The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 15, 1901, Image 1

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    x u
NO. 61
, rIMIi K I. i tin n ij i
AVcgclable Prcparationlm- As
similating IlicFoodandRegula
ling the Stomachs andBowcis of
Promotes DigcstionCteerfur
ness nid Rest. Con tains neillicr
Opitim.Morpliine norIiiral.
Not "Naiic otic .
JmyJim A'aJ-'
slilisr Stvd t
Jhfirrmua -lltJitrimnairSula
HSrm-SrmJ -
ltintrryfrn Flmr.
Apcifccl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .(kmvulsions.Fcvcrish
ness iuul Loss of Sleep.
I'ac Siiuitc Signature or
V e
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature AXT
For Over
Thirty Years
It is Feared Luna's Friends May Try
to Do Him Injur'.
Ni:v Vouk, April 111. A special to the
Humid from Washington Hiiye:
Aguinaldo's delay in itsulng t lie iiiiini
feHto udvleing geueral Burrender of in
Burgents und delivering of arms and
tliuir acceptance of American sovereignty
is causing comment. OiliehilB of tbe war
department assort their faith in Geueral
MacArthur's ability to induce Aguinaldo
to issue the desired address. Aguinaldo
haa demanded certain conditioiiH rb a
preliminary to this action, and a dis
ciiBHiou has occuired on the points which
lit has named, Before the address is is
sued it is expected it will be cabled in
full to the secretary of war for submit?
fliou to the president, and will be
(intended by 'the authorities iiere if
amendment is desirable.
Under instructions General MacArlhur
ie closely guarding Aguinaldo, both to
prevent his escape and to prevent any
.injury being done him by friends of the
late Lieutenant-Genera) Luna. Lieutenant-Colonel
Clarence Edward?, who was
the adjutant-general of General L twtonV
column, said that there seemed, to be
very little doubt that Aguiualdo t ad
fiiven instructions for the death of Lunn,
who was killed In Oabanatuau by one of
Aguinaldo'a bodyguard. General Luna,
Colouel Edwards said, was "the Lawtou
f the Filipino service." Aguinaldo had
on t a peace commission to treat with
the Americans, but Luna arrested Rome
of them and sent some of his own com
mission. Jealous of the popularity with
the army and desiring to provide for
himself the dictatorship, Aguinaldo,
Colouel Edwards added, is believed to
have given the orders which resulted in
ids rival's assassination.
The Cuban Method.
Havana, April IS. At the opening of
today's aeoret session of the coiiHtitutit.ii
1 convention, Sonor Nunez aeked that
tho convention either reject or accept the
l'latt ameudment, as the resolution
adopted yesterday whs not a formal
declaration and was misleading. The
ConiervatlvM considered that life reso
lution practically rejected the aineud
merit, while ttie Radicals and the Radical
presH mtiintained that it did not. and
Senor Nunez, therefore, that a yea aud
nay vote be taken. This was opposed
by the Radicals, who have alwayB
avoided taking a decided etund. The
Conservatives were pleased ut the point,
and as a split was threatened among the
Radicals, a compromise wbb oll'ered and
agreed to, by tho terms of which absolu
tion was adopted that, the convention
should not expresB itBelf either for or
against the amendment, and that a com
mittee be sent to Washington to secure
the beMt possible agreement with the
president. This committee will not be
authorized to sottlle definitely the
question of the relations between the
United Slates and Cubrt, but will report
hack to the convention.
Tot Causes Might Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so wo gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
it in the houBe to protect our children
from Croup and Whooping Cough. It
cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble
tial no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat
and Lung troubles. 60c and $1.00. Trial
hottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drug
store. 3
She Didn't Wear a Mask.
But her beauty was completely hidden
by sores, blotches and pimples till she
used Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Then
they vanished as will all Eruptions,
Fever Sores, Boile, Ulcers, Carbuncles
and Felons from its ueo. Infallible for
Cuts Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles.
Cure guaranteed. 25catG. C. Blakeley's
drugstore. $
Commencing Monday, the loth lust.,
IheBteauier "Iralda" will resume ser
vice between Cascado Locks and The
Dalles, leaving Cascade Locks dally
(except Sunday) at 0 a. in. and The
Dalles at 8 p. in., and will run on
schedule time.
W. C. Am.away, Gen. Agent.
"I had piles so bad I . could get no rest
nor tiud a rure until I tried DeWltt's
Witch Haeel Salve. After using it once,
1 forgot I ever had anything like Piles."
