The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 06, 1901, Image 3

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    The Easter Store
is ready
as never before from ono end to tho other
the store is .fairly beaming with the most
fashionable goods on two continents suits,
glove, waists, laces, wash fabrics, novelties
in silk dress goods, and nil the other things
designed to become part of your Faster
toilet. A variety so fast, so comprehensive,
so complete in its minutest details thnt to
attempt a description seems n hopeless task.
The Easter. Windows are Get
ting in Readiness, and so
is the Store.
We won't say biro all of the things we have
to show you we reserve the pleasant sur
prise for von until von call. Hot wn will
nay this the pum total represents our most, conscientious" efforts to please vou,
mill we hope that when you call we may And our reward in your approval.
For Easter
Your Kister Huit will be incomplete
without gloves to match it, ho here iH an
Our Celebrated CLAWS?!? sold every
where at ifl.LT) our price this
week 90C
tit i b week only
HUNT Celebrated English dove,
for ladies ; all shadm
Ladies' Dressing Jackets
and Komonas
Mado of fancy dimiticp, white lawns, or
gandies atul pongee cloth. Ask to see
75c, $1, $1.50 to $3.50.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
We aro showing tho latest creations a
vast assortment, to choose from, in lace
and ribbon barbes, at 50c, 7fe and $1.
Fancy stock collars in silk and laci at
7w, .$1, $1.25, up to p.
Every one ip a decided novelty.
Are a reality, not a dream. We have
them in the famous "W. 15." and at
prices that are extremely reasonable
when compared with those of other
W. I'.. Straight Front. . . .$1.25, $1.50, $2
W. 15. l'.atiste, Special $1.25
We also carry stock of the
Famous LaVida, S4.50 and $5
men's Shoes....
The workingman must have
well-made shoes no other kind
will do. We have special val
ues in workingmen's shoes
shoes not to bo found in every
Here's satisfaction
for the
Kangaroo kip lace,
double sole, seamless
Kangaroo kip, cong,
double sole, seamless
Seal grain, lace,
double sole, seamless
Heavy calf, lace,
double sole, calf lined
Kangaroo kip, buck
le shoe, double sole. .
Oil grain, lace,
ble sole, Itiortra.
It will take you only two
minuteB to read this ad, and it
will pay you at the rate of a
dollar a minute in the money
you will save.
the Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Mb served i
At Andrew Keller's.
All H'hhco County wurrautM rt-clBturml
prior to McpttMiititir 1, 1K1I7. will lit. imIiI
mi iriHentt Ion lit my oftlrn. Jutfirtixt
iiiiHtiN itrtor .S'ovf inlinr Jill, 11IOO.
County Tmunurrr.
Wanted PInin Bewing. Apply at
thisofiice. aJ5-3t
Professor Sandvig's regular Saturday
night dance tonight ut the Baldwin.
The quilt which wus rallied oir by the
(ionium Ladies' Aid Society was won
by Mrs. H. Schanno, who held number
A local teachers' institute was held
today at Dufur, at which there was a
large attendance of teachers from thiH
The German ladies society rallied oil'
their quilt last Thursday. The lucky
number was 14, drawn by Mrs. Km 11
Tho Order of Washington will meet
in the K. of P. hall tonight when Dr. W.
Hose and Mrs. Hose and a lady organizer
f i oiii Portland will be present.
The members of the Methodist Sun
day tchool extend un invitation to all to
be present ut their Kaster exercises to
morrow night. JOwBter sermon in the
The funeral services over the remainB
of the late Henry Koldt tomorrow will
ho conducted in the Maecfnic ball by
Hov. D. V. Poling, and will be open to
the public ut 3 o'clock p. in.
The supervisors who have charge of
the roads between Dufur and The Dalles,
deserve great praise for the splendid
condition nt the roads between these two
points, says the Dufur Dispatch.
Tickets for the drama, "The Irish
Duke," to be given at the Vogt April
18th, aro now on sale at Grant's Ameri
can cigar (tore. After the 15th they will
he found ut Glaiko & Folk's drug store.
