The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 11, 1901, Image 3

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The First Showing of Spring Styles.
375 Pairs of Lace Curtains will be
displayed today for the first time. In
the collection are some rare things.
NoUinhama at f)0o, (55c, 75c and up to
$-1.50 that will astonish yon. "
Irish Point, at $4.50, $5, $0.50 and $7.50.
Swiss Tambour at $2.25, $2.50, up to $4.
Brussels Lace at $5, $0.50, $7.50, $8.50.
Renaissance at $7.50, $8.50, $10 and $12.
Dentelles D'Arabic at $0.50 and $10.50.
Give the Curtain Department a few moments of your
time; na will find it to your interest. We will take
pleasure in showing you the correct things.
The Very Latest and Most
Artistic Creations in
Hen's am Boys' suits
are now ready at PKASK & MAYS. The
new exclusive fabrirs and'ttylish we
show this eeaeon will please the most
careful dresser. : : : : :
d " f ff will buy a hundsorne navy blue
tPJ.VS.VSV strictly all-worsted serge suit, Ital
ian cloth-lined ; stylish grny and brown stripes and
plaids at the same price.
C ff We Sn0W a l"rKe variety of new and
VAtJ.Vv up-to-date tailot-made suits; fab
rics are the new greenish scotch mixtures and un
finished worsted, stripes and plaids; every suit lined
with first quality serge and warranted to give satisfaction.
The Goddess of Spring will turn her
back on you, younsr man, if yon still
cling to those winter shoes. The young
man who wishes to keep in line with
the styles ran not pay too much atten
tion to his shoes, and he generally knows
fine looking shoes when he sees them.
Dressers, x-ao
Enamel Box Calf, lace, $4.50
Enamel Kid, lace - - 5.00
Specinl Reduction to close cut.
Only n lew pieces left in stock ; !fl values for. . . . CQ
Colors, black and white, blue and white. Duu
$18 and $20
Grades in remarkable
well-made and stylish
cut suits ; this line includes our very best fabrics and
best tailored suits. We show about 30 diflerent pat
terns in Scotch cheviot, cashmere, serges and un
finished woisted goods. t
For Men
Qmet Tastes.
Russia Calf, laco - -Vici
Kid, lace - -Colt's
Skin, lace - -
New Hats, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Under
wear and Fancy Hosiery.
New toe shapes and all sizes.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily GhNmiele.
TIU'IiSmY - - A PHIL 11, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
AH IVhicii County tvarrmitN r-lNtrHl
prior ti ftitmlittr 1, IKD7. will lie paid
mi priHiitmtlun ut my olllctt. Intorrxt
ctiHDHN mflnr Nov!iuliir 0, 1900.
County Trraaurer.
French novelties in hair ornaments,
for evening wear, ut MIbb Haven's.
Some desirable city property for Bale
or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons)
& Murclen. alltf
We carry a complete line of Spauhi
ing's base balls, bate, masks, gloves, etc.
See our window. Mays & Crowe. lltf
Tor freeli halibut, perch, herring,
razor clams, and all kinds of fish in
Reason, leave orders with J. A. Carnaby.
The party to be given by the Colum
bia Dancing Club tomorrow night has
been postponed for one week and will be
given Friday, 10th instant.
Wo havo a $17.50 "Pennant" bicycle,
as good, if not better, than any if 19, 1.'0
or$U5 wheel, Bold by others. See our
and W. A. Johnston accept the challenge if
t t 1 V W 1 tit U
icuuereu vy i ease a Aiays unu juuyo
Crowe for a game of baseball.
The recital at the Congregational
church lust evening was not so well at
tended as it should have been. The
dramatic and humorous recitations) by
MifiBliodkey were splendidly rendered
and enthusiastically received. The
young lady was somewhat handicapped
by u severe cold, The musical numbers
by Mies Gambell were exceptionally
well rendered, and delighted the audi
ence. An intelligent young lady, after enter
taining a young man until the chickens
were crowing their last mighty crow,
handed him a pencil and paper and
asked him to make nine ciphers in a line
thus: 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; then com
mence at the first and from the right
side of the first cipher draw a straight
line down; on the right side of the
fourth make a abort line up; on the
right side of the fifth make a straight
line down; on the right side of the
"eventh make a short line up; on the
right side of the eighth make a straight
line down, and then read what he had
written. He did.
The banquet and entertainment gives
hy Mt. Hood Camp, Woodmen of the
World, on last Tuesday erening, was a
success. The hall was filled with mem
bers of Cedar Circle, Women of Wood
craft, to whom the banquet was given,
and members of Mt. Hood Camp. This
was the result of the recent membership
contest, when Cednr Circle challenged
Mt. Hood Camp, and the former won,
having elected thirty-six new members,
the majority being benefit applicants,
and Mt. Hood Camp elected about half
ub many. A good time was had and
Cedur Circle extended a cordial vote of
thankB to the Woodmen as royal enter
tainers. Both orders are growing.
A few days ago J. H. Blakeney, of this
city, left here with a number of horses
which he intended to dispose of in the
Portland market, .Just as he mounted
one of them yesterday morning ut the
stable where he hud them for Bale, the
animul retired up, and, fulling bank, fell
on Mr. Blakeley and broke his left leg.