E. 0. Bolce, Somera Point, h. Y. Look
out for imitations. Be sure you get De
Witt's. Clarke AFalk's P.O. Pharmacy,
American Party Almost Entrapped in
Lcyte Attacking Insurgents De
feated After a Sharp Skirmish.
Manila, April 13. General Mac
Arthur has forwarded to Washington n
special report on saloons and the eocial
evil in the Philippine islands.
Information concerning the doincs of
Aguinaldo is withheld by the authori
ties. The wife and mother of Aguinaldo
have been almost his only visitors during
the past week. General MacArthur
considers inopportune the suggestion
made here that Aguinaldo visit the
United States.
By the treachery of a native guide,
Lieutenant Mills, of Company G, Forty
third volunteer infantry, was almost
entrapped while pursuing insurgents in
the interior of the island of Leyte. After
a eliort skirihleh the attacking insurgents
weredefeated. Surgeon Lewis Thompson
and Private Proeset were severely
At Silang, in Cavite province, the in
surgents have surrendered several Nor
denfeldts. 4
The trial of Sergeant Menison, the first
case in the commissary scandals, began
with the startling disclosures expected.
Two witnesses testified that quantities
of flour were taken from a government
warehouse and sold by three comrnieeary
sergeants and two others, who divided
the proceeds. Finnick, proprietor of an
American bakery, was incriminated, and
other bueineee men were also involved.
The extent of the illegal sales has not
been ascertained.
Archbishop Chappelle, the paper dele-!
gate to the Philippines, has been sum
moned to Rome. He will sail soon, and
his return here is improbable.
o lliglil to Juterfere.
Nkw Oni.EANH, April 13. Judge Par
lange, in the United States superior
court today, handed down a decision dis
missing the Buit brought by the Boer
representative here to prevent the ship
ment of mules and horses from New
Orleans to the British army in South
Africa. The decision is a long one.
Judge Parlange holds that the transac
tions between citizens of the United
States and the British government were
conducted by the order of private citizen
ship and that the courts had absolutely
no juiisdiction to Interfere. The horses
and mules, the court said, were bought
d a neutral territory. Judge Parlange
continued :
"If the complainants could be heard
to assert here rights personal to them
selves in the treaty invaded, aud if the
mules and horses involved in this cause
are munitions of war, all of which is dis
puted by the defendants, it would be
come necessary to determine whether
the United States intended by the de-
claration of tbe treaty of Washington, of
May, 1871, to subvert the well-established
principle of international law that the
private citizens of a neutral nation can
lawfully sell supplies to belligerents.
The principle that neutral citizens may
lawfully sell to belligerents has long
been settled iu this country by the high
est judicial authorities."
A Weep Mystery.
It is a mystery wliy women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved
that Electric Bitters will quickly cure
such troubles. "I suffered for years with
kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe
Cheriey, of Peterson, la., "and a lame
back pained me so I could not dress my
self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me, aud, although 73 years old, I now
am able to do all my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c
at G. 0. Blakeley's drug store. ' 3
CltuoKtf Death or UlluUueis.
Nkw Yohk, April 13. The World's
special from St. Petersburg ewye:
A sensational tragedy has caused in
tense excitement here. Captain Hecker,
of the imperial guards, suspected Pro
fessor Hermann Dohnberg, tbe famous
oculist, of attentions to bis wife, Hecker
called on Dohnberg, accused blm and
the best,
for the
least money
That's tho gauge by which we buy and sell clothing "the best for the least
money." Quality first, always. Without quality which stands for style, fit, work
manship and materials no suit is a bargain, no matter how low the price.
Our Spring Line of Quality Suits is now entirely ready. Saturday saw
the last shipment come in. No matter how large or how small a man you may be, we
have a perfect-fitting suit ready for you.
A bargain. i Business Suit of a full-weight, wide wale, pure worsted blue
serge made especially to our order, with the best linings and interlinings; coat war
ranted to hold its shape and not to sag at front and pockets. Perfect fitting collar and
shoulder. If made to your measure at any good tailor's $25. We offer you equally
as good a fit at
New Stiff Hats $2.50
Those of our customers who bought
their stiff hats of us last fall and paid only
$2.50, will be glad to learn that the same
good quality is now ready in the new spring
block copied from 1901 Dunlap.. $2.50
Fancy Hosiery New spring
styles. An elegant variety just opened.
Per pair 35c, 50c and 75c
Good Shoes
for tbe Children s& j&
So good in fact that we are anxious
to have all parents who read this adv.
come in and see them. We refer to a
particular line of Kangaroo Calf School
Shoes made with plump solid soles and
soft tough uppers stock tips, lace.
