The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1901, Image 4

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    AdvtoB of m
"It is proper, t think, to let others know
about the popularity anil virtues of Acker's
JCnulisli Itenwdy for Coughs, Colds anil Con-
From the
moment 1
rapidly, and
the sales
keep urow
ing all the
time ns fast
as people
11 n d out
ivnnt n ro-
markablo f- - - 3
"nrenaration ' s
it is. Tho
it gives is
Our best cit
izens nsn it
and say it is the best thing for throat and
lung troubles they ever saw. Mr.S. H. Cul
ver, one of our prominent townsmen, says
Acker's English Kciuedy is the only nieili
cino that helped his chronic- cough of many
years' standing. At first it gave relief, and
now, after taking a few bottles, he is wholly
cured. I buy it by the gross at a time,
and my sales arc larger on this one medicine
than on any other in my store. It is n great
pleasure for me to feel t hat while I am prosper
ing! am alto doing so much good to thu com
munity in selling such a grand medicine."
(Signed K. It. Douglas, West field, N. Y.
Sold at 25c. ftfe. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada ; and in ling
land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. (id. If you are not
satisfied after, buying, return the bottle to
your druggist, and get your money back.
IIV authoriy the above guarantee.
W. It. HOOKER & CO.. Proprietor, Sew York.
For sale at Blakeley'e Pharmacy.
i II I
Senntor II. T. Johnston was in town
today from Dufur.
Representative Mocdy has eone on a
business trip to Shuniko.
Mrs. J. C. Murphy and Mrs. J. D.
McAndio, of Antelope, are registered at
the Umatilla House.
Mrs. Clnis. Hilton and daughter, of
Por:land, stopped over here last night
on their way to the ranch in Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Geigerand Mr. and
Mrs. T. R. Clendinnen, of Heppner, who
have been here for a few days visiting;
friends, returned to Heppner today on
the noon train.
Advertised l.ettom.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the po3tofiice at The Dalles un
called for April 20, 1901. Persona
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Adams, J W Baliantyne, W H
Bandy, J B Cheesman, Jen (2)
Clavadatecher, Clark, Pit
Davia, Mrs Eliza- Davis, Minnie
beth (2) Earl, Mrs H II
Davenport, Rosa Force, Carlton O
Forb, Lester , Gilliam. MissMartha
Folco, Joseph .Tewett, Mrs
Wazzard, Miss Dot Lockhart,MissNellie
Irvine, Miss Bertha Muriel. Mis Bertie
Moore, Charlie Rice, Miss Hattie
Mason, Mr H E Thomas, R F
Smith, Miss Edna Wagner, Philip
Taylor, J H
J. M. Pattkhson", P. M.
ThH Kent Ueuieity fur Itheiimatisni.
All who nee Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it adore' s
Wnen speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, eaye : "Some time ago I
had a severe attack of rheumatism in
my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous
remedies but got no relief until I was
recommended ny Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons
& Co., druggists of this place, to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tney recom
mended it so highly that I bought a
bottle. J nas soon relieved of all pain. 1
have since recommended this liniment
to many of my friends, who agree with
me it is the heat remedy for muecular
rheumatism in the market." For sale
by Blakeley, the druggist.
Hugai Duty I luatalued.
New Yokk, April 19, The board of
classification of the United States general
appraisers today announced a decision
in the Russian euaar case. The board,
by a majority vote, holds the United
States government was Justified in im
posing a countervailing duty on Russian
eiuar. The opinion was written by
Judge Somerville, and General Appraiser
Fischer concurs with them. Colonel
Tichenor writes a dissenting opinion.
Tat Cause Night Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
it in the house to protect our children
from Croup and Whooping Cough. It
cured me of chronic bronchial trouble
t u no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for Couyhe, Colds, Throat
and Lung troubles. 60c and $1,00. Trial
bottles free at G. C. Blakeley'e drug
tore. 3
Thoce famous little pills, DeWitt'a
Little Early Risers will remove all im
purities from your system, cleanse your
bowels, make them regular. Clarke &
FalkV P. O. Pharmacy.
We carry a complete line of Spauld
ing's bate balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc.
Bee our window. Mays & Crowe, lltf
With Mnllclntia Intent.
Mrs. Glbli I have just beenreadlnp
nn item to the effect t!mtn member of .
the Uormnn parliament once talked -12
hours without stopping. Do you "be
lieve that to be true?
