it. .r VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1901, NO. 62 JOINT-SMASHER r Z)c Dalles , ;l,;i,l'l!i.,.iir,.iiii1il!i;ltl!W.i"iii:w"ii' - .ii tuitiid.'iH, n ,iit, ti.".Ti'ij' CASTQii rT milir'iii'HliITTiri MHnhtitYiTm ANl'gcfable Prcpnralionfb'r As similating the Food andRcguIa ting the Stomachs andBowcls of Promotes DigcslionCheerluI iicssandnesl.Conlains neillier Opiuni.Morpliinc nor Mineral. KOTNiUlCOTIC. rv fjrMdJlrSiiMtMZPTCUHR H'nipkm Seed' sKx.Smut iiatMlr Salts -jbiitrScrfl Ji-!t.envJnl -Hi CurbontilrSmbt ftmfitd 'Uiggr HStfnynrn rtmvr. A perfect Ri'mody forConslipn rion , Sour Slouiach,Diarrhoc Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ness ami Loss of Sleep. Vive Simile Stgnnlurc of NEW VOHK. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. V 551 MUST BE NEUTRAL Isthmian Canal to Hi; Open to All Nation Specific Provision in the Treaty We Shall Accede Great Britain's Demand!;. Xi:w Yokk, A t r i 1 15. A special to tho iluruld from Washington saj'B : Specific provision for tho neutrality of tint pro posed inthmaiii canul will be made in tho new treaty to bo Bigned by Secretary Hay and Lord Pauncefulo, British niii biiHHiidor. This duelaion bus btion arrived at by tho president and Secretary Hay after tho most exhaustive consideration of urgntueutH pro and con, which bae con vinued them that the highest interests of the country demand tho application of the principle of neutrality. From the outset of the negotiations Great Britain Iuih insisted upon the principle of neutral ity. The best naval und military advice which the administration ban been xhle to net has shown the necessity of neutral ization and the viewB of military and naval experts have been supported by distinguished jurists, Treaties botweeu Nicaragua and other countries und Cueta ilica and foreign atules contain specific provisions regarding thu neutrality of the canal or according to foioigu states the most favored nation privileges. The treaty betweon the United States and Niuaragua contains u provision that this government "agrees to extend its pro tection to all such routes of communica us aforesaid and to guarantee the neutral ity and Innocent usuof the same." The Olayton-Bulwer treaty also pro vided for tho recognition of tho "general principle of neutrality." Even if the Ulaytou-Bulwor treaty were abrogated it is held the remaining treaties in force would require the application of the principle of neutrality to the canal. Another and most impo'tant reason for inclusion of a provision declaring the canal neutral, is tho attlmdeof Nicaragua und Costa liicu. It is understood that these governments have indicted plainly to this government their unwillingness to cede the rlgtit of way across their terrl tory unless the principle of neutrality bo absolutely oonoeded and In this determi nation they have the support of other Central and 8outh Amer'cin states. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt CENTAUR COKMNT, NCW YORK CITY. ( Crm'ii Again Ht Vmiiooii vcr, Va.ntoi vi:i:, Wash., April 15. James Green, the Skamania county murderer, is again incarcerated in the Clark county jail, tit in time to await the execution of his sentence. lie was brought lino Sat urday evening by Sheriff Totten, of Ska mania comity. Green appear? to be in a much more rational frame of mind than previous to liis trial, is less morose and melancholy and talks more freely with visitors. He appears to have entirely lost hiB desire for a speedy execution of his sentence since being re moved from the scene ot his trial and bus confidence that his attorneys will be Hiiccesfful in their efforts to secure a new trial. Tot Cause Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes MrB. J. 0. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, fo we nave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble ttiat no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for UoukIip, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 60o and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Blukeley's drug store. $ Incrt'Nfcti In WuiffN. Yoiik, I'a., April 16. Tho puddlers at Hie York Rolling Mills are feeliog good today. They were notified this morn ing "that beginning with today they would receive an increase of 25 per cent in wages. Employes in other depart ments have beeu raised proportionately. Hhu Iliitit't WVui it Musk. But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will ail Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from Us use. Infallible for Outs Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 5oatG. 0. Blukeley's drugstore. 