The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 25, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 25, 1901
A TT "R TT T. Tj E
Merchant Tailor,
S8C0M StrCet, OPDOStte MayS & CrOWe.
We have an excellent line of Spring
Suitings, Pantmgs, etc., which we are I
prepared to make up in the latest styles, '
and guarantee a perfect fit.
"While the doctrinaries and politi
cal prophets of evil are forecasting,
all kinds of calamity and woe from
the trusts and a continuance of the
protective policy the commercial
interests of the country are pro
gressing by leaps and bounds at a
rate that has no parallel in the
history of the world. The Gscal year
1891 seems likel to exceed any j
preceding year in its record of ex-
ports from the United States. The
, , i
steady growth of our exports from ,
$392,000,000 in 1S70 to 8835,000,-,
5" I I
000 in 1880, 81,030,000,000 in 1892,lTry them. G. C. Blakeley will guarantee
and 81,394,000,000 in 1900, has I eatiafactiou or refund money. Only 50
been a subject of much attention,
and much favorable comment, but it
seems that 1901 is to surpass the
record of the year 1900 and bring jfiye miIea nortnwe8t of Underwood's
the export figure nearly, if not quite, ! Lauding, Skamania county. House and
to the 81,500,000,000 mark. The: barn, eight acres in crop, about fifty
March import and export figures, iacrea slashed and burned; abundant
. 4 i.ii .i epriuge; splendidly adapted for fruit
just completed by the treasury . . , T . , , . . .. ... .
1 J J I raising. Must be sold by the oth of
bureau of statistics, show a total ex-1
portution from the United States in ;
the nine months ending with March,
1901, of 81,140,170,728, or 880,540,-(chafing
032 in excess of last year, which
held the highest record in the history
of our export trade.
And all this has been accomplished
under a policy that was to have shut
us out from the markets of the world ;
for were we not told that if we did
not buy outside nations we
nnnlll inf anil 4 s 4l-.nm'J
UUb oc" lu
Not the least remarkable feature j
of Ihto ahnwinrr U tho faot that our I
01 ims snowing is tne tact mat our
imnnrts sppm liknlv tn slinw n lipoid. I
, , . , nn, ,
ed decrease m 1901 as compared
with 1900. That is to say, while we
are selling more to foreigners we are :
buying less of them. The figures of j
the nine months ending with March,
nnt , ,
HUl'MOWB ueoraahB ui i
OJU in tne imports, as compared witu
those in the corresponding months of '
the preceding year. Thus the excess i
of exports over imnorts in the nine
months under discussion is more 1
tl.,n iinnnnnnnn ,.,., ti.nn in
mii uurruspuuiung mumiib oi ,
year, and far beyond the figures of tawney, Pa. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
any preceding year. The excess of t Pharmacy.
exports over imports in the nine j Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
months ending with March, 1901, is . ache, indigestion and constipation. A
Ji540.C87.337. as acainst 8411.854.. dellKhtlnl herb drink. Removes all
CCC m the corresponding months of
D !
-iauu, an increase oi izo,o.z,ui ,n
the not excess of exports over im
ports for the nine months of 1901 as
compared with the corresponding
period of the fiscal year 1900.
Thoughtful persons who care more
for the welfare of the country than
the success of any political party,
will hesitate long before thoy join
with those who would lay violent
and unfriendly hands upon an eco
nomic system that has brought about
these marvelous results.
The paople of the United States
cannot, nor do thoy care to, turn
back the wheel of progress. Indus
trial evolution has been moving along
during the past quarter of a century,
and the quaok statesmen who attempt
to place obstacles on the track do
not furnish evidence of good judg-
; mont, however patriotic their inten-
Hons niny bo. This evolution,
unparalleled ns it is in the history of
an - nat'on uas keen ma&0 possible
by the protective tariff policy of the
republican party. If the time has
comc for tl,e niUionai gvcr" to
adopt some plan whereby the Indus.
tries of the country may be directed
in their future development and in
! their business relations with the
general public, let congress take up
the matter as a new problem, one
, that must be solved by constructive,
I and not destructive, legislation. The
1 man who erects a substantial build
ing is a public benefactor; the man
who undermines foundations is a
public nuisance and should bo
I abated.
