The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 12, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 59
el)c Dalles
hi iiMttit A n!."rr"ii-,"iii"i.(finTTiTiMii.l(iit,ii(ililltiini
AVcgclablc Prcparationfor As
similating IticFoodandRcgula
ting Ihc Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigC9tion,Checrfur
ness nnd Itcst.Contains nelltier
Opiuni.Morphine nor Mineral.
'ot "N arc otic .
,'rctpc ofOUDrSAMUELPITCmi
HtmJan Srrtl'
Srrd f
Jhffirmwtl -Jli
llcnttSttd -
Clmfitd Sumr
wt rumr.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ni'ss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Hidden Ciuiutillnc I'lit In L.s;kI.
Ni:v Yoiik, April 11. The Herald
Hay tj ; What is believed to tie one of the
first eases decided by a jury in favor of
the payment of u gambling debt, dis
puted on the ground of itu illegality, hue
been disposed of in the city court before
Chief Judge FiUsinunons. The jury
gave u verdict in favor of John Bradley
on two "1. 0. U.e" given him by Henry
W. Ivieon, a well-known broker of thin
city, one for $1100 und the other for $700.
Mr. IviBon, while in St. Augistine, Flu.,
Murch 110, 189H, paid h vieit ton gambling-
nuuse Kept ty mauley iuhi lost .fiuuu hi
roulette, lie gave hie "I. O. U.," hut
as he refused to pay Bradley pluced the
natter in the hands of hie counsel, A.
H. Hummell. Mr. Hummell put the 1.
0. U.h in evidence together with a letter
written by Alexander Lamout, counsel
for IviBon, saying; that hie client was
desirous of settling the matter without
the trouble of going to court if a shoit
extension should be granted him. iviaon
on the stand admitted making the notes,
hut insisted that they were given to pay
for hie loBsesat roulette. Mr. liumtut-ll
Baked, on cross-exainiuatiou, if he would
not have taken Bradley's money had he
been a winner, and he confessed that he
It took the jury but a few moments to
'hid a verdict against Ivison.
The Meat Iteutedy fur KlieumalUui.
All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it a (fort's.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. kinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says : "Some time ago I
liud a severe attack of rheumatism in
my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous
remedies but got no relief until I whs
recommended Dy Meters. Geo, F. Parsons
& Co., druggists of this place, to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recom
mended it so highly that I bought a
hottle. J wan toon relieved of all pain, I
have since recommended this liniment
to tnauy of my friends, who agree witli
nit) it is the best remedy for muscular
rheutuatiain in the market." For sale
by Blakeley, the druggist.
Tilal of Jauii Oreeu.
Stjcvknson, Waah., April 11. By to.
day's testimony the tinea were drawn
tight about James G. Green, the self
confessed murdeier of K. V. Benjamin,
At Underwood's Landing, last mouth.
Green thla morning, without a break
and without emotion, faced Superior
Judge Miller and entered a plea of not
The sensation of the day was the testi
mony of Mrs. A. J. Haynep, which
brought to light tue fact of another con
fession by Green, which hud been previ
ously rumored. A pathetic incident of
the day's proceedings was the piteous
weeping of Mrs. Benjamin, who was
present, clad in deep mourning, and
who could not restrain her sorrow while
Prosecuting Attorney Moore described
to the jury, in his opening etatement,
the details - of her husband's brutal
Kiul Near In Huuth Africa.
London, April 11. No further news
has been received regurding the reported
resumption of peace negotiations in
South Africa, but the act that the censor
allowed the report to pass, and the fact
that the government has not heued a
denial, are held to prove that negotia
tions of some sort are in progress.
The Britibh have evacuated Hoope
stad, which the Daily Mail observes,
"seems to show that Lord Kitchener's
force is still none too strong."
It is announced from Brussels, that
the Dutch Transvaal committee has
handed to Mr. Kruger a check fori,-
000,000 florins, collected in Holland for
the assistance of the Boers.