The program for Monday's promenade
concert uppuars tor the lust time today,
ho cut it .out and paste it in your hat.
Vou will always regret it if you don't
e Levin's gem, "Sweet Druamlaud
Malor & Benlon iiave a unique design
(or an Kaster show window that ie
ceived considerable attention today.
The center of. attraction wgi motherly
looking old lien with floek of little
chicks jutt out Ol the shell. The floor of
the window was covered wirh a sod of
green aKalfa which was strewn with hen
fruit, among which the little chicks
, wandered at will.
The latest difcovery for blood puri
! (let Crawfish, by Doctore Smilini Ab
bertini, prescribing mixologist Bt the
Owl. Directions For babies and chil
dren, homeopathic doses; adults, allo
pathic doses. , It
The secretary of the interior has
amended his order allowing sheep-grazing
in the Cascade reserve so as to ex
clude sheep from all lands to the north
of the Barlow road and White river, as
has been done in past seasons.
At the Congregational church this
evening ther will be a special service
conducted by Mr. Clapp. It is especial
ly desired that all who have signified
their intention of living the Christian
life during these meetings be present,
and all others interested in such. Meet
ing at 7 :30 o'clock.
The ladles of The Dalles and vicinity
will be pleased to learn that Mr. II.
Herbring has accepted the agency for
the celebrated Butterick Pub. Co.'s pat
terns and their publications. A full as
sortment of patterns has arrived and is
now placed on sale ut bis store. All
mail orders will receivo prompt atten
a2-2td ltw
The local Woodmen of the World will
have a grand social entertainment on
the night of Tuesday, 9th instant, to
which all local and visiting neighbors
and their wives and all members of
Cedar Circle are cordially invited, A
Hue program has been arranged and it
is the intention to make the occasion
one long to be remembered. T
The local League of American Sports
men have elected tho following ollieers
for the ensuing year: Profident, C. H.
dishing; vice president L. S. Fritz;
secretary and treasurer, P. J. Stadel
man; directors, Leo tfchanno and Theo
dore Liebe. The local league now num
bers about thirty members aud is in a
very prosperoucondition. It is the in
tention to hfd a tournament here dur
ing fair time next fall. -"""
A hot war is waging between the
towns of Albany and Corvalhs over the
price of eggs. Corvallls raised the price
to 15 oentH, at a time when Albany was
paying lii'-cents, and as a result 2,1130
dozen of her hen fruit patsed in one
day last Saturday Into the hands of
the Corvallls merchants. The Corvallls
merchants say their paying 15 cdiits is
business; not war nor cut-thioat compe
tition, but a pure business proposition.
Whereat the Albany slIuiiaiiB stand
aghast and shake their venerable heads.
The Portland Telegram says salmon
are being caught on the lower river, ac
cording to numerous reports, in broad
daylight and there is no otlicer of the
law to lift a hand In opposition. These
reports come from responsible business
men, whose veracity can not be doubted,
and the only reason they desire their
names withheld Is that they fear the
vengeance of fishermen, who, they
think, would not hesitate to burn their
stores or even homes. Most of the fish
caught in violation of the law are packed
in smelt boxes and shipped to the
Sound by rail, although not a few find
their way into Portland by boat also.
Pat Conroy, a prosperous young sheep
man of the Mitchell country, returned
here yesterday from an eiirht months'
visit at his old home in the county Gal
way, Ireland, from which be had been
absent twelve years. Contrary to gen
eral expectation he comes back single.
although be owns that he tried hard
enough to come back double. Mr. Con
roy says the people around his old home
are generally happy and prosperous, and
all they need to make them the happiest
people in the world is a little less land
lordism and a little more liberty. Mr.
