The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 15, 1901, Image 3

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    ...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Streot.
The Leaders in Low Prices.
Assortment No. 1.
Wo have a lot of Ginghams wo want lo
close out in a liurry the designs arc all
bright and frosh their wearing qualities
arc of the host their real worth 8 Jo
to 12k . ...
Selling Price, per yard,
Assortment No. 2.
A finer grade of Ginghams than the
above with a large assortment of color
ings and soft pretty designs their real
worth 15c to 20c per yard.
Selling Price for this week,
per yard,
New line of Arrow brand Collars,
up-to-date shapes in all sizes and
heights,-for men and boys,
2 for 25c
Men's Black Cat brand fine cotton
half hose in blue, red, tan and black,
sizes 9 to 1 1
2 for 25c
Shield Bows for high band collars,
new and handsome shapes,
6 YJBfl
Monarch Shirts in soft and stiff bos
om, the best line ever shown in the
city; very large lino of elegant soft
negligee shirts with attached cuffs or
separate, sizes from 14 to Ml neck,
35c, 3 for $1 1 . Y ou re
$1.25 to $2
We show a very large and well as
sorted line of new fedora and soft hats
for this summer; every new shape and
shade that is correct for this season.
Prices from
$1.50 to $4
Now spring suits for men and boys
in large variety,
$5 to $25
if yon Iirvo an idea, sir, that because
you could not tfat a good pair of shoes
for less than $5 or $0 ten years ago that
you are still obliged to pay that much
for a first-class shoe. Modern improve
ments in thejnanufacture of shoes have
cut the cost in two. Ten years ago five
dollars would not have bought such
shoes as we are now selling fur
Vici Kid, plain or cloth top, Box Calf,
Russia Calf in black or brown. We
have higher priced shoes to sell, but you
won't wear so many of them if you care
careinlly examine our $3 00 shoes.
Come in and see about it. .Spring
Etyles are waiting for you.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
rhe Dalles Daily Chmiete.
APRIL 15, 1001
T :
Ira served i
; Oysters i...
At Andrew Keller's.
All U'un(!i County wurrimtH rcelntiirml
lirlcir ti Mcptdiiilxir 1, I HOT, will Ito pnlil
on iiriitK'iitntlon nt my olllim, JntnruMt
ciiiihoh uftitr NnvfiulMir 1IMKI.
Ooiinty Trt-itHiiriir.
The Ashwood Prospector says about
sixty-five tons of ore is being shipped
from Uie King mine to the Tncoma
Xow is the time to get a bicycle.
Mays & Crowe'H Hpecial sale lasts one
week only. Yon cannot buy a Pennant
bicycle for iflT.OO after this week.
"Town Topics," a weekly free lance
sheet published in Portland, says that
W. II. II. Dufur, of Dufur, in booked for
the next United States marshalship.
II. L. Price, successor to C. F. Steph
ens, while in j Portland .Saturday pur
chased, at a large discount from cost, u
bankrupt stock of ladies' shirt waists
and Hkirts, the sale of which will be an
nounced in a few days.
Mays & Crowe sold six bicycles Satur
day. This is a pretty good sale of bicy
cles for one day in a town the size of The
Dulles. It is hard to understand how
such a wheel us the Pennant cuii be sold
for $17.50, but they do it.
The Meneley Trio concert Thursday
night at the M. E. church, tor genuine
entertainment, noble inspiration, splen
did harmony and magnificent imperson
ation, is tv combination iiard to equal.
Their entertainment is an intensely in
teresting sermon.
Leon Rondeau, of Kingsley, has closed
n deal with W. II. ButtB for aix lots near
the head of the old brewery grade, in
cluding the lot with the big spring. The
pricj for the aix Iota la $500. Mr. Ron
deau Intends to build a resilience on tiie
property and move hie family here that
his children may have the advantages
of The Dalles schools.
The clrculatiou of tho Telegram, since
U. II. Grant became the agent, has in
creased to such an extent that Mr. Grant
is obliged to employ a second hand for
its delivery. One man will deliver
above the Id u II' on horseback and the
other below the bluff on foot. In this
way it la calculated that subscribers 0n
the bluff wilj get the paper considerably
arller than heretofore.
The Linnton horae abattoir and can
nery will open for bualHeaa in the latter
part of May, when it ia expected the
otherwise worthless caynae ponies of the
Inland Empire will he good and fat and
fit for canning. It is estimated that not
lesB than three-quarters of a million of
cayuse ponies range the country tribu
tary to the Columbia river and its
branches. They are fit for nothing but
the slaughter-hou9e.
Rev. C. I). Nukeleen, of Goldendale,
preached two very able sermons in the
M. E. church here yesterday. Though
one of the yongest ministers in the con
ference, he is also one of the best, and
is certainly a uood student, as his dis
course on evolution proved last night.
Those who expected most of him were
greatly surprised at the able maimer in
which he handled his subject.
