SALMAGUNDI. Judge Guo. H. Williams, of Portland, has known eleven prt'shtants, 80 he said recently to a Euaeiie reporter. Nover In his life has Edward VII. made a speech that caused any disturb ance In his own country or the diplo matic world. The Kaiser might take eome lessons from his toyul Iiritish uncle with advantage. These complaint? ol bad cooks, have you observed come from elderly people? Children are given the scraps around home, say nothimr and get fat. The world is all right ; the cooks are all right ; it's your stomach that is out of order. The Oregon Agricultural College ex periment station has demonstrated that a pound of pork can he produced with three and one-quarter pounds of wheat to be exact S.L'2 pounds. The wheat should be ground and fed dry, the dry feed giving better results than the wot. Mayor Tom Johnson, of Cleveland, is purrounded by u full eet of republican city officers, who received over 3000 ma jority. As Mr. Johnson promised several things he knows ho cannot perform, his republican colleagues will come in handy when he titids it necessary to explain bis failure. Geo. Bilyeu and Geo. Rodgers, two prosperous farmers, living a few miles east of Scio, are the possessors of a cow and a sheep who are champions in:heartof stock multiplication. Mr. Bilyeu's cow hasgtven birth to fonrcalves within n year, and Mr. Rodgers has a .ewe. which is the proud mother of seven lambs, born within a year. The Weston Leader says: "Apropos of the celebrated brood sow recently brought to public Reynolds, which is raising fourteen pigs, D.m P. Hicks calle at tention to a similar animal at his place above town that is entitled to even greater credit. It is suckling only six little pigs, to be sure, but in addition nourishes a Jersey calf that strangely adopted the sow as its mother. The scene of domestic happiness depicted with six pigs contentedly procuring nourishment on one side of the sow, and the Jersey calf on the other, is described by Mr. flicks as novel and pleasing. rritSONAL MENTION, George A. Young, of Uakeoven, is in town. Grant Mays wbb n passenger on the delayed train this afternoon for Port land. Miss Ella Donaldson, a nurse in St. Vincent's hospital, arrived hern today from Portland to take a short and much needed rest while visiting her father, Mr. James Donaldson, of Kingsley. Miss Nettie McNeal has laid aside her duties in the I). P. & A. N. Co.'s oflice for a short time, and left, this morning for Portland, where she will take the Northern Pacific tonight bound for her old home in Watson, Missouri. Siie will be absent about three months visit ing her sister and friends there. We wish for her a very plesant journoy. Hob Hawn, of the California Chop House, has returned from a visit to his parents in Oniemee, North Dakota, where he left his little daughter under the care of her grandmother. Mr. Hawn had not seen his parents since eighteen years ago, when he left them to come to the Pacific coast. As they have retired from active business, Mr. Hawn is plan ning to have them come out here and sue iid their remaining dava in The Dalles. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't foreet this. You will not have boils if vou t, Clarke & Falk'a sure cure toi boils. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes, A full line of Eastman Situs and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Sunie desirable city property for sale or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons & Marden. notice by George i . ,. f ...,),. a family of i .,!,... ,,,i K.,, ,..(. .., ,.. tu; c uasc, utuci jii.ittc, iuvcC nil.. See our window. Mays Crowe. lltf For fresh halibut, perch, herring, razor clams, and all kinds of fish in season, leave orders with J. A. Carnaby. Quality and not quantity makes De- Witt's Little Earlv Risers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. We have a $17.50 "Pennant" bicycle, as good, if not better, than any $19, $20 or $25 wheel, sold by others. See our For You to Read "What puzzled mo in the beginning was that I kept losing flch without any cause for It that I could see. 1 had a little trouble with my stomach, too, and after a while began to grow weaker and to cough. The cough, I thought, would soon go away anil cure itself, but it didn't. It grew worse, and then I began to spit up u pecu liar looking substance. I never thought of consumption, but one day 1 had a hemorrhage, and then was frightened in earnest and did just what you would do. I rushed to the doctor. He was either too busy, or something else, for ho didn't do me any good. I kept going on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Things took a different turn, however, when I heard of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, for I took it, and it not only cured my cough ing and spitting, but also" built up my whole