8 "I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor and a cure until I tr.ied DeWitt's Witch Hazal Salve. After using it once, 1 forgot I ever had anything like Piles." E. O. Boice, Somers Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Be sure you get De Witt's. OUrke&Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. Clarke & Falk tiaye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pattou strictly mire liquid paints Bears the t Signature Jjp IS FINED Mrs. Nation Ordered to Leave Kansas City, Mo. It Will Cost Her $500 to Return Took Her Fifteen Minutes to Get Out of Town. Kansas City, April 15. Mrs. Carrie Nation, who was arrested yesterday charged with obstructing the 6treet, was arraigned before Police Judge McAuley this morning, fined $500 and given until 0 o'clock this evening to leave town. The judge warned Mrs. Nation if she was found in the city after that hour she would be arrested and placed in jti). She agreed to leave town, and 15 minutes later boarded a street-car for Kansas City, Kan. The fine will bo hold over Mrs. Nation in case she should return to the city, and until Bhe is released by tho court she is practically barred from visiting Kansas City. Mrs. Nation appeared in court early, accompanied by her brother and a woman friend. The courtroom was literully jammed, and the people filled the doorway and crowded tho hall, Several cases were called before Mrs. Nation's, and she watched the proceed ings with manifest impatience. When Judge McAuley finally asked Mre. Nation what she had to say in regard to the charges placed against her, the woman arose instantly and delivered her salf of a fiery tirade against the police and court. She pleaded that she was merely waiting for a car when arrested, and was making the best of her time in the meantime by talking to a crowd that had gathered. A policeman testified that several cars had passed without Mrs. Nation making any attempt to board any of them. This caused Mrs. Natiou's ire to rise, and she flatly denied the statement. "There was no car in Bight," she snapped, "and I want you to know that I am a lady and tell the truth." Judge McAuley then gave his decision. "Missouri atmosphere," said he, "is not adapted for long-haired men, short haired women and whistling girls." The crowd clapped loudly at this. Mrs. Nation pleaded that she wished to go to Liberty, Mo., within a few days, and a9ked if she would be permitted to pass through Kausas City en route. Judge McAuley answered in the affirm ative, but warned her not to stop off here. She promised to leave the city im mediately, remarking that "the town was filled tooverfiowing with hell broth." A crowd of several hundred followed the joiut smasher as she left the courtroom and made for a car, and soon saw her started for the Kansas side. l'ubllo to Illume. New Yokk, April 15. Carter H. Har rison, mayor of Chicago, is in this city. Ho says he came for rest and recreation. While Mr. Harrison did not care to die cuss politics last night, he did talk about reform and the charges made that the administration in Chicago favors a wide-open town and is in league with the criminal elements. "I believe," said he, "that the proper persons to institute auy kind of reform, dramatic or otherwise, are the people's officials. 1 do not believe it is possible to have what is called an open-town un less the public wants it. I did not be lieve that it is possible to reform a com munity by passing laws. The commu nity cannot riee above its own level, and its level is reflected by the way in which it enforces its laws. "There is 110 truth in the report that Chicago is a wide-open town. It is a closely shut-down town in every sense of the word. "I think it is a very poor policy for a mayor to advocate the enforcement of blue laws or the ringing ot the curfew bell when the people are not in favor of them, You cannot reform any commun ity by law. It must be done by educa tion." Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's DyspepBia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 pts. Blakeley the druggist. Subscribe for Tuk Oukomoli, MEN'S SPRING SUITS jsr That's the gauge by which we buy and sell clothing "the best for the least money." Quality first, always. Without quality which stands for style, fit, work manship and materials no suit is a bargain, no matter how low the price. Our Spring Line of Quality Suits is now entirely ready. Saturday saw tho last shipment come in. No matter how large or how small a man you may be, we have a perfect-fitting suit ready for you. A bargain Business Suit of a full-weight, wide wale, pure worsted blue serge made especially to our order, with the best linings and interlinings; coat war ranted to hold its shape and not to sag at front and pockets. Perfect fitting collar and shoulder. If made to your measure at any good tailor's $25. We offer you equally as good a fit at , $12.50 New Stiff Hats $2.50 j& Those of our customers who bought their stiff hats of us last fall and paid only $2.50, will be glad to learn that the same good quality is now ready in the new spring block copied from 1901 Dunlap.. $2.50 Fancy Hosiery New spring J styles. An elegant variety just opened. ! Per pair 35c, 50c and 75c j a. ikl Played Out. Dull Headache, PairiB in various parts of the body, Sinkiug at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Keverishness, PimpleB or Sores are ali positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir ha9 nevei failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug gist. Hliermuu Couuty l'uul State Taxes, Salem, Or., April 15. Sherman coun ty today settled her state taxes in full for the year 1900, by paying to the state treasurer the sum of $7778.01. The sum of $1361.56 was also remitted in payment of that county's share of the ecalp bounty tax. A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery wtiy women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress my self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at G. C. Ulakeley's drug store. 