el) c Da II co vol. xirr THE DALLES. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10, 1901. NO. 57 5 2 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been iii use lor over 30 years, has borne tho signatnre of - and has been made under his per Tgjfi.jfa, sonnl supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inl'uuts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Casforia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare nric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It; dxmtnins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Hubstauce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm juirt allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation stud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving health)- and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TUT CCItTAUH COMPANY. VT DUIIMf .TKECT. KIW TOIIK CITV. May IS,- MihiikI It nilrtrr. Ai ii.nv, Or., April !). J. (J. Crawford, of this city, brought from a farm near Tangent, laet night, the entire skeleton of a woman taken from a mound, which lie reports is uudoubtely that of one of the original mound builders. A like skeleton, that of a male, was secured in the name mound several months ago. These ekeletone are materially different from thoeeof the Indian, Bud undoubted ly helongto a much earlier race of people. The head is low and the joints uncom monly large. The bouen indicate a person under live feet tall. In all the Indian skulls the sutures are well de fined, but in these they are almost en triineing. Beads and arrowheads are al ways found buried with Indians, but there was nothing with these. The fckeletons are creating considerable interest among our archaeologists. . Machinery Trtmt, Chicago, April 9. A special from Mil waukee says: Charles AHis, represent ing the great plant of the K. 1'. Allis Company, is in Jsew York in connection with a proposition to consolidate all the big machinery and stationary engine plants of the country. The trust will, if formed, have a capital of 150,000,000 and include over 40 plants. William Allis said today that the com bination has been under consideration for some time, but that his company has i never given an option on the plant. Is one of the other officers would confirm the report that tbe combination has beeii formed and that tbe Allis Company is in it. Will "Ooiu 'Ul" Vuiur? Nkw Yokk, April 9. Dispatches fiom Holland, says the Tribune London cor respondent, revive the rumor tliBt Mr. Kruger is bent upon visiting tbe United States during tbe euuuier. Private in formation from The Hague leads to the belief that his proposition is strongly opposed to any course of action which will subject him to excitement. Mr. Kruger's general health is fair, but lie lias weak heart action, and has been warned that be must live quietly. The talk about hit American journey comes from Boer sympathisers in Holland, who "tt unwilling to admit that he has ex hausted tbe resources of diplomacy aud lias nothing in reserve. &kin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds aud chafing quickly heal by the uie of De Witt's Witch H.rel Salve. It ii imitated, "e sure you get DeWltt'e. Clarke A 'lk'e 1. O. Pharmacy. Mutuv or.loliu A I.iieau I n veiled. Washington-, April 9. The magnifi cent equestrian statue of General John A. Logan, erected in Iowa circle in loving memory of the distinguished warrior and statesman by his comrades in arms and by the people whom he served so well, was unveiled this afternoon. The cere mony occurred in the presence of an im mense aFsemblage, including President McKinley and tho members of his cabi net, the surviving members of General Logan's family and many persons emi nent in the military and civil life of the nation. A grandson of the famous leader, Master George Tucker, drew the silkt-n cord which released the fluttering flags that draped the statue ami dis closed to view the heroic bronze figure. Vtilvig; OetH a I'luiu. Washington, April 9. On recommen dation of Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, the president has directed tbe appoint ment of Hon. George W. Colvig, of Grant's Pass, Or., as United States consul at Iirranquilla, Colombia. Mi. Colvig is a lawyer and was a member of the state legislature. For a number of years he was a member of the state railroad commission in Oregon. Nljcltt Wan Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Inil., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, hut, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 68 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis aud all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 2 If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry aud crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleansing the scalp Kgg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and gloisv. Price, t5 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber shop, The Dalles. tf For sale, on easy terms, a fine fruit, hay and truck farm of about 200 acres, ten mi ley from The Dalles. Fine im provements; about sixty acres bottom; creek through the place; au ideal home and income property. For further par ticulars see Gibons & Marden, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. w22wtf AGUINALD0 SIGNED PEACE MANIFESTO Prisoner Strongly Objected to Two Clauses of the Manifesto, But Finally Was Overcome One Hundred Insurgents Surrender. Manila, April 9, 3:25 p. m. Although me omciais are uncommunicative, it is nevertheless said that Aguinaldo signed the beace manifesto this morning. Chief Justice Aarellano drafted the document. Aguinaldo etrongly objected to two clauses of the manifesto, and consider able argument was requited to overcome his objections. Colonel Ababa, the insurgent leader of Zambales province, with K officers, So men and 92 rifles, surrendered to Lieu tenant-Colonel Manr.il C. Goodrell, com manding the marines stationed at Olongapo, on Subig tiay. General Mai var, with about 