The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY ... APRIL S. 1901 'of United States vessels enguged in . r; - r e coastnp irade was 1,S93,J)7G; T A TF'RTr'T? Til? tn tbe foreign trade, 1,544,033. In i. .ex. jajjajaxiJ5j,,lg61 Uie flgures wcre. Coastingt Leading-E ;2,G04,.V14 tons; foreign, 2,4i)G,S94. Merchant Tailor, 1,1 iscstwi!.c,2.7G4,G00: foreign, ' 1,803.652. In ISM, coastwise, 2,. Second Strebt. opposite Hays & Crowe, g4g,oii; foreign. 1.297.03;.. in We have an excellent line of Sprinc j Suitincs, Pantincs, etc.. which we nre prepared to make up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect fit. THE OREGOXTAX'S IXSIXCERITY The Oregonian argues against the proposed legislation for tbe restora-, tion of tbe American ocean marine, ' precisely as though it were the paid i ' I attorney for the Liverpool Ship-, owners' Association, the great British trust, which dictates rates for ocean nnrrvir.o. nnrl vrhinh hns flip wlipit J s ' growers of the I'acinc uncier iriouie to the amount of millions annually, J says me seauie rost-inteingencer. Tbe Gregorian deliberately and knowingly perverts some ot the facts, B J 1 ' i manufactures Others to suit its own purpose, ana is as inconsistent m its 1 r argument as it is vindictive in its , i assaults upon all those who advocate government aid to restore a dying trade. As an example of the inconsistency of this orgau of the foreign trust, it was only a week since that tbe Ore- eonian insisted that the only proper! " jiii metbod of restoring American ship-, y ping was to repeal tbe ''obsolete 0 ' i navigation laws" which deny foreign-, , . , , . J ! built ships tbe right to ply in the; r , 1 J ' coasting trade, lhe argument was a , 3 that it was tbe high price of Ameri-; ,e r i can ships which kept capitalists from j inpnctlnn in t lift in nnrl tliat If f lioi i " bri,IU( ... kUblll , MUl. IUUI , .UIJ , g could buy ships abroad they would i do so, and American exports would , be again under the American llag. Tbe Post-Intelligencer showed that under tbe law as it stands, American j capitalists miy, if they like, purchase , foreign-built ships and sail them In the deep-water trade from American ports, the onty limitation against their use being tbe coasting trade. Kow tbe Oregonian coolly reverses its argument and announces that ships can be built in tbe United States cheaper than anywhere else in tbe world; bence there is no need for subsidies. This change of front is that of tbe cheap shyster lawyer, eager to make out a case for a client, j without regard to his own reputation, j This is but an incident of tbe bad I faith and dodging of tbe Oregonian j in dealing with the whole question. ' It takes the ligures of ship-building j in tbe United Slates, shows that more i vessels were built in the United States last year than in Germany, and nays that the "term 'rapidly de- Cliniug has a Strange meaning" in 0 view of these facta, ow tbe Ore- gonlan is not entirely icnorant; it is . , , , Dimply uvasive. Il Knows, as Hie ' evasive. Post-Intelligencer Las frequently I nomted out. that tbe United .States ' t j lias one 01 tne greatest ueeis o: ves sels in tbe world, which is being constantly enlarged from year to year; and it knows further that tbe fleet of vessels is engaged almost exclusively in tbe coasting trade, in which it is protected from any foreign competition. It knows fur ther, and every advocate of sub sidies for deep-water ships has pointed out, tbat while tbe growth Of the coMliog fleet hat been great, tbe decline in tbe unprotected and BMtded deep-water fleet has been constant Here are the figure from tbe Statistical Abstract of tbe United States: In ISiil the total tonnage lS'Jl, coastwise, 3,0Uii,sG tons; foreign, 933,1 19. Iu 1900, coast- wise, 0,000,000: foreign, SlG,79f. Last year the actual volume of American