The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 22, 1901, Image 4

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W. Lord went to Portland yeterday
A. J. Dufur Arrived hero today from
Portland on his way to Dufur.
Tho "Irish Duke" was a passenger on
this morning's boat for Portland.
Charley Stublinsf left on this morn
init's boat for St. Martin's Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crossen were pas
senders on this morning's boat for Sc.
Martin's Springs.
Mrs. V. E. GarretHon. of Pendleton,
who has been visiting for a few days
with Mrs. John S. Schenck, left yester
day afternoon for Portland.
William Crofton nnd Mose Clauesen,
of Klickitat county, were passengers on
this morning's boat for the Cowlitz,
where they go to inspect a mining claim
on which they have secured on option
from its discoverer, who is a Klickitat
To Mr. and Mrs. D. Cheesman, of Up
per Chenoweth, on Friday, April 19th,
an eight-pound sir, Mrs. Dr. Matney,
of Upper Mill creek, in attendance.
Mother and child are doini: well.
With Same 1'IMol.
Vaxcouvkis, Wash., April 21. Charles
Brown and E. L. Canby, respectively
president and cashier of the defunct First
National Bank, who disappeared Fridav
night, are dead. With a cold-blooded
premeditation unparalleled in the annals
of desperate deeds, they went out into
the woods a mile from Vancouver Friday
ni.'ht, and within an hour from the time
they had quitted the place where they
had lived for years, shot themselves with
thu same revolver. Their bodies were
found this morning by a searching party
from Vancouver.
When found, the bodies wero faciug
each other. Canby's leaning against a
stnuib, rnd Brown's against a small
thicket. Their faet were not two feet
apart. Tiie revolver which ended both
their lives was in Brown's hand, showing
that Canby died first; that be shot him
self in Brown's presence, and that Brown,
after waiting to see whether or not the
sbof- was fatat, reached over and taking
the gun from his firiend'e lifeless hand,
ended his own life.
Nothing was wanting to complete the
ghastly coincidence. Both men shot
themselves in the mouth. After the
hlood was washed away, not a mark was
discernible on tiie body of either. A
slight discoloration back o! Cauhy'e left
ear showed tiiat the bullet in his head
had almost but not quite reached the
surface. .
lleaily for Distribution.
Washington, April 16. The report of
the department of agriculture on "The
Stock-Poisoning Plants of Montana,"
which has been reviewed in these col
nmns, has come from the printer, and
is ready for distribution. It is a neat
volume of 150 pagee, and is profusely il
lustrated with thirty-six half-tone re
productions of the various plants which
are disastrous to sheep and catlte, as
well as a number of plants commonly
supposed to be poisonous, which, in
fact, are good fodder. Through the com
bination of the descriptive text and the
accompanying half tones atockmen can
readily distinguish the dangerous plants.
Application for copies should be made
to members of congress and senators.
Qaestlou Aonwered.
Yes, August Flowerstill has the largest
sale of anv medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything elee for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were ecarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They need August
Flower to clean out tho system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the 6ys
tern, nud that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter with you.
Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke &
Falk'e. 1
Will Ak Now Trial for Green.
Vancouvbk, Wash., April 20. Attor
neyfl McCredle and Rands have prepared
a motion for a new trial for James
Green, the convicted Skamania county
murderer. It will be filed in the
superior court Monday. The grounds
set out in the motion are error in the
method of empanneling the jury ; error
of the court in refusing to grant the de
fendant's motion for a change of venue;
errors of law during the trial, to which
exceptions were taken by the defend
ant's attorneys, and error of the jury in
not rendering a verdict for murder in
the second degree.
A TeitltnonUI from Old Kuglaud.
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy the best in tho world for bronchitis,"
ays Mr. William Savory, of Warrinston,
England. "It baa saved my wife's life,
he having been a martyr to bronchitis
for over six years, being moat of the time
confined to her bed. She is now quite
well." Bold by Blakeley, the druggist.
Hill Hnom llpaaad.
Ismanavoms, Ind., April 20. If the
plans that are being matured here do
not miscarry, Mayor Taggart, of this
city, will be made chairman of the dem
ocratic national committee before the
end of the present year and systematic
organization will he begun throughout
the states of the South and West to
make David B. Hill, of Now York, tho
party nominee for president at the next
national convention.