The democrats of St. Louis have
, solemnly resolved that the demo-
cr.ltic party "is now as ever in its
, . , , , ,,
history the party of the people."
Inasmuch as that same part' has
elected but one msn to the presi
dency in forty-five year?, and the
people did the voting in all that time,
it is a little difficult to see how the
democratic claim can bo sustained.
He Kept tils Let.
Twelve years ago J. V. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood
poisoning set in. For two years he suf
fered intensely. Then the best doctorB
urged amputation, "bnt," he writee, "I
used one bottle of Electric Bitteis and
1 1-2 boxe9 of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
nd m ,e wae snd aml WH as evr-"
For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt
RJieum Sore9 and blood disorderg
Electric Bitters has no rival on eaith.
1 cents. 4
I'ur hule.
A homestead riuht and valuable ini-
nrovementR nn HiO-nerp nlnim. located
jyjay. ".Your price is mine." Call on
Dad Butts for particulars.
8kin lr0ubles, cuts, burns, scalds and
quickly heal by the uee of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated
Be enre ycu get DeWitt'e. Clarke &
Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
You will waste time if you try to cure
indigestion or dyspepsia by starving
yourself. That only makes it worse
when you do eat heartily. You always
need plenty of good food properly di
geated. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the
result of years of scientific research for
something that would digest not only
eome elements of fuod but everykind.
And il '8 tne f)ne reDjedy that will' do it.
Carke & Fa,k,B p Q Pharmacv,
If you want to retain your hair you
haye t0 keep your gcalp c,eani Qap
wjn make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
0631 preparations for cleansing the
sc una rine lar btiainpoo. it
will leave your hair soft and glossv.
price, L'5 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
La8t wjnter j wa9 confined to my bed
wtth a very bad cold on the lungs. Noth
inc gave me relief. Finally my wife
bought a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure that affected a speedy cure. lean-
not apeak too highly of that excellent
remedy." Mr. T. K. Houseman, Mana-
eruptions of the akin, producing a perfect
nnm nlovinn ft mnnoo rafnnfluM "r nt a
Blakeley, the druggist.
Spring coughs are specially dangerous
and unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure
acta like magic. It la not a common
mixture hut is a high grade remedy.
Clarke & Falk's P, O. Pharmacy.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
Notice is hereby given to all in-Monti not to
piirclmno any of the following notes, to-wlt:
i me note for liO'i and one for I13Q, both Uhtot
February 10, 1901, payable ono day after date,
with Inferent at ten per, cent: both ityablc to
li. n. (illbrelh, and both ilgned by John V. Man
nuart and Charles Mawiuart. Alio one note for
rl. dated February 23, 11)01, payable one day
afterdate, with Interest at ten par cent, nlgned
by Charles iltuuart aud payable to K. IS. till
These note were obtained by misrepresenta
tion, ami will not be paid by the makers there
of , and the public is hereby warned not to pur
chase the aine, nor any of them.
Ualles City, Oregon, April 12, 1901.
a20 dlw-wl OHAKLK8 MAbQUAKT,
Spitting Blood
"1 turd lo
much a ureal
deal iuuI Mpit
I) 1 nod, ti u tl
my noifil il orrf
in Dayton,
Ohio, whore
I live,
nluoii;; them
M'lvtvs that 1
li a (1 i' o n -Miniptlon,
tlinii!,li they
did not te(l
nio s-o to my
lace, Cor fear
K st.,7J:s;
!' t! V L j CUtl!.'!llllK 1111(1
)-1 tryint; (iinor-
flit sorts of
nothing secnicd io reach my trouble until 1
not hold of a bottle of Acker's Eiif.-li.-ili
ltemedy. I prayed for health all the time,
and my prayers were answered us soon'
us I began taking this celebrated Kiik
lish expectorant and tonic. Since my re
covery 1 have told hundreds of sufferers
from coughs, colds and weak lungs that
Acker's English Remedy would cure tliem.
Sonic of them won't try it, anil it does
fceem to me terrible when anyone deliber
ately refuses to be cured. There ought to
lie a law compelling consumptives to take
it. Even if they don't care for their own
lives, the pdblic's welfare should lie consid
ered. Don't you think so too? I liopo
suCli a law will soon be enforced."