Some two years ago Mr. Blakeney had
the miefortuna to have the eame leg
broken in another place, when it was
set incorrectly and bad to be broken and
reset, leaving him in the hands of
physicians for nearly a year. After the
accident yesterday Mr. Blakeney was
taken to St. Vincent's HoBpital where
he was last treated for a similar trouble.
In last Monday's Chuoniclb there ap
peared an item which etuted that it was
the intention of the owners of the Bailey
Gat.ert to put that boat on the run be
tween The Dalles and Portland, com
mencing May 1st, and that in retaliation
the D. P. & A. N. people intended to
send the Reliance to the Sound to com
pete with the Flyer, which belongs to
the eame company as the Gat.ert.
window. MuvhAl Crowe. all-tf
' -1 MJ.i,l., .,,,).,.. ..'o Tolu.nn.
J tie firms of A. M. Williams SCo.a. . ' , ,, . J
he article and adds, by way of com
ment, that "representatives of both of
the companies mentioned, when ques
tioned regarding the matter referred to
in the foregoing, stated they knew noth
ing of any such an arrangement." Very
likely. There are representatives that
sometimes know vory little of the secret
purposes of the companies they repre
sent. Tin: CmioNici.K item is true,
notwithstanding. Our authority is W.
C. Allaway, general agent of the I). P. &
A. N. Company.
The authorities are on the lookout lor
a number of small boys who have been
accustomed of lato to make night hide
ous for pedestrians in the neighborhood
oftheM.K. church. Their custom is
to string ropes or wires at various
heights across the sidewalk, or place
planks and other obstructions in such
position as to insure that pedestrians
would stumble over them. As a sample
of their work it is told that a gentleman
and wife, while on the way home the
other night from h down-town enter
tainment, fell over a wire that was
stretched across their path about six
inches from the ground, and while the
gentleman was struggling to his feet he
was hit square in the mouth with a rot
ten egg, flang from the hand of one of
the hilarious kids, who was hidden in
the darkness. The authorities know
the boyB who are guilty of these depre
dations, and are only waiting to get the
dead cinch on gome of them.
Early one morning, nearly two weeks
ago, an Indian pony, covered with sweat
and bearing evidence of having been
hardly ridden, was found hitched to a
stall in the Payette feed yard. Mr. Pay
ette supposed the animal had been left
there by somebody who would call
around in due time, but no one ever
came. Now that the beast has well
nigh eaten its head off, Mr. Payette
would be pleased if the owner would call
and, after paying its board bill, take it
away. It is of brown color, about 12
hands high ; weight about 600 pounds;
ie branded G with a cross on right stifle;
has scars on the breaet and right
postern that look as the results of con
tact with a barb wire fence; has white
right hind foot ; is aged probably 10 or
12 yeare ; is considerably saddle marked
and has a fresh saddle gall on the with
ers. When found by Mr. Payette it was
hitched to the stall by a short rope, but
had neither saddle nor bridle and ap
peared to have been ridden bareback.
An Afteruoou at $Crn. Ilimtotler'.
Mrs. Hostetler's afternoon of Wednes
day was iu grand a success as the pre-'
vious one of Tuesday. The house was
in beautiful drees and everything passed
The game, "fi.
WordB," was highly
off gayly. '
more than twenty , ladies sued for the
Play on
Death of Silts Clara Davis,
prizes, which were carried ofl' by Mrs.
J. M. Filloon and Mrs. ptis Patterson
They were exquisite piej-eB of china, al
ways so dear to a woman's heart.
The lunch was a very toothsome one
and well served. The play cards were a
unique idea in the way of an Easter
. i.ji i t mr I'
xurs. nosieuer was aeaiaieu uy ansa
Patterson and littje Misses Erma and
Nova Dawson.
Those receiving invitations were
Mesdames Morgan, Sominervllle, L.
Chrisman, F. Chrisman, 6. French, J.
W. French, D. M.Frenoh, Nellie Bolton,
Brooks, Don null, M. Z. Donnel), Myers,
Eshelman, Doane, Ed Williams, Mac
Allieter, James Blakeney, Johnston,
Perry Cram, Filloon, Condon, McAr
thur, Hawk, Vause, Knavgs, Wingate,
Sampson, Glenn,, F. Bailey, C. Cooper,
Cushing, Kelsay, Guthrie, Luughlin,
Harris, S. Bolton, Poling, Gilford, S. L.
Young, C. E. Dawson, M, A. Dawson,
E. M. Wilson, Win. Michell, Lewis, Dav
enport, Patterson, M ier, Woodwnrth,
Tackman, B. S. Huntington, J. M.
Huntington, Geo, Kuch. ,
ThiB comrr unity was greatly shocked
this morning to learn of the death of
Miss Clara Davis, which occurred last
night at the home of her uncle, Judge
Bradshaw, of this city.