C. A. Scott, a retired merchant of
Baltimore, Maryland, stopped over here
for a week while on his way home from
the Philippine islands, which he visited
for the benefit of health. While there
be purchased 8000 acres of timber lands
at an expense of $3,500. He left here
this morning for home, where he intends
to purchase a snw mill plant and return
with it to the islands in the fall. Mr.
Scott thinks there are splendid openings
for tiie investment of American capital
in these new possessions of ours.
A party of four, consisting of Hon.
M. A. Moody and Miss Bessie Lang of
this city, Mrs. C. J. Heed of Portland,
and Mr. II. D. Langille, of Hood River,
made the trip Saturday afternoon, the
first of the season, to Cloiid Cap lnu,
remaining theie over night; and return
ing to the river Sunday afternoon. Tho
party went by wagon to he snow line at
the Elk Beds, and front thence to tiie
inn on Indian shoes, returning to the
Elk Beds on skeeg, The party report
about six feet of enoyf in the neighbor
hood of the inn.
Graut's, the American Ciar Store &
Jfews Stand, will this (Monday)
evening, at 8 p, m., give to the person
holding tho winning number a 1001
Ham bier bicycle. In order to prove to
the public that our drawing is on the
square, we will allow the person holding
tho winning coupon thirty days to cull
for the bicycle. If not called tor then
we will draw the sume number over,
so don't destroy your coupons if you do
not win on the first drawing. Remem
ber tho date this evening, April 15th,
at 8 p. nt.
1'hn J rl hIi Duke."
Gel your seats for the "Irish Duke"
play, to be given at the Vogt opera house
Thursday evening, April 18th. This ia
the last day the plan of the seats will be
at Grant's, the American Cigar Store.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
it will he at the Powtollioe Pharmacy,
Clarke & Falk's. Those who have not
already bought seats, should procure
them at once, aa the more desirable
seals are being taken very rapidly, and
there is every indication that there will
be an uuuauly large audience. The
elite ol the city will he there. Nearly
100 reserved seats are aold already.
Aculnuliln'H Lout KplxtlF.
James J. Montague, who writes the
Note and Comment column in the Ore
gonian, pens this rather neat rhyme:
I inn linlslit'd, Jiryaii, finished,
It's UMliietly up to lii-j
To come oil my perch adioltly
And to llK"t fe.t foremost. See?
Square mo with th" push in llotton,
Give my kindest to Marl; Twain;
Tell him I am uwful sorry
That Ills spiel for me was vain.
Tell the democratic party
That an ihsnecuu be found
That will beat Imperialism
I.ot.s of solid ones lyinn 'round.
Tell the erowd thut rooted for me
Of the hole that I am In,
Kay 1 hated to desert them,
JJut I had to save my skin.
Cable llrother AkoiicHIo
He ean acltate away
If he feels- llkokeeiIne at It,
iiut I've him to stop his pay.
It was pleasant revnluthiK
When the ' gimp was here,
And 1 sold the Tamils o them
For big money every year.
lint of late I've had to travel
NiKht and day to keep ahead
Of our old friend, Uncle Samuel,
And it bored mo ou tho dead.
So I guess I'll swear allegiarce,
Though I hate to throw you down;
don't think that I was destined
For tho Filipino crown.
I'll bo over ycur way some time,
And I take this chtinro to state
That you'll soon beho'd me voting
The expansion ticket, straight.
Itimeliall Game.
The baseball game betweenthe High
Schools and the Counter Jntnptrs was a
warm one, which resultedin a victory
for the Counter Jumpersby one ecore
The game was hot and heavy all the wa
through, but next Suday will be
warmer one, and the Counter Jumpers
will no doubt chooseBomeone besides ai
high school umpire
The line-up was s follows
legislature. He will see that clubs are
organized in every county in the state,
and he proposes to make a hard fight
and commence early. His friend, Jo
seph Simon's, term will expire at that
time. Mr. Simon will also make a
fight, and with a few dark herses in the
field the next eession of the legislature
promises to be more tropical than the
last. Oregon Mist.
Thk Chuoxici.e predicts that these Si
mese twins will have a tough time or
ganizing clubs in their interest in this
county. Wasco county has no use for
either of them, and will abundantly
prove it has no use for them the very
moment it yets a chance.
Card of 1 hanks.
We wish in this manner to express
our appreciation and heartfelt thanks to
our friends and neighbors for the many
acts of kindness shown us in our late
bereavement. It is indeed a coneolation
to know and feel that at this time of our
great sorrow our friends, by kind words
of sympathy aud consolation, seek to
Mghten our burden of grief. The beau
tiful exemplification of true friendship
for us and our departed loved one has
endeared the good people of The Dalles
to our hearts.