(Signed) Mits. IIichaudson.
Hold fttS&c., COo. anil II a battle, throughout the t'ultftl
States uml C.mad.'i ; ami In KtiKl.iml. at la. 111.,-.'. St
it CI. It you nrv not satlstleil alter titiyliiK, return tin
botllt' tu jour clrtiKHlit and wet your money back.
II V authorize the above guarantee.
JC II. HOOKER & VO.y Proprittors, Sew York.
For sale ,at Blakeley 'e Pharmacy.
Ice cream and ice cream soda now on
tap at A. Keller's. ai:itf
You will not have boils if vou l k
Clarke & Falk's enre cure fotlboila.
A full line of Eastman dims and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Aak your e 'cer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'artce
& Falk.
Some desirable city property for sale
or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons
& Marden. alltf
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
We carry a complete line of Spanld-
ing's base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc
See our window. Mavs oc Crowe. lltf
For fresh halibut, perch, herring,
razor clams, and all kinds of fish in
aeaion, leave orders with J. A. Carnaby.
Quality and not quantity makes De-
Witt's Little Earlv Risers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Soule Bros., piano tuners, will he in
the city for a few days only. Leave
orders at either Menefee & Parkins or
Nickelaen'e music store. a!7-10
"I had piles eo bad I could get no rest
nor tiud a cure until I tried DeWitt'a
Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once,
I forgot I ever had anything like Piles."
E. C. Boice, Somers Point, N. Y. Look
out for imitations. Be sure you get De
Witt's. Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacv.
Don't Let Tin) in Hun'er.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and burning eczema and other skin
diseases but Bucklen'a Arnica Salve
heals the raw sores, expels inflammation,
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on
earth aa good. Try it. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25c at G. C. Blakeley 'a drug store. 4
When' your hair appears dry and to
have lost ita vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
ttie hair needs when it gets In that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair rigmggfe Grower and
Cocoanut CreamsHHr Tonic. They
will cure (land HLV ruff and all
scalp diseaH8. For Bale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, roBy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
ie sluggish and your bowela clogged. De
Witt'a Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton'a Btin proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Fa'k, agents. ml
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
makes a specialty of these goods. tf
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are eold on
a positive guarantee. Cures huart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating.
or any form of dyspepsia, One little
tablet gives immediate relief, 25 eta.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Acker's English Remedy will stona
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
the druggist.
t 1
Dow For Hale,
Good gentle, fresh milch cow for tale.
Gives over four gallons milk per day.
Apply at this office. alO-lwk
Hi V
Shot line
and union Pacific
rortliinil SlM-Cltll.
li:2." i. in.
vln Hunt
ington. Atlantic
V1::a) n. m.
via Hunt
ington. Ht. l'llll)
Frist Mull,
Oiffii j. in.
Vill SHI-
Stilt Iiike, Denver. Ft.
Worth, Oninhu, Kiiu
siistMty.St. bulls, tJlii
eiiKo iiml Hie Hint.
l .O.'i i. in.
Salt Ijike, Denver, I't.
Worth, Omiiliii. Umu
I snsClty.Sl. UmlsChl
' ciiko mul the Knst.
WhIIh Wnllh, l-ewlitmi.
MtiiiietiHills, St.
I'uiil, Iiiiluth,. Milwau
kee, Chicago mul
-I ' 15 n. in.
;:::ui a. m,
Frmii l'ortliiml.
'(All sailing dates sub
ject to change ) '
8:00 p. m. I l:(W i. in.
For Ban Fnuicleo,
Sail every f ilayx.
MlO ). in.
1U:W) . in.
fiW a. m.
Colllinlilu Klvnr.
To Astoria anil Way-'
1:00 p. in.
Vllliinuitt lUvrr.
.. , t::m p. in.
Oregon City, NewhorR, oxcept
Halem, Iiidepeiidence, Bunday.
and iiy-ljunliiiKs.
G.OU u. m.
t:no p. in.
Corvallls nmt Wny
IjiudiiiKs TueMlay, Wllliiinottn iiml !i;ai ji. ni.
