The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY APRIL 0, 1001 J. A. EBERLE, LeadingurfE Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe. We have an excellent line of Spring Suitinss. Pointings, etc.. which we are prepared to make nn in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect St. i i ! Bradley Francis Durpbv, the man i .l .1 V over whom the Portland papers are making so much ado for being a muchly married man, is one of the slickest individuals that ever got tangled up in the coils of the law. His native crookedness has brought him into many a hot place with his own sex, out of which he has always been able to emerge without heme j seriously burned. It remains to be ; seen how he will fare now that the j women have got after him. The j r.ilna nonnia romnm w nml- 1 the man who accepted a bonus from the North Dslles promoters to start the shoe factory at that place. He J was charged with bleeding the pro- moters all they would stand, and then judiciously crawling from under just before the North Dalles scheme tumbled into a heap of ruins. President E. L. Smith, of the state j board of horticulture, holds that j A Tetimoi.ui tr..m out England, fruitgrowers must adopt some united , "I consider Chamberlain's Coneb Rem plan of action if they would realize edy the best in the world for bronchitis," proGlable returns for their product. , BB-Ve Mr- Wil!iara Savory, of Warrincton, The time of individual effort has ! J?1 "It has saved my wife's life, i she having been a martyr to bronchitiE passed, never to return. As an in- , for over si3t yearP beinp mogt o( the tme stance of what may be accomplished ; confined to her bed. She is now quite through organization, Mr. Smith j well." Sold by Blukeley, the druggist, points to the fact that the Hood Paint yonr house witn pmnts that ara River organization last vear received ! ful1? guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk r e.i n,i . au average of $1.9u- a crate for their strawberries, as against 50 cents j received at Milton, Umatilla countv, ' nd other places where there was no j organization. . J A San Francisco special to the ' Seattle Post-Intelligencer says Port-1 lunrl is to Iiiivp n tipw mnrnincr nnnpr. ; CD i i -II to be published by the late assistant business manager 'of the New York Herald, Willis S. Thompson, former ly city editor of the Denver Repub lican and more recently connected with the Examiner as assistant city editor. The dispatch says Mr. Thompson expects to begin publica tion of the new paper on or before May lt. We shall believe Ibis story when we see the new paper. President McKinley has announced bis hope that improved conditions in the Philippines will make it un necessary to enlist the army to its j ; full authorized strength, and the in tention not to enlist more men than shall be necessary. That's an answer to the fool talk about a big standing army and imperialism. Secretary Gage announces that he has a few millions to invest in the purchase of U. S. bonds, when they -rcan tic had in open market at what he considers a fair .price. Thinking that the purchase was to be made anyway, speculators have made an artificial price for the bonds desired the 4's and; It is positively announced that there is to be no coal strike this year. Of course this is another feather in the headgear of Mark Hanna. l5r. Mark Skiff's Salem wood trust, wbtreby tbe promoter expects to raise tbe price of tbat commodity to 15 a cord and "cinch" tbe dear people to the tune of $20,000, is a proof tbat a protective tariff is not the mother of all the trusts. Instead of bringing Aguinaldo to , this county it would be much better fot the government to repatriate Seuor iixtu Lopez. Figprune Cereal Grains 1 A Perfect Food Drink Made from the choicest P - , , fruits and cereals grown . ... . ill vauiui ma. Possesses a delicate flavor and aroma not found in any other Cereal Coffee. All grocers sell it. The Bet Itemed for ItlieumatKiu. QUICK BELIEF KltOM I'AI.V. a ii . i. ni.. ... : .. D..:., rt. I, , ... . ior rnenmausm ure ueugmeu wu me quick relief from pan wllk.h it nfrone. When speakinp of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, -aya; "Some time ago I had a gevn" attack of rheumatism in , my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous i ' remedies but :?ot no relief until I was ' re(;)minen!ied ov Messrs Geo. F. Parsons ! & Co., druggists of th:s place, to try 1 Chamberlain's P.un Balm. Theyrecom- raenaea so memy mat i oougtu a uome. j was suun reueveu of ail vnm. i have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me it is the best remedy for muscular ! rheumatiBin in the market." For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. have them. I BUSINESS LOCALS. j Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tUe be9t- Ask yBr e' r ,or them- Yoa win not have boilB if vo" 1 ' Clarke & Falk's enre cure toi boils. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of Paint aml artist's brushes. A full line Of Eastman filing and BUp- plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanen.' posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Wrif quick for particulars. Clark A Cj., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel lipia, Pa, fi8-t: Complete Cirpe of Drugs at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUOQIST. Fruit 1 46XJ v Grains S I c Hfjp N i worn n men ana women The DR. SAN DEN ELECTKIC BELT Is a ppeedy and reliable cure (or nervous debility, rheumatism, lumbnco, scinticu, lame "buck, kidney, liver ami stomach disorders, poor circulation, sleepless ness, etc. Established 30 Years. i Write todav for my latest books, ("Health in Nature," "and "Strength; . Its Use and Abuse by Meu." j Dr. A. T. Sanden. Southwest cor. Morrison and 4th Sts., I PORTLAND, OREGON. !2mch tUtw 3mo You want the best, C. L. Phillips has it, in CHICKENS Bun" Leghorns a specialty. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains lenve The Dulles for I'ortSand and wa) htntjonb at 4:i u. m. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland. " Albany . . S:.T) a m 7:00 p ra ....12.30 am 10:50pm Arrive Ashland 12:I a m " Sacramento 5:00 j. m " Sun Francisco 7:15 p m 11 :30 a m A ;.'.) a m :15 a tn Arrive Opdon 5:l,iin " Denver J:00 a m " Kansa City T:'J5 n m " Cbtcaco 7:15 a m 11: 15 a m U:tOa m 7:2. a tn !f:S0 u m Arrive Los Anceles l:'J0pm " El l'ao 6:CO p m " Fort Worth 6:Mlam " City of Mexico 9:35 a ra " Houston -l;CO a ra " New Orleiuis C:2.nm " Washinctou C:l-. urn " New York 12:13pm 7:C0a m p m r,;: a m V:X a ra 1:00 u m C:2.i p in ii--l2 u m 12-i:i p ra Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Hacramento to Ocden and El I'aso. f and tourist cars to Chicago, rit Louis, Now Or leans and w asntugton. Connectinc Bt San Frnncisco with several steamihip lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, i'hilippliies, Central mid South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add. tss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Acenl, Portiund, Or YoIlniAOtfinO PorL I inO ; 1 GIIUWDIUIIG rQIft LI1IC. THE D1NINO OAK ROUTE FKOM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- 810NE PARK. i.eve. union Depot, Finnand I sts No.'.'. I Fast mull for Tacorna, No. 1 feattle, Olymplu, Gray's i Harbor mid South Uend points, Kpokane, Hom Uand, II. C, Pullman,' j Moscow, LewlHton, liuf 11:15 A. M.'faluHumpinlniiiKcnun- 5;,') P, M, try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Omnfm, Kansas City, St. Louis,, i Chicago and all points, No. 4. east and southeast. No, S. 1'u ire t Hound E.xnress 1 11;20 P. M, for Tacoma and Seattle 7;C0 A. M. anu inter in eoiHte poinu ' Pullman first-class and tniirlct slf.-cirs to MinneaiMjlls, Ht. Puul aud Missouri river points without change. Vustibuled trains. Union depot connections in all principal cities. IlHKKHge checked to destination of tickets. For handsomely llltisiiateddescrlntlve matter. I tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or I write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2& Morrl sou Street, comer Thlid, Portland Oregon. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE . : , : TIMOC MAHKS IltaioNa COYRtOHT AC. Anrone Mdln ft aMteb Hd daacrf ptton mr qulcklr oMxVrutn oar opiuion free whether liiTentlon M probably twteuuble. Coromunlc tlont ttrletjr conadantul. itkadbook on I'atenU Pnuuu Uiio tlroucb Mann Co. rclT A hanaeonialr Ml'jraaklr. iwaW ctr- i tuUtlon of aor f Hull in. Msf TaVt Sniilfip.m Pacific Co VVMv.H -WWW iicn Pric met 5CKMtinc jmmam. art iar iBemaa, ti. mum i lira OREGON Shot Line and union Pacific nsr.wvr ror. TIMK Sl'lIKOULKii n:oM THE DAM.KS. ai-.kivk ruoxt l'ortltiml Slice I 111. li:ii p. vtn Hunt ington. Atl.llltlf Kxprts l.V.Vi n. in. VtH Huut- Suit ljiko. Denver. Ft. Worth, Oniiilin. Kim-1 , . , wisUtr.St Uuils.Clil- 'cl1'111' cngo and the Kust. suit I.nkc, Denver, ft. Worth, Oilman, kiiii- Ml!.Clt.V,S,t.I.IIUtsCtll. ; cmiro mill the Kiist. i i Wnllii Wnlth, l.ewlston.1 .