The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 08, 1901, Image 3

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Tho First Showlnf? of Spring Styles.
375 Pairs of Lace Curtains will be
displayed today for the first time. In
the collection are some rare things.
Xolliniiliains at 50c, Ooc, 7fc and up to
$1.50 that will astonish yon.
Irish Point at' $4.50, $5, $0.50 and $7.50.
Swiss Tambour at $2.25, $2.50, up to $4.
I'.rnssols Lace at $5, $0.50, $7.50, $8.50.
llrnaissancc at $7.50, $8.50, $10 and $12.
Dontellcs D' Arabic at $9.50 and $10.50.
Give the Curtain Depart merit a few moments of vonr !
time.; ou will find it to your interest. We will take
pleusuru in Hhowing yon the, correct things.
The Very Latest and Most
Artistic Creations in
men s and Boys' Suits
nrn now ready nt PEASE & MAYS. Tlio
new exclusive fabrics and stylish we
show this seaeon will please the most
careful dreeser. : : : : :
1 O rtO w'" 11 nun,eo,ne nav.v hluo
t)lvtW Btrictly all-worsted serge Biiit, Ital
ian oloth-lined ; stylieh grny and brown stripes and
plaids at the same price.
The Goddess of Spring will turn her
back on you. young man. if you still
t cling to thopo winter shoes. The young
man whowishes to keep in line with
tho styles can not pay too much atten
tion to his shoes, and he generally knows
fine looking shoes when lie Bees them.
We show a large variety of now and
up-to-date tailoi-made suits ; fab
rics are the new greeni&h Bcolch mixtures and un
finished worsted, stripes and plaids; every suit lined
with first quality serge and warranted to give satisfaction.
Dressers.-- B!s&
Enamel Box Calf, laco, $4.50
Enamel Kid, laco - - 5.00
Special Reduction to close cut.
Only a tew pieces left in stock; .fl values for.
Colors, black and white, blue and white.
$18 and $20
Grades in remarkable
well-made end stylish
cut suits; this line includes our very best fabrics arid
best tailored suits. We show nbout IJ0 difierent pat
terns in Scotch, cheviot, casRimere, serges and un
finished woisted goods.
New Hats, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Under
wear and Fancy Hosiery.
For Men
Quiet Tastes.
Russia Calf, lace - -Vici
Kid, lace - -Colt's
Skin, lace - -
New toe shapes and all sizes.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flfrures
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
APRIL 8, J901
Oysters 5 j
to be lone between
thissummer, the
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wumiii County witrraiitH rtKiKtriil
prior tn nt!)tinhir 1. 1HIT, will t ialil
mi riFiittloii at my otllin. IiiM-rext
-.'Uih artur N'ovmlmr liV, 11MIO.
County Tremu rer.
Wanted Plain Bewing. Apply at
this office. aS-.'lt
Watch our window for special bicycle
fide. Maye it Crowe. 8-2t
Men's all wool, Oregon City cass'iineres
suits, all Bizei, for 8.95 at H. L. Price's.
Mrs. Fred Houghton will entertain
the Twentieth Century WhiBt Club to
morrow night.
Saturday's Hales on granite ware were
phenomenal. See our window for prices.
Mays & Crowe. ' a8if
Speak kindly to the office boy, says
the Albany ArgUB, You may be borrow
ing books from sixty-five libraries that
lie founded by and by.
Invitations are out for two parties to
be given by Mrs. J. C. Hosteller, one on
Tuesday and the other on Wednesday
afternoon of this week.
Don't forget to attend the Easter sale
of work mill promenade concert at the
Baldwin tonight. Doors open at 7
o'clock. Admission 25 cents.
This is your last chance to hear about
Hie promenade concert and Guild sale
tonight. It's well worth your time and
money to attend. Curtain rises at 8:110.
Dr. Davis, osteopath mid magnetic
liealer. Diseases of women nnd chil
dren u specialty. Boom 2, European
Home. Examinations free this week.
A Portland man whose house was
robbed bought n dog to prevent further
depredatious and the burular came
back and stole the dog. Portland liusi
nesB men are nothing if not thorough.