ThurMlav, Vatnlilll ItivorH. Monday,
Saturday, ()rcR(m clty) i,ay to llml Wednesday
.v ... .... i WHV.I JlfKlllltfs. .........
SVMn. in.
'iflda'. m. Kiparia to Keiviston.
T" Parties .leslrliiK to bo to llcppiicr or
points on Columbia Southern via Hick's, should
take No. leaving The Dalle at l'J:'.'.' p. m.
makhiK direct connections at Hcppucr Juiietloa
Hiid IligKs. HetuniliiB niakliif-direetcoiiueetloti
at lleppner Junction and HIkk-s with (.No. 1, ur
riving at The Dalles at ;tx, p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
J.S. II'.KI.ANI), ABeut,
The Dalles, Oret'im.
-.y at
The time will soon be here when every
atyliah dressed man will want an up-to-date
Kpring Suit. Those are the kind nf
patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in
and look over my Kpring line of Suitings.
Alt the latest novelties for 1901.
Suits to Order, $IO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
In all Iti itasM thwe
should be elatiuee.
Ely's Cream Balm
clcAne,footbend heals
tlie diiwaieu meinbrsn.
It cure catarrh and drive
away a cold lu the head
Vfm Balm li placed Into the noitrlli, iprtadi
err tbo aaestbnui and Is absorbed. KelUf it lm
ncdiato and a cur follow. It Is sot drjrioj(-oa
not produco inwzinj. large him, so otnt at Drug.
gliU Jr by mail; Trial BUe, 10 cent by mall.
Jft.Y WtOTUKKS, M Warren ftrtet, New York.
With ovury dollar's worth of coodB purchasetl at my store for thu next Blxtv
Daysl will lvo one chniicti on the following priaes :
1- Flrnt p;lao JJ Watch nnd Chain
2- Seedn!l prlxe 1 L,,(UeB M Wnteh and Chain
33E5S!.rX i nrhi Saiftft
5-Filtii pri.c 1 HUt fe,lvur KlveH and Koiks
In addition to giving nwnv tht'Hti prizes 1 will sell goods rh low iih the lowest
and guarantee my goods to ho fresh. Give inn a trial.
Speaking of Blood Medicine :
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing
that tiurus. Do not forget it; wo liavo it, at 75c per bottle 'large hottlee)
guurunteod, or you may got your money back if not satlatlud.
wo I'xoniice the greatest oaro. Wn curry the hoat and use thu hufit in com
potinding your phvaiciane orders. Our prices we make aa low m 1h congistent
with cfliclunt uurvlce.
We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything
appertaining to Drtiga, Patent .Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies.
p. S. GUWlflG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker...
DKAI.l'.lt IX-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
A (tout fur l'.unsell .v. !o. I-.iiKlnus, Thrcuhurn nnd Huiv Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 107!!.
I J. E. FALT & CO.,
y Proprietors phe Owl."
9 Purest Liquors for Family Use
ft Delivered to any part of the Oit
Phones: 51 Local,
85S Long Distance.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third anfl Jcilcnn, Phone 159 4
Transact a Gonoral Banking Buaiuoss.
LetterH of Credit ShnukiI nvnll,.hl.. ;..
the Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
on, Seattle Wash., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections 'made at all points on fav
orable terms.
He Coiuniii. Pacing Ci..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
MM lesiaunt
L. S Hong, Prop'r.
first-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
87 Second St., The Oallu, Or
Cor, Sccoiiu & Lannlilifl Sis., THE DALLES, OR,
173 Second Street.
Just What
Vou uiant.
Nuv lluna in Wall Pnnnr hnrn. Such
wide variety as we are Bhowing never be
fore graced a single stock, Heal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. AlHoafull line' of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
.Max a Voot.
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business transact
Deposits received, subject to Bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold M
Naw York, Ban Francisco auc! Port
D. P. Thompson. Jko. B. Bch0Ii
Ed. M. WitwAati, Qao. A. Libbi.
H. 11. Beau,.
Vu liuveotiMiloafnll H""0'
Bomrji and Dressed LumliBr
Mouldings, Brackets, Laths,
Bhinglei, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sellnthvo
and let live prices.
(live iih a trial ami wo will trwt
you right.
Third anil r mitt Ml Nt