...The New York Cash Store... 138 ajid 142 Second Street. LACE C(IRTAIN$! Tho First Showing of Spring Styles. 375 Pairs of Lace Curtains will be displayed today for the first time. In the collection are some rare things. Xollinghams at 50c, (55c, 75c and up to $1.50 that will astonish you. Irish Point at $4.50, $5, $0.50 and $7.50. Swiss Tambour at $2.25, $2.50, up to $4. Brussels Laco at $5, $0.50, $7.50, $8.50. Renaissance at $7.50, $8.50, $10 and $12. Doiitelles D 'Arabic at $9.50 and $10.50. Cuvis the Curtain Department h few mornents'o! yonr time; iou will find it to yonr interest. Wo wtll take pleasure in showing yon tho correct things. The Very Latest and Most Artistic Creations in Ws am Boys' Sis FOULARDS I FOULARDS! Special Reduction to close cut. Only a tew nieces left in stock ; if 1 values for. Colors, black and white, blue and white. 69c are now ready at PEASE & MAYS. The new exclusive fabrics and stylish we show tins season will please tho most careful dresser. : : : : : (J 1 A ff w'" Dl,y a handsome navy blno ylv,vU strictly all-worsted serge suit, Ital ian cloth-lined ; stylish gray and brown stripes and plaids at tho same price. 1 EC Cid e ehow a large variety of new and V iJJJ up-to-date tailor-made suits ; fab rics are the new greenish scotch mixtures and un finished worsted, stripes and. plaids; every suit lined with first quality serge and warranted to give satisfaction. For Fashion Followers... The Goddess of Spring will turn her back on you, young man, If you still cling to those winter shoes. The young man who wishes to keep in line with the styles can not pay too much atten tion to his shoes, and he generally knows fine looking shoes when he sees them. For Swell Dressers.- Bn. Enamel Box Calf, laco, $4.50 Enamel Kid, lace - - 5.00 $18 and $20 Grades in remarkable well-made and stylish cut Buits; this line includes our very best fabrics and best tailored suits. We show about I0 difierent pat terns in Scotch cheviot, eaesimere, serges and un finished woisted goods. For Men of Quiet Tastes. Russia Calf, lace - - Vici Kid, lace Colt's Skin, lace - $3.00 - 3.00 2.50 New Hals, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Under wear and Fancy Hosiery. New toe shapes and all sizes. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WED V ICS OA V APRIL 10. 1901 " '"I in m served i Oysters i, At Andrew Keller's. () TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wukch County wurrautt re;lKtroil prior lit nitiiilnr 1, 1KD7. will be paid on irfipiitrliiii ut my ofllew. lnterrm cnnm artttr Nvmlir 1 1)00. .JOHN K. IIAMI'NIIIKK, County Tre amirrr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS The firuiB of Pease Sc MyB and Mays if. ri i. ..II limit-- .....l i uiuwu cuaiienge A. iy. n iiiiuuin iniui W. A. Johnston for a ba seball game. S House-cleaning time is here. Supply your lace curtain wants of A.M. Will iams & Co., and Bave a fourth on the price. The dramatic and humorous recital by Mibb Ida Rod key, assisted by Miss Susie Gamboll, takes place at the Congrega tional church tonight. Dr. Emily McUride Yeargain, elder nister of lix-Senator G. W. McBride, died In San Francisco last Sunday of pneumonia, aged CO years. Representative A. S. Roberts, of this county, is mentioned aone of the leg islative delegation winwill meet Presi dent McKinley at jtfm state line on liie contemplated visito Oregon. There's no time like the present for buying lace curtains. A. M. Williams & Co. oiler a reduction of on6-fourth on any and all lace curtains this week, in cluding choice of their new spring arri vals. The National Watchman, published by (the Democratic National Publishing Co., is said to be $25,000 to the bad. Benjamin F. IJicks, treasurer of tiie con cern, has begun proceedings looking to the appointment of a receiver. In the mention of "fiweet Dreamland Faces" we neglected to give credit where credit is due. Mice Grace Glenn as "Rose" was a very sweet sweetheart, while Karl Sanders as "Robert" did a very pretty little piece of acting. Lost Todav. either between the bridge and Ninth and Union or on Union to Second, or Second to the brew ery, a lady's navy blue coat, with red imitation ellk lining. Finder will please leave same at this office and be suitably rewarded. alO 2t Take a piece of paper and write upon it the number representing your age in years, multiply by two, add 3800, divide by two, then subtract the number rep resenting your age, and you will have something before your eyes that you will never see again. Mr. J. M. Russell, of The Dalles Scouring Mills, says the people ot this town seem to have so much money that they don't want any more. The inter est on the mill bonds lias been lying in the bank for nearly two weeks, subject to the order of its Individual owners, and nobody has called for any of it. In Justice Browuhill's court yesterday afternoon Thomas DifTendorfer pleaded guilty to a charge of simple larceny and was fined $25, in default of payment of which he will serve twelve and a half days in the county jail. The Fossil Journal hasthe following personal: "Loui Cominri, the squaieat tombstone man in thjf country, iB here putting up monuimrnts. lie is offering special inducements this month, and sayB now is the time to die." The Easter number of the New York Sunday Journal will arrive at Grant's, The American Cigar Store & News Stand, tomorrow. It haB GOO columns of reading matter, and the circulation is greater than