21) c Dulles VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 5, 1901. NO. 515 tiT" il i Hi foiii i iiiiii'im tiiiiitiTimtfr. Vegetable 1'rcparalionfo'r As similating IlicFoodandBcguIa ting itic Stomachs undBowcis of Promotes Digcslion.CheerPur ness andResl.Conlains neillrcr Opiuni.Morpliinc norIiucraL SOT Hi ASIC OTIC . of ()MJ)rSiKULPlTCHER JmiJau Seed' sHx.Seiiiut r Jtyrntwit -111 (itriiruiA'Sata Cimfied Sttqnr Uinlrymi ntmr. A period Hcmcdy I'orConslipn lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish-ni-ss and Loss of Sleep. Fnc Simile Signature or NEWYOHK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature xr jv Jv in ha Use xp For Over EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt CINTAUH COMPANY. NEW VOHK CITY. AkhIiiuUIi) .11 ay VIMt tlir UntUuI Statch. Giiicaoo, April 4. A special to the Tritmnu from WtiHliintun hiijv: Tl o report from Mitnilii that thu president Iiuh invited Aguinaldo to vif it the United ! officially announced that the ThameB Iron Works Shipbuilding & Engineering Coinpuny, Messrs Siemens, iMesere. Mather and Piatt mid the Brush Electric ul Engineering Company are to close Sll.t..H Mini lln.1 Ix.vflllunil Irnin Muni In tllHI f mtlKH atld tO COIIUJIUO their lOreeH on April 15th cannot he verified here, in order to make n fight for British in. lint the fact that the report is not re- di'Htry as against American competition c.e.ivo i with surprise or poMteTely denied One immediate consequence of the for nirttiiii.s u.i. iiiM.i,.Minn rlvi.ii tli.it. .i, i mation of thiB British trust is that do suggestion is one originating in Manila, signs have already been prepared for and that it may have been urged upon ' l'tricul equipment of two underground the war department an.) the president railway line of London .nd the coil t I , A .......! I OLIIIUIIUII Ul ItllUlllUI WUU. mi ciu i y iiueeHuuee. muuiuun id directed by tho war department to the (iu:t that great confidence has been placed upon the recommendations of the mili tary authorities and the Philippine com mission in dealing with problems hb they have arisen, and if General Mac Atthur has iislced that Aguinaldo bo al lowed to come to Washington to see t ho president, it la not denied that there may he great probabilities that the recom mendation will be called out. Thu lleHt Kuiumly for HIhiiiiiihMhui. QUICK KEMKI' KltO.M TAIN. All who use Chuiuborlaln's Pain Balm for rlieuinatisui are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it allure's. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. blnks, of Troy, Ohio, says: ".Some time ago I hud a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm und shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended uy MeBers. Geo. F. PareoiiH A Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tney recom mended it so highly that I In, tight a bottle. J wan noun relieved oj'ull pit hi. 1 have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market." For sale ley Blakeley, the druggist. Near Kiul of Jttmouifieit. ' Ni:w Yokk, April -I. Says the London correHpondont of the Tribune: News comes from Brussels to the efleot that Mr. Kruger thinks that the occupation of Houtponaburg will finnlly break down the Boer defenses. Zoutpaneburg is thy Hour's seat of government and contains Bi'pplies of stores and ammunition and It is understood to be imiuiiient danger as a result of Lord Kitchener's northern caingalgn. Prisoners who have recently arrived at Pretoria are stated, however, to have expressed the opinion that the war will last for three year lougor. To jrjght Our Utuiiuetlllon. Nkw Yoiik, April 4. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: It is lliiriiiuiiu Will May. Wamiikuton, April -1. Jt is now known thai many of the published leports as to the uncertainty of Commissioner Her mann's r.flieial tenure were exaggerated. It is learned on the highest authority that it is tho desire of the president that Commissioner Hermann continue in hie present portion until a suitable ex change cm be arranged, in view of the known c irdlal relations existing between the president anil Hermann, no exchange would be proffered him inferior to the position he now occupies. The president has stated to a number of public ineu when the general land otlice was under discussion that he was well satisfied with its management, and felt content when his mind reverted to it. He said there were no scandals there. It was above suspicion. It may be added j that Commissioner Hermann has Oiled this otlice Ioniser than any other man, havo one, since 187(1. Mr. Hermann himself makes no comment on the situa tion, and seems to bo satistled, what ever may result. Ciiuulil II JJri'liilful Colli. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a largo importer of Une millinery at 11158 Milwaukee Aveuue, Chicago, says: "During the iHte severe weather I caught a dreadful cold whicli kept me awake at night and made me unlit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was tuklug Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that tfme, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like manic and I began to im prove at once. I am now entirely well aud feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits." For Hale by BJakeley, the druggist. FOR SALE.. Twelve head of work horses, plows, drill, wagon aud three sets of double harness. Approved notes taken, Ap ply to A, 0. Kick, Juvwtf The Dalles. CELTIC IS LAUNCHED Largest Vessel Ever Built Takes Water at Belfast Xo Hitch in the Ar ragements Christening Performed by the Marchioness of Duller in. Bi:i. fast, April 4, The new White Star line steamer Celtic, the largest ves sel ever built, was successfully launched here this morning in the presence of a large and respective gathering. The christening was performed by the Marchionees of Dnflerin. Among the prominent persons who participated in the ceremony were the Countess Cadogan, wife oi the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Marquisatid Marchionees of Dnflerin, the Marquis and Marchioness of Londor- .derry and the Earl and Countets of Shaftesbury. The arrangements far the launching were similar to those of tho Oceanic and the new vessel glided from the ways and and was pulltd up within her own length by diopping three pairs of anchors. The launching was attended with enthusi astic cheers of the people and the blow ing of sirens and fog horns. The Celtic's dimensions are as follows : Length, 080.9 feet ; beam, 75 feet ; depth, 44.1 feet; gross tonnage, 20,880; net ton nage, 13,650. The Celtic will have a, displacement of o3,000 tons and is not iutended for speed. .She is designed as an emigrant carrier and will comfortably carry 1700 emigrants. The Celtic has nine decks and capacity for 2S39 passengers. She will carry a crew of 335 men. Her tonnage is 3600 greater than that of the Oceanic and nearly double that of the Kaiser Wilbelm der GroBee and her displacement is 12,- 500 tons greater than that of the latter vessel, while her displacement and ton nage is 10,300 over that of the Great Eastern. Tired of War. Londox, April 4. The letter of Gen eral Botha, the Boer commander-in-chief to Lord Kitchener, commanding the British forceB in South Africa, prelimin ary to the recent peace meeting, casually referred to in Lieutenant-General Kitche ner's report of the negotiations and from which the opponents ot Colonial Secre tary Chamberlain hoped to obtain some clew of the reason for the failure of the conference, was published as a prelimin ary paper this morning. This letter is dated at the commandant central's camp, February 13th, aud commences with a reference to "the verbal message from your excellency." Continuing, the letter says : "I have tho honor to inform your ex cellency that no one desires more than I to bring this bloody strife to an end, I would also very much like to meet your excellency for the purpose of mutual dis cussion to see if it is not possible to dis cover terms under which this can be done." The remainder of the letter of General Botha is of no importance. It merely suggests a place of meeting aud arrange ments for the guarantee ot sate conduct. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It wbb was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country tor years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CiiKNKY & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 For sale, ou easy terms, a fine fruit, hay and truck farm of about 200 acres, ten miles from The Dalles. Fine im provements; about sixty acres bottom; creek through the place; an Ideal home and income property. For further par ticulars see Gibons & Marden. The Dalles, Oregon. m22wtf First Communion Dresses j& j& Beautiful creations nf Sheer Lawns, SwIsfcs and Oreandles; trimmed in fine Valencienne laces, inser tions and ribbons. Sizes from Prices from 10 to 14 years $2.50 tO $10. New SKirt Waists j& You will feel all the better for having seen this grand display of fine washable waietH. Never before equalled in this city in point of variety of styles and materials, har mony of color and trimming combina tions. "Waists from 50c to $4.50. Made of Percales, chambray?,eilk chain brays, sheer lawns, silk stripe organdies, etc., etc. Come and See Them iff First Communion Suits j& The stylo the boy likes. Hound sack coat with vest to match; made of a very dark blue pure-worsted serge. The seams are stayed to insure them trom ripping In the coat as well as trousers. Tlippe suitB are $G.50 and $7.50. With long pants are 8.50 and $10. Knpe-Pants Suits fwo-piece with double - breasted coat .f3.o0, $4 50 and $5.00. Another Invoice of Beautiful SILK WAISTS Just Opened Juvenile Shirts j& j& "Just like papa's" of the same material and made the same way. New spring line ready, and prettier than ever. All sizes from 3 to 12 years, 75c. (Special collars for these shiits: Each 15c; 2 for 25c.) See our new line of Boys' Neckwear 25c and 35c. LION BRAND WW MM See window of 50c Easter Ties. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. New Stiff Hats on display in window $4 AGUINALDO ADVISES PEACE Is Preparing a Manifesto To Natives of the Islands He Will Urge the Insurgents to Cease Fighting and Accept American Sovereignty. Manila, April 4. Aguinaldo has the assistance of Chief Justice Arellano and of Mi. Fisher, General MacArthur's pri vate secretary, in preparing his mani festo. The work is not completed, and the tenor of its contents is not divulged. Chief Justice Arellano had a long con ference with Aguinaldo. He says that Aguinaldo is realizing the futility ol fur ther resistance, and is desirous of spar ing the Filipinos additional distress, trusting to the justice and generosity of the American people. The chief of the revolution will urge the insurgents to ceaBe fighting aud accept American sov ereignty. Senor Arellano says that Aguinaldo says that Aguinaldo's mani festo is not yet prepared for publication, aud that he is unable to furnish the text. The officials assert that a formal announcement will be m.de when any thing definite is accomplished. Lieutenant Frederick Boyer, of the Thirty-ninth Volunteer Infantry, chief commissary for the second district of the department of southern Luzon, has ar rived at Calamba, province of Laguua, where he has been charged with misap propriating filty cases of bacon and with other irregularities. It is alleged that the shortage 111 the commissary depart ment in Manila aggregates $185,000. In contrast with the scandals in the com missary department, the collection and administration of the insular funds are matters for congratulation. The ac counts of the new custom-house, internal reveuue department and license office have been investigated, aud are re ported perfectly straight. It Olrdlei Tim Ulob, The fame of Buckleu's Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer ot Quts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. C. Blakeley'e, drug store. 1 DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandali & Barget UNDERTAKERS s EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. flobes, Burial Shrouds Fte. jam Wrought Steel TUu' lit?! k; o Only One- Charter Oak Steel Range! Others Come and Go, but the Reliable "Charter Oak" is Always With Us. Why is This? Think it Over! Ask Those Who Have Used Them. Whatever a range ought to do, it ought to do well. To bother witli one that is difficult to manage, that Its liable to get clogged up, or has an unfortunate habit of doing exactly what you neither want nor expect, is a mistake. The OHAUTKR OAK is a model ot what a range should be. It needs very little fuel, is easily kept in order, is an ornament to the kitchen, aud its durability is remarkable. What is perhaps more to the point, it can be iiad for a leaaouable price. A poor range is a nuisance; a good one a luxury. You c.tu avoid the nuisance and iusuru the luxury by purchasing a Charter Oak Steel tUnge. We make no empty claims regarding the superiority of our Ranges, We use the material and do the work, that shows the quality. We guurauteu thu operation. Great Northern Furniture Co., Second Street, opposite Obarr House, THE DALLES, OREGON. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. 1