W. L. Bhabhiiaw and Family.
Williams ,
s s
3 b
Senator IMIteliell Improving
Under date of April 13th Senator John
II. Mitchell telegraphed his son, Hiram
E. Mitchell, of Portland, in response to
many Inquiries concerning Senator
Mitchell's reported illness, as follows:
Wasuinuton, April 13, Captain Hi
rain E, Mitchell, care H. C. Robertson,
Commercial block, Poitland: Please
say to all frieuds, although still confined
to bed, 1 am getting ou splendidly ; im
proving daily, no fever, good appetite,
aleep well, no bad aymptoms. Am giv
ing attention to correspondence, dictat
ing answers to letters every day. My
trouble has been an acute attack o' la
grippe; threatened seriously for several
days with pneumonia. It wilt perhaps
be ten days or two weeks before 1 am
uble to be about much.
John H. Mitchell.
We Want Neither uf Tliein.
Hou, II, W. Corbett, who wae a can
didate for the United States senate, de
clares that on the first day of next Jau
uary he will start in and make a tight
(or the election at the next session of the
Ira Kistner, of Tygh Valley, was ar
rested Saturday night by Marshal Driver
n a charge of having cruelly beaten the
addle horae that he had ridden into
town. It is alleged that the animal re
sented being cinched up, aud lay down
on the street in front of L. A. Porter's
livery stable, w here he had been stabled,
and refused to get up, and that Kistner
smashed a one-by-four board over his
head and perpetrated other cruelties on
the animal. It is claimed for the de
fense that the horse is a mean brute,
and that he kicked his stall in the Por
ter Stable's into splinters. The hearing
of the case waB set for -1 o'clock this
afternoon in the recorder's court.
.MuHoiile. Meeting
I There will be a regular communica
tion of Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A.
M., at 7:30 this evening. Work in tho
Second degree. All members and visit.,
ing brethren are requested to be present.
By order of W. M.
O. D. Doa.s'k, Secy.
For iulauts aud Children,
Tbi Kind You Have Always Bought
Our lino of Mop's Clothing for Spring is now complete, and
wc are offering some choice bargains in this department.
Two Specials!
Round cut sack, fancy check worsted ;
a. very stylish suit for
Spring wear. We are sell
inir these suits for
A double-breasted, all-wool, blue
serge with satin-faced lapels and front.
These goods are the most popular ou the
market; would he cheap
at $15.00. Our special
price only
;ck wnrcii-fi ;
topuiar ou ine
If you are in need of a Spring Suit
come to our Clothing Department and
we will surprise you with our bargains.
Everything is new and up-to-date. We
are the acknowledged leaders by all
good drctsers.
If you don't know what you want in
tliis line, come in and we will help you
make up your mind.
Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
Ti ubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
White Mountain Tee Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. & II., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will &5
j'- have prompt attention. "&x;
Wc will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
We beg to inform the public that we have established in
this city, corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, a
Genera! Hardware and Implement Store
We will Carry at all Times a Well-assorted
Stock of the Following
Builders' Hardware,
Mechanics' Tools,
Miscellaneous Hardware,
Superior Steel Ranges aud Stoves,
Tin and Enameled Ware,
Bicycle Sundries,
Cutlery and Fishing Tackle,
Guns, Rifles and Shooters' Sundries,
Farming TooIb nnd Implements,
Mitchell Wagons,
Buggies and Spring Wagons,
Champion Draw Cut Mowers,
Reapers and Binders,
Bissel Chilled Plows,
Blacksmith and Wagonmakers' Supplies,
Windmills, Hand, Force and
Spray Pumps,
Wrought Iron Pipe and Sheet Metals, Rubber Hoeo and Belting.
Also Agents for Buffalo Pitts' Separators and Engines.
Iu connection with our store we operate a Plumbing, Tin and General Repair
Shop. Bicycle Repairing, Lock andGunsiuithing n specialty.
All Orders entrdsted to us will have cat ef ul and prompt attention.
Mail Orders wi'l always be filled with dispatch.
Bears the
Signature of
Duu't Hub It iu,
Juat wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Curo, a Scotch remedy,
aud the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can be bought
for 1200. Call at this office. m'25-lni
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your tr cer for them.
When your hair appears dry aud to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life aud vigor. Wo have what
the hair needs when it gets In that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science II a Ir dSSft-wSfc Grower and
Cocoanut Cream flEWr Tonic. They
will cure dand MP roll' a'd all
sc.lp disease, Fur sale at Frazer s bur
lier shop. Price 50c and 75u a bottle.
We have a bicycle for $19.00, which is
equal if not better than any $'.'0,00 or
!f2." 00 wheel sold by others. Maier it
Benton. nO 2w
If anything ails your huir, go and see
Frazer; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
makes a specialty of these goods. if
For rent A six-room cottage, Applv
to C. L. Phillips. al3Ut
Ice cream and ice cream soda now nn
tap at A, Keller's, aliltf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -lot). Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Nest door to Star Lodging House.
Positions Awaiting Men and
ur special granite' ware sale continues
this week. See window for prices,
Mays & Crowe, 8t(