p. S. GLTOlflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.,, DCALI'lt IS Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AkciU for IttiKiell .V Co, s Linrlnes, ThrcHhers und Saw 51111k. Telephone 157. Long Distance 107!!. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors The Qwl." 1 Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any 9 Phones: 51 Local, B5S J.oug Distance L. Lane, Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Jeffcnn. Phone 159 FBENOH & CO., BANKERS. Tranaact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued avuiluble in the Eastern States. Sight Kxchunge and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seuttle WuhIi., und variotiH points in Oregon and Washington. Collections Hindu utull lininlu r,n luv. orable terms. rue CoiumDta Packingco.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDKACTUKEHH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON iR1F.D BEEF, KTO. MM lestaoraot L. V. Hong, Prop'r. First-CIass in Every Respect MKALH AT AU UUUltH, Oysters Served in any Style. 1! .3' GKNKHAL i Blacksmiin Horsesnoer 87 Second 8t., Tbe Dalles, Or AWRY. Cor. Second & Laililiii Sts, THE DALLES. OR. part of the City. 173 Second Street. Jast What You uuant. j New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such j wide variety as we are showing never be j fore graced a ningle stock. Heat itiiiU I tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper price. J Eleguut designs, tasteful colorings, yonn j for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a lull Hue oi limine jmim. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J. K. HCHKNCK, 1'renldent. Max a m!, First Rational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Liepoaiie receiveo, euojeci iu oi" Draft or Check. Collectione made and proceeds prompti; remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oi New York, Han Francisco and porv land. DIKBOTOK8 D. P. THOMPBON, Jno. H. BCMHCI. En. M. Williams, Go. A. Liw. H. M. Bkall. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. We littve on miles lull line of Bonnh and Dressed Lumber Mouldings, Braokets, Laths, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB Which we will wll 'ive and let live prices. Cilvo us n trial and wo will tf' you rlglit. GILBRBTH & SOK Third aud rdml HU. i 4 ,il