Chrmifcle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 19, 1901 NO. 65 l)c Dn II cg flBBlflflfiBw " Hvtht. hiP SflPsE' l)Hiilt:lii!M r Ciiptimxl by AinorteaiiM. MN'ii'A, April 18. Fifty insurgent riflemen uttucked the town of 15ay, on Jliiy lake, in Liiguna province, south east of Manila. Tho insurgents were quickly routed Ueiiteniuit William S. Nipes, of the Thirty-second infantry, has captured a hearer of dispatches from the insurgent General Noriel to General Malvar. Noriel directed Malvar not to surrender, Having he would send him U000 recruits, money, and ammunition, when Aguinuldo was released. Noriel succeeded Trias in .Southern Luzun. At a meeting of clorgymen held in Ma nila, at which Hishop Warren presided, strong protests were made against the opening of cock-pits in Manila. The biiHinesB men of the city have also uhji'cted on the same lines. The trial of Lieutenant Frederick Hov er, charged with the embezzlement of cmninisHary HtorcB, will he continued next Monday. The trial of the civilian named Fletcher, accused of the unlawful conversion of commissary stores, which was held he fore the provost court today, exposed a plot to ohtain commissary supplies to pell them to tho hotels and merchants of Manila. Tut (JauitDH Night Aluriu. "One night my hrother's hahy was taken with Group," writes Mrs. .1. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always Keep it in the house to protect our children from Group and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. fiOe and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Hlakeley's drug store. 'A :inrl Flcln Over Nw I.liiior I.uw. Honolulu, April f), via Sun Francisco, April 17. The territorial legislature is nuw in the midst of u hard fight over the proposed liquor dispensary law. The hill has been before the senate in various stages for and agaiiiBt it have been made. The campaign has developed Into a very hitter one and here are many charges of a corruption fund circulated by the liquor interests. It will be some days before the final vote is reached in the senate and then the fight will reach the lower house. Party lines have complete ly broken on the nubjec'.. The bill to allow the ex-queen $12,000 Ililiiiwniw- Vegetable Preparationfor As similating UieFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs andBovrels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfuf-' nessandRest.Contains nelllier Opium.Morphine norMiueraL Not Harc otic . afOU&SAHUELPtTCWR A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diocrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. exact copv or wrapper. , I,; ; i ii,ii,Miraii.aiiiiiiui,iiiMiinrx!j,TiiT,iiii,,i mm vs a year aa a pension has two substitutes, one proposing to give her $250,000 in a lump sum, and tho other to make at this time an appropriation of $12,000 for her for the next two years. Most of the independents are understood to favor giving the $250,000. The house has finally passed a bill to provide for the use of tho Hawaiian as well as the English language in the circuit courts of the territory. Since the annexation only English has been al lowed in courts of record. The big home rule majority in both houses has split to some extent and divisions are close upon many questions now. A IH!i AlyHtnrj-. It is a mystery why women endure Hackache, Headache, Nervousness Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I Buffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherlcy, of Peterson, la:, "and a lame back pained me so I could uot dress my self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although I'A years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c ut G. C. Hlakeley's drug store. 'A iiuez Ik Coming to America. Havana, April 18. General Maximo Gomez is making arrangements to go to the United States to visit Senor Estrada Palma. He wilt he accompanied by his son, Urboim, and will remain in the United States until the return to Cuba of the epecixl committee on relatione. He desires to wait definite action in reference to the Piatt amendment, in order to avoid the accusation ttiat the trip is made for political purposes. He has always expressed a desire to meet the people of the United States and to thank them for the assistance they rendered Cuba in the war with Spain, Senor Palma is the choice of General Gomez for the presidency of Cuba. "I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor find a cure until I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once, 1 forgot I ever had anything like Piles." E. C. Boice, Somers Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Be sure you get De Witt's. Clarke AFalk's P.O. Pharmacy. Clurke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly mire liquid paints Subscribe for Tim Ciikonicle. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THIOIHTAU iwmt. ii vow cmr. ( XJF MAKES' LIGHT OF IT MacArthur Says Scandal Reports Were Exaggerated But Officers Arc On Trial. Washington-, April 18. The following cablegram was made public today : "Manila. Adjutant-general, Washing ton : With reference to your telegram of the 10th, press reports are grossly ex aggerated and misleading. The matters therein touched upon regarding officers of the subsistence department have been investigated. The proceedings were mailed by the transport Sheridan. Re garding the theft of commissary stores the amount of which was grossly exagger ated by the press reports, immediate nnd most drastric measures have already been applied. Three officers and a num ber of enlisted men are being tried by court-martial and a number of citizens by a military commission. MacAethuu." No statement was made that the re port of MacArthur was satisfactory, al though it all along has been the theory of the war department that the reports from Manila were exaggerated. At the same time, there is cause for regret in the department that even under the beBt construction that can be placed upon the dispatch, three officers and a number of enlisted men and a number of civilians have conducted themselves in such a manner as to necessitate a court-martial or a trial by a military commission in the case of civilians. It is said, however, Jhat even if tbeBe persons were being tried, there might be exaggeration in re gard to the offenses with which tbey were charged. CommieBary-General VVeston baa re ceived a cablegram from Colonel Wood ruff, chief commiesary at Manila, in which be Bays : "Do not permit Bcandalous reports to worry you. Auairs subsistence depart ment of the army administered honest ly and to satisfaction of officers and troops." KvauH Denies the KepurU. Chicago, April 18. Thomas E. Evans, ot the firm of Evans & Co., importers and financial brokers at Manila, who ar rived in Chicago today, en route to Washington, denied the reports from Manila that his firm was connected in the commissary department frauds. All KeconU Broken. New Youk, April 17. The Evening Post today says : Today's summary of the U. S. treas ury report of yesterday afternoon shows that the government aggregate gold hold ings for the first time in history have passed the half-bllllou-dollar mark. The exact total was $500,278,50(1. This is the largest amount of gold now held by any single financial institution in the world, and it is the largest institu tion with one exception, the imperial bank of Russia, which, in February, 1898, raised its total holding to $590,3000,000. At present, however, tbe Russian bank Holds only $371,500,000. Uepurtt Buer Defevta. London, April 18. A dispatch from General Kitchener, dated Pretoria, Wed nesday, April 17, says: "Plumer has occupied Buthfont, capturing 13 prisoners aud a number of rifles and ammunition. "Douglas column has occupied Dullie troom. Six Boers were killed. "On General Kitchener's advance from Leydeburg tbe Boers blew up Long Tom. Thirteen prisoners were captured. "Elliott's division baa brought in a large number of cattle. Killed by Suitor. Paris, April 18, Madame Lascher Eoglander, an English woman, living at Pussy, baa been murdered by Ferdinand Ernest because she refused to marry him. Ernest, who waa born in Chicago, and who is eaid to be director of the Man chester bouse, and British subject, then shot himself. All of tbe parties were socially prominent. Tbe victim was a of independent means. Tbe murderer, who died in a hospital, left a letter re questing that bis body be cremated and making arrangements for tbe funeral expenses of tbe victim from bis personal estate, Subscribe (or Tuk Oukoniolk, StocK of CHILDREN'S DRESSES now complete. One ot the many new and attract ive styles we show in Ladies' j& j& j& SHIRT WAISTS, made of plain percale in light and dark blue, and pink; large collar, front and cuff? trimmed in white insertion; white pique stock and chemisette. $1.50 Complete line of 1901 styles at from 50c to $G. The new per fection Adjust able Spring Collar. A great suc cess. No pins or other lae- teners needed. 25c I The very best shoe for boya A TUT KT1 1 1 1 o YYI CI Rr Cf New 8tyleB Men's Straw I is our "Armored Cruiser." VV lllldilllO Ou VJJ, HatB now ready. I lien him Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING (!AK ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK. LEIVE, I Union Depot, Fifth and I sts AKKIVE. No. '. Fast mail tor Tiieoma, Seattle, Olympla, Uray't. No. 1 liuruor aim souin uena 1 ! points, Spokane, Koks-i land, B. C, Pullman,, I Moscow, Lewlston, Buf 11:15 A.M. falollump mining court-1 5;50 P. M. , try, Helena, Mlnneapo ' lis, St. Paul, Omaha,! Kansas City. St. Louis, I Chicago and all points I No. 4. 