Conroy brought with him a handsome
black thorn ehillelah ub a present to
Tom Kelly, of the Umatilla House. vj
The Grass Valley Journal says;' "A
representative of the new company re
cently organized in The Dalles for de
veloping electric power at the mouth of
the Deschutes river, was in Grass Valley
Saturday looking over the situation and
interviewing our busineEB men as to the
advisability of extending the line to this
city. We learn that he has made ar
rangements with Moro to light their
streets and furnish power for the pump-j
ing station, and also furnish power to
the foundry, and a flouring mill that
will probably be built there this sum
mer. When completed to Moro we be
lieve it will be only a matter of short
time when tho line will be extended to
Grass Valley. All aro in favor of tho
new enterprise, and it is highly proba-
Dnfur Kspftct to Htrike OH,
The Dufur Dispatch says: "All the
talk of the town Is oilt oil! and numer
ous rumors aro heard on all sides, many
of which are perhaps unfounded, but it
is a fact that experts have examined the
surface indication and are positive that
oil In large quantities will be found by
boring. The land along the creek above
town for a distance of three or four miles
has been leased by N. Whcaldon, of The
Dalles, who is acting as agent for an
eastern company. The company agrees
to begin boring within six months, and
if oil in paying quantities is found, to
begin pumping inside of two years. The
parties who have leased their land aro
taking it cool. They are saying but
very little, but express themselves as
confident that there is oil on their lands.
The Dispatch hones there is, and that
the terms of their leases will enabl"
them to realise handsomely. A few
millionaire oil magnates in Dufur would
would be a good thing for us all."
In an interview with Mr. Whealdon,
concerning the above, t tint gentleman
said he regrets that the showing in the
field referred to will not warrant the
extravagant expectations of the Dis
patch. He says, however, that there is
good evidence of the existence of carbon
underneath and if, fortunately, the
metamorphie rock is reached at a short
distance there is a good chanca to strike
anthracite coal farther down, as abun
dance of the latter is known to exist on
the eastern slope ol the Cascade mount
ains. Obituary.
Mrs. Annie Hunter, who was buried
yesterday in the Kingsley cemetery, was
a native of Scotland, where she was
born in 18'J2. Her maiden name was
Finlayson. When a .mere child she
emigrated with her parents to St. Anns,
Cape Breton, where she was united in
marriage to Murdock Hunter in 1844.
Twenty years ago next month her hus
band died, and after a residence of forty
seven years in Upper Canada, Mrs.
Hunter came to Oregon to spend her re
maining days with her daughter, Mrs.
Murdock McLeod, of Kingsley.
The deceased wac a sincere and ear
nest Christian. She had been a consist
ent member of the Presbyterian church
for forty-five years. She leaves four
sons and three daughters, all residents
of the British possessions save two, Mrs.
Murdock McLeod and Mr. William Hun
ter, both of Kingsley.
Impressive funeral services were con
ducted bv Rev. Mr. Bell, of Tygh Valley.
Ulrtliituy l'aity.
ble that u (louring mill will be erected
here this summer. Turn on your power
and give us light and plenty of it.
Marie and Grace Fleming celebrated
today their 7th and Cth birthdays re
spectively by entertaining, attheir home
on Alvord avenue, between 2 and 5 p.
m., a number of their little friends. The
little folks enjoyed themselves immense
ly at the swings, see-saws and other
games until calleu to partaue oi a tame
of dainties. Mrs. W. H. Groat assisted
Mrs. Fleming in entertaining.
Those invited were: Margaret Maier,
?Lilian and Hazel Benton, Mildred An
gle, Isabel Duncan, Irene Poling, Gertie
Walther, Lois and Kdna Thompson,
KIsie Frizzell. Kdna and Neva Chris
man, Ruth WBrner, Harold Meier, Gil
bert Benton, Harold Poling, Carlton
Groat, Alfred Whealdon. r
Fuurl Notice.
A special communication ol Wasco
Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A. M., will be
held at Masonic hall on Sunday, April
7th, at 2 o'clock p. in. for the purpose of
attending tho burial of our late brother,
Henrv Klodt, of Ouray Lodge, No. 157,
All members and visiting brethren
are requested to attend.
Bv order of the W. M.
0. D. Doani:, Secy.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The Leaders in Low Prices.
Our lino of Mon's Clothing for .Spring is now complete!, and
wc aro ofi'oring some choice bargains in this department.
Two Specials!
Hound cut sack, fancy check worsted ;
a very stylish suit for
Spring wear. We are sell
ing these suits for
CK worm ho ;
A double-breasted, all-wool, blue
serge with satin-faced lapels and front.