tonnage engaged iu the foreign trade was but little over one half great as it was immediately after the close of the civil war, when American ships had practically been driven from the high seas by rebel privateers. Despite these facts the Oregonian . has the effrontery to suv : I '-It will nioablv be news to the i j . . . ... . . , Posl-Intelligencer to learn that at no time in the past four years have the 'prntontpd' nnnsttnrt vessels paid ; any where as near as large dividends 'as were paid by the deep-water ship nnf. A .... .,.., Do not ship-ownets know their own business? If there was more tnnnpv in mnkincr fnrpion vni'neps thftD in lfae buimess ff"hy .ave tbp ahJ crs k t " lheir I . . . . ... . ! ' . . I sas tbev have t one The volume of American tonnnnp in thp. fnrniiTn , , , ,. , , , , .trade was very much lighter last 3'ear than it was four years ago. while i 'in thp nnnrino trndf iip.'iilv tmlf n 1 . , .... . . million t ins of shipping have been , , , . , , aclneri in the same ln'ervnl. , , . , ,. . . L lie statement of the Oregonian is , , T - . ' , , not true. It was manufactured sole- , . ... , . , I of tbe foreign shin-owner. The ship-owner truth is that the Oregonian knows little about the shipping business and , cares less. It simpry bus an inveter- ! ate and unrpnsnnino- hnstililv to the , , . i whole system of protection to Amer- ... , , ican industry, and attacks the pro , . . . . . , posed shipping subsidy measure . , .. , - ,. , , precisely as it has attacked every t i " protective tariff which has ever been . , , ... ,. . framed, and with the same absence , , , , , of reason and abundance of rancor, Take them to day and you will be weli to-mor row. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, (Cold in Head; No.23-B. 25c SAJt FRASCISCO. E. L. BALDWIN cq. Your Cold Cure is the odly remedy that really does cure in one day. 11AKKY .Ko:)Gi:ks. Harry Rcdgers Co, SACEAJtKnTO, Cm.. E. L. BALDWIN CO. You Cold Cure Tablets No. 13.II are splendid for Cold in Htad. WM. DWINKLL. With Adams, Boothe & Co. Demvek, Colo. E. L. BALDWIN CO. I find your Cold Cure Tablets the safest and tnot convenient remedy for cold in the bead. They cure.iii every instance. ii. y, Coosso Clarke & Falk. The Dalles. Oregon. ' A Teatlmuiilul from Old EuElanri I "IconBlderCharnberlain'ii CoiikIi Rem-1 I ...1.. : t L If I Xf ,,.,, . . . . ' eave Mr. il am bavorv. of Warrineton. ' j England. "It baa enved toy wife's life, she having been a martyr to bronchitis i 1. . , , , . 1 uvc' Dl yenrr, ucuig uiu ui mc nine 1 ?,0",ed J'f , S,he no,w nlte Tl I A 1 . . x-uiuc. yuur uuubc wim jminiB tnat ara l fully g lurutitecd to last. Clarke & Falk have them. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & FuIIc'h flavorinc extracts are tbe beat. Ask your w x-er for tbem. You will not have boils if vou 1 1 Clarke & Falk'n nre cure toi boile. Clarke & Falk have on sale a fall line of paint and artist's bruahee, A full line of Eastman filme and sap piles jaet received by Clarke dc Falk. Hustling young man can make $60 per month and eipeuaea, Pnriunen.1. posi tion. Experience unnfceasary. Writ quick for particulars. Clr,k A, Co,, Fourth and Loeaft Striata; PhiladeJ- bpia, Pa, 8-ti 2 vaatpy e i w worn fly men m women 1 The DR. SAXDEX ELECTRIC BELT , .1 . t ! 1. . - t . '? ?.:.Pn? T rniU.T. . !. . . I t'luiii v. riifiiiiiii mill. I ii ill lilt Lrii. Nriiii I'll. hune buck, kiilnt'v, liver ami stomach disorders, poor circulation, sleepless ness, etc. y j Established 30 YeSPS. j ' Write todav for mv latest books, "Health in Nature," and strength ; ItsTTse and Abuse bv Men." Dr. A. T. Sanden, Southwest cor. Morrison and 4th Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. 'JJmcii dw 5mo You want the best, C. L. Phillips has it, in CHICKENS Bull' Leghorns a specialty. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route ! Trains leave The Da!le i lor Portland and way I itniinm. nt m. mu s. m. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Ashland " Sucramento " Sati Francisco . . S:n0a m A'2,TjO a in 7:00 p m 10:50 p m ..12:3:; a m . . 5:00 ji m .. 7:lo m 11:30 a m 4 a m b.lsam Arrive Opdon 5:13 am " Denver 9:00 a m " Kansas City 7 :'-'." am " Cnicaco 7:15u m 11:15 am 9:oo a m 7 :.'.) a m 9:C0 a m Arrive Los Aneeles 1 :C0 p m El Paio f.:C0pm " Port Worth C::5) u in " City of Mexico y:.V u m " Houston 4:C) a ra ' New Orleans 0:ii a m " Washlnpton fi.-v.'iim " New York I'2:i3 m 7 :Ci) a in C:W p m ';: a m 9:55 a m 4 :00 a iu C:i5 p in G-42 a ra 12'43 p in Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair ears sacramento to Ogdun and El Paso, mid tourist cars to Chicago, 61 Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting nt San Krancisco with s-everal steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America See agent at The Dalles station, or udii.iss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Port. and, Or Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAP. ROl'TE FP.OM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW 81 ONE PARK Z.EAVK. Union Depot, Firth and I sis No. 2. Fast mail for Tacoina, .f'eattlu, Olympla, Gray's ' Harbor una South Ilend points, fapokiinu, Ross. No. 'land, II. C, Pullman, Moscow. istou. Iluf- 11:15 A. M. faloHunip mining cimii. 5;0 P. M, try, Helena, Mluneaiio lis, Ht. Paul, Omaha, j Kansas City, fit. Louis, Chicago and nil points No. 4. cast and southeast. No. 3. Puget Hound Express 11;S0 P. M. lor Tacoina and Seattle 7jOO A. M. and intermediate points 1 IMlllmnn flrat.nlunB nnrl tnurl tt , i iri rier points Minneapolis, tit. Paul and Missouri without chanee. i.ri Kaggage checked to destination of tickets, For iiandsomuly illUHtiatedileuriptlveiniitter, uckcm, siecping-citr reservations, etc., can on or I write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 'B& Morrl sou Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ rilADC PflAnKS Ocsigns COPVRISHTS U. Anyone sending a akatah and description mi' ntilr.UIr asoartalu our oolnlon frae whether a' Intention la probably patentable. Cominunlrf tlnnsstrletlreonOdentlal. Handbook oil Pateou tent frae. Oldest afrencjr for aecannirbaieiils. I'utAi.ta tmJcen thmuah Munn h. Co. recolwu ttciaintic4, wlthont abuse, tn tbe ScHiti A handeomelr HI aet rated weeklr. Lanreat rtr. tulallon of ear MleatW.n lmnroaJ. Terwa. hji rear i fonr mon hhm, vi. mom tyaii newesaejs. I ' 99 BfeastaaVf dBraWsiSriot? Soumera Pacific Co. n flic iK'jmtncasi mmtr.n mm Turk Oregon Shot Line and union Pacific Dzr.uvr FOIl TIMK SCIU:iH I.KS FIH1M THK DAI.l.KS. akkivi: f no 51 Chicnpo l'nrtliiml Suit Uike. Denver. Kt. Worth, Oniiilin, Kni! msClty, St Uutli., Cln ciiru ami Hit' Kiit. I J:'.V) p. m. 1 :C.'i i. m. via mint lliRtoii. Atlantic . in. vln Hunt- iURtllll. M. l'llll' Fust Mull, O.ii ji. in. via Sjio knne. .iilt Ijike, Heaver. Kt. Worth, Omiiliu. Uhii us City. St Louis, cut- -1.15 a. in. ruito una tni' Lust. W'nlla Wiilln, l.evlst(n, Miuiu'iitmlis St. , l'mil.Duliith, MIIMi-j kee, CliU'tiKOiiliil Kiut. i S.IWa in. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From r.irtliiiKt. (All snilliif: dates sul I jeet to ehuiiRc ) For aii I'rmirisicn, fcail every 5 days. MOO i. in. 4:00 l. m. Dully exoeot SiiiiilHy. ?:Ui . in. SiittirdHV, 10:00 j- in. Dully except nlli'diiv, G OO a. in. CiiIiiiiiIiIii lilvrr. To Astoria ntid W'ny Uitnllnss. 1:00 p. m. exrept Sunday. U llliinii'tl.' KIvit. Orecon City, Xewlierc, .-alom, liulene'iileiu'e, and iiy ljiiifilnes. 4::!0 ji. in. except Sunday. i 1 UVM1 , I Thin-day, Saturday, 4 "10 p. m. .V outlay. W t'duenlny Friday. Cnrvnlll and Way-I-audinps. b w a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 a. in. WIllniiiKtti- himI Viiiulilll litvtim. SO i. tn Monday, riri"iiii l"Ifv T1.i.,ii,i mill Wednesday W-uy-rjuidl'tiss. Friday. l.eave Hipiiria riisllv, 3:10 a. m. Siik Hirer. , lf'va I.ewfiton Hlparia to l.ewiston. 