All members of Friendship Lodge No.
0. K. of P., are requested to be present
U the castle hall this evening, as there
will hi wotk in the third. Visiting
brethren are cordiully invited to attend.
A deadly base ball encounter took
placi yesterday on the old fair grounds
between The Dalles "Counter Hoppers"
and the high school "Kids," the "Kids"
coming cut on top by a score of 11 to 10.
The Regulator start this morning
for Portland, after ay overhauling that
makes iter look haBMemer tlitu ever,
Her new toiler glM tier twenty-five
pounds more itaaa aa4 if there is any
racing competition
here nnd Portland
Regulator will bu likely to give a good
account of herself.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. .7. B.
Goit, of this citv, died quite suddenly
yesterday of cholera infantum, aged
twelve months. The funeral will take
place from the residence at 2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon.
Next Monday morning, April Joth,
the steamer Iralda will commence her
summer run between Cascade Locks and
The Dalles. The boat will leave the
locks at 0 a. in. aud arrive here at 10:."0;
leaving here at 3 p. m. on the return
Next Wednesday night the people of
I . I !1 I ... : 1
I i lie jvauea win ue given a real musical
treat at the recital to be given by Miss
Ida Helen Rodkey, of Washington, D.
C, and Miss Susie Gambell, the accom
plished vocal teacher of Portland, who
is giving leeaons in The Dalles. The re
cital will be given in the Congregational
churcli beginning at 8:15.
Salemitea are excited over a well-established
report that one Mark Skill" has
formed a huge wood trust and bought
up, practically, all the wood that will be
marketed in Salem Hub summer aud
fall. It Is estimated that it will take
25,000 corda to supply Salem, including
the state institutions. Mr. Skin is sup
posed to have bought up 20,000 corde.
On a judgment of foreclosure the New
man residence, on the southwest corner
of Fourth and Union streets, waB this
afternoon sold at public auction by the
sheriff, to satisfy a mortgage claim of
$o,0lH), This was the third attempt to
sell the property, the two previous ones
having failed for want, of bidders. The
property was bid in by Attorney F. W.
Wilson for Dr. Hugh Lman, the mort
The body of Thomas Hiley, who was
shot aud killed on Trout creek, Crook
county, last Saturday by a sheep herder
numcd .lack Brtiner, was brought here
on this afternoon's train for Interment.
Wo learn from the Antelope Herald that
IJruner gave himself up to a deputy
sheriff from Antelope, who took him to
Aehwood, where he wbh committed to
tne hands of the sheriff of Crook county
without bail.
Thomas Diflenderfer waB arrested last
night on complaint of C. P. Johansen,
of the Germania saloon, who charged
Oilfenderfer with having stolen JfO in
currency from a gambling table at a
time when the participants in the game
were engaged in a row. Diflenderfer
waB arruigned in Justice Brownhill's
court this afternoon and pleaded not
guilty. Hlri trial was set for tomorrow
morniug at 10 o'clock.
The Shaniko Leader quotes W. II.
Moore, who, In conjunction with E, E,
Lytle, now owns the Columbia Southern
Railroad, as wanting It distinctly under
stood tba( the company haBtio thought
of extending the road. As the country,
south of Sliaaiko is only sparsely settled
I and the coBt of constructing an extension
I t..- . :-i i.t.. . i : , i i...
iui ihjv cuueiuei tiuie umiauce wouiu ue
quite heavy, Mr. Moore says it ie non
sense to talk of the proposition.
The series of special meetings which
have been conducted at the Congrega
tional church for the past two weeks by
Rev. C. F. Clapp, closed at last even
ing's service. The auditorium was
crowded to its full capacity both in the
morning and evening, by a very atten
tive and appreciative audience. The
morning offertory, sung by Mies Gam
bell, whb highly pleasing. The inn sic
in the evening by the male chorus and
quartet was exceptionally gocd.