Mr. (ilbb To be sure I do.
"Then it must be the loupes! contin
uous performance of flint kind on rec
ord, isn't it?"
"Possibly the longest on record, but
there have been privnlc performances
that throw that, completely in the
shade. Why. J know n woman who has
talked let me see, dear. 3Iov lotifr
have we been married?" Richmond
I.oiik S.tvIim n Counsel.
John Fowler, the Knifed State con
sul at Cliefoo, China, has been in the
government service ever since reaching
manhood for 21 year.. Beginning in
1ST!) as a clerk in the Washington navy
yard, where he stayed two years, he
was later transferred to the Talla
poosa and stayed on her till she was
wrecked in ls;. Ten years ago he
was appointed consul at Ning-l'oo by
President Harrison, whence he was
transferred to Cliefoo by President
Cleveland in lft9G.
Where Irish V.KK Are l.iilil.
A ease of great interest to those en
gaged in the Irish egg trade w.isi heard
at the Liverpool county court recently.
A witness-said it was well known in the
trade that millions of egg. .were sent
from the Baltic to Belfast, and those
were afterward forwarded to England
and Scotland as Irish eggs. Irish
Question Allswured.
Yes, August Flowerstill has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else, for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldbm heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out tho system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headache and
other aches. You only need a few doees
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there ie
nothing serious the matter with you.
Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke &
Falk's. 1
Gigantic Canadian i'liuit.
Detiioit, Mich., April 10. The Evening
News today says: Final arrangements
were made today at the liussel House for
the building of a steel and iron plant at
Sault Saint Marie, Canadian side, which
will employ 10,000 men and be capital
ized at $50,000,000.
Drvincr preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretions,
which adhero to tho membrano and decom
pose, causing a far more serious troublo than
tno ordinary form of catarrn. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuff h
and use that which cleanses, eootnes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
50c. size. JUyBrotuers, so warren est., Ji.l
The Balm cares without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, rohev
ing immediately tho painful inflammation,
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrn and nay rover.
"I have been troubled with indigestion
for ten years, have tried many things
and spent much money to no purpose
until I tried Kodol Dyspespia Cure. I
have tried two bottles and gotten more
relief from them than all other medicines
taken. I feel more like a boy than I
have felt in twenty years." Anderson
Rlggs of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands
have testified as did Mr. Riggs. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Old Soldler'H Experience.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was
sick a long time in spite of good doc
tor's treatment, but was wholly cured
by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which
worked wonders for her health." They
always do. Try them. Only 25c at G.
V. lilakeieys drug store. .,
You will waste time if you try to cure
indigestion or dyspepsia by starving
yourself. That only makes it worse
when you do eat heartily. You always
need plenty of good food properly di
gested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the
result of years of scientific research for
something that would digest not only
some elements of food but every kind.
And It is the one remedy that will do it.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
"Last winter I was confined to my bed
with a very bad cold on the lungs. Noth
ing gave me relief. Finally my wife
bought a bottle of Ono Minute Cough
Cure that affected a speedy cure. I can
not speak too highly of that excellent
remedy," Mr. T. K. Houseman, Mana
tawney, Pa. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Dry Thin and Falling Hair
and Red Rough Hands
Prevented by
Millions use Crncuit.v exclusively for preserving, purifying,
and beautifying tiie skin, for cleansing the sculp of crusts, scales,
ami dnmlrtifT, and tho stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiten
ing, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, in tho form of baths for
annoying irritations, iuliuiiunations, and dialings, or too free or
offensive perspiration, in the form of Avashes, for ulcerative weak
nesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily sug
gest themselves to women, and especially to mothers, and for all the
purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion
can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for
preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and chil
dren. CtmcuiiA Soap cohibines delicate emollient properties derived
from CtJTK'UUA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingre
dients and the most refreshing of llower odors. No other medicated
soap ever compounded is to bo compared with it for preserving, puri
fying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other for
eign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to he compared with
it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it com
bines in Onb Soap at Oxn Pmcn, viz., Twuxtv-i'ivi: Cp.nts, the iikst
skin and comolexion soap, iikst toilet and iikst baby soap in the world.