8 If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleansing the scalp -Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossy. Price, -5 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer'e barber shop, The Dalles, tf Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb driuk. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back, 25'cts. and50cte, Blakeley, the druggist. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fait to give (immediate relief money refunded 25 ets. and 60 cts. Blakeley, tbe drug gist. Sizes 1U- to Williams H. L. PRICE, Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings, C. F. Stephen's Old Stand, Second Street. WE WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU. WE WANT your trade in Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings and are doing our best to deserve your patronage. OUR STORK is one of the prettiest and best lighted in The Dalles, and everything is displayed in a neat, tasty manner that helps to make quick-buying easy. MAKE IT a point to give our store a trial. We are sure you will he pleased with your visit and purchase. M ES sr jB Keep our place iu view when you want anything in Stiff Hats, Golfs, Fe doras and Caps. Wo have all the newest and most stylish spring shapes at 2oo to 50c cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our special $2 Golf Hat, it is of fine quality fur felt und one of the nattiest styles for tbe season. " Trade With Us and You'll Save Money." H. L-. PRICE, Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings, C. F. Stephen's Old Stand, Second Street. Administrator's Notice. Notice is horeby given that thu undersigned, udminMriitor of thu estate of K. V. Coo, de touted, litis tiled his Him! account, iih such ad mintstiKtor, iu thu County Court of thu Statu of Oregon for Wasco County, und thu Judgu of said eotut hits made an order appointing thu llrst day of thu next tuna of said Court, to-wit: Monday, thu tith day of Slay, 1U01, at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. in , as thu time for thu hearing of objections to said tlnal account and thu t-ettle-inent thereof, and has directed that notice be given thereof in the manner provided by law, Therefore ull heirs, creditor and other per sons interested In said estate tire hereby noti fied to appear In said court ou or beforu tnoday so appointed for the hearing and settlement of said llnal account, and lllu their oblectlons thereto, if any they have. Dated ut The Dulles, Or., April (1, 1901, tiO-lw II. O. COK, Administrator. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given tint the undersigned has tiled, with the clerk of the couuty court of the btuto of Ort'gou for Wasco county, his Until account us executor of thu lust will and tegu ment of Mary J, Heczley, deceased, und said couuty court bui, by an order made on the 6th day of March, 1K01, fixed thu Stb day of April, 1901, ut the hour of 2 o'clock u, in. , as the time und the county court room of said county, iu Dalles City, Oregon, as tbe place for tbe hearing of oblectlons to said tlnal account. tu9 V. B. HUNTINGTON, Executor. the best quality for the least money Good Shoes for tbe Children So good in fact that we are anxious to have all parents who read this adv. come in and see them. We refer to a particular line of Kangaroo Calf School Shoes made with plump solid soles and soft tough uppers stock lips, lace. Sizes 8-o- to 1 1 are $1.15 2 are. 1.35 & CO. The Dalles, Or. The Dalles, Or. Notice. Notice is hereby given that thu undersigned have duly Hied with tho clerk of the county court for Wusco County, Oregon, their Until ac count and report us executors of thu estate of Horatio Cordon, deceased, and that Monday, the thirteenth (l;!th)day of May, 1901, ut the hour of 'i o'clock ji. in. of said day, at tho count) court room iu tho couuty court house iu Dulles City, Wnseii County, Oregon, has been tUed by the Judge of said court us thu time und place for thu hearing of said report. All persons interested iu tuid estate are hereby notified to appear ut said tlmu mid place mid show cause, if any there he, why said report should not be ap proved und allowed und suid executors dis charged. Dated this 8th day of April, 1901, CHAHl.EB K, CORSON, WILLIAM K. COR80N, Executors of thu Instate of Horatio Corson, Deceased. aprlO DB.GUNNS ONI FOR A OOll. PILLS Reraor Pi tnplei, PrtTtot Cure Hsadseht nd Djrspvpti. ouiouiueu, rurifjr tboHlood, ftJB?!f.8,',WM S SSSfte WS wlU nil P fr, or fall boi lot J