At the annual meeting of The Dalles,
Portland A Astoria Navigation Com
pany held at the office of the company
in this city laBt Saturday, the following
directors and officers were elected to
servo for the ensuing year: Directors
H. Glenn, L. E. Crowe. J. T. Peters, J.
P. Mclnerny. E. M. Williams, M. T.
Nolan and Max Vogt. This board of
directors elected the following officers :
President, H. Glenn ; vice-president, M.
T. Nolan; , secretary, L. E. Crowe;
treasurer, .J. S. Schenck.
The Jprobabilities are that we shall
have lively times on the river for a time,
at least, this summer. The owners of
the Bailey Gatzert, that has long plied
between Portland and Astoria, announce
their intention of placing her on The
Dalles and Portland run commencing on
the first of May. In retaliation the D.
P. A A. N. Company will probably send
the Reliance to the Sound to compete
with the Flyer, running between Seattle
and Tacoma, which is owned by the
Biiuie company that owns the Gat.ert.
Senator Mitchell has now been confined
to his bed for one week with what his
doctor declares to bo an acute (attack of
la grippe. For the first five days his
tomperature ranged from 101 to 103.
His temperature is now normal and he
is improving in all respects as well as
can be expected. His physician, how
ever, sayB it will bo ten days or two
weeks before ho will be able to leave his
room or give any attention to corres
pondence or other business. At no time,
however, has Mr. Mitchell's condition
been serious, and now every symptom is
Messrs. W. Bolton A Company have
Bold their Shaniko store building to
Pease A Mays, and will move the big
stock of goods which they had at Shan
iko to their warehouse at thia place.
Messrs. Bolton & Co. have been in busi
ness at Shaniko since last August, and
while business was everything that they
could expect, they have concluded that
they could best handle their large busi
ness and serve their trade at Antelope.
The tuildlng acquired by Pease & Maye
is a splendidly equipped, modern store
building. The consideration paid was
In the neighborhood of $1600. Antelope
A large audience gathered at the
Christian church last evening. to witness
the concert given by the members of the
Sunday school. The church was neatly
decorated with evergreens, cut flowers
and a profueion of Oregon grape. The
service was of a missiqnary nature, nnd
the program waB well rendered by the
little oneB. An offering for missions
was taken, and the little oneB came with
the missionary stockings well filled with
pennies. After this service Evangelist
Harding held the attention of the audi
ence with much interest on the subject
of "The New Birth." He will Bpeak
again next Sunday, morning and even
ing. He leaves for his hoire in the East
the early part of next week. Mr. Hard
ing is very favorably impressed with
this coast, and may possibly return with
his family in the near future.
The Antelopa Herald saya: "There
is a movement on foot among a number
of prominentheopmen of thia vicinity
to have their wool hauled to The Dalles
by team. This action is brought about
by the present rate on wool from Shan,
iko to The Dalles by rail, to-wit, 55
cents per hundred. The rate on wool
from Shaniko to The Dalles last year,
the first year of the operation of the Co
lumbia Southern Railway, was only 25
cents per hundred, and the present raie
of 55 cents can only be explained ae an
attempt to keep tiie wool from this sec
tion of the country at Shaniko, in order
to create a market there. The Colum
bia Southern doubtless has the right to
impose this rate of 55 cents per hundred
on wool, but from the stir it lias creatad
among local sheepmen it ia questionable
whether they will submit to it. There
are a number of sheepmen in this im
mediate vicinity who market their wool
at The Dalles and who intend to con
tinue doing so, and they figure that the
55-cent rate to The Dalles, added to the
cost of getting their wool to the railroad
at Shaniko, makes the cost by rail to
The Dalles more than if shipped by the
old "team route," at from 50 to 05 cents
per hundred."
Special Aliliouin'riiif lit.
I desire to announce that I havn re
ceived my complete line of dry goods,
clothing, etc. for spring and summer,
and fcoliclt a share of your patronage.
II. L. Piuc'i:,
Successor to C. F. StephenB.