-IMiknno.WiillHee.I'ull-1 1. 15 u. in. I IiiKtnn. St. 1'iiu' t-Ht .unit, 0:23 1 1. in. via J1! knne. , mini, iiuiieiiiiiiis, m. I'nul.lMilutli.. Milwau kee, UhlriiRo ami Kn.t. H.oOu ui. OCEAN AND EIYEK SCHEDULE Frniii r.irtliiml. (All sililltlR ilHtes .sub ject to ehntige ) For sun Fnuicl'-co, Mill every ." iliiyn. S CO p. n:. 1:00 p. in. I)n 11 y 1 except CoIiiuiIiIh ItlviT. mi ml u y, S- M . in. Siinirily, 10:CO p. in. 4.0) n. m. except Sunday. To Asturlii mill Wuy- Uiniltngs. ' Dully except Mimltiy, Wllllilnette Klvrr tun p. in. llVIH.tlt OreRou City, Newborn Sulem, Independence, Sumliiv ami iiy-Laudtiipi. ti'W II. 111. Tueiliiy, Hmrxliiy, piiturdnv, c 00 u. in. I:. "50 11. m. .Monday, WediieMlry JrUluy. Corvalll- mul Wuy-I-niidliips. Tuesday, WHIniimtte Hiul SO p. m Tliurnliiy, Vumliill Itlvern. Motidny, sitiimiiiy, oreciin Cltv. I)n vton mid " euiiesimy AO a. ra. Way-lJinaliik. J-rlilny. Leave Ilipiiria diiflv, S.Wu. m. Snake ltlTpr. Hlpnriu to tawistnn. Leave Lewlstnn dully, S-.HI a. in. 1'arties aesirinc to kii to Ileimner or points on (.omnium soutiiern via mess, mmum tafceNo. 2, leuviUB The Dalle.- at 12:25 p. ra. makinc direct connections at lleppner Junctlo'i and Hltrcs. lictuniliiK niiiklnKdirectcimnectlo.i lit Huppner Junction and IIIck" with .No. 1. ur civinp at The DalleMit 1:05 p.m. For further tnirtlrillnrs. Pull nil nr nililr.KM I JA.-4. IllKI.ANl). AL'ellt. The Dulles, UreRiin. Notice. By virtue of the order mul direction of the Council of Dulles City, us by resolution hereto fore adopted, notice is t ereny given that the Council of Diille.s City has detcrmlnul to estub Hsh sidevvulks and eroisivnlks for Tenth slreet in Gales' Addition to Dalles City, mid fur C lay street, in lllull Addition to DuLes City, us lollows: A sidewalk commencing ut a point where the east line of Court street would Intersect the northern tiouiidary Hue of the school property of .--chool District No. PJ, of Wasco County, 're gon. said property being known as the iieiidemv grounds, If sld line would be extended to said northern boundary line, and running thence easterly to the northeast corner of said property of said school district and uhuttiiig on the northern Hue of said projierty. A sldiiwulk commeiiciiig ut the northwest cor ner of block No. 5, and running easterly to the northeast corner of said block No. ;. and abut ting on tbe northern boundary line of suld bio kNo.,'i. A crosswalk running straight ucros Ii street mid joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of sald'block No. .', arid joining on the east a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary Him of block No. fi. A sidewalk commencing a', the northwest corner of said block No. (, and running easterly to the northeast corner of suld block unit abut ting on the northern boundary line of suld block No. 0. A croswuIk running straight across C street and Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of snhi block Su fi, and joining a sidewalk abutting on the north, crn boi?.idary line of block No. 7. A sidewalk commeiiciiig at the northwest corner of block No. 7, and running easterly to tne northHist corner of said block No. 7. mul ' abutting oji the northern boundary line of said 1MUUK .J. I. A crosswalk running straight across 1) street and joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 7, and joining on the east a uldewalk ubuttlng on the northern boundary Hue of block So. h. A sldewjilk commencing at the northwest comer of block No. b and running caMcrlv Uo feet, and abutting on the northern boundary Hue of said block No. b. That suld Tenth street anil the property abut ting thereon being in Gates Addition to Dalles City, and all the other above described streets, blucksiiud proiierty being In Illuir Addition to Dulles City. Said above described sidewalks to bo six feet In width and to be constructed in m; cordanco with the ordinances In relation to the construction of sidewalks fluid cromvulks to be constructed lu accord ance wlih the ordinances of the city in relation to the construction thereof. That tbe cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks are to be,'HScss d against the property benefited thereby, according to tliolnws of Dalles City, lu witness whereof f have hereunto set my hand and tho corporate seal of Dalle City this, the r.'nd duy of March, 1001. (skai.,1 NED II. OATKH, mcb'.'