The British war office has issued the
following tpecial order regarding sur
renders in the field :
"Any officer or soldier, who in the
presence of the enemy displays a white
flax or other token of surrender, will be
tried by general court martial."
Night YVmh Her Terror,
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Chae. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "und could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but, when all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained 68 pounds." It's
absolutely guaranteed to cure, Coughs,
Colds, La Grippo, Broncbitie and all
Throat end Lung Troubles. Price 00c
and ft 00. Trial bottles free at G. O.
Blakeley's drug store, 2
For sale, on easy terms, a fine fruit,
hay and truck farm of about 200 acres,
ten miles from The Dalles. Fiue im
provements ; about sixty acres bottom ;
creek through the place; an ideal home
and income property. For further par
ticulars see Gibona & Mardeu, The
Dalles, Oregon. ui22wtf
Pike's Peak Region is Covered to a
Depth of From Two to Ten Feet
Storm Began at 9 O'clock Last
Colouado Springs, Colo., April 11.
The Pike's Peak region is buried under
two to ten feet of snow, which fell in
about 12 hour's, beginning at 9 o'clock
last night. The enow is deepest on the
north side of Pike's Peak, and over the
transcontinental divide between this
city nnd Denver.
A gale blowing fiftv miles an hour is
drifting the enow, and Cripple Creek
mining distiict is blockaded. All trains
are 3 to 0 hours late between here and
Denver. The Santa Fe ia snowed under.
By working all night with electric plows,
the rapid transit eystem in this city was
kept open. The city schools were dis
missed for the day on account of the
Dknvei:, April 11. The etorm which
began Tuesday aud continued inter
mittently Wednesday, developed into a
blizzard during the night. Throughout
Eastern Colorado and Wyoming the
ground is covered with wet enow to a
depth of from 1 to 2 feet. ro serious
damage ha9 yet been reported. The
weather has been comparatively warm.
Should it become warmer the wet enow
will form a crust which will make it im
possible for cattle and sheep to graza on
the ranges, and in that event serious
loeses of livestock may result.
We are in
the midst of
Sale j& j&
The very
timeliness of the
makes it great'
on c? j&
Lace Curtains Below Price
at House-cleaning Time ?
when every house-keeper is ready for them.
A reduction of 25 per cent.
off the regular price on any and every style in
this vast assortment.
Curtains of all the new and most desirable kinds. The
very cream of the market has been gathered for this spring
by our curtain-buyerp, and we feel confident of having the
etyle of your choice at the right price.
Ruffled Curtains and others
Those worth & j&
American Italia For Glasgow.
New Yoiik, April 11. Private cable
advices laet night brought news that the
Glasgow, Scotland, municipal committee
had recommended the awarding of a big
contract to an American eteel company
for the supplying of 3450 tons of roils
and fish plates for the municipal street
railway at Glasgow. There will be 3000
tons nf straight rails, 300 tons of curved
raile and 150 tone of fish plates. The
price for the railn will be $32 a ton and
the fish plates $34 a ton. The order ie
therefore worth $110,700
The raile are to be used for the ex
tension of the electric system owned by
the city itself. Fully nine-tentbe of the
first equipment of the road, amounting
to $900,000, was purchased in the United
States. This rail contract will be the
largest ever placed in this city for use
in Great Britain. The Lorain Steel
Company, of Ohio, gets the order.
Haya lie Wn Tortured.
"I Buffered euch pain from corns I
could hardly walk," writes H. Robinson,
Hillsborough, Ills.,"but Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve completely cured them." Acts
like magic on sprains, bruises, cute,
sores ecalde, burns, boils, ulcere. Per
fect healer of skin diseases and piles.
Cure guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, the
druggist. 25c. 2
Unpublished Hymn Found.