system. I took on per manent llesh, and today am just as healthy a man as you can find in a week's travel. You m;:v bo sure I always keep -U-kcr's Eng lish Remedy in the bouse, and it is a good thing I do so. for one night my youngest child was seized with croup. That hoarse, wheezv cough was the first signal. and I lost no time in giving the poor liltle sufferer proper doses of this grand medicine. In almost no time the disease was under control, and my child was saved. I advise every parent to have a bottle handy all the time. It serves the same purpose in keeping crouut of the house that a good lock and key serve to keep burglars out. It is both an expectorant and a tonic. It cured mo of con sumption and mychildof croup, and I know what I am tulking about." (Signed) Hon. M. IIotiAN, picture frame manufacturer, 242 Center Street, New York. Aoltet's Knglish KemedyisinnUl by nil tlruggiM under b mnitiTo sunrnntrn nmi y0Ur m0n will Ik r funded iu Cttao of failure. 33c.,&lc.und$lu boltliiiti U. N.anil Canada, la KtitilamJ. li.'Jd.,'Ja. 3d. .audi. W. mllmki ( 4flff KUruiifftf. 11 , 11. llOOKI'M A CO., Proprietors, Afcw York. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. if IT IS USELESS P P W1STE OF MEY nltfjto buy your Furniture abroad. .Besides saving you a IVeigbt bill, we also save you ironi 10 to 2o per cent, on each and every article purchased from us. Be wise and consider our low price ofl'ers. He was compelled, however, to take the , window. Mays & Crowe. all-tf calf away, as it was developing a milk trust and getting more than its share, to the manifest detriment of the young porkers." Here is a litMe story the Pendleton East Oregonian tells for the benefit of geologists and students generally : "Sam Endecott, of this city, has been digging a well for Charles Bronsou on the south side of the Tutuilla, two miles south of Pendleton. Mr. Endecott states that at a depth of 21 feet, after having dug all the way through hardpan, he came upon the skeleton of an animal nbout the size of a common domestic cat. The skeleton was well preserved, and the question now agitating him and others is, how did that animal come to be away down there covered with 21 feet of iiardpan? It would indicate for one thing that there was at some time in the long distant past a great slide of land from the mountains to the neigh boring plains, and that cat or rabbit or whatever it was called by the antiquari ans of that day, was caught and buried without the formality of a funeral. Everyone has the right to speculate on this matter." NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Carnaby and William Summers, underjttie style of Carnaby & Summers, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, William Summers re tiring and J. A. Carnaby continuing the business in bis own name. The said J. A. Carnaby will collect all debts due the late firm and pay all obligations in curred by it. Dated April 1, 1U01. J. A. Caunaiiv, William Summubk. Catarrb Uauuot lie Uured. with 1 local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country tor yeers, and is a regular prescription, It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciiknev & Co., Props,, Toledo O. Sold by drruggiota, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 FOR 8ALEAT A SACRIFICE. The Biggs hotel and store, both doing a good, paying business. The receipts of the hotel stoae (or March were $500. For sale only oa account of sickness in the family. Apply to la- lmd Jauks Haw-ham, Biggs. UH... ei rr. nn- ....11 , :..(,..:. paints when you can buy James E. j Patton's sunproof paints for $1.50 per , gauon, guaranteed xor o years. uiarK a Falk, agents. ml Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazsl Salve. It is imitated. Be sure ycu get DeWitt's. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. r Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remove all im purities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacv. Spring coughs are specially dangeroii6 and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. De Win's Little Early Risers cleanse the whole systeji. They never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. For sale, on easy terms, a fine fruit, hay and truck farm of about 200 acres, ten miles from The Dalles. Fine iin provements; about sixty acres bottom; creek through the place; an ideal home and income property. For further par liculars see Gibons & Marden, The Dalles, Oregon. m22wtf 11 .a. N OAK Hook Gnu' ; Highly Polihed; as low as $12.50. 5-piece Parlor .Suit ; fiuicy up holstered ; as low as .... $22.50. I GOLDEN' OAK Ohillmi mer; as low as ..