the combined circulation of the World, Tribune, Press and Times. Order early. We deliver free. Both 'phones. It There are twenty-nine applicants for teachers' certificates at tne examina tion which commenced this morning, five of whom are males and twenty-four of the gentler sex. The examiners are C. D. Thompson, principal of the Hood River public schools, Professor J. T. NefT of this city and Superintendent C. L. Gilbert. The examinations will cloBe at 4 p. in. Friday. The coroner's jury in the case of Thomas Reiley, who wu killed on Trout Creek, Crook county, last Thursday, returned a verdict to the effect that Reiley had been "maliciously" murdered by I). Bruner. Only two witnesses were examined, Dr. J. II. Hudson of Antelope, aud a man named Cretan, who was a partner of the murdered man. Notwithstanding that the vote at the recant election in Goldendale was large ly against licensing saloons, Harry Dunn, a saloon keeper of that town, de clares his intention to keep his saloon open till his license expires next No vember. He ib acting upon the advice of his attorney, and if the new council insists on revoking his license he will appeal to the courts. The Statesman tells of a Salem little boy seeing the picture of Aguinaldo in the papers next morning after Ills capture, aud being told that he had been taken by the soldlere, said, "Mam ma, what will Bryan do now?" Upon being asked what he meant, he replied, "Why, Isn't Agninaldo Bryan's boy?" The little fellow Is but seven years old but he had heard enough during the campaign last vear to form a conclusion not very far wrong, tigurately speakiug. The Salem wo6d trust did not amount to much after all, for the state board of asylum commissioners were able yester day to place contracts for 430 cords of big fir wood at prices 'ranging from (2.74 to $3 .per cord, while some first-class second growth was offered at $2.50 per cord and was referred to the superin tendent for investigation. A wood trust of that kind would be more than we'eome in The Dalles, where $3.75 per cord is asked for any old kind of fir wood. The dropping of the definine article from the name of this city causes many a letter to go to DallaB, Texae, or Dallas, Oregon, according as the state is in dicated or not. ThiB morning no lees than nineteen letters arrived at The Dalles postoflice, with the "The" want ing, which belonged here by right but had gone to Dallas, Pclk county, by mistake. Postmaster Patterson eays that an average of four to six letters so addressed, make the round from Dallas to The Dalles every day. Rev. O. D. Taylor has ariivedhere from Portland with the intention of spending a week or so with his family. Mr. Taylor says he has as many as 2.'!0 letters from eastern parties, nearly all farmers, inquiring about The Dalles and the surrounding country with a view of locating here. Some inquire for gVain farms, some for small fruit farms and some for cattle and sheep ranges. All have the means to pay for what they de sire to purchase. If parties having such lands to sell will communicate with Mr. Taylor at this place, giving description of lands and prices, Mr. Taylor will see that his eastern correspondents shall have the information. nll-h)2vv Said Henry Hudson, of Boyd, to Tin: Chkoxjci.k today : "The farmers out my way are of one mind that the new ilouring mill project is the best thing for them that ever was started in The Dalles. It will insure them an abund ant demand ut top prices for all the No. 1 wheat they can raise, and will, there fore, be a stimulus to good farming. What the Diamond Mills has dune for the Klickitat farmers the new mill will do for the Wasco farmers, only it will do aa much more as its capacity is greater. Then, too, it is no small matter that we shall be able to buy, at reasonable rates, all the mill offal we may need, for the price of this article, because of tho lim ited supply, has ordinarily been so high that we could not afford to touch it. Say to the readers of The CintoNioi.ii that the Wasco county wheat-raisers are immensely pleased to know that the 500-harrel flouring mill iB an assured fact." Humbert's popular cigar and tobacco house wish to announce that they are now ready to supply the public with New York Sunday Worlds, at five cents a number, the demand having been so large that we were forced to triple our usual supply, Being now prepared to satisfy the usual rush, we hope disappointment in receiving the New York Sunday Woild will be a thing of the past, aa our supply will now be so large that the public in general need not hesitate to tend (n their orders, We wish to extend many thanks to the pub lic at lar,ce for their kind patronage in our periodical department. That chances on a beautiful cigar-ribbon sofa pillow is given with each periodical purchased is no doubt the cause of the libtral patron age in this department. Ring up local 'phone 231 and we will deliver anything you may order in our line. Don't forget that with every 25-cent purchase we give a chance on a $300 piano now on exhibition at our store. Drawing on piano July 27, 1901. Drawing on pillow April 27, 1901. alO A marvelous story comes from Seattle. Several years ago L. S. J. Hunt left that city owing many thousand dollars, a bankrupt after a brilliant career there as a politician and editor of the P. I. The accounts against him would have been Bold for any nominal sum. Now, after a wonderful money-making career in