The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 19, 1901, Image 3

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    Misses' and Children's Wash
Suits and Dresses.
The first showing of the season of Sailor Suits and Dresses in Percales and Linen
Crash, very handsomely trimmed with lace and embroidery. :
Just a Hint of the Prices.
No. 114 No. 135 No. 250 No. 307 No. 322
No. 100.
No. 100.
No. 114.
No. 135.
No. 250.
No. 307.
No. 322.
Mado from light-weight percales, yoke trimmed with
lace j sixes 4 to 10 years ; as cut YOC
Pink and blue Ctmrnbrav Bint, handsomely trim-
m;k with feather-edge braid ; sizes 4 to 10 years. . . ipl DO
Blue and pink stripe percaleB, trimmed with em- en
broidery ; very handsome suit; sizes 4 to 10 years. . tpo.)U
Sailor Htiit in crash, cuffs and collar trimmed in
blue und red ; sizes (i to 112 years
Vitv handsome white lawn dress, yoke finely fin
ished in val. lace; sizes 4 to 10 yearB
Same stylo as No. r!07, finished with all-over lace,
very handsome; size 4 to 10 years
We are also showing a very handsome line of Pique Sailor Suits at $2.50 and $3.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Fltfuros
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Kill DA V
APRIL 19, 11)01
At Anrlrnw Kollor'p.
- w
All Wmioi County warrnutH rdRlntnrful
print-to Hitmlr I, 1HII7, will lie inld
mi irtiiiitntliiu ut my utile. IntnreHt
:miH artnr Niivtiinlr "II, J 1100.
Oiiiinty TrviiHiirur.
Fresh Oregon asparagus, rhuharb, let
tuce, radishes and Columbia riyer sal
nion nt the Studelinun Commission
Company's. apriO-20
Tlio Columbia Dancing Club's last
party of tlio season tonight nt the Bald
win. The grand march commences
promptly at 0 :15.
Sonio Urns., piano tuners, will he in
the city for n few days only. Leave
orders nt either Menofeu k Parkins or
Niokolson's music store. ul7-li)
The quarterly conforoncn, of tlio M. K.
church, which was to have been tliis
evening, will bo hold next Monday even
ing, instead, in tlie pastor's study.
Lost A small opoti-fncB silver watch,
with tlio monogram "G. U.K." on the
back. Tlio finder will be mutably re
warded by roturning Ithu same to this
ollicu. al0-4t
For tho best bicycle for the monoy go
to Sexton & Wnlther. It is easy for the
iutolliuent porson to understand why
they sell tho Arlington with alnglo tube
tiros for $17.50, with Dunlap tires $22.00,
with Morgan & Wright tires, .$21,50. It
is because they ore wortli the money.
On invitation of tho littlo folks of Misa
Anna Taylor's Kindorggrton, their par
ents this morning attended an enter
tuinment given by them in the school
room, when the little people rendered a
program of song, exorcises and games
that was highly appreciated. The meet
ing was well attended.
Tho machinery for the Hood liiver
electric light works is beginning to ar
rivo, says the Glacier. The dynamo was
shipped from Schenectady, N. Y., April
Nth. The water wheol was shipped from
Ohio ou the 10th. The transformers
have arrived. The company will soon
be ready to furnish power for all kinds
nf machinery pr the running of mills.
With littlo extra expense the company
can more than treble its power.
Judge Miller oould postpone sen
tencing Green until after the 14th of
June, and then he could be hangrd at
the state penitentiary under the new
law. We believe it to be the wish of a
large majority of the belt citizens of the
county to have the law carried out in
this manner. There is a strong senti
ment m this country against public
hanging, and that is what it would be
if carried out here. A few days of
miserable existence is not begrudged
the murderer so long us we know the
punishment is sure. Skamania Pioneer.
The attendance at the Meneley Trio
entertainment last night filled theM. E.
church to the door. If expectation ran
high, it was met und more than met.
The audience was delighted beyond
measure, not only with the healthy
moral tone that pervaded every part of
the entertainment, but with the marked,
not to say extraordinary, ability of the
little company of entertainers. "I
wouldn't have missed it for anything,"
was the prevailing sentiment. Should
the Meneley Trio ever favor The Dalles
witli another visit they can bank on u
most cordial welcome.
Mrs. M. A. Ewing, proprietor of The
Racket store, cordially invites the public
to call nnd inspect her new stock of
spring nnd summer goods. She has a
beautiful line of novelty belts, stock
collars, fancy ribbons, allover lace, fine
lace edgingH and inserting, fancy hosiery
all of the lutest designs. Also under-
ware for men, women and children.
Overalls unci a nice line of Buspenders
and neckwnre for men and boys.