Untight B DruuiWul Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M.
Thompson, a large importer of fine
millinery at 1C5S Milwaukee Avenue,
Chicago, says: "During the late severe
weather 1 caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at
that time, which seemed to relieve her
so quickly that I bought some for myself.
It acted like magic and I began to im
prove at once. I am now entirely well
and feel very pleased to acknowledge its
merits." For sale by Blakeley, the
Kecoril fur Liuiihlne.
Aumnutox, Or., April 20. The best
record for lambing, so far reported, is in
a band of 0300 ewes, belonging to A.
Smythe & Son, of this city. The in
crease is 6S0O lamhs. Some of the
Iambs weigh fifty pounds. Messrs.
Smythe consider this a record-breaker.
In their handling sheep, this rate of in
crease has never been equaled.
He Kept 111 Lec.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood
poisoning set in. For two years lie suf
fered intensely. Then the beat doctors
urged amputation, "but," he writes, "I
used one bottle of Electric Bitters and
1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve
and my leg was sound and well as ever."
For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders
Electric Bitters has no rival on earth.
Try them. G. C. Blakeley will guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. Only 50
cents. 4
Largest Fish Wheel on Columbia.
6teve.vko.s-, Wash., April 20. The
largest fish wheel on the Columbia river
has just been completed by W. H. War
reu at theCaecades on the Washington
side. Tiie wheel occupies the best posi
tion on the river, and no doubt during
the open season will more than pay its
cost of ?1U,U00.
Your i'ac
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas nnd
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee
Blakeley, the druggist.
Drviner preparations Bimply dovel
op dry catarrh ; thoy dry tip tho secretions,
which adiiero to toe membrane aim decora
pose, causing a far more serioua troublo than
tno ordinary lorm of catarru. Avoiu all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, eoothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is Buck a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. AU druggists sell the
50c. size. Ely Brothers, i3( Warren ht.,JS.i.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry Burfaco, rohov.
ing immediately tho painful inflammation
With Ely's Cream Balm you nro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and ilay i- ever.
"I have been troubled with indigestion
for ten years, have tried many things
and spent much money to no purpose
until I tried Kodol Dyspespia Cure.
have tried two bottles and gotten more
relief from them than all other medicines
taken. I feel more like a boy than I
have felt in twenty yeard." Anderson
Rlggs of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands
have testified as did Mr. Riggs. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
ThuiuitiKlN Nent Into Kxlle,
Every year n large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climate. But this is costly and not al
ways sure. Don't be an exile when Dr.
King's New Diecovory for Consumption
will cure you at home. It's the most
infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds,
and all Throat and Lung diseased on
earth. The first doe brings relief.
Astounding cures result from persistent
use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's
drugstore. Price 50c and if 1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed. 4
You will waste time if you try to cure
indigestion or dyspepeia by starving
yourself. That only makes it woreo
when you do eat heartily. You always
need plenty of good food properly di
gested. Kodol Dyspepsia Guru is the
result of years of scientific research for
something that would digest not onlv
eome elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy that will do it.
Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
Proprlotar lyomum Shall Oymtmr Pmrktr, of Roohrnntmr, N.Y.
Obtain $2,000 Ufm Inaurmnom PoHoy .
"My business as proprietor of tho Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, 2.5 Main
street, Rochester, N. Y., writes Mr. Charles W. Babcock, "was so confining
that my lungs became affected. My doctor told nic I'd have to leave the store
and go to work nt some
thingoutdoors. He said
my lungs were in bad
shape, nud 1 knew it
just as well ns he did.
The trouble had been
growing on mo for n
long time. Like most
other people, 1 tried to
niako myself believe
the trouble was not iu
the lungs. 1 culled it
stomach troublo or ner
vous disorder, but I
kept coughing, spitting
and wasting away right
nlong. I lost in weight,
falling from to 115
pounds. Somehow or
other, I got hold of Ack
ers lvngusn Kemeciy
for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it according to directions, I was
as well as any man in Now York Ktate. 1 was healthier nnd stronger than be
fore I took the cold which enmc so near killing me. 1 now weigh 150 pounds
ten pounds more than over. After recovering, 1 applied for a life insurance
policy. When the doctor began examining mo, I was afraid he would discover
that my lungs had once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and
was pronounced in n first-class condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi
tive kind that Acker's English Remedy is a great medicine, I don't know what
vou call proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above.
Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case."
Sold at 25c, 50c. nud $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. 2d., as. 3d., 4s. ort. If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
We authorkc the abore guarantee. W. II. JIOOKKI! A- CO., Proprietors, A w York.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with
us, for it will pa' you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise in The Chronicle
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby Riven that tin- iimlcrfciKiutl,
tulmiiilstriitor of the estate of E. Coe, de
ceased, lias filed his (ina: account. h such utl
tnlnlstrstor, in the County Court of the htnto of
OreKOii for Wasco County, mul this Jmij;o of sulil
court has mmlo an order apiolntlUK thu, lirnt
day of the next term of said Court, to-wit '
Monday, the Cth iluy of May, 1UU1, at the hour of
- o'clock p. m., us the time for the hearlnc of
objection; to hald final account and the tettle
meat thereof, nnd has directed that notice be
Klven thereof in the manner provided bv liuv
Therefore all heirs, creditors and other er.
tons interested iu fciilrt estate 11 r hereby noti
fied to appear In siild court on or before tiiuday
to appointed for the hearing and settlement of
said nnai account, and lllu their oljtcctlous
thereto, if any they have.
Dated at The Dalles, Or., April 0, 1901.
afi.-ny II. C. COf:, Administrator.
Notice is hereby Klven that the nnderslKiied
have duly filed with thu clerk of the county
court for Whkco County, OrcKon, their final ac
count and reort as executors of the estate of
Horatio Corson, deceased, and that Monday, the
thirteenth (i:ith)day of May, 1U0I, at the hour of
2 o'clock p. in. of said day, at thu county court
room iu tho county court house iu Dalles City,
Wasco County, Oregon, has been llxid by thu
Judge of said court us thu tlmu and place for thu
hearing of said report. All persons Interested
in mill estato are hereby notified to appear at
said time and plucu and show cause, if any
there be, why said rcjort should not be ap
proved and allowed and said executors dis
charged. Dated this 8th day of April, 1001.
Oil A KI.KH K. COK80.
Kxccutors of thu instate of Horatio Coisou,
Deceased. aprlO
I.a.n i Okfici: at Tii k Dallks, Oil,, )
April 10, iwi. I
Notice I-i hereby given that tho followluu-
iiamed tcttler has illed notlcu of his Intention
to maku 1 1 1 1 a 1 prooi in sunpoit 01 his claim, and
that said nroof will bo made before thu Uetlsler
and Receiver at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on Hatur
dy, May HI, 1W1, viz,:
I'otar O. J-'agan,
of Tho Dalles, Oregon, II. K. No. Win, for the N'H,
NWJi. Seo 0, NKJ4 NKH. See . Tp 1 K, K 1'J K,
and SWK HKH Hoc S2, Tp 1 N, 11 12 K, . M.
Ho nsmes thu following wltiietes tu prove
hlscontiuiioiu residence upon and cultivation
of kald laud, viz.:
Charles Ciossou, Isaac Matney, Sylvester
Habcock, A. W. Turner, all of Thu Dalles, Or.
uprJO JAV 1'. Ml OA Hi itigUter.
Don't Kub It In,
Just wet thu 11 dec ted part freoly with
Mysterious Pain Cure, n Scotch remedy,
and the pain It gone. Sold by Clarke &
Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can bo bought
(or $200. Call at this office. m'J5-lui
Worn Oy lien anil Women
18 n speedy nnd reliable cure (or nervous
debility, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica,
lame back, kidney, liver and stomach
dicordore, poor circulation, eleepleea
neBB, etc.
Established 30 Years.
Write today for my liiteot books,
"Health in Nature," and "Strength;
Its (Jae and Abuse by Men."