These goods are the most popular on the
market; would tie cheap
at $15.00. Our special
price only
i II in r un un;
If vou aro in need of a Spring Suit
come to our Clothing Department and
wo will surpriee you with our bargains.
Everything is new and up-to-date. We
are the acknowledged leaders by all
good dressers.
If you don't know what you want in
this line, come in and we will help you
make up your mind.
Day Mfg. Co.'s "Day"
Baker & Hamiltons' B. & H. Special
Cleveland "Bl" -Cleveland
" A 1 " -,
Cleveland Chainless
See our line before Tou buy.
A. M. McLeod was in town today from
Harry Fowler, of Pendleton, stopped
4ver liere touay while on nis way to
J. G. Farley, Will Moody, Al Benin-
gen and J. P. Mclneruy went on a "fish-
ing trip" yesterday to Fifteen Mile
creek, above Dufur. When asked
"What luck?" they euid it was "all
blorsom" on the Staats ranch.
I will give a reward of $10 for such
evidence as will leud to the conviction
of the person or persons who aro guilty
of craning the name "Gumbert" from
my Bull Durham cigar signs.
The Dalles' leading cigar and tobacco
house, hC-8
For' ini'anti and Children,
III Kind You Hivi Always Bought
Bears the
IHoycle Kepttlr ttli.ii.
Ssxton Si Walther have opened their
I bicycle repair shop and are now ready
to do repairing of any kind on short
notice. Satisfaction absolutely guaran
teed. They also operate a plumbing
and tin shop. Any jobs entrusted to
them will have prompt attention. All
work guaranteed. utitf
Those famotiB little pills, DeWitt's
Little Karlv Hlsers will remove all im
purities from your system, cleanse your
bowels, make them regular. Clarke &
Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy.
Don't fail to supply your kitchen with
now granite ware while it is being Bold
so cheap by Mays & Crowe. See their
display window,
See our $20 cicycle. It's all right
up to date and as good in every way as
any wheel sold by others lor $25. Mays
A Crowe. 5-tf
Wanted A gill to uesist in homo
work and sleep at home. Apply ut the
house next door to Dr. Shackelford's,
Special sale of granite ware. Old prices
cut in two. See our window. MaysA
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by O'arae
& Falk.
You might spend six consecutive
weeks without stopping, in one
continuous round of shopping, and
never match
the grandest
Boot in all
Christendom & -?
Greatest superior
quantity of quality.
Hul ton or Law,
welts or turns,
heavy or liuhl,
patent or kid tips,
rl'ipo edg i or extension,
high heels or low ones,
kill or I ox calf,
Any slzu from II to 8,
A. M. Williams & Co.
Grain & Stock
Commission Co.,
U v3
I it
1 flH BOOTS 12
HH W New York stock hxciiiumc. uniers
1 1 hHHJ here !J ,'"iml J
ltooins 17 ami IK, iiTfr I'nstofflce,
Continuous mmkot quotation ' y leased m
...I-.. ,.t.i 11.1. .utn It. in ri I if Trtiilik Dilri
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phono -133. Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging House.
Positions Awaiting Men and
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Oou'tforitet this.
Spring couu'hs aie specially dangerous
and unluss cured ut once, serious results
often follow. One .Minute Cough Ouro
acts like magic. It is not a common
mixture but is a high gr.ule remedy,
Chukot Falk' 1'. O. Pharmacy.
Skin troubles, t uts, burns, scalds and
chatlnu' quickly heal by the ma of De
Witt's Witch lla.el S.ilve. It is imitated.
He cure yen get lleWitl'f. Clarke k
Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy.
When your hair appeals dry anil to
have lost Hs vitality it wants fOinetliing
to give it life and vigor. We have what
it Hair needs when it gels In that con
dition. We have h the Orown of
Kc.eiice Hair Grower and
0 .Mttiiut OreamHr Tonic, They
wi i cure dand fPpP' "Hi ""d H
mm' p diseases,. For Me at Frazer's bar-
1 ft -hop. Price ftOc and 75c a bottle,