Parasols for little girls, etc., etc. All
good are being sold away down at
Racket prices. alO-d-wlt
George W. McCoy, of Portland, who
gained considerable notoriety in this
county u few years ugo through his con
nection with tho Cluar creek and Wu
piuitia irrigating dilcli scheme, today
filed three claims of water rights, two of
which are in effect a re-filing of the old
ditch claims under a new name, that of
tho Western Land Irrigation Lumber
fc Fuel Co. One claim ' calls for 120,000
miners' inches o( water from Clear creek.
Another calls for 50,000 inches from
Fro,; Lake creek, und the third calls for
a storago reservoir site at the outlet of
Clear Lake, and the erection of a dam
for u reservoir estimated to hold 70,000,
000 cubic feot of water.
The piny of the "Irish Duke" attracted
to tho Yogt opera house last night a
throng of over three hundred persons at
a time when a whole church-full wore
in attendance at another entertainment
.only three blocks oil'. It is gratifying
to learn that the financial results, while
n no sense commensurate with the
abor and patience expended in prepare
ory work by Professor Smith, left a
: easonably fair balance on the right aide
r ( the ledger. Whatever oplone may b
ntertained as to the merits of the play
1 is but justice tc Profepeor Smith to
s ly that he met and measurably over
came difficulties that would have ap
palled a man of much lees grit.
Cow for HbIu,
Good gentle, freah milch cow for sale,
Glvea over four gallons milk per day.
Apply at this office, nlO-lwk
"The Henrietta."
Friday night, April 2fith, at the Vogt
opera house, this great comedy will be
presented. Written by Broneon How
ard (the author of Shenandoah) for the
well-known actors, Stuart Iiobson and
William H. Crane. The play had a
large success when these two comedians
were together, and has since been played
by Mr, RohBon with unequalled success
for ten years. It 1b today his best play
and never fails to fill the theater.
The scene is New York City, and the
theme deals with American life as it is.
The two characters, "Nicholas Yan Al
styne," Sr., and "Bertie Yan Alstyne,"
his son, are types, the old man being a
multi-millionaire and a railroad mag
nate; "Bertie" a typical dude. The old
man, it is said, was suggested to Mr.
Howard by an incident in the life of
William II. Vanderbilt. The other
parts are drawn true to life, and the
comedy element is very 6trong. In fact,
with the exception of oiib or two char
acters, nearly all are portrayal of com
edy. The lines are witty und the satire
The cast is as follows:
Nicholas VmiAlstynu, Sr. (cullul "Old Nick"
In tlifstifut) Mr. U'vin
llertlu ViinAlstyno, "A l.mub" (his youiiKUst
M)ii) Mr. Will .vuns
Nlchnlus VmiAlstync, Jr. (who Is ambitious)
Mr. Karl Saiulcrs
Dr. I'lirke Wtiluwrlght (u Now York physi
cian) .Mr. Cuarlfs O Nolll
Hev. Dr. Murray Hilton ("a n1iii1uti1")
,. Mr. II. K. Northuji
"It was to (Jxih)mi anil combat Mich as tlicsu, no
doubt, that lauiiliti'r was liiaik1. Vanity riilr.)
Watson Kllnt (of Flint it Co,, Wall street
biokcrs Mr. (ilea Alton
Lord Arthur Mtzioy WiiluVgrnve Itordan
Trelawncy Mr. Claudu Krizzolt
Jlusgruvc (secietnry to VunAlstyni1)
Mr. Waldo Urinliiim, of Dufur
I-adj Mary Treluwncy (VauAlstyno's daugh
ter) .. .... .Miss Kdythu Mans
Itoso ViinAlstyno (wife of NIok, Jr.) .
MIsstieorKla Sanipsou
Acnes Lock wood (her sister) ...Miss (Jrace (Jlenu
Mrs. Cornelia Opdyke (u rich widow: youiiK
mid vivacious) Miss Myrtle Hullo
Act I Private office in Yau Alstyne's
residence New York. "A giant and a
Act II Drawing room at VanAlstyne's
residence. A packet of letters. "Hen
rietta." Act III Offices of Watson Flint & Co.,
Wall street. In this act will be seen a
stock indicator in full operation, bring
ing the quotations to the office from the
New York stoc i exchange, and showing
how fortunes are made and lost in an
hour at the greajt Wull street stock ex
change, and the method of dealing as
used there. A telephone will also be iu
use on the stage.
Act I Y VanAlstyne's roBidence.eiglit
een months later. "The young Napo
leon of Wull street."
England may be envied for its ob
servance of the day of rest. There is a
refreshing relief from the Sunday morn
ing newspapers, mails and theaters.
Railway traffic ie suspended in London
during church-service hours. The king
and queen follow well the excellent tra
ditions of the past, and not alone are
religious ceremonies reverently observed,
but all about their residences every class
of labor ia either suspended or lessened
aB much as poulble. - Edward Page
Gaston, In the April Woman'a Home
A Marked Injnutlce.