1 east aud southeast. No. 3. 1 rum Kouna txpress 11;30 P. M. tor Tacoma aud Seattle. 7;00 A. M. I aud Intermediate points j Pullman first-class aud tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul aud Missouri liver points without change. Vustibuled tiains. Uulou depot uunneutloub In all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination of tickets, For handsomely illustrated dcscripUve matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. '255 Morri son Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estato of K. F. Coo, de ceased, lias tiled his liual account, as such ad ministrator, in the County Court of the Stato of Oiegou for Wasco County, and tho Judgo of said court has made an order appointing the tirst day of tho next term of said Court, to-wlt: Monday, the 0th day of May, 1901, at the hour of ',' o'clock p. in,, as the tlmo for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settle ment thereof, and has directed that notice be given thereof in the manner provided bv law. Therefore all heiis, creditors and other per sons interested in said estate are hcieby notl lied to appear iu said court on or before the day so appointed for the hearing and settlement of said tlnnl account, uud file their obk'Ctlons thereto, if any they have. Dated lit The Dalles, Or., Aiirll fi, 1901. iH'.-lw H. 0. COL, Administrator. Notice. Notice f hereby given that the undersigned have duly tiled with tho clerk of tho county court for Wasco County, Oregon, their filial ac count and report as executors of the estate of Horatio Corson, deceased, and that Monday, the thirteenth (13th) day of May, 1901, at the hour of 'i o'clock i, in. of said day, at the county court room In the county court nouse In Dalles City, Waseo County, Oregon, has been llxed by the Judgo of said court as the tlmo aud place for the hearing of said report. All persons interested lu said estate are hereby notllled to appear at said time and place nnd show cause, If any there be, why said reiort should not be ap proved aud allowed and said executors dis charged. Dated this 6th (lay of April, 1901, CHARLES E. CORSON, WILLIAM K. CORSON, Executors of tho Estate of Horatio Corson, Deceased. nprlO EVERYTHING TO WEAR for man, woman or child. Our spring stock provides liberally for them all. 'Twould be hard to imagine anything fashion or comfort demands that iias been left out that we have'nt got. Go elsewhere, if you wish. Come here, if you would save time, trouble and money. We Fit the EGtSTltEP Grossman. MIcmaeuson-t fit makers- New yrk. When the man who is hard to fit who Is in a burry for a suit who is deeirous of saving a few dollars who is particular as to fit and workmanship who wants the very best made clothing money can buy; wants a suit he comes here to be suited. Serges $15.00, $17.50 and $20 a .Suit Nothing nicer for Summer wear. All sizes. BOYS' WAISTS special... 50c H. PRICE, Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings, C. F. Stephen's Old Stand, Second Street. The Dalles, Or. WE WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU. WE WANT your trade in Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings and are doing our best to deserve your patronage. OUR STORE is one of the prettiest aud beBt lighted in The Dalles, and everything is displayed in a neat, tasty manner that helps to make quick-buying easy. MAKE IT a point to give our store a trial. We are sure you will be pleased with your visit and purchase. Keep our place in view when you want anything in Still' Hats, Golfs, Fe doras and Caps. We have all the newest and most stylish spring shapes at 25c to 50c cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our special $2 Golf Hat, it is of line quality fur felt and one of tbe nattiest styles for tbe season. " Trade With Us and You'll Save Money." H. PRICE, Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings, C. F. Stephen's Old Stand, Second Street. Tbe Dalles, Or. Gpaftdall&Barget DEALERS IN mm JjobeS, All kinds of undertaker? Bafial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. m Wear the WILLIAMS guaranteed $3.00 HAT& Hard to-Fit y c nr t- km 1 VJI'J LI 1 It rtAO-NAK. , A special counter full of Boys' Waists and Blouses inMigbt and dark percales and lawns also white blouses with large collars trimm'd in embroidery ; values to 75c; choice at 50c. BE STRONG. Lincoln Sexual Pills restore natural streugtb and vigor, They do not excite or stimulate. They are a perfectly pure aud certain nerve food, aud every tablet is standarized to absolute uniformity. Use them and you will rejoice in strength, nerve vigor and manly magnetism. Price, $1,00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, lu plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayne, Ind M. Z. Donuell, Agent, Tbe Dalles, Or. 0