The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY - APRIL G, 1(101 J. A. EBERLE, Leading-aaoE Merchant Tailor, Second Street, oppsite Mays & Crowe, We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Paintings, etc., which we are prepared to make tin in the latest style, and guarantee a perfect tit. BRITISH SUBSIDIES. The Philadelphia Press has dis closed the fact that the British gov ernment, while paying subsidies to British vessels for carrying the mails, is now trying to conceal the fact. A private letter from the secretary of the British pstfice department, written to a British shipowner, ac knowledges that contracts for carry ing the mails are not let to the lowest bidder, nnd are only given to British ships. Advertisements are purposely worded to include foreign bidders, but the secretary of the postoftiee department acknowledges that that is n mere pretense and that such contracts are not given to foreign ships, no matter how low the bid may be. A few years ago a German line bid for carrying the mails from England to the United States, and the bid was so much lower than that of any British line that the contract was actually given to the German line. Such an outcry was raised in J parliament about it that the British government canceled the contract , . . . ,. , with this foreign line and restored . the service to a British line. r..,, , , . , I SinnQ than r r nnntvnr1 c t n tr Imnn '""-'- """ made with any foreign line where a British line competes, and the Brit ish postoQlce official quoted in our Washington dispatch distinctly states that while the advertisements invite! bids from foreign companies, still ! that is only for the purpose of mak ing it appear that the British govern ment does not "narrow the ostensible field of competition." Sir Henniker Heaton, a well-known member of the British parliament, states that British ships are paid 31 cents a pound more for carrying the mails to the United States than is paid by the British government to foreign ships for do ing precisely the same work. But letters are only sent by a foreign ship when specially directed by that route. Otherwise they are withheld ; immediate relief money refunded until a British ship sails, although it ! 25 eta. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug might delav the mails two or three ' KtaU daVS I Kitruy. 3 ' ' Came to my place, seven miles west British vessels are not only subsi- j 0f The Dulles, first of November last, a dized, but they have man' other ad-1 black Jersey steer, two years old ; small vantages iu the wav of low wnces. ' fiDlit in t,ao ear! no brt,"d visible. tnwnr rmst rtf mnintPrmn,.n nn,l ,n . . ,. ., on, over American ships. L ntil our government legislates so that Amer can ships shell be put on an equality with foreign ships in our ocean carrying trade our merchant marine in that trade will continue to decline and we will continue to increase our , payments, now aggregating some-; where in the neighborhood of $200,. 000,000 annuallj', to foieign steam, ship owners for doing our ocean carrying trade. The state -board of Qah com mis- aioners have decided not to enforce the Sunday-closing feature of the Oregon law, and the Astoria papers commend the decision as pre eminent ly wise. They insist that the law was never of, any beneQt to tho in dastry because the fish that passed Astoria on Sunday were caught by vcr the following Thursday and, of course, nt nil. that in the J that would never do nt all, i Talk about your Salem hog, 'men! There isn't enough ' much n'aligncd quadruped j Oregon capital to make a table squeal for your Astoria The editor of the Baker City Democrat says ha expects to hear the road question discussed a hun dred years from now. "Where, pray? Wc thought it geuctally admitted I that it isn't a countrj' that demo emtio editors go to when the' shuttle off this mortal coil, but a furnace. Winter is lingering so long in the lap of spring that the weather gossips are making ugly remarks about it. OUR CHILD should have warm drink Hot mush for breakfast, with cold water as a beverage. Is In jurious. Tht; change from hot to cold Is too sudden. A cup of "Figprune Cereal" with each meal Is beneficial. Children thrive on It. Figprune consists of 54 per cent, fruit and 4G per cent grain. Makes a highly nutri tious and pleasant table bever age for both big and little folks. ALL GROCERS SELL IT. Catarrh Cnnmit Ito Cured, with local applications, ae they cannot reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional diseaee, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall'B Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine. Tr was tens nrpnnriliP(I hv nne nf the heat pnvsician8 in tbj8 ccuntry tor veers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood Pers, acting directly on the mucous surfacee. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in caring Catarrh. Bend for testimonials. " ' jree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drruggists, price 7fic. Hall's Familv PillP are the best. 12 BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts nre the beBl Ask yoor Bcer for them l on will not have botls n you i Clarke & Falk's enre cure foi boils. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full line of Eastman film? and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Hustling young man can make ?60 pf-r month and expenses. Permenen.v- posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ quick for particulars, tilark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philatlel tapia, Pa, s8-ts Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds orcroun. Should it fail to Owner can have same by proving owner- ship and paying all charges, ,19 5t J p AG)1U8 A Testimonial frimi Old Knglanri. "I considerChamberlain'a Cough Rem edy the best in the world for bronchitis," eays Mr. William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's life, i film hill'inf lipf.n n martvr in tipnrinhttta for ovor fiix be, m0Bt o( t,,B tme confined to her bed. She is now quite well." Sold by lilakuluy, the druggist. Sick Ueaihiuhe absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation anil indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed cr money back. 25 cts. and 60 eta. Blakeley, the druggist. Dou't hub it in, Juat wet the affected pari freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain ia gone. Sold by Clarke 6i Falk. Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. the wheelmen of the upper ri Y I s ; ah : 1 1 worn fly men and women I The DR. SAN DEN ELECTRIC KELT i is a speedy and reliable cure for nervous debility, rheumatism, lumbnco, sciatica, lame back, kidney, liver and stomach ! disorders, poor circulation, sleepless- ! nees, etc. Established 30 Years. Write today for my latest bookp, "Health in Nature," and "Strength; Its Use and Abuse by Men." Dr. A. T. Sanden. Southwept cor. Morrison and 4th Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. 2lmcn iKfcw Unio You want the best, C. L. Phillips has it, in CHICKENS Buff Leghorns a specialty. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles lor Portland and wa stations ut Avio u. m. una C ji, ni. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Ashland " Kacramento .. " San t'ranclsco . 8:00 n m 7:00 ji m .V2;SO a m 10:M m .12:21 am Il:S0am 5:00 jitu -IjHoiim . 7:1") i m b:15 n in Arrive Ogdon 5: 15 u m 11 : 1.1 h m " Denver 'J:U0ura U:Wnm " Kansas City 7:r ;i m T'.'-'o a m " Chieaco 7:43 u in yilMuin Arrive 1-o.s Anceles 1:20 pm 7:00 a m " Kl Vti-o 0:00 p m 0:00 p m " Fort Worth H:a)nm iljSOam " City of Mexico y.-5.j a m !:. a m " Houston 1:00 urn -1:00 am " New Orleans 0 :'.') am fii'Jojim " Wushlnstou G.--I2 urn C-lSum " New York 12 : IU p m it! -43 p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both tralni) Ohalrears Sacramento to Opden and Kl I'aso and tourist curs to Chicago, at Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central aud South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add.iss C. H. MARKHAM, General lWeiiKer Aeent, 'Portland. Or Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAP. KOL'TK FKOM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW KIONE PAP.K. LEtve. Union Depot, Firtband I sis akivk. No. 2. Fast mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olyinpla, GruyV No. iiaruornna soiiui neim 'points, Spokane, ftoss- laud, it. ;., Pullman, 'Moscow, Lewistou, lluf 11:15 A. M. fiilollump mining ccmn- P. M, try, Helena, MiuneaiHj Mis, Ht. Paul, Omaha, i Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all uoints No. 1. east mid southeast. No. 3. Pusret Sound Exnress 11;30 P. M.'for Tacoma mid toittle 7;00 A. M. , mid Intermediate poiut Pullman first-class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, Ht. Paul aud Missouri river points without eliiiiige. Vustibuled trains. Union depot connections In all principal cities. ilaggage checked to destination of tickets. For handsomely Illustrated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, , Assistunt General Passenger Agent. 1V Morrl son btreet, corner Third, Portland Oregon. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Mark JeaioNa CoviGHTa Jti: Anrone tSndtna ft iketeh and description ma nuloKiy Moaraiin our ainiiinn im wiwiuwr i liivniitlnn la Drobablr nntentuble. Conimunlf iioim iirioiif oonMisniuM. ii wuinuoB on riionu tout free. Oldest ainncr lurMCurlUaruUeiiu. Patei.U Ufcan tbrouiih Umuh Co. rlv tpttm nonet, mitum nwva, w ine Scientific Hmtkn. A huilaomatr HksatntMKMlMr.' Jmmmmt ru rear inaiai am am mm mm m iHssfJ HriLa, IMSrkt V BU Waihlwl Soiiipi Pacific go. 111! Poillllt m ill J J l isl 3bsbm bbbbbbbsbbbsbbbvtv at j MIIHSI irflH 111 Oregon Shot line i and Union Pacific TI.MK St'HKDl'U:s rnoM TF1K l)AI.l,r..-. .utKivn ntot I lVrtliimi SHCltll. i l'J:'J." p. in. .wilt Ijikc, Denver. Kt. 1 Worth, Onuilin, Kill! City, St Louts. I'lu i eiifjo mill llic , i:C." p. in. via Hunt lllRtOM. At lilll til' Kxiri", 1'J .Ml n. m. Vtlt lliltit liiKton. St. 1'iiut Km st Mull, P:'i". in. Via ."1' kiitm. Halt Lake, Denver, Kt. ' Worth, Omaha. Kan-! snsflty,.St Louis, Chi- j eago ami the East. Walla Walln, Lewlstou. Minneapolis, St. I'nul, liuluth, .Mlluitu ; kee, Chicago and East. I l,i a. in. in. OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE Frnm I'.irtlunil. (All sailing dates sub ject to change ) For ?an rraucisco, sail every i days. S:00p. m. I -1:00 p. in. Daily except aiinday, ,-:CO p. in. riaturdav, 10:00 p. in. Dally except aiiiiuay, i) .00 a. m. Colitmlilii Klvrr. To Astoria and Way ljimllnps. 1:00 p. m. except sunday. llliiiiii'ttH lllver. . . ,. . 1:30 1. in. Oregon City, .Newberg, exeopt .-alem, Inili'i.eiidence, Sniiday. and ny-ljuiiiings. Tuesday, Thur.-ilay, Saturday, 8 CO a. in. I::'0 p. in. Monday, WednesdKy Erlla. C'orvallls and Wiiy Ijiudiugs. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00n. in. lVUlHini'ttf anil a K0 p. m. Vanillin KlrN. Monday, Oregon City, Davton and Wednosiniy Wuy-Uumtugs. friday. Leave Itiparla daily, 3:W a. m. Siiuku ltlrrr. Hiparia to l.ewlstou. Leave l'wiston daily, 8::Mu. iu. Parties aeslrlng to go to Hummer or poiuis on i;oiumi)ia souinerii via lilftcs. snotua take No. 'J, leaviug The Dalle at l:'.'o p. m. maklni; direct connections ut Heppner Junction pud HIrks. Heturiilnc makiiif;directcniiiiectton at Heppner Junction aud HIkks with ,Ku, 1. ar rivluc at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. For further particulars, cull on or address JAri. 1KELAN1), AKeiit, Tlie Dalles, Oregon. Notice. lly virtue of the order and direction of the Council of Dalles City, as by resolution hereto, fore adopted, notice Is I ereby Ktven that the Council of Dalles City has determined toestah lish sldewulks and crosswalks for Tenth slreet In Gales' Addition to Dalles City, and for Clay street, In lllull Addition to Dalies City, as lollows A sidewalk commencing ut a point where the east line ill Court street would intersect the northern boundary line of the school property of School District No. p.', of Wasco Countv, ore Hon. said property beliiK known as the academy Kiounds, If smW line would be cxtMided to said northern boundary line, and rtinniut; thence easterly to tho northeast corner of said property of said M!hool district and abutting on the northern line of said proierty. A sidewalk coinineneliiK at the northwest eor nor of block No. Ji, and running easterly to the northeast corner of said block No. fi. unit ubut tiiur on the northern boundary line of said bio kNo. ". A crosswalk running straicht across 11 street and Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. .1, ond joining on the east a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of block No. 0. A sldewulk commencing nt the northwest comer of said block No. fi, and running easterly to thu northeast corii' r of said block mid abut ting on thu northern boundary line of sulci block No. 0. A crosswalk running straight across C street and Joining on the next the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary Hue of sabi block ,No C, and joining it sidewalk abutting on the north ern boundary lino of block No, 7. A sidowalk commencing Ht the northwest corner of block No. 7, and running easterly to tne northeast corner of said block No. 7, and abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No, 7. A crosswalk ruuplng straight across D street ami Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting nu the northern boundary line of said block No. 7, aud Joining on the east a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of block No. 8. A sidewalk coinmenclntf at tho northwest corner of block No. 8 and running easterly 100 feet, and abutting on thu northern boundary Hue of sutd block No. 8. That said Tenth street and the property abut ting thereon being In dates Addition to Dalles ('ity.and all the other iibovu described streets, blocks and proixirty being iu liluir Addition to Dalles City, bald above described sidewalks to bo six feet In width and to be constructed in nc cordancu with the ordinances 111 relation to the construction of sidewalks. fiald crosswalks to bo constructed In accord ance with tho ordinances of theclty iu relation to the construction thereof. That the cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks are to be,nssets il against the property benellted thereby, according to the laws o Dulles City. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand aud thu corporate teal of .Dalles City this, the'iid duy of March, WOl. SKA1..1 NED 11. GATES, mi-liffl-int Kecordor of Dulles City. virtl Dyspepsia Cure DIaests whit you eat It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or cans. It lathe latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can accroach It in efficiency. It in atantfy relieves and permanently cures dyspepsia, inaigeswon, ueartourn, SlckHeadacne, Gastralgia,Crampian4 all other results of Imperfect digestion. Prieesoc. and ft .Lam i lae contalaa ni tliua mallslM. JBookaUcboutajrapalaBaiwatcvf rrtsaratl fcye. R.-oeWlTT AGO., Cblcia Sold by OUrko &Falk'aP. O. Pharmacy. Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can be bought (or 200. Call at this office. m25-lm Kodol GIVEH With t'vory dollr'B worth of coods purchneed nt my Btoro for tho next Sixtv Divye, 1 will lvo one uhnticu on the following prteen : l' 1 Flrnt p;lzc 1 .Genl,fl. GnU wtch nnd CliRlr. 2 Second prize 1 LHtlleB Gold Watch and Chain JI Third in Izo 1 Smoking Set 4 Fourth tirian 1 .Silver Huttor DIhIi nnd lluttur Knife 5 Fiftn prize 1 Bet Silver Knives nnd Forks In nddition to iriving nwnv thi'Hc prizes 1 will sell goodu.nB low ns thu lowest nnd gtiurnnteo my goods to he fri-uh. Give mo u trial. ' ROBERT TEAGUE, Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's SarsaparUla is the thing tlint cures. D not forcot it; we lmvn it, nt 75c per bottle (large bottles) guaranteed, or you may got your ui mey back If not Htistled. ' IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we exerciae the grcntest enro. We carry thn best nnd iifo Ihe beM in com pounding your plivnir.iuiiB ordure. Our priuoB we make ns low ns is consistent with edioient service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drops, Patent 'Medicines, Sundries nnd Photograph Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. ...Blacksinitli, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.,, -in:.M.i:it in- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aeent (or Kiinni-11 ,1 Co. s l.nglnei, Tliru-hcrs and Sinv Mills. Telephone 157. Long Distance 107.'!. J J. E. FLT CO., ProorlGtors i of 5 Purest Liquors for Family Use ? f? Delivered to any 1 PIiohob: Til Local, 85S Long Disinnce. L. Lane, GENEHAI, BiacKsmiin ..AND... r Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TM and Jeffcnn, Phone 159 FEENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transaot a General Banking Bu8ine88. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange nnd Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Sun Franuisco, Portland Ore gon. Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon nnd Washington. Collections made at nil points on fav orable terms. Tne ColumDia PaukingCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON jJRlF.D BEEF. ETC. UMllil Horsesnoe L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKALB AT AliC UUUitH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Bwond St., The Dalle, Or. AWAY. Cor. Second & Lanbliu Sts, THE DALLES. OR, The Qwl." part of the Cit 173 Second Street. Just What You uaant. W 1 ' x ii m New ideas in Woll Paper here. Such wide variety us we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keul imita tion creton efl'ecte ut ordinary jiricee. Good papers ut cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for u small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full litie of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J. ti. HCHKNCK, J'renldent. .Max A. oi!T, ChhIiIci first National Bank. I I flit UALLLo - - UHtOUn uuudihi xinu&iug XiUDIllvnn Ll t.ii n...-" Deposits received, Bubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight aud Telegraphic Exchange Bold t n New York, San Francisco ant' port land. DIRBOTOK8. u. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. Sohkkck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhk. H. M. Bkai.l. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. Wu IlllVU (III Hlllu B lllll UlKI ' Ronjli and Dressed Lniiilier Mouldings, Brackets, Latlm, Bhinglea, Windows, Dooib, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will sell at live and let live prices. Ulvo ui a trial mid wu will trout you right. GILBRETH&SON TIiImI m..Jk W ...... I iltS.