It is reported, on good authority, that
Wasco county is to assess and tax all the
wool that waa in the warehouses iu The
Dalles on the first day of March, (hie
year, claiming the right to do this under
the Looney law passed by the last legis
lature, which rends as follows:
"All goods, wares and merchandise
kept for sale in this state, all stock em
ployed in any of the mechanical arts,
and all capital and machinery employed
in any branch of manufactures or other
business within this state, owned by a
corporation In or out of this state, or by
any person, whether residing in or out
of the state, shall he taxable in tho
county or city or other municipal corpo
ration where the same may be, either to
the owners thereof or to the person or
corporation who shall have charge of or
be in possession of the same."
It was not the intent of the law to tnx
wool, wheat, etc., ontsldo of the coun
ties in which produced, but wo suppose
it enn be done, unless there may be a
technical loophole to crawl out of, on.the
plea that the wool was kept for consign
ment and not for Eale. If the wool be
taxed in The Dalles, where the levy is
about four pel cent, it wil result in a
great loss to that city In the future.
Wasco county has no moral right to
tax Wheeler county produce, raised by
Wheeler county people and still in the
possession of the producers, and If it ex
acts such this year, it will probably be a
long time ere it have the opportunity
again. It is not always wise to kill the
goose that lays the golden egg.
The writer was present in the senate
chamber when Senator Looney secured
the passage of bis bill above referred to,
and heard him explain its object as be
ing lo reach stocks of goods in cities,
owned by merchants residing outside
the city limits, and we know that he
never intended such a thing as to tax
produce of one county in another coun
ty, simply because the nearest or handi
est warehouse happened to be situated
over the line. But it takes a legislator
wise as Solomon to draft a law to exact
ly serve his purpose no more and no
less. Fossil Journal.
Whatever the intention of the Looney
law may have been, the Fossil Journal
may be assured that the county court of
Wbbco county will never authorize the
collection of a tax of, practically, tour
per cent of the price of wool or wheat
Btored in The Dalles warehouses by peo
ple living outside the county. Tin:
Chkoniclk is fully authorized to say
this much. The Wasco county court
will never perpetrate the iojustice and
absurdity of compelling a resident of
Wheeler or Grant county to pay taxes to
eupport Wasco county, simply because
tho Wheeler or Grant county man hap
pens to have wool or wheat-temporarily
stored here. The Wasco county court
may be safely presumed to have some
sense of the justice and moral fitness of
things. Editor Ciihonici.i:.
The I)nllen Driving Association,
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
500 BOYS
to buy suits at our store. We
have tho largest and most com
plete line of Boys' Clothing
ever shown in the city. We
arc ottering these goods at the
very lowest prices.
There will be a meeting of The Dalles
Driving Association in the rooms of the
commercial club tomorrow (Saturday)
evening at S o'clock. All members are
earnestly requested to be present, a3
business of utmost importance will be
brought before the meeting.
Ronuur Mays, President.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears .the
Signature of
Spring coughs are specially dangerous
and unices cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure
acts like magic. It is not a common
mixture but is a high grade remedy.
Clarke & Fulk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
We have a bicycle for $19.00, which is
equal if not better than any $20.00 or
!f2o.00 wheel sold by others! Maier &
wo will -sell you the best all-wool suit you have over seen.
We can show you the handsomest line from $3.50 to .$5 that
wo have ever seen on tho market. Our immense stock in
cludes the vestee and vest suit for boys of -3 to 15 years of
age. We guarantee our clothing to excel in fit, quality and
Our Prices are Always the Lowest.
Have a Complete Slock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
"Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. cfc H., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
T'i" Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will "ftS:
Jin- have prompt attention. "HXk
We will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
I'll ONES NO. 4.
to buy your Furniture abroad. Besides saving you a freight
bill, we also save you from 15 to 25 per cent, on each and
every article purchased from us. Bo wise and consider our
low price otters.
Book Case ;
Highly Polished :
as low as $12.50.
5-piece Parlor
Suit; fancy up
holstered ; as low
an .... $22.50.
1 ..Jrl'll
nier ; as low as . .$5.75
a0 L'w
Sexton & Walther are showing a good
assortment of rubber hose, lawn mowers
and fishing tackle. alG 2t
Our special granite-ware sale continues
this week. See window for prices.
Mays & Crowe. a8tf
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
8 7 H
For rent A six-room cottage,
to C. L. Phillips.
Apply (
:5-piece Bedroom Suit; golden oak (In- Latest style White Enameled Trnn
ish; as low us $12.50 Beds; as low as $2.75
Our great lino of
Ice cream and ice cream soda now on
tap ut A. Keller's. a!3tf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 483. Local, 102.
Fine Polished Extension
Table; hard wood; as low
an.... $4.50
Carpets, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths and
at correspondingly
low prices.
Golden 0k Mitte
Board,.. $0,50
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Obarr House,