Completes Extornal and Intornal Troatmont for Evory Humor,
Co:iEstln; of CimcuiiA Sow, to c'citiK) the skin ami scalp of cruet ami ec.iloa, unci nofteii
tlx-llilclit-ncil rutlcli-, C'iitici'ha Ointment, to Instantly allay Hclila and Irritation, ami footho
nrnl beal. uml ( t'Tici Ui:oi.vknt, to cool ami cltutiMi thu'bloori. l'ricu, Tub Set, tM.Si, or,
N'.u-. 2jc , Oi.-ni.f,T Mti.., V.t -hi vent, tJc. bold I Li i ouirtiuti t tbo world. I'orTi'.it Ilium and
Ciii.:i Com ,fcolu t loi'o , Uobton, I.' il.A. "IIuwtohavclli!auUfulSklij,IIalr,aBdlloiiii,"freu.
gfcbffi riLLO
Dura lIviI.Vl... t..ZZ?f. W V "
RUBBER and Barden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you are in need of anything in our linu, figure with
us, for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given thut tlio iinilerhljrneil,
uilininlKtralor of the estate of K. I-'. Coo, at--ccahcd,
has II ltd his final account, hh such net
minUtriitor, in the County Court of the State of
Ori-Koii for WaM-o County, and tho JuiIko of said
court has made an order appointing the llrit
day of the next term of said Court, to-wlt:
Mondav. tho fith il iv of May. ltroi. at tlio hour of
' o'clock p. m , as tho time for the hearing of
oojections to saiu nuai account aim mo seme
ment thereof, and has directed that notice be
Kivcn thereof in the manner provided bv law.
Therefore all heirs, creditors and other per
sons interested in said estate are hereby notl
lied to Hpiwar in Haiti court on or before tnoday
so appointed for the hearing and settlement of
said iiual account, and tlio their objections
thereto, If any they have.
Dated at Tho Dalles. Or., Auril C. l!l.
at-lw II. C. COC, Administrator.
Notice is herebv iriveu that tho underslcued
have duly llled with the clerk of tho county
court for Watco County, Oregon, their final ac
count and report as executors of tho estate of
Horatio Corson, dcccttM-d, and that Monday, the
thirteenth (13tb) day of May, 1001, at the hour of
' o'clock ii. in, of said day, ut tho county court
room in tuo county court house in Dalles City,
Wasco County. Oregon, has been llxctl by the
Judge of said court as the time and place for the
hearing of said report. All persons interested
in said estato ure hereby notllied to appear at
said time and place and thow cause, If any
there be. why said report should not bo an-
proved and allowed and said executors discharged,
Dated this 8th day oi April, liwi.
Kxt-cutors of the K state of llonitlo Corson.
Deceused. aprlO
Land Omcg at Tjik Vaulkh, Oil, )
April 10, iooi. i
Notice lit hereby given that tho following-
iiitmed settler has illed notice of Ills Intention
Ut make Dual proof in suppoit of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made before the Itoglmer
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon , on butur
dy, May 1901, viz.:
l'eter C. Pagan,
of Tho Dalles, Oregon, H. K. No. blVi, for tlio tt'A
NW4. Bee fl, NKK'NEW, Hoc G, Tp 1 8, R li! J-T,
and ASVA HKM bco if.', Tp 1 N, R 12 K, VV. M.
lie names the following witnesses tti prove
his continuous residence uivon and cultivation
of said laud, viz.:
Charles uosson, jsaao atnev, Hyivester
liabcock, A. W. Turner, all of The Dalles, Or.
uprJO JAY P. liUOAB, Register.
IJon't Hub It lu,
Juit wet the affected pari freely with
MjriUrlous Paiu Cure, a 8votcli remedy,
and the pain U gone. Sold by Clarke &
8team Wood'taw for tale. Can be bought
for 200, Gall at this office. OJ25-lna
wom fig men and women
ie a upeetly and reliable cure for nervona
debility, rheumatism, lumbago, eclutica,
Inuio back, kidney, liver and stomach
disorders, poor circulation, sleepless
ness, etc.
Established 30 Years.
9 ! I !
Writo today for my latest books,
"Health in Nature," and "Strength;
Its Use and Abuse by Men."
Dr. A. T. Sanden,
Southwest cor. Morrison and 4th Sta.,
'J2rach tKttw3mo
Administrator's Notice.