Dr. A. T. Sanden,
South weft cor. Morrieon and 4th Sts.,
'.'.'inch difcw Smo
Administrator's Notice.
given that the underclgned
I by thu County Court of the
Notice Is hereby
Iihh been aiinolntcd
H tn to of Oregon for wanco County administra
tor or thu etato or Henry Klml I, deceased, All
iierHOUH having claims agalnxt Hald otatu ate
hereby notllled to present the Mime, with thu
proper voucheiH, to thu under signed at The
Dalley, Oregon, within nix mouths from tho
Onto of Hum notlcu.
Dated Dalle City, Or,, Apr. 11, 1 Ml.
M. 'A. DONNiai-,
Administrator of thuKstateof Henry Klodt,
Deceased. aprll)
Notice lx hereby given tint tho undersigned
has filed, with thu clerk of thu county court of
thuBtatoof Oregon for Wanco county, hit final
uccouutati executor of thu last will and testa
ment of Mary J. lleezley, duceased, and said
county court has, by an ortlur mado on tho Mb
day of March, 1001, llxod thu 8th day of April,
1001, at tho hour oi i o'clock i, in,, uh tho tlmu
and tho county court room of nald county, in
Dalle City, Oregon, an tho place for tho hearing
of objections to nald final account.
I. , UUNT1NUTON, Kxtcutor.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Of the product of this well-know n brewery tho Uuiti-il Ktiituu lliuilth
RoportH for .1 tint 28, 15)00, suys: "A more Hiipiulor brew never-entered
the hihrntory of the United Stutes Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other band is composed of
the bust of malt and choicest of hup:!. Its tonic (tiallties are of the high,
est and it can bo used with the ureatest lienelit and natisfnction by old and
youiic. ItH use can conpchmtiously be prescribed by tho physicians with
thecereainty that a bettor, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Ktiiiinurn of thu lUt.-uliitor Line will run as per thu fol- 8
nuiiiK M'hiiluli', thu Company ro.crvitiK tho rlbt to chungo
M'l.cclnlu without notice.
Str. nopiilutor
. I.v.
at '
A. M.
TucMlay . . ,
TIiuimIuj ....
A I...r.l,i,,il
K, at li.'JO V. M.
I.v. I'ortliiud
at 7 a. m.
.. Wcdui'Mlay
. . .. Friday
Arr. IMlIt-h
a o I-. it.
Ship your
Str. Dalloe City.
Regulator Line.
I.v. Dalk-M
at 7 A. M,
Monday . ..
WulncMluy ...
Arr. Cortland
at i:;io 1-. M.
I.v ,1'nrllaml
at 7 00 a. M.
. Thurulay
Katnritiiy I
Arr. liMlli-n'i
at.r I-. u.A
Travul by the Hti-anu-rs of thu Iti-jjulator l.lnc. Thu Company will endeavor to rIvo Its pat
rons the uervieu po-isinic-. l-or liirinur lutoruiatiou auurusx
1'ortlaml Ofllce, O.ik-Htrect Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Atft.
A - . - A ' - A .A A A
I C. J. STUBblflG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to Firot National Hunk.
Ciiiiiiun riiimx
I. mis; Hint. 1001.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi u kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SiKESt
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendie-
ton Jc lOUr 'rn'IH I'''m,r 18 Hiiuiufuctured expresHly for famlij
... , UHe: every Hack is KuarantetHl to give satisfaction.
Wa Boll flllr anntlH Inwnr rhnu anv Imnuu t. u If ...... .Imi't flunk)
cull and uot our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea,t, Barley and Oats.
Bay Stallion, 4 yours old; hoight 15.2 hands, weight 1050
iiikIh. Sirod by Zombro, 2:11, tho host son of MoKh1
,. 0.11 I '
FirHtdam, IlrldeBniRid, hy Boxwood, eon of Nutwood. Second dam,
lir9U0.n,'i',n of AU Alone 2 2:20. by Lukoknd'H Abdalluh, eon of HaiiibleW'
10. rhlnl dam, Prunella, by Allmmbra, eon of Mutubrino Obief 11.
EDMUND d. U ill III lib.. l,a uauQnn nt lOrtl 1 T A tl-1 ...) 11 ....... ul lllllO. Tt'
Dalloe, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20.
For further particulam Bee
FRED FISHER, Proprietor.