Nkw YoiiK, April 11. An unpublished
hymn, written by Henry Wadeworth
Longfellow, has been discovered among
worthless papers and old letters at the
Longfellow house. The hymn is entitled
'Christo et Ecclesiae," and was written
for the dedication of Appleton Chapel,
which took place on October 17, 1858.
Dr. F. G. Peabody read the the hymn at
morning prayers recently, Mre. Long
fellow does uot wish to give out the poem I
for publication just now, and ehe has not
definitely decided where the hymn ia
first to be published. It is possible that
it will soon be published to the Harvard
You will waste time if vou try to cure
indigestion or dyspepsia by starving
yourself. That only makes it worso
when you do eat heartily. You always
need plenty of ood food properly di
gested, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the
result of years of scientific research for
something that would digest uot only
some elements of food but every kind,
Anil It. ia t.h rinn rmnaHv that, will itn It.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Acker's English Remedy will atop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worat cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 eta. and 50 eta. Blakeley
the druggist,
$10 00 a
8 00 a
7 5(1 a
7 00 a
G 50 a
0 00 a
5 50 a
5 00 a
4 50 a
4 00a
are now
are now
are now
are now
are now
are now
are now
are now
are now
are now
$7 50
G 00
5 G3
R .n
3 38
3 00
$3 50 a
3 00 a
2 50 a
2 00 a
1 75 a
1 50 a
1 25 a
1 00 a
90 a
75 a
50 a
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
are now.
.$2 G3
. 2 25
. 1 88
. 1 50
. 1 31
. 1 13
. 94
. 38
An Excellent
Dress Authority writes :
"So long as vogue sanctions athletics and adores
the military, so long will man dress in emartly-cut
jackets with broad military shoulders.
"Neglieee shirts will be used aB never before. The
plaited ehirt is one of the spring innovations.
"Quiet cravattingH and half-hose will mark the well
dressed man of this spring.
"All well-shod feet will be in low-cut shoe9 of dura
ble, comfortable build."
He must Have seen
Our Stock j&
I Wear the Williams Hat; A TlT "XXTl 1 1 1 1 TY1 C Rr CC I New line of children's I
$3 and it's guaranteed " W lllldlllO Ow VjiJ. t wash dresses just opened I
New Store! New Goods! New Prices!
We desire to announce to the public of The Dalles and Wasco County that we have
received a complete stock for Spring and Summer, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing,
Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, and a large
variety of Wrappers. We want you to come to our Store and examine our goods and get
our prices. We will gladly show you through our place, whether you intend purchasing
or not, as we intend to make this Spring and Summer a memorable one in the Shoe
and Clothing line.
We are going to give the people an opportunity to buy their Spring and Summer
wearing apparel at prices never before heard of in Wasco County. And boar in mind, we
will sell you Honest Goods at Low Prices, as we feel assured that by so doing we will
double our sales and save you 25 to 35 per cent.
To Show You When We Shout Bargains
They're in Sight, Here are Prices.
Unbleached Muslins.
White Star L. L., 30 in. wide, nor yard ...5o
Best Cabot W., 30 in. wide, per yard 6o
Best Cabot A., 30 in. wide, per yard 7o
Bleached Muslins.
Our Own Muslins, per yard 5Ao
Ono of the Finest Muslin, per yard 60
Lonsdale Muslin, per yard 9o
Fruit of the Loom, per yard 10c
Indigo blue figured oil Calico, per yd 6o
American light-colored prints, per yd 6o
Dark colored Calico, standard, per yd 6o
Garnet figured print, per yard , 6o
Scotch Twoods, different patterns $ 7.25
Bluo Sorgo Suits 10.00
Pin-checked Worsted Suits 12.35
Child's Union Cassimoro Suits 2.00
Oregon City Cassimoro Pants 3.25
Our Shoos nood no introduction. Wo
aro solo agonts for W. L. Douglas' Shoos
for Wasco County.
Other articlos too numerous to mention.
Don't forgot tho namo and place.
C. F. Stephens' Old Stand.