Notlco is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by tho County Court oi tho
Utato of Oregon for Wasco County administra
tor of tho estate of Henry Klodt, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estato are
hereby notified to present tho same, with tho
proper vouchers, to the uuderslgned at Thu
Dalles. Oregon, within six mouths from tho
date of this notice.
Dated Dallea City, Or., Apr. 11, 1901.
Administrator ot tho Kstato of Henry Klodt,
Deceased, aprlii
Notice Is hereby given tint tho underslgued
has filed, with tbo clerk of tho county court of
tho Bute of Oregon for Wasoo county, his final
account as executor of thu last will and testa
ment of Mary J. Ueezlev. deceased, and salrl
county court has, by an order made on tbo fith
day of March, 1901, (lxed the 8th day ol April,
iwi,ni me uuuriu s o oioca u, m,, as me limo
and the county court room of said county, In uiiy, unsuiiiH tun pjaw lur luv uearillg
of objections to said final account.
A n II tlllVIMIIillllllri II a
my t, a. uununuiun, executor,
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer.
Of the product of thiH wullkiumn hrowory the United Htatus f uitltli
RoportB for Jntu' US, 1000, snys: "A more supmior brew never entered
tlio litigatory of thu United otutus llcnlth reports. It is ulipolutely devoid
of the Hlihti'st truce of adulteration, bin tin the other hand iti cumpoat-il of
tho liewt of malt anil choicft of hoptf. Mh tonic (tinlltiiH are of the high
est and it can be uhhiI with the Kinatent hunuflt ami BiitiRfaetion by old and
vounc. ItH uho can concciontiouHly be precenhed by the phyalchina with
ihe careaitity that a hotter, purer or iimni wholeBonie heveriiKO could not
posailily he found."
, -. r . . I m tT T"1 T-V ATT TT. M ATT1M A
bJast beoona screec, rtiia ulLilih, uKUiuuiN.
Htoimiers of tho lliulntur l.luc will run us icr tliefol-ou-iiik
M-ht'dule, the Cnmiiaiiy recrvlllt,' the rljht to cliaiij?c
M'hcilulu without tintlue.
Str. Rotjulntor
, I.v Dnllei
at 7 ... M.
Tuesday ,
, ThuiMluy
Saturday.. .. .
1 Arr. I'ortland
, at t:W) i. m.
in 7 A. M.
.. Monday
. ...Krlday
rr. Dallea
a T 1-. M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dallas fJlty.
I.V. DllllCM
at 7 A. M.
WediH-sday ... ,
Arr. I 'or 1 1 in itl
ut l:."0 i-. m.
I . . I'ortlnnd
Ut 7.00 A. X.
Arr. Dalles
at 5 1-. m.
!, Travel by the Htenmcrs of the KeRtllator l.lnc. Tho Company will endeavor to Kive Its imt-
ron.'i mo icsi service poisioie. ror inriuer liiiormaiinu
J, l'ortlaiid Olllce, Oak-Street Dock.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. At.
vvvvvvvv'vvvvvvv. vv v vv vvvvvv
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to Firat National Uank.
5' Condon I'lmim :;:n.
I.OIIK IMit. 1001.
Wasco Ware house Compaq
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an inde
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, siKLk!S
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
ton FlOUr Th'8 I',our 18 'ORnufuctured expresaly (or family
, "Be every Hack 1b Ruaranteed to give Batiefaotlou.
Wa sell our goods lowor than any house in the trade, and i! you don't think H
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height 15J hands, woight 1050
pounds. Si rod bv Zombi '(. '211. haul, wnn ni' MoKin-
, , -
noy, 2:11.
Flratdam, Bridesmaid, hy Boxwood, son of Nutwood. Second dam, LfkJ
Ianfl LlllAHIl. Ililhl l Ail A 1.... O .111 1... r .1.-1 II . -I II ... hlniori
i in mi i J r r i. ioiD - m .Mi. uy iUKoianu h AiNiauan, son oi
ian 10. TJilrd dam, Prunella, by Alhambra, son of Mambrlno Chief 11.
EDMUND S. will make the season of 1001 at L. A. Vorter'a livery stable, Tb
Dalles, Oregon. Terms for the Season, S20.
For further particulars see
jn3o.dw4ino FRED FISHER, Proprietor.
ttniiw WWtrMMir