-J-lot llerorder of Dulles City. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests whit you eat. It artiflciallydlgests tbe food and aids Naturala strengthening aud recou atructiuf tbe exhausted dlgsstive or cans. It is tbe latest discovereddigest ent and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently curat Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour fitowaob, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oaitralgia.Crampsand all other results of Imperfect digestion. PrlMMe.e4L LettMtMeoatelaiM Mates aaaUsaw, atooteaUabuatrtHitaMtilaatf u 'mtH ft E. C OCVITT A CO., CQlCCf Sold by Clarke dcFalk'sP. O. Pharmacy. 8tMm Wood'MW for salt. Can be bought for M0. Call at this office. m26lm Given With every dollar's worth of trootto piirchnetl t ruy store for the next Sixty Dbvp, 1 will y.ivo one (ihnncu ori tho following prh:e : ' 1 First Piisio Gel'B, 'd Watch and Chnn 2 Soconil prizo 1 Ll,ieB old Watch and,, 3 Third n lzo . '."- Smoking Set -Fourth prise 1 fellver nwtter Dish and llntter Knife 5 Fill n prizo 1 eet bilVur Knivi-g and Forks In addition to civinc nwv tht-Hc prlzt'H I will soil goods as low ns tho lowest and guantntvu my poodH to tm frcHh. Oivt mo a trial. ' ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking- of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that etircfl. Do not forirot it; we hnvo it, at 75c per bottle (largo bottle?) piiaruntfod, ur you may i:ot your tn iney back If not oatisllud. 1 IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we exereipo the greateBt care. We carry tlio heBt and me tho host In com pounding your phvolciune orders. Our prices we make as low as is coneistent with efliclent service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to DrngF, Patent Medicine?, Sundries nnd Photograph Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY, p. S. GUfliMIflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.,. in- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AKi-nt for KuifcuU !o.' Knclnes, Threshers mul Suw Mills. Telephone 157. LniiK Distance 107.". Cor. Second U- E. FALT & CO., 5 L PrnnclAtnrK jj Hit. ab V Wk L roprietors The Owl." Of Purest Liquors for Family Use y Delivered lo ain' 9 Phones: 51 Local, 858 Lone Dietance L. Lane- GENE UAL V Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeffcrnn. Phone 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking BuBinena, Ltters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sittht ExuhanKO and Telpcraphlu Transfers sold on Xew York, CliieiiKo, St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. 'Collections 'made at all points on fav orable terms. Tne Goiumtiia PackiogCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFACTITRERB 0 Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF, ETC. U Besiaurani Blacksmun Horsesnoer Y. Hong, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect KKAL8 AT ALL UOUKB. Oyeterg Serrd in any Style. 87 Second St., Tb DiIIm, Or, AWAY. & Lanolin Sts, THE DALLES,' OR. part of the Citr. Tl 173 Second Street. just What You uuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stoek. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints, D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J. K. HCHKNCK, I'runlduiit. Max a. Vikit. C'Huhlcl First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold t o New York, Han Francisco unc' porl land. DIRBOTOKB, D. P. Thompson, Jko. B. Kchkk('i Eo. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhh. H M. Bkall. r i NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. Wo lime on Miloalull lino of RoDjti and Dressed Lumber Mouldings, Brackets, Iaths, Bhinglei, Windows, Soots, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will sell at hvo and let live prices. (Jlvo ui ii trial and wo will treat you right. GILBRETH&SON t i