1 Rolling Mill Consumption PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Soven out of every ten men who work in rolling mills, Iron foundries and cla.v! factories die, f consumption. You know how early in life there men yuss nwny. The usual tyintmn is u lsvrc'nc. persistent couch sitnetimes short nntl htiekinp. sometimes hard utul tlry. The patient Krmvs weaker nud thinner day by day. Death eventually conquers. The trouble come? from intense heat, and the constant Inlmllnc of the tine particles of dust nud iron that (111 the air. Thee particles, under a microscope, show nipped, sliarp ed.ues. which tear and mutilate the delicate linine of tlie throat nud lunps. J'eretuul sores nre thus formed, nnd here it is that the irerms of 'consumption ilnd a place to feed and multiply. Arker's English Remedy was tliscovered in Kncland. and is the only cure in the world for Holling Mill Consumption. H heals up the sores, sttenctlieus the mucous membranes of the breathinc orpins, ermanently stops the eoush, builds up the i-outltution and imparts vicor to the whole system. It must eitiier euro or it costs you nothing. One Untie does wonders Try it. What It has done for raauy others it will uLo do for you and your loved ones. Sold at 'Sic., bOc. and 51 a lttle thri'u.'iiout the Vnlted State and Canada: and In Kncland at Is. ad.. Sd.. fid. If you an im: satistied after buytug, return the bo.tlu (0 your druggist, aud get your money kick. We auliwiz: the alxn-i iiuaruuiu, II", UOOZEl: A- CO., J'roprietars, .Yetc J'urt, For sale at Blakeiey's Pharmacy. l'fliSOSAL MENTION. Judpe Fulton, of Sherman county, wu in town today. Miss MK.rauerite Shfclly, who is tench inc at Yiento, spent lust nipht in the city. J. V. Howard, a wealthy Crook comi ty cattleman, ie registered at the Uma tilla House. J. A. Henderson, of Eingen, was in town la; niyht, the guest of the Uma tilla Hou-e. Miss Lizzie Parmer left on this morn inn's boat for Seatt?e, where she will spend a couple of weeks visiting with her eist-r. Miss Ida McKnight, who has been vieitint: with the family of Mrs. Isaac Joles, returned to Portland on this morning's boat. Fred SVarnock, late publisher of the Silverton Appeal, and Ed Michell, of Stevenson, were in town last night and left on the noon train for Heppner. Over twenty persons from Dufur at tended the play last night, among them A. J Briuhaui, Henry Menefee, .1. D. Heisler, I. fcj. Everts and wife, Elmer Shepherd mid vtili, Eli Hinman and wiie, Tom Robinson and wife, Professo Allan! and the pupils of the ninth grade of the Dufur public schools. W. H. H. Dnfnr, Ed Temple, nnd perhaps one or two others whose names we did not catch Prophecy Comes True to Erupt, river at low water. And when this top of the great dam is paved and graded Into a thoroughfare, nnd cars nnd teams and people ure pas-' sing at will back nnd forth upon it, then will come true the Inst part of the prophecy of Isaiah. The object of the grent dam nt Assuan is to transform thousands of miles of dreary desert in Egypt into smiling pastures. PAPER HANGING, Ceiling and Wall Decorating. I have just engaged the services of a first-class Eastern Taper Hanger and Decorator, who is prepared to finish rooms in tho following styles: SILKS, BROCADES, TAPESTRIES, BURLAPS, DENIMS, LINCRESTO and LEATHERS. House Painting and Carriage Work a specialty. Orders left with H. Glenn & Co. promptly at tended to. All work guaranteed. SID KELLY, Shop next door to entrance of Vogl Opera House, Third Street. "And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be led up from Assyria: like as it was to Israel in the day when be came up out of the land of Egypt." Prophecy of Isairtti. London, April 18. When Sir John Aird, the contractor of the great dam cross th Nile at Assuan, walked across the dry ht-d of the river in front of the dam, the prophecy of Isaiah was ful filled. The "tongue of the Egyptian eea" has of a verity been destroyed. No mure can it lick up the lives and harve-ts of Sgypt at its pleasure, or, by twisting to one side or the other or by curling back, refuse to give to Egypt moisture when the parched fields are crying for water. The tongue of the Egyptian eea has been destroyed. Men now walk back and forth in the dry bed of the great Nile, The prophecy is fulfilled. The "tongue of the Egyptian sea," as Isaiah so picturesquely terms the Nile, has been destroyed by one of the great est feats of engineering ever undertaken in modern times. A great dam has been built in the Nile bfd, on the southern side of the first CHtaract, near Assuan. The im tuenttH wall of solid granite which forms the dam extends from the right bank of the Nile to the left, a distauce of a mile and a quarter, and, when completed, will tii-eOOfeet above the level of the DR. SAN BURN. White Medicine Chief lung of Cures in the City. I am not representing any company, but am the White Medicine. Chief my self. I was stolen and raised by Chief Elk, the Ctiippewa Iudian, and from j him learned the art of healing from the plants, herbs and berries, and it is the j pure medicine made from herbs, plants and berries ihat effects my marvellous cures, and also my gift by the great ' power called magnetism learned from him. I heal in numerous instances without the use of medicines at all, merely with mv hands. Through the power-of magnetism I also tell each and every person their main diseases with out the patient saying a word. I intend to make my home here for some time. The people of The Dalles have been humbugged in the past; but all I ask is that you give me a trial, and if the work is not as I say the money will be re funded in all cases. I also give a writ ten guarantee in all cases that are cura ble. My office is at tbe Chapman block, room No. 3G. The Dalles. fie sure to call and see the White Medicine Chief and be cured of your disease. Remember tbe place. Consul tation from 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 8 p. tn. Consultation free, Subscribe for Tut Chuo.viclk. ML W.L. DOUGLAS S3.SO SHOE M S3a60 Good shoes are the result of good Judgment and experience. Our as shoes reveal original nicety, made possible by an experience of S3aOO nearly a quarter of a century. They fill the place of high-priced a pa shoes because they are Just as good. Our Immense sales prove that 90iOv they are appreciated by young men and business men who are look- a a vfe ini lur me niuat sinan uu oorvitouiu ouuca i inu .www... $3. BO Compared with other makes, W. L. Douglas sfcoes arc worth $6 or $7 Exclusive Agent, H. L-. PRI Successor to G. F. Stephens $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 mm CE, ftp -ft , Second St. .U M WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE RUBBER and Barden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. BE STRONG. Lincoln Sexual Pills restore natural strength and vigor. They do not excite or stimulate. They Are a perfectly pure aud certain nerve food, and every tablet is etandarized to absolute uniformity. Use them md vou w li rejoice tn strength, nerve vigor and manly magnetism. Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or 3ent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayne "ad M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles, Or. "Last winter 1 was confined to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs. Noth ing gave me relief. Finally my wife bouubt a bottle of One Minute Cough Care that affected a speedy cure, I can not speak too highly of that excellent remedy. Mr. T. K. Houseman, Mana tawney, Pa. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp cleau. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry nud crispy. Now we have two of the very beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo, It will leave your hair soft and uloasv. Price, 'J5 and 00 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber uhop, The Dalles. tf For Bale. A good second-hand topbuggy, at a rare bargain. Call at this office. a23tf " s Drying jireimrtttionH simply dovel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up the eocrotions, whioh adhere to tho membrauo nud decom pose, causing a fur more serious trouble than tho ordinury form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhulauU, fumes, smokes and untilta and use that which cleanses, soothes and heala. Ely's Cream Halm in such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial size- will bo mailed for JO oeuts. All druggists soli the COc. size. Ely Brother, 50 Warren Ht N.Y. The Balm ourcB without pain, does not irritate or catu sneezing. It spreads itoolf over an irritated aud angry surfaM, reliev ing immediately the painful Inflammation. With Ely's Oroam Ualmyoa are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Clarke 4 Falk tiaye received a carload of tbe oelehrated James E. Patton trictly mre liquid paints D ; s c ; WP 1 r j Jy n worn Oil men and women The DK. SANDER ELECTlilC BELT Is a speedy and reliable cure for nervous debility, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, lame back, kidney, liver and stomach disorders, poor circulation, sleepless ness, etc. Established 30 Years. Write today for my latest books, "Health in Nature," and "Strength; Its Use and Abuse by Men." Dr. A. T. Sanden, Southwest cor. Morrison and -lili Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. iriincb (aw 3mo THE DALLES ...Employment Agency. .. Next door to Star Lodging House. Positions Awaiting Men and Women. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjJBIA BKEWEfiY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product nf this well-known brewery tho United States Heultli Reports for .lime 1000, says: "A more supei ior brew never entered the labtiitory of the United StuttiH lli-nltli reports. It is absolutely devoid of the clichteHt trace of adulteration, but on the other hiind in roinposi'il of the bi-Ht of mult and rhoirest of hops, lie tonic, qualities are of the high et and it can bo lined with the grtmli-ct tienelit and Hatisfaetion by old nnd vnuni:. 3 tn tine can confcientlonhly be prescribed by tho physiciuns with the et'miintv that a better, purer or more uholosoiun beverage could not poscibly lie found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Subscribe for Thk Cuuomclk. K fc DOWN l. I mile lit 7 A. M. Tuenliiy Tlntiwlny . . KHllirtlny . Arr. I'tirtlunU nt i ::x) r. it. 1 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASI0H1A NAY. COMPANY Hlcn milts nl the Ki'Kttlutor l.lno will run nx jh.t t)it-(ol ou.ni; M'licdnlo, Ilic ( iiiniiiiy rcxurvltig tliu riKlit to clmiiKe'' M'hi'dulc without tiotlci!. Str. Rogrulator it. l.v. I'orllund it' 7 A. M. Monday . WwliifsOMj . . . Friday Arr. DhIU'm ii f r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. JIOW.N I.v. DallfH nt 7 A. to. Mondiiy WVdntudiiy Krldiiy Arr. l'ortliind at 1 l.'tO I-. M. l. l'ortliind lit" IN) A. M. Tnedoy Thtirwlajr Haturiliiy Arr Iiiillf ut b V. M. a FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Tnivul by the Steitmcrs o tin; Ilnjulatnr Mne. Thu Coiuimli v will ciulfavor to rIvc Hh imt- rims tlio Ut hcrvivu iomhIIiIu. For lurtliur information wldreio. C. I'ortlnnd Olllcu, OaW Htri'iit I)ijU. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Agt. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kindc Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SiffEw Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOlir 'n,B uaT 18 nianufactured expressly for family v AV use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our ioodB lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think N call aud get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats C. J. STUBMMG, WHOI.KHA LE AND U ETA It Wines, Liquors Cigars m m k. . a ni Family orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. r IS' Unndoii lain a. rl.uUK HUt. 101)1. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height VS hands, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zombro, 2:11, tho best son of McKin ney, 2:11,. First dam, Bridesmaid, by Boxwood, son of Nutwood. Second dam. land Queen, dam of Ad Alene 2 2:20. by Lakeland's Abdullah, sou of llaiuulon ian 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Album bra, son of Muinbrluo Chief 11. EDMUND fi. will make tho season of 1001 at L. A. Porter's livery etuble('fi" Dalles, Oregon. Terms for th Season, $20. For further particulars see in8odw4mo TRED FISHER, Proprietor.