300 men and as many riflee, is expected to surrender shortly at Silaug, in Cavite province. Oner Capital 1 ft Taken. London, April 9. Lord Kitchener, re porting to the war office, under date of Pretoria, April Sth, says: "Plumer ha3 occupied Pietersburg with slight opposition. He captured two locomotives and thirty-nine trucks.'' The capture of Pietersburg is regarded here as important. The place is the terminus of the railway, and lias been the capital of the Boef government since the evacuation of Pretoria. The whole Northern Railway is now in the hands of the British. According to Lord Kitchener's dispatch onlv one officer and one man was killed. The Boers evacuated the town during the night prior to Plumer's arrival after blowing up two trucks laden with am munition. Lord Kitchener reports the capture of 1G prisoners, 50 horses and the depot of war stores at Boshman'e Kop, Orange Biver colony. Ab an ofTeet the commander-in-chief reports that 100 men of the British Lanc ers and Imperial Yeomanry were at tacked by 400 Boers to the northward of Aberdeen, Cape Colony, and that after several hours' fighting the British were surrounded and captured, with the ex ception of 25, who succeeded in making their eecape. FlllplnoH Hare Lost Fifty Tliousainl Men Nkw Yokk, April 9. According to a Herald special from Washington, since tbe rebellion in the Philippines 50.000 men is the lowest estimate of the war department of the casualties sustained by the Filipino forces; 7G67 rifles have been captured or surrendered, and 05, 142 rounds of ammunition have been seized. The number of Filipinos killed cannot be accurately determined, as General MacArthur in his dispatches states that it is impossible to be accurate on this point. It would not surprise officials should the Filipino fatalities reach 25, 000 and some say that 50,000 is closer to the real figureB. Adjutant-General Corbiu Is satisfied that the casualties suffered by the insurgents will form a potent reason for the abandonment of further resistance by the natives. Tbe Unit ltetuedy for ItheuuistUm. QUICK ItKLIKF FUOJt I'AIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it aflbrc's. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says : "Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended oy Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recom mended it so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market." For sale by Blakeley, tbe druggist. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Ciihoniclk, price $1.50, and tbe Weekly Oregoniau, price 1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions ander tbia offer must be paid in ad vance. I r Come In X? Ash for Anything You Want ? We've Got It & SPRING STOCKS NOW COMPLETE j& 1 Have You Seen Them ? The New Belt Buckles j& A beantifnl line all tbe smart thingB aud all at extremely reasonable prices. La Aig'lon BucKles. Oxydized, with gilt or all gilt; each 18c 50c and 7oc. Gilt with medallion 39c Gilt strikingly handsome 50c Others in gilt, oxvdized. or a combina tion of both ; at each G9c, 7oc, 95c, $1. New Pickwick Suits WE FIT THE HARD-TO-FIT ' RCGISTERID TRADE MARK Better this spring than ever. Blue and gray-mixed serges that are the very acme of true correctness tor u au turner business suit. Dressy Stouts Wear-resisting Shorts Economical (Q. Slims Better fit better workmanship at two-thirds your tailor's price. .$17.50 We fit and press all suits and trous ersno extra charge. New Today Men's Oxford TieB the popular sum mer shoe Tan Russia Calf $4 00 Black Patent Kid and Calf 5 00 After a Hat? Then get a good one it pays. Buy it here, and i t need not nec essarily be a high- priced hat to be good. We are intro ducing this spring The Williams guaranteed $3 Hat, which will wear along with any $3 50 or $4 hat, and compare fav orably in the end. All tho new shapes and shades. A good $2 line tor those more cheaply inclined. Our j& Spring' Neckwear is admitted by local critics the swellest line in town. All the New Thing's See the new 4-in-hands and club ties at 35o and 50o Wear Royal Worcester Corsets A. M. Williams & Co. Wear Manhattan Shirts New Store! New Goods! New Prices! X-i. 3PDELIODE3, Proprietor. We desire to announce to the public of The Dalles and Wasco County that wo have- received a complete stock for Spring and Summer, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, and a largo variety of Wrappers. We want you to come to our Store and examine our goods and get -ir iiiii i . t i i i.i .i i our prices, we will giauiy snow you tnrougn our place, wnotner you intend purcnasing or not, as we intend to make this Spring and Summer a memorable one in the Shoe and Clothing line. AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. We are going to give the people an opportunity to buy their Spring and Summer wearing apparel at prices never before heard of in Wasco County. And boar in mind, we will soil you Honest Goods at Low Prices, as wo feel assured that by so doing wo will double our sales and save you 25 to 35 per cent. To Show You When We Shout Bargains They're in Sight, Here are Prices. Unbleached Muslins. White Star L. L., 30 in. wide, per yard ...5c Best Cabot W., 30 in. wido, per yard 6o Best Cabot A., 30 in. wido, por yard 7o Bleached Muslins. Our Own Muslins, per yard 5Jso Ono of tho Finest Muslin, per yard 6Ao Lonsdale Muslin, por yard 9o Fruit of tho Loom, por yard lOo Calicoes. Indigo blue figured oil Calico, por yd 5o American light-colored prints, por yd 6o Dark colored Calico, standard, por yd. 6o Garnet figured print, por yard 6o Clothing. Scotch Tweoos, different pattorns $ 7.25 Blue Sorgo Suits 10.00 Tin-checked Worstod Suits 12.35 Child's Union Cassimoro Suits 2.00 Oregon City Cassimoro l'ants 3.25 Shoes. Our Shoos nood no introduction. Wo are solo agents for W. L. Douglas' Shoos for Wasco County. Other articles too numerous to montion. i Don't forgot tho namo and place. H. L. PRICE C. L. Stephens' Old Stand. THE DALLES, OREGON