8:SU iil'iu! I'arties desiring to go tn Ilennner or IKJims 011 i.oiumma souinerii via lilggs, snouiu tiiKe.No. 2, Ieiivins; The Duller tit W-.'.'o p. in. making direct eonneetlons at lleppner juiictlnn and Kiggs. lietunilng maiiiiigdirirtcouueetloii nt Hciijuier junction and lllggs lth No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. Kor further particulars, call on or address JAs. 1 HE LAND, Agent, The Dulles, Oregon. Notice. By virtue of the ruder mid direction of the Council of Dalles City, as by resolution hereto fore adopted, notice is 1 ereby given that the Council of Dalles City has determined to estab lish sidewalks mid crosswalks for Tenth street in Gates' Addition to Dalles City, mid for Clay street, iu lilutl Addition to City, as lollows- A sidewalk commencing nt a jio'nt where the east line ol Court street would intersect the northern boundary line of the school propertv of school District No. IS, of Wmco Countv, ure gon. said proi!rty teing known as the aeademv grounds, if said line would be extended to said northern boundary line and running thence easterly to the northeast corner of said property of said tchool district and abutting 011 the northern Hue of said proo-ty. A sidowalk commencing at the north went cor ner of block No. 5. and running ensterlv to the northeast corner of said block No. 5. and abut ting on the northern boundary line of said bio k No. 5. A crosualk running straight acro-s 11 street and joining oil the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 5, and joining 011 the east a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of block No. 0. A sidewalk commencing a' the northwest corner of said block No. a, and running easterly to the northeast enrnnr of said block and abut ting on the northern boundary Hue of said block No. 0. A crosswalk running straight aero! C street and Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting 011 thu northern boundary line of salo block No fi, and Joining a sidewalk abutting on the north ern boundary llneof block No. 7. A sidewalk commencing ut the northwest comer of block No. 7, and running easterly to trie northmst comer of said bluck No. 7, and abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 7. A crosswalk running straight across I) street und joining on the west the sidewalk abutting 011 the northern boundary line of said block No. 7, and Joining on the cast a sidewalk abutting 011 uie iioriueru iiounoary line 01 mock mj, h. A sidewalk commcnclnir at the northwest comer of block No. baud running eaiterlv 10O leei, unci iimiiung on me northern boundary line of said block No. b. That said Tenth street and the tironurtv film! ting thereon being in Gates Addition to Dalles City, and all the other above described streets, blixiksnud proHrty being In llmff Addition to Dalles City. Kald above described sidewalks to tie- six leet in width and to be constructed lu ac cordance ultli the ordinances in relation to the construction of sidewalks Haiil crosswalks lo be constructed In accord ance with the ordinances of the city in relation to the construction thereof. That the cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks I.i.v 11 uv,n3-irn u nfiiitiinv mu )iii)n;jt. lii'lldl thereby, according to the lws ol Dalles city, In witness whereof I have hereunto set I are to'ess d against the property benefited my hand and the coriKirato seal of Dalles City this, hkai.,1 NED II. GATER, men.'.' i.'ii uecordur ol Dalles city. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. It artificially digests the food, and aids Natura Id strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. Itls the latestdiscovereddlgest cnt and tonic. No other preparation cao approach It in efficiency. It in staotly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand aUotberxesultoothnperfectdifastlODt r?f4 ay t n. ownr aco. caicff Sold by Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. Steasi Wood-aaw for Can be bought for (300. Call at thia office. sd35-1 i GIVEJNl AWAY. With -very dollar's worth ol poodH pnreihnsod at my storo for the nest Hixtv Dave, 1 will Klve'ono chnnco on the followinp prii:es: ' ' 1- FIrot p;izt- "M ,nWll nnd Clmin 2 Second prize 1 Indies bold atch am oimln M Third pi lw .r ; " ' ;:" s'klnc Set J Fourth prist- 1 Silver Huttor Dlhh nnd Ilutter Knife 5 Fiftn prize '-'' &Hver Knivue ami Forki In nthlitioti to civinc awnv tlivf" priztis 1 will noil goods no low ns thu lovot and ptiuraiiteo my troods to lm fri'h. Give mu a trial. ' ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that ftirep. Pa not forcet it ; wo havu it, at 75c por bottle (large hottlef) guuruiiteed, or you uiay get your tu mey tmt;k If not aatislled. ' ' IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS wo estirr-ie the greatest care. V carry the beat nnd uo the best In roni poiitiding your phvuiciatiB orders. Our prices we make no low us Is cotiristi'nt with edieletit service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drngs, Patent Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies, GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. F. S. OUNfllflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker ,., i.v- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Arrciit for nutt.iell A. Vo, I.npini's, Threshers anil -Saw Mill),. Telephone ID". Loni: Difttanee 107.'!. X J. E. FALT & CO., X Y Prnnrlotnfa js STW V "A, V Purest Liquors for Family Use y )tlivorod to any 9 Phones: ol Local, 80S Long Distance. r' Lane, GKNKKAL J, Wagon and Carriage Work. 5, Fish Brothers' Wagon. TM and Mcwii. Phone 159 : '" -1":-"-:irtTeweirei-ewei FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Businoss, Letters' of Credit i RHlltid nvnilnlilp in the Eastern Stales. Stent KxchatiKe and Telegraphic TrutiHfers eold on Jfew York, Ohiciigo, St. L'ltiiH, Sun FranciHco, Portlund Ore iron, Seattle Wash., and varioun points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. TTie GolumDia PaGkingCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAGTUKKRH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND j HAMS & BACON j j)RIKD BEEF. ETC. j mm mwm ,3 mm I ...and... 3, Im'&fe Horsesnoer ; Mjfj ju L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT A lit. UOVKH, Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., Tue Dallei, Or. Cor. SccoM & LaoeUlB Sis,, THE DALLES. OR, pari of the City. 173 Second Street. Just What You cuant. New iileaB in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety us we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers ut cheap, paper pricec Eluirant design?, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paintB. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J. K. HCHBNCK, President. Max A. Voot. C'HHiiiel First national Bank. ;the dalles OREGON ! A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, enbject to Sight j Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly 1 remitted on (lav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold to New York, Ban Francisco ant' port land. m DIRKOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jmo. 8. Hcuknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhk. H, M. Bkall. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. We Imvc nn Niile a (nil line of Rough anfl Dressed Lnnibei1 Monldings, Brackets, Latha, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will sellatlivo and let live prices. Give us n trial and we will treiit you right. G-ILBRETH & SON ...S SB a a Ul. W - 5 - v .81 MWUL y nil . I