$5.75 FOR SALE. Twelve head of work horses, plows, drill, wagon and three sets of double harnees. Approved notes taken. Ap ply to A, C. Rick, 2m-wtf The Dalles. Iryiiir preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the mcmbrano and decom pose, causing a far inoro serioua trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuiifl and use that which cleanses, sootbeB and beats. Llv's (Jream Halm la uucu a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the COo. size. Ely Brothers, 5C Warren Ht., N.Y. The JJalm cures without pain, does not irritate or came sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated nnu angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. We offer for a limited period the twice. a-week Giiuoniulk, price $150, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. f For sprains, swellings and laments there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For tale by Blake- ley, the druggist. Subscribe for Tub Cuhoniclk. Hi22! ish piece Bedroom Suit; golden oak (bi as low as $12.50 Latest stylo Whito Bede ; aB low as Enameled Iron $2.75 Fine Polished Extension Table ; hard wood ; as low ae $4.50 Our great line of Carpels. Linoleums, Oil Cloths and Mattings at correspondingly low prices. Golden Oak Side Hoard. $9.50 Great Northern Furniture Co., Second Street, opposite Obarr House. THE DALLES, OREGON. BE STRONG. Lincoln Sexual Pills restore natural strength and vigor. They do not excite or stimulate. Tiiev are a perfectly pure and certain nerve food, ami every tablet is standaried to absolute uniformity. Use them and von w li rejoice 111 strength, nerve vigor and manly magnetism. Price, 1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayne, Ind M. 'A, Doniioll, Ageut, The Dulled, Or. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Cr andall & Bur get UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERB The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. y THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjUBlft BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of thn product of Hmh well-known brewery tint United States Health ItuporlB for June 2H, WOO, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered the labratorv of the United States Health reportH. It in absolutely devoid of the HlltfhU'Bt trace of adulteration, but nu the other hand iH cotr.'posi-d of the best of malt and choicest of bops. Itn tonic (iialltioH are of iho hlijli. est and it can he used with the urimti-Ht Imnoflt mid satisfaction by old mul youiiK. Its use can conscientiously bo prescribed by the physicians w 1 1 1 1 the cerealntv that a better, purer or more wholeHoinu beverage could not possibly be found." . , r-, rn 1. rriTTTn T"v ATT Tn ci T m , I l PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepa-red to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? 1?2l!Sd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Peridle- f"OTl "F'lfmf T'"H 'mnr w manufactured expressly for family J. iJA.t. UHt). overv si!' k is nuuntntcud to civo satisfaction. We eell our yoode lower than any Iioiihh in the trade, and if ymi don't think so call and get our pneep and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Str. Rouulutor REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY HtciimurN it Hit- iti'Kiilutur Mm; will Am ns per tin- lol- owiiik m'IihIiiIl1, Hid C(iiuiany rvMurvliiK Mil) rltflit to uImiiro '3 M:!ii'ilulu without notice. 'jj ' down. , l.v. Dalits lit" A. M. TiR-nluy . . TIiuimIiiv . haiurilHV Arr. I'ortla , at 1 -:m v. m ml vv. l.v. I'orlhiin! ar 7 a. !. Monday . Weil hum) hv ' . . .Friday Arr. DjiIIom a ft i', k. 1 Ship your Freight Str. Dallos City. i via Regulator Line. DOWN l.v. Dalit at 7 A. i. .Monday . . . WViliii'Mlal' 1 Friday Arr. Portland at 1 ::) i'. i. nr. '; 1, , I'ortliuiil J llt'HOA M. i Tllit.llilV vl TlnirMlay J Hatiinliiy Arr. Haiku'; nt .'1 r. a FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, E, Travel liy tliu HtuamerM of thu KcKiilntnr Mne. The Comiwuiv will eniK-nvor to kIvu l1"1" K roiih thu lcst Hvrviuu noisllile. Kor fnrtliur ln'formallon uddrusii , l'ortliuul Ofllec, Oak-Hlrcet Dock. A A A W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. I C. J. STUBLilfJG, WHOI.KSAI.K AND ItKTAH. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. V (Joiidon I'Iioiik Mil y i.onic nut. loin. Next door to First National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S.f l-lur !sl o 1 1 tt A tt, ..1,1. k -t rn v i.i liriO "'v """"""1 1 j-iiuiB mij nuigiu nanus, woigui' iuu pouncla. Sirod by Zombro, 2:11, the boat son of MoKin noy, 2:11 h. .. uriiiMmitm, by lloxwood, eon of Nutwood. Second dam, b"e' ! a n l n T 1 1 i r 1 1" 'J1 f e'Vi2hhy Klnd'H,Ab(iallab, eon of Hamblrton ian iu. liiini iiaiii. I'rimuiiu i.u a i.o...i.. ... w .. . ' .i . 1 1 - ..I .tiiiBinuin, pun ui tnaiuurino uiuai it. n2Dn UND 8W 1,1 ,naiB t,,e teM0tl of 1001 at I" A. Porter's livery eUble, The Dallee, Oron. Terms for the Season, $20. For further particulars aee jan!H).dw4mo FRED PTaWtP.T? 13rnnriflt0r. - . wr