Sizes 8h to 11 are $1.15
Sizes IU to 2 are 1.35
gave him the option of blinding himself
for life or being shot. Dohnberg chose
death and Hecker killed him on the spot.
Hecker's punishment probably will be
light. Trie Czar has asked for a special
report on the whole cirenmstancee.
I'layeit Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
PimpleBor Sores are ali positive eviden
cee of impure blood. No matter how it
became bo it muet be purified in order
to obtain itood health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly it wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. Decay In Westminister Abbey.
London, April 13. Some alarm haB
been caused by the fall of an 18 foot pil
lar in Westminister Abbey. The pillar
stood in the side chapel northeast of the
chancel. It fell with a tremendous
crash, was shattered into small pieces
and damaged the tomb of Lord Norreys.
Investigation showed that u similar col
umn iu tbe same chapel was very un
safe. Steps have been taken to assure
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
beat preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and glossy.
Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 eta. Blakeley the druggist.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and iudlgeetion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25cte. and50cte. Blakeley,
the druggiat.
Experience ie the beet Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughe, colds or croup, Should it fail to
give (immediate relief money refunded
25 cts, and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
Subscribe for Tuk Ohuoniolx.
Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings,
C. F. Stephen's Old Staud, Second Street.
The Dalles, Or.
WE WANT your trade in Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings
ami are doing our best to deserve your patronage.
OUR STORE is one of the prettiest ami best lighted In The
Dalles, and everything is displayed in a neat, tasty manner that
helps to make quick-buying easy.
MAKE IT a point to give our store a trial,
will be pleased with your visit and purchase.
We are sure you
Keep our place in view when you want anything in Stiff Hats, Golfs, Fe
doras and Caps. We have all the newest and most stylish spring shapes
at 25c to 50c cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our special $2 Golf
Hat, it is of fine quality fur felt aud one of the nattiest styles for tbe
' " Trade With Us and You'll Save Money."
Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings,
C. F. Stephen's Old Stand, Second Street.
The Dalles, Or.
Administrator's Notice.
Notlro i hereby given that the undersigned,
iidinliilstrator of tho etstato of K. t'. Coe, de
(OHbwl, litis tiled Ills Huh', uccnuiir. us such ml
nilnlistrator, In tho County Court of tho Ktiito of
Oregon for Wasco County, and tho Judge of tatd
court hiia made nn order appointing the tirst
day of tliu next term of vald Court, to-wit:
Monday, the Dth d ly of May, I'.Wl, at the hour of
' o'clock p. m. , us the time for the hearing of
objections to said liiial account and the t-ettlo-nieiit
thereof, and haa directed tltat notice he
given thereof In the manner juovlded bv law,
'therefore all heirs, creditors and other per
sons iuterested iu vuld estate are hereby noti
fied to appear in said court on or before the day
m appointed for the hearing and settlement of
said lliuil account, and lite their objections
thereto. If any they have.
Dated at The Dalles, Or., April 0, 1901.
uMw II. O. COK, Administrator.
Notice is hereby given tint the undersigned
has tiled, with the clerk of the comity court of
the Unite of Oregon for Wasco county, his Una)
account as executor of the last will and testa
ment of Mary J. lleeley, deceased, and said
county court has. by an order made on the 5th
day of March, l'JOl, fixed the 8th day of April,
1901, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock ii, m., as tho time
aud the county court room of said county, iu
Dallea City, Oregon. as tho place for the hearing
of objections to said final account.
ma a, H. HUNTINGTON, Executor,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
have duly tiled with the clerk of the county
court for Wasco County, Oregon, their final ac
count and report as executors of the estate of
Horatio Corson, deceased, and that Monday, tho
thirteenth (Ulth) day of May, 1901, at the hour of
'i o'clock ii. in. of said day, at the county court
mom iu the county court house iu Dalles City,
Wasco County, Oregon, has been llxed by tho
Judge of said court as the time aud place for tho
hearing of said report. All persons interested
In mid estate are hereby untitled to appear at
said time aud place aud show cause, if any
there be, why said report should not be ap
proved aud allowed and said executors dis
charged. Dated this 8th day of April, 1031.
CIlAltl.KS K. coasoN,
WIl.l.l.VM K. COHdUN,
Kxecutors of tho iCstate of Horatio Corson,
Deceased. aprlO
IleraoM Pimples, Pre.n
nihotuutiM, J'urifjr thoblood,
Cur lie Jch u4 Drsuvpils.
ffc UlUHHIUMIir. tW Stilt liAaala aaW m Ik
t"S mS wl" H roi'l r. t fail bo foi
t.S44brdrufts. 0B. BQSANK0 GO. Phil.
nortioktn.To co.