Miss Davis had retired at the usual
hour last night. She had been the
victim of chronic dyspepeia for years,
but of late had been in better health
than UBual, with the exception that for
the past two or three days she had com
plained at times of a severe pain in the
region of the heart. Not appearing at
the usual hour this morning her uncle
asked his little sou to awake her. The
boy returned in a few minuteB saying he
was unable to do so, when the judge
visited the room and was surpr'sed to
find her cold in death. Dr. Logan was
immediately sent for, although it was
too evident that she was beyond all
human help.
Miss Davis was the daughter of a
maternal half brother of Judge Brad
shaw. Both her parents died while she
was a child, when she went to live with
her grandmother, Judge Bradshaw 's
another. From the death of the grand
mother Miss Davis made her home with
her uncle, to whom Bhe was as tenderly
lendeared as if she had been his own
child. She was a most amiable young
lady, gentle, unassuming and affection
ate, who won the hearts of all who came
within the circle of her acquaintance.
She was born in Salem, Oregon, Sep
tember 25, 1875.
Tiie funeral will take place from Judge
Bradehaw's residence tomorrow after
noon at 2:20 o'clock, and the services
will be conducted by Rev. D. V. Poling
For Zntantt and Children,
Tin KM You Hivi Always Bought
Bears the
igoAtare of
H, L, Price, successor to C. F, Bteph-eut.
Humbert's popular cigar and tobacco
house wish to announce that they are
now ready to supply the public with
New York Sunday Worlds, at five'
1) cents a number, the demand having
been bo largo that wo were forced
to triple our usual supply. Being now
(prepared to satisfy the usual rush, we
uiope disappointment in receiving the
New York Sunday Woild will bo a thing
pf the past, as our supply will now bo
bo large that the public in general need
not hesitute to tend in their orders. We
wish to extend many thanks to the pub
lic at lare for their kind patronage in
our periodical department, That chances
on a beautiful cigar-ribbon sofa pillow is
given with each periodical purchased is
io doubt the cause of the lib-ral patron-
go in this department. King up local
''phone 'Jill and we will deliver anything
you may order in our lino. Don't forget
that with every 20-ceut purchase we
give a chance on a $1100 piano now on
exhibition at oir store. Drawing on
piano July 27, 1901, Drawing on pillow
April 27, 1001. alO
A place to work by married man ; no
children ; understands handling of horses
and other stock, and poultry; good
milker; handy with tools and machinery.
Address, C. D. Bi.r,
all-3t Lock Box 802, Ttie Dalles, Or.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The Leaders in Low Prices.
Our lino of Men's Clothing for Spring is now complete, and
we are offering some choice bargains in this department.
Two Specials!
Uound cut sack, fancy check worsted ;
a very stylish suit for
Spring wear. We are sell
ing these suits for
A double-breasted, all-wool, blue
serge with satin-face lapels and front.
These goods are the most popular on
market; would be cheap
at $15.00. Our special
price only
;ck wnrsn-'i ;
lopuiar on inn
If you are in need of a Spring Suit
come to our Clothing Department and
wo will eurprise you with our bargains.
Everything ia new and up-to-date. We
are the acknowledged leaders by all
good dressers.
If you don't know what you want in
this line, come in and we will help you
make up your mind.
Have a Complete Slock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
T-" Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will
jsr- have prompt attention. "S
We will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
We beg to inform the public that we have established in
this city, corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, a
General 'Hardware and Implement Store
We will Carry at all Times a Well-assorted
Stock of the Following
Builders' Hardware,
Mechanics' Tools,
Miscellaneous Hardware,
Superior Steel Itanges and Stovep,
Tin and Enameled Ware,
Bicycle Sundries,
Cutlery and Fishing Tackle,
Guns, Kifles and Shooters' Sundries,
Farming Tools and Implements,
Mitchell Wagons,
Buggies and Spring Wagons,
Champion Draw Cut Mowers,
Keapers and Binders,
Bissel Chilled Plows,
Blacksmith and Wagonmakers' Supplies,
Windmills, Hnnd, Foiee and
Spray Pumps,
Wrought Iron Pipe and Sheet Metals, Rubber Hose and Belting.
Also Agents for Buffalo Pitts' Separators and Engines.
Iu connection with our store we operate a Plumbing, Tin and General Repair
Shop. Bicycle Repairicg, Lock audGunsmithing u specialty.
All Orders entrusted to us will have caieful and prompt attention.
Mall Orders wiU always be filled with dispatch.
I will give a reward of if 10 for such
evidence as will lead to the conviction
of the person or persons who are guilty
of erasing the name "Gumbert" from
my Bull Durham cigar signs.
M. Gl'MllliltT,
The Dalles' leading cigar and tobacco
house. Htl-lw
lllnyiile l(i-Mlr Nluii,
jktoii & VValther have opened their
bicycle repair shop and are now ready
to do repairing of any kind on short
notice. Satisfaction absolutely guaran
teed. They also operate a plumbing
and tin shop, Any jobs eutrusted to
them will havo prompt attention, All
work guaranteed oUlw
Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can be houtrht
form Call at this office. m25 1m
II. It, Price, successor to O, F. Stephens.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -iiM. Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Luding House,
Positions Awaiting Men and
Our special granite-ware sule continues
Him week. See window for prices.
.Miyi& Urowe. a8l(