Our special granite-ware sale continues
this week. See window for prices, j
Maya A Crowe. u8tf j
Men's all wool, Oregon City cassimero
pants, all size", for sfll.15 at II. L. Price's,
H. L. Price, successor to C. F, Steph
For infants and Children,
Tie Kind You Have Always Bothl
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Stroot.
The Leaders in Low Prices.
Our line of Men's Clothing for Spring is now complete, and
wo are offering some choice bargains in this department.
Two Specials!
Hound cut sack, fancy check worsted ;
a very stylish suit for
Spriuir wear. We are sell
imr tlieee suits for
A double-breasted, all-wool, blue
perge with satin-faced lapels and front.
Thefre goods are the most popular on the
market: would tie cheap
at $15.0.). Our special
price only
?ck wurjiiMi ;
lopuiar on ine
If von are in need of a Spring Suit
come to our Clothing Department and
we will surprise you with our bargains.
Everything is new ai:d up-to-date. We
are the acknowledged leadera by all
good drefsers.
If you don't know what you want in
this line, come in and we will help you
make up your mind.
Day Mfg. Co.'s " Day " - . - $25.00
Baker & Hamiltons' B. & H. Special 35.00
Cleveland "Bl" - 40.00
Cleveland " A 1 " .... 50.00
Cleveland Chainless - - - 75.00
See our line before you buy.
Bicycle Sundries and Bicycle Repairing.
I will give a reward of .f 10 for such
evidence as will lead to the conviction
of the person or persons who are guilty
of erasing the name "Gumbert" from
my Bull Durham cigar signs.
The Dalles' leading cigar and tobacco
house. aO-8
Bears the
Itirycin Itttpulr Nhii.
Saxton & Walthor have opened their
bicycle repair shop aud are now ready
to do repairing of any kind on short
notice. Satisfaction absolutely guaran
teed. They also operate a plumbing
and tin shop. Any jobs entrusted to
them will have prompt attention. Ail
work guaranteed. at) if
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks aud sparkling eyes if your liver
is sluggish and your bowels clogged. De
Wit t'a Little Early Riseia cleanse tho
whole Hyste.,1. They never gripe. Clarke
A Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
Wanted A girl or middle-aged wo
man to do cooking aud general kitchen
work only. Address this ollice, or P. O.
box 17, Dufur, Oi. Will pay fl per
week. ui27-lmd
Thope famous little pills, DeWitl'a
Little Early Risers will remove all im
purities from your system, uluausu your
bowels, make them regular. Clarke A
Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lamented
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Blako
ley, the druggist.
Don't fail to supply your kitchen with
new urn ni to ware while it ia being aold
so cheap by Maya A Crowe, Sen I heir
display window. ufi-tf
Wanted A giil to assist in house
work and sleep at homo. Apply at the
house next door to Dr. Shackelford's,
Special sale of granite ware. 0!d prices
cut in two, See our wiuduw. .Ma) a A
Crowe. a5-t(
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Came
& Falk.
Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
Early Rose seed potatoes for sale at
the StadelruRii Comm. Co. in5-lui
Grain & Stock
Commission Co.,
Iloonih 17 unit 18, over I'ohtoftlce,
('ontltiuou. market quotation I y leased
wire, from Clil' huo Honni of Tnule ami
Now York Stock Kxehmmo. Outers
jiliu'cil direct, tjtilck cervlce.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -133. Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging House.
Positions Awaiting Men and
Spring coughs are specially dangeroua
and unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. Ouo Minute Cough Cnro
acta like magic. It is not a common
mixture but is a high grade remedy.
Claike A Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, tfcalda and
cliallni! quickly heal by die use of De
Witt's Witch llazul Silvv. It ia imitated.
Bo sure yi u get DeWitt's. Clarke A
Falk'a 1. O. Pharmacy.
When your hair appears dry aud to
have lost its vitality it wants tomethiug
t five it life ai d vigor. We have what
Mi hair needs when it gets in that con
dition, We have the Crown of
Science Hair Grower and
C e mniit CreumHK' Tonic. They
ui I cure dand p mil' and all
mm i o dianaves, For sale at Frax'.'r's bar
ber rhop. Price rlc and 76u a bottle,