Korea among the miues of that country, he has returned a millionaire; and although the old accounts were outlawed he has paid every cent with interest, and proposes to start a big daily that will make things hum. One man who held his note for $40,000, who had become poor, bad his breath taken away by receiving about $00,000, the full amount and interest. Hunt will return to Korea to look after iiis interest there, leaving the paper in first-clasB hands. The case is a remarkable one and is causing any amount ot surprise. Rev. O. D. Taylor informs TiiuCmtoN ici.k that he is in touch with two men, partners, who are desirous of locating a fruit cannery and cold storage plant somewhero in Oregon. Mr. Taylor has advised them that, in his judgment, The Dalles is the best location they could select. They have been offered strong inducements to locate in other places, but Mr. Taylor told them that while Tho Dalles might not make as liberal propositions as other places, something would probably be done, and the prefer ence in location, quality and quantity of fruit raised here would mora than com peusate for any shortage in contribu tions. The parties, Mr. Taylor says, are thoroughly responsible and will promise nothing that they are not fin ancially able to lulfill. Here is some thing the fruit-growers of this neighbor hood should look into. Mr. Taylor has no interest in this matter other than as a fruit-raiser, but he is willing to do his full share to bring this enterprise to The Dalles. The men have promised Mr. Taylor not to sign any agreement to lo cate elsewhere till The Dalles shall have a chance to say what she will do in the matter. Mr. Taylor will return to Port land in a week or so and would like to have some proposition to carry hack with him. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hi Kind You Ham Always Bought Bears the .JjjffiZjT attttare of (JU&4HcJUf The Leaders in Low Prices. Our lino of Men's Clothing for Spring is now complete, and wo are offering some choice bargains in this department. Two Specials! Round cut sack, fancy check worsted ; a very stylish suit for Spring wear. We are sell inir these suits for A double-breasted, all-wool, blue serge with satin-faced lapels and front. Theee goods are the most popular on the market; would be cheap at $15.00. Our special price only ?ck wormefi ; $7.50 lopuiar on me $12.00 If you are in need of a Spring Suit come to our Clothing Department and we will surprise you with our bargains. Everything is new and up-to-date. We are the acknowledged leaders by all good dressers. If you don't know what you want in this line, come in and we will help you make up your mind. f SU MMER & BENTON.. Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools of all kinds, Large Stock of Fishing Tackle, Rubber Bicycle Tires and Full. Line of Sundries, also Bicycles rented and repaired, Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Day, B. & H., and Cleveland Bicycles. Plumbing and Tinning done at Lowest Prices. Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments are complete. Any orderB entrusted to us on the above lines will '.j-JT have prompt attention. "S-3-- We will meet any and all Competition. Wc Positively Will Not Be Undersold. ..MAIER & BENTON.. I Li- 1(17 SECOND ST11KET. PHONES NO. 4. AlflOUfJGEVlEfJT I We beg to inform the public that we have established in this city, corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, a General Hardware and Implement Store We will Carry at all Times a Well-assorted Stock of the Following Builders' Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, Miscellaneous Hardware, Superior Steel Ranges and Stoves, Tin and Enameled Ware, Bicycle Sundries, Cutlery and Fishing Tackle, Guns, Iliflea and Shooters' Sundries, Farming Tools and Implements, Mitchell Wagons, Buggies and Spring Wagons, Champion Draw Cut Mowers, Reapers aud Binders, Bissel dulled Plows, Blacksmith and Wagonmakers' Supplies, Windmills, Hand, Force and Spray Pumps, Wrought Iron Pipe and Sheet Metals, Rubber Hose and Belting. Also Agonts for Buffalo Pitts' Separators and Engines. In connection with our store we operate a Plumbing, Tin and General Repair Shop. Bicycle Repairing, Lock andGunsmithing a specialty. All Orders entrusted to us will have caieful and prompt attention. Mail Orders wiM always he filled with dispatch. SEXTON ( WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. I will give a reward of $10 for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of the person or persona who are guilty of erasing the name "Humbert" from my Bull Durham cigar signs. M. G I'MIIKltT, ' The Dalles' leading cigar and tobacco house. ali-lw Wanted A girl or middle aged wo man to do cooking and general kilcheu work only. Address this iitllce, or P, O. box 17. Dnfur, Oi, Will pay per week. m'27-lmd See our $20 cicycle, lt'a all light up to date and as good In every way as any wheel sold by others tor 'lh. Mays & Crowe. afi if Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can bu houuht forfWO, Call at this office. mL'5-lm Subscribe for Thk Cmcomcmc, WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Thlrct and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Loug distance phone li!;i. Local, 102, THE DALLES ...Employment Agency... Next door to Star Lodging House. Positions Awaiting Men and Women. 1 lur special granite-ware sale continues tin week. See